Diet Fix!

Denise Thies

Apr 24, 2006
I read these reviews everyday instead of going to lunch to get my food fix at work. I feel stuffed already. Wouldn't it be great if that was all it took?
I need to fast before I go to Disney so I can enjoy all the food and the extra calories!
OMG this board has me hungry all the time! I have dieted and worked out for the past 11 month and lost 70 pounds but I gained 5 in the last month (not kidding) reading these boards. Today is day 1 of buckling down to get back on track. I would like to loose those 5 plus 8 more before my trip in late Aug.. I normally can drop weight kind of quickl in the beginning so heres I have the dining plan in Aug and want to enjoy it to the fullest, I believe ( and pls, pls dont tell me if I am wrong, lol) that with all the walking and sweating you do in WDW in late Aug that I wont have to worry about weight gain..
bluejasmine said:
OMG this board has me hungry all the time! I have dieted and worked out for the past 11 month and lost 70 pounds but I gained 5 in the last month (not kidding) reading these boards. Today is day 1 of buckling down to get back on track. I would like to loose those 5 plus 8 more before my trip in late Aug.. I normally can drop weight kind of quickl in the beginning so heres I have the dining plan in Aug and want to enjoy it to the fullest, I believe ( and pls, pls dont tell me if I am wrong, lol) that with all the walking and sweating you do in WDW in late Aug that I wont have to worry about weight gain..

You're right. Whenever we go there, I eat to my heart's content. Wiith all of the walking and swimming, etc., I never gain much more than 3 or 4 pounds, which come off right away when you're back home.
Wow, I can't beleive you lost 70 lbs, congratulations, what's your secret. It doesn't come off for me at all - I guess it doesn't help having 3 kids in 4 years either I wasn't inspired but now its time to buckle down for me. I hope I can lose something before I go. According to my caluculations between not having time to eat and running after thre kids I should weight 100 lbs. I must be doing something wrong.
:thumbsup2 I say, anything that isnt directly dangerous for your health (IE binging on carbs if you are diabetic) should be allowed on vaca. You can go back to buisness as usual as soon as yo return, with fond memories of a splurge and a little luxury (if thats what a trat means to you)
Eating is a HUGE part of our vacation. I diet all year round, so I can go crazy eating everything I want at WDW if I want to! :teeth: I gained 5 pounds last time, but that was ok because I lost 5 extra before we left so when I got back home all I had to do was maintain. I plan on doing it again when we leave in September.
Congrats on losing 70lbs!! Thats great! Don't worry about it if you happen to gain a little while you are there ( I think most people don't). It will be totally worth it and will come off in no time. :thumbsup2
The Sweetness said:
:thumbsup2 I say, anything that isnt directly dangerous for your health (IE binging on carbs if you are diabetic) should be allowed on vaca. You can go back to buisness as usual as soon as yo return, with fond memories of a splurge and a little luxury (if thats what a trat means to you)

Last year when we went BOY did I splurge. I ate sooooo much food that week and it was all so good ..well except Akershus..YUCK!!
I ended up gaining 6 lbs on that vacation.

In December I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and I have since lost 25 lbs. putting me at 158, but I still have a time maintaining my sugar numbers so it is not something that is gonna go away with weight loss I don't suppose.

It is going to kill me this year watching my family eat those awesome desserts in front of me. I used to be a chocoholic and I would still love to be but I cannot. :guilty: I doubt I will be gaining weight on this trip since my carb count is so strict but for those of you who can:


If anyone knows of REAL GOOD desserts I can eat that are sugar free please fill me in and I am not talking about fruit and whipped cream I want the GOOD STUFF!!!! :goodvibes
I do know that the Apple Brown Betty at Kona Cafe is sugar free. I had it and it was yummy! :p I remember seeing other sugar free desserts around, but I couldn't tell you where! Sorry :guilty: Maybe someone else will able to chime in with some other sugar free goodies!
If I remember right the peanut butter brownie at Pecos Bills was sugar free! It was very rich and very good, you defanitely couldnt eat all of it on one sitting..Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I am looking foward to eatting on my FREE dining

Denise- I get alot of ppl asking me how I did it and it was combination of alot of things. I started off low calorie/low fat. I kept a diary of what I ate you should take your body weight and times it by 10 and thats the amount of calories to consume decreasing as you loose. I drank lots and lots of water, stuck to fruits, veggies, whole grains, then started going to the gym and someone there told me to try and stick to foods as natural as possible. I was getting on the treadmill everyday for 45 min and working with weights about 20 min 3 times a week. I stopped counting calories several months ago but I still pick lower calorie foods and of course low fat and sugar free. I have lots of other pointer you can PM if youd like..
I have a different philosophy....
I eat more before I leave home to stretch out my stomach so I can eat more at Disney!!! :lmao:
I call it my abdominal workout! :rotfl:
Oh my goodness.. New meaning to an ab workout.. My problem is after vacation I have a hard time going back on
My problem is after vacation I have a hard time going back on

LOL! My DH and I blame Disney for our post-wedding weight gain. In 2000, the year we got married, we were both fit and at our "ideal" weights. Then we honeymooned in Disney. That was it for our "ideal weights." You see, we kept going BACK to WDW. We went 2x in 2001. Then I got PREGNANT! So I blame more of the weight gain on that little 9 month period. Then DS was born and we went to WDW when he was 1. Then I got pregnant AGAIN! While pregnant with DD, I took 32 8th graders to WDW in Feb. 04 to perform in Disney's Magic Music Days. Then we went to WDW when DD was 3 months old and again when she was 1 year and again at 1 year and 3 months. (Do you see a trend?) So I figured in the 8 trips to WDW since 2000, I've gained, on average, 5 pounds per trip. Ok, ok, some of the weight is from my 2 pregnancies, but, well, that just wouldn't fit the thread title now would it? ;)

But you know what? I'm losing the weight now - slowly, yes, but it IS going down. And darn it! I'm going to enjoy every thing I put into my mouth on my trip that starts in 11 days!!! Woo hoo!!!

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