The original poster was specifically asking about
Genie+ (G+) and the disability access system (
DAS). I can answer your G+ questions. Also google Disney tourist blog by Tom Bricker and search for his post on G+. He walks you through with screenshots so if you are a visual learner like me it’s helpful.
1. A multi experience pass, or MEP is what you receive if the ride you have booked a
lightning lane (LL formerly known as fast pass) goes down during your return window. It is good for that ride and others, depending on the “tier” of the original LL.
2. I would not recommend fishing for MEP LL for a G+ newbie. It takes considerable phone time and just isn’t worth it. I see too many people thinking G+ is a fast pass to every ride. I see it as similar to WDW old Fastpass system where it is my top 3 guarantee, and anything else is a bonus!
3. That is incorrect. You can hold multiple LL at any given time. ( ie: I have held 4 at a time recently.) You are only subject to the booking window “rules” - you can book a new LL when either of the following is met: a) you tap into your LL or b) 2 hours has passed since you booked your LL. So, for example if at 8am you booked a space mountain LL for 11:00, you can book your next LL at 10:00 (2 hrs since booking.) in the former case, if at 8am you booked a space mountain LL for 8:30, as soon as you scan into space you could book your next one. The clock then resets to 2 hrs or when you use your LL.
4. That is correct, and is my one complaint. If you want to ride a ride twice my suggestion is to do standby when wait times are low such as in the morning, or do single rider (if available at that ride) and use your LL during a busier time of day.
Hope this helps!