Dis Dieters, weight loss and support. March 09 week 5 page 31 post 451

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well done natasha,on being slimmer,of the month:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
that will give you the incentive,to carry on:)
i have been abit lazy,this week,with my walking.i can't wait,for the weather to change,as i won't need such,a push.
my sister visited,at the weekend & dragged me out shopping.i was a 26 bottom,on jan 1st,anyway we go away,next month & i saw some linen trousers,i liked,so i said to her,i will just try a 20 on,to see how far i have to go,for them to fit,tried them on & they FITTED!!!!!!!!!!!!! i ended up,buying an 18,they don't do up,but that is my incentive,to carry on.i was so happy:)
i have not been an 18,for years!!
i wish everyone,luck for march,if i can do it,we all can:)
Wow!!! What an achievement you must be so pleased :)

Just got on the scales and I'm delighted to have lost 2 1/2 lbs this week :cool1:

That is a total of 17 1/2 lbs in 8 weeks :banana:

Well done, that total is looking great. :)
Im not confident this week, i have got to weigh-in a day early as im busy on wednesday .... im going to the cinema with my friend :)

Good luck Natalie.

Just got on the scales and I'm delighted to have lost 2 1/2 lbs this week :cool1:

That is a total of 17 1/2 lbs in 8 weeks :banana:

Well done Joh!
I hope your cinema trip doesn't get blamed if she doesn't lose this week;)
After the gym last night I weighed myself again and I'd lost the pound I'd put on :thumbsup2

Well done to everyone who has lost weight!
After the gym last night I weighed myself again and I'd lost the pound I'd put on :thumbsup2

Well done to everyone who has lost weight!

That's good Claire - onwards and upwards (or downwards, as the case may be ;))
After the gym last night I weighed myself again and I'd lost the pound I'd put on :thumbsup2

Well done to everyone who has lost weight!

That's good Claire - onwards and upwards (or downwards, as the case may be ;))
i have been abit lazy,this week,with my walking.i can't wait,for the weather to change,as i won't need such,a push.
my sister visited,at the weekend & dragged me out shopping.i was a 26 bottom,on jan 1st,anyway we go away,next month & i saw some linen trousers,i liked,so i said to her,i will just try a 20 on,to see how far i have to go,for them to fit,tried them on & they FITTED!!!!!!!!!!!!! i ended up,buying an 18,they don't do up,but that is my incentive,to carry on.i was so happy:)
i have not been an 18,for years!!
How fab, Tracy!!! Good luck with getting into those new trousers - you'll be needing a 16 before you know it!!! :goodvibes

Im not confident this week, i have got to weigh-in a day early as im busy on wednesday .... im going to the cinema with my friend :)
Good luck with the weigh-in, Nat! And enjoy the cinema... ;)

Just got on the scales and I'm delighted to have lost 2 1/2 lbs this week :cool1:

That is a total of 17 1/2 lbs in 8 weeks :banana:
Awesome, Joh!!! :worship:

After the gym last night I weighed myself again and I'd lost the pound I'd put on :thumbsup2
There you go!!! It was just a blip - good luck with the rest of the week, Claire... :cool1:
well done natasha,on being slimmer,of the month:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
that will give you the incentive,to carry on:)
i have been abit lazy,this week,with my walking.i can't wait,for the weather to change,as i won't need such,a push.
my sister visited,at the weekend & dragged me out shopping.i was a 26 bottom,on jan 1st,anyway we go away,next month & i saw some linen trousers,i liked,so i said to her,i will just try a 20 on,to see how far i have to go,for them to fit,tried them on & they FITTED!!!!!!!!!!!!! i ended up,buying an 18,they don't do up,but that is my incentive,to carry on.i was so happy:)
i have not been an 18,for years!!
i wish everyone,luck for march,if i can do it,we all can:)

well done thats brilliant :)

Just got on the scales and I'm delighted to have lost 2 1/2 lbs this week :cool1:

That is a total of 17 1/2 lbs in 8 weeks :banana:

youre doing really well, carry on the good work :cool1:

After the gym last night I weighed myself again and I'd lost the pound I'd put on :thumbsup2

Well done to everyone who has lost weight!

well done, good luck for next week.xxx

good luck everyone weighing in today.xxx:grouphug:
Wow everyone – great losses! :thumbsup2

I’ve not checked in on this thread properly yet this month, so I’ll have a good toot through it once I’m home later.

But I just want to say how wonderful everyone’s getting on. Tasha, well done on being ‘slimmer of the month’, very well deserved!! :goodvibes

Tracy – that’s amazing, such a boost for you with those smaller fitting trousers!! Well done on doing so fantastic!! Keep going!! :banana:

Nat – I’m sure you’ll be fine for your weigh-in and if there’s a gain, don’t worry too much, it’ll shift again soon enough!! :banana:

Joh – Naughty M-I-L!! How dare she not notice how well you’re doing, though I’m sure she didn’t mean too. Well done!! :banana:

Everyone else if I’ve missed you, all doing great, keep up the hard work!

Me well, I’m feeling much better and I went back to my first class of the month last night and have to say, it was very hard work! Still very enjoyable though. I’m aching this morning too, which makes me feel I’ve worked hard. Swimming tonight too, I love exercise once I get myself into it!
Glad you're feeling better Rachel - I am feeling a bit rough today and trying hard NOT to do what I normally do when I'm unwell - EAT!!!

Well done on the exercise class - here's hoping for a good result for you this week :goodvibes
I'm not sure if any of the mum's on the threads feel the same as me but I do feel (and it's been proven) that "tummy wobble" lets call it, particularly lower tummy wobble is really hard to get ride of if you've had c-sections. It's such an agressive interuption and damage to tummy muscles that they often never return (naturally, anyway) to how they were.

my tum is the same... Matthew was a c-section !, i would Love a tummy tuck :)

Me too please!! It's the one thing that really bothers me - along with my scar itself. Both my boys were emergency sections, and the cuts were not exactly what you would call neat. Add to that the infection I got this time and it looks awful. When I went to the doctor for my six week check he looked at my scar and said 'Oh that's ugly isn't it? You may want surgery to correct that at a later date'. Until then I hadn't thought it was that bad. :sad2: So I think I will have a tummy tuck and scar neatening at the same time!

Not been a good girl weight wise since Jan - lots of excuses and my heart was not in it. But I have given up chocolate for Lent now, so hope for improvement. Overall total since Jan is 9lb lost, 2 of those since Ash Wednesday. Think that shows I eat wa-a-a-ay to much chocolate! :eek:

Congrats to everyone else, especially Natasha and Tracy for being Diet Queens for Jan and Feb. Hope to be a better member of Nat's fat club from now on.
Not been a good girl weight wise since Jan - lots of excuses and my heart was not in it. But I have given up chocolate for Lent now, so hope for improvement. Overall total since Jan is 9lb lost, 2 of those since Ash Wednesday. Think that shows I eat wa-a-a-ay to much chocolate! :eek:

Congrats to everyone else, especially Natasha and Tracy for being Diet Queens for Jan and Deb. Hope to be abetter member of Nat's fat club from now on.

Welcome back Sara x
Im not confident this week, i have got to weigh-in a day early as im busy on wednesday .... im going to the cinema with my friend :)

Ooops, I missed this earlier :wizard: Good Luck tonight Nat

After the gym last night I weighed myself again and I'd lost the pound I'd put on :thumbsup2

Well done to everyone who has lost weight!

:banana: That's great Claire

Me well, I’m feeling much better and I went back to my first class of the month last night and have to say, it was very hard work! Still very enjoyable though. I’m aching this morning too, which makes me feel I’ve worked hard. Swimming tonight too, I love exercise once I get myself into it!

:wizard: Good Luck at getting back on track Rachel

Glad you're feeling better Rachel - I am feeling a bit rough today and trying hard NOT to do what I normally do when I'm unwell - EAT!!!

:hug: I hope you're feeling better soon Joh

Not been a good girl weight wise since Jan - lots of excuses and my heart was not in it. But I have given up chocolate for Lent now, so hope for improvement. Overall total since Jan is 9lb lost, 2 of those since Ash Wednesday. Think that shows I eat wa-a-a-ay to much chocolate! :eek:

Congrats to everyone else, especially Natasha and Tracy for being Diet Queens for Jan and Feb. Hope to be a better member of Nat's fat club from now on.

:wizard: Good Luck at getting back on track Sara
Just got on the scales and I'm delighted to have lost 2 1/2 lbs this week :cool1:

That is a total of 17 1/2 lbs in 8 weeks :banana:
aaah Joh that is absolutely fantastic- well done you!! its now given me the incentive to try harder!! :)
After the gym last night I weighed myself again and I'd lost the pound I'd put on :thumbsup2

Well done to everyone who has lost weight!

well done!!! :thumbsup2
thanks everyone,for the supportive comments,they really help,keep me on track:)
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