DIS/Dreams Unlimited China Adventure Oct 14th - 25th 2017 SOLD OUT!!!

I'm also using proXPN, for which I got a lifetime deal for cheap (or maybe free) a few years ago.
Kevin (Cousin Orville) - was it your trip report where I saw the Chinese calligraphy where they make multicolored names out of animals? I know I saw it on a trip report somewhere. If so, do you remember which city that was in? I remember thinking that would be nice to bring back for my kids. How large were they?


Laurie, sorry I missed this. I purchased them in Shanghai. Specifically here in Old Shanghai near the Yu Gardens. There was a small shop making them. I bet the guides will know exactly where. And here is a random picture of ours with a hat thrown in for size.



Laurie, sorry I missed this. I purchased them in Shanghai. Specifically here in Old Shanghai near the Yu Gardens. There was a small shop making them. I bet the guides will know exactly where. And here is a random picture of ours with a hat thrown in for size. QUOTE]

Perfect! Those are so pretty! I will keep an eye out for them!

What are your favorite "must have" items for sleeping on long flights....other than first class seats! Specifically eye masks, pillows, etc.
What are your favorite "must have" items for sleeping on long flights....other than first class seats! Specifically eye masks, pillows, etc.
This is my downfall. I can sleep anywhere. Anytime. At the drop of a hat.
Except on an airplane. Even in First Class. :(

We've done several 10+ hour flights, in first class, and I'm usually awake for all of it. Even on red-eye flights when my body clock is telling me I should be tired. At best I've gotten an hour or two.

So, with my credentials established, here is my opinion:
  • Eye masks - Never found a need for an eye mask because the cabin lights are normally dimmed and as the flight goes on there is little movement about the cabin. However, I've seen many other people use them.
  • Pillows - other than the little neck pillows that many people travel with you just don't see people bringing their own pillows. Too much bulk to pack/carry.
  • Blankets - I know of one person that regularly carries their own blanket. But that's the exception. Pretty much everybody makes due with the airline blankets.
  • Alcohol - Some people believe a glass or two of wine will help them sleep. Certainly works for my wife. Other friends go for hard stuff. It seems to work for them.
  • Drugs - Some sleep aids help. Melatonin is often mentioned. Also benadryl. Suggest you try these things out before your trip though since some people find opposite effects.
  • Noise Canceling head sets - If you can stand having them on your head or in your ears for all that time (mine get tired) these are nice to have to reduce the overall noise level. However, some aren't compatible with the airline entertainment systems so you may have to choose.
What are your favorite "must have" items for sleeping on long flights....other than first class seats! Specifically eye masks, pillows, etc.

Unfortunately no great solution here either. Over the years I'be brought pillows, blankets, those melatonin drinks, benadryl etc. But nothing seems to help me much. Wine (which is always complementary on intern'l flights regardless of class) and a big meal helps, but be sure to drink lots of water otherwise you can get dehydrated. Wear comfy clothes or change into pajamas. Choose seats that aren't near the galley where there's more ambient light.

PS- I'm typing this the day after a flight to London. I probably slept 3-4 hrs off and on. Not too bad given the length of the flight.
Wine (which is always complementary on intern'l flights regardless of class) .

Who knew??? This is excellent information!! I have a blanket I bought from Travelsmith called Coolmax that I love. It's not scratchy like the ones on the plane sometimes are. It folds up into a tiny pouch and is also useful as an extra blanket for the hotel too. The eye mask is a must for me; otherwise I wake up every time someone passes me in the aisle. Also, Brian's shoulder. I need that for sleep.

Owning up to being the guy who brings his own blanket. I bring one for the plane and one for the hotel. Just like having my own and it makes me sleep better. if I could pull off the pillow, I would.

The big Bose noise canceling headsets work great, but I have trouble with them because I turn my head. I have found noise canceling ear buds. Not as effective but more comfortable.

I download some soothing music as background , white noise. I found something on iTunes called Music for Reading and Studying by Autumn Hill Ensemble. It's just as dull as it sounds, but thats kinda the point...right?

I also to try arrive at the plane tired. Adjusting tour sleep schedule, getting up early etc all work.

I can't wear an eye mask. It drives me insane. I have the same coolmax travel blanket as Laurie (think t-shirt material) and I have pulled that up over my head or made a sort of turban out of it....just to block light. I know it's not pretty, but impressing my fellow passengers is not high on the priority list.

Also a baseball cap pulled down really low so the bill covers your eyes works well.

The bottom line...do everything you can to make yourself as comfortable as possible...and then take a sedative with a glass of wine. It's a little "old movie star":smooth:, but if it gets you to sleep....
Thanks for the advice everyone! I'm also a bring my own blanket person, as I tend to freeze everywhere I go. Might need to check into this coolmax one. I have yet to find a travel pillow that actually works for me, or an eye mask that doesn't shift around. I have the Relax Melodies app on my phone. It lets you create your own mix of sounds/music and is my go-to "white noise" machine.
When I went on the BSM ABD a few years ago, I had been chatting with Kevin about bringing my own pillow with me. If I remember correctly, he said that he usually brought his own pillow (and now it turns out to be blankets, too), and that he sees other people with their own pillows all the time. Because he said that, I brought my own, queen-size, memory foam pillow with me. And wouldn't you know it, while walking through the airports, I did see a few other people carrying their own, full-sized pillows. We nodded knowingly at each other, like we were part of a secret group. :ssst: I have to say that those were some of my most comfortable flights. I held my pillow on my lap and just slumped forward into it. Best sleep, and there was no neck pain when I landed!
This thread has been quiet for a while, so I thought that I'd try to perk it up again. I'm watching/listening to videos from TDR Explorer, and he mentioned a couple of shows. He said that One Man's Dream 2 is usually available only by lottery (but they got in because it was raining). Anyone know about this show? How long is it? Is it worth spending the time on it and entering the lottery?
I started our visa applications today and it looks like the requirements for the picture that must accompany the application is much more specific than for a US passport. Hey, @Cousin Orville do you remember if you used a standard US passport photo when you applied for your visa?


I remember all those requirements, but I thought it basically was describing a standard passport photo. Pretty sure that's what I gave them. Have you measured a standard passport photo to see if it's what they're describing?
This thread has been quiet for a while, so I thought that I'd try to perk it up again. I'm watching/listening to videos from TDR Explorer, and he mentioned a couple of shows. He said that One Man's Dream 2 is usually available only by lottery (but they got in because it was raining). Anyone know about this show? How long is it? Is it worth spending the time on it and entering the lottery?

I've also been listening to a few of the TDR podcasts which are good when you get used to the podcast presenters.
It appears to be a 30 minute stage show with a large variety of characters, the songs are in Japanese but I'm not sure if there are English headphones available.
There is a video clip on the official website to give you an idea of what it is like.
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