Did they read names at your college graduation?

Did they read names at your college graduation?

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DIS Veteran
Apr 26, 2002
When I graduated they didn't read names. I was glad they didn't because I got my diploma right on the stage, and didn't have to worry about picking it up or being mailed to me. Plus the ceremony was over in 45 minutes tops!

I recently went to a friends graduation where they read the names -- not only did it take forever, but they were not alphabetical order so you had no idea when to expect them across the stage. I was surprised they did it that way...it seemed very unorganized.

Did they read names at your college graduation?
I must clarify though. They read names at the school graduation, but not the university-wide (aka, the famous speaker) graduation. The college I started at was small enough and read everyone's names (BFF stayed there to finish).
Yep. It was a 3 hour ceremony. Same with my sister.
ETA: They were going through the names like cattle, they had so many. LOL
I didn't attend my college graduation (from the University of Georgia) because they didn't read the names. It seemed sort of silly to me to sit on a football field just to be told to stand up, move my own tassle over to the other side, and sit back down. They did not hand out the real diplomas that day either--they mailed them to us.
I put no, but I have to clarify. For undergrad, no. There were a good several thousand of us graduating at the same time. For law school, yes.
I graduated from a very small college, with a graduating class less than 90 in the college of arts and sciences, so they could easily call out our names. we all got to walk across and receive the diploma.
We had a large ceremony where names were not announced, but individual schools were. You stood up with your school. After the main one, we went to a graduation within our school (school of education for me) At that one, they did announce names and we went up and got our diploma covers. I went to the same school for my undergrad and grad work so it was the same for both.
Each person's name was called (in alphabetical order), you walked across the stage and received your actual diploma (everyone else I know that went to other schools received an empty cover and the diplomas were mailed later).

It was long, but not unbearable (500 or so in my graduating class).
Yup and I went to a school with 45,000 students.
yes, public university with I'd guess around 1000 at the cermony. (more than that completed it, but that was how many I'd guess showed up. It did take forever.)

At ours, you went to the stage, handed them a card with your name on it and they read it as you crossed. (This was the "order", though in my degree, we did put ourselves alphabetically.) You got a blank diploma, I think because there were so many who complete it and do not march.

I think (??) you could pick up your diploma at the auditorium right after. I actually didn't finish my sr project til 2 months later :rotfl:- so they mailed it.
My BS was from a large, public university. I graduated in 81, and if they'd read the names, I'd still be sitting there.

I think they read the names for my graduate degree, but I didn't go to the ceremony.
I have no idea. I skipped my college graduations.

When I earned both my Bachelor's & Master's degrees...I did not even go to the ceremonies. There was no way I was going to make my family sit thru those....wayyyy too long. Both times, I just picked up my diplomas at the main office.
Each person's name was called (in alphabetical order), you walked across the stage and received your actual diploma (everyone else I know that went to other schools received an empty cover and the diplomas were mailed later).

It was long, but not unbearable (500 or so in my graduating class).

this is exactly how mine was as well. it was actually really nice.
My university had a giant graduation with honorary degrees, the governor spoke, etc. and it was very exciting. Immediately following, the individual schools had separate ceremonies; and they read the names there & you received a diploma cover. The actual diploma was mailed.

When they read the names, they had slips of paper that you wrote your name on, and you handed it to the person doing the reading. There was no way they could have had a list, because so many people didn't go.
They didn't at mine, but they did at my daughter's. Funny thing is, her school was much, much larger.
They did at mine, but I went to a mid-size school. When DH graduated law school last year, they read the names at the Hooding ceremony and he was hooded. He skipped the university's graduation, but wouldn't have gotten his diploma then anyway. The diploma did finally come in the mail, but it had rain damage, so he had to get it replaced. It's all good now.
My son graduated from college last month. He attended a private school and there were approximately 800 graduates, including Doctorate (only 6) and Master's programs. They announced his first, middle and last name followed by Summa cum laude (Yay!!!) :thumbsup2
I just graduated 3 weeks ago (1200 students) and the names were read.
Yes, they did at both mine and my DH's. :)

I went to a large public university broken up into several "colleges". Graduation takes place over the entire weekend, each college at a different time. All of the Graduate degrees were together.. only undergraduate degrees were broken into colleges.

anyway, so.. there were probably between 500 and 1000 in my "college" when I got my undergraduate. and less than 500 when I got my master's.

both times, names were read. The ceremony lasted roughly an hour or so.

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