Dining Bookings?


Dec 18, 2007
Hi, I’ve been out of the loop for a short time and I believe that dining bookings are done differently now. Is it correct that I do all of my stay, at the first open date?
Does this now make it harder to get the most popular, because dates may be open to other people, prior to your plans?
Hi, I’ve been out of the loop for a short time and I believe that dining bookings are done differently now. Is it correct that I do all of my stay, at the first open date?
Does this now make it harder to get the most popular, because dates may be open to other people, prior to your plans?

No, advance dining reservations are available 60 days in advance, and that's for each individual date. You'll have to book daily if you want your best shot at ADRs every day.
Thanks, for some reason I thought it had changed. Living in Oz, means I have to get up at some ungodly hour to book each day 😳
Unless you are booking during a very busy time like holidays, reservations stay available a lot longer. There are some exceptions, including trader Sam’s, blue bayou, Cathay circle and lamplight lounge you should focus on. Trader Sam’s realistically is one you need to get asap if you want a reservation. You may not get your exact time, but other restaurants should stay available for quite a while.

Edit to add: character meals also fill up quickly, if interested book quick.
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I just remembered to make my Napa Rose Chefs Couter booking today. I forgot you can call on the 1st of the month for any day in the entire 2 month period, so I got my 4th September booking locked in.
Yes my others are the main ones it’s Fantasmic Premium Package, Carthay and BB. I’ve done Traders Sams already this year, so happy to give it a miss this trip. Absolutely loved our meal at Centrico, so definitely want to repeat that one.


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