Destash 2018 Bust the Dust

Didn't get rid of much this weekend, we were on vacation:

1. left a bunch of outgrown beach toys in the "leave a toy" box at the hotel pool,
2. threw away a couple of broken beach chairs
3. threw out an air pump that wouldn't charge or work with the electrical cord
4. dropped a couple of outgrown school uniforms at the uniform exchange
Gigantic pile of donations waiting to be taken into the local drop off. Thank goodness I've given up my "let's have a yard sale" days!
Made my nephews new baby a baby quilt. I visited all my sisters, aunts, nieces and got a lot of baby blankets. We called them “receivers”when my kids were born. They are basically flannel material. I used 5 blankets and made a baby quilt.

Discarded a shirt that I was sick of ironing, plus,it was pretty faded.
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I donated a couple dozen things this past weekend. I am trying to do it as soon as I can so that the stuff doesn't sit around and multiply. LOL

Have the next consignment sale in a month - I only have the next 2 weekends to get whatever else I can together and ready. I wanted 400 items, I think I'll only be around 300 (at 266 right now). But it is putting a nice little dent in the room it was in.

DH is working on putting a closet system in the master. We are waiting on a piece that should be here this week. Once that is up, I can sort things a little better and re-organize some more. Yay!
A full load of books went to the Goodwill Bookstore today in the back of my Rav4. Several boxes and hundreds of dollars of kids books, and teacher resource books from my teaching years that no one wanted to claim. Fingers crossed that they bring joy to someone else soon.
Y'all are my people! It honestly makes me happy to get rid of things & de-clutter! This is an ongoing process for me - I regularly donate, pass on, and throw away things, I just never thought to keep track of it. And I loathe yard sales - I just want it gone.

Cleaned out my daughter's room last month. Took an entire tub of junk out of her room and let it sit (closed) in the hallway for a month. If she could name something she was missing, she could have it back. She named a single item, which she got back. As I packed those things up, I grouped them into baggies that would be ready for consignment or trash. That tub went bye-bye today. The things that were to be consigned went into the consignment tubs and the rest went in the trash.

My son cleaned out his room and got rid of broken toys, things with missing pieces, and toys he didn't want anymore. Most of it was junk, so it all went into the trash today.

I have three tubs of clothes & toys I've been collecting, ready to take to consignment this weekend.

Got a new dishwasher installed today, so I had to clean all the stuff from under the kitchen sink. Got rid of 2 vases and a large glass juice bottle.

Future plans: Get my daughter's (age 7) wardrobe under control. She gets a lot of hand-me-downs, which is great, but we end up with a lot more clothes than we need. When I make the switch to "fall/winter" clothes, I'm migrating her to a capsule wardrobe. That probably means that well over half of her current clothes will go. She may be broken-hearted over it, but I certainly will not be. Most will be consigned, passed down to cousins, or donated. A few things she's worn holes in will be trashed.
Been on vacation for the better part of the last 2 weeks so not much decluttering went on here at home

1 disposable rain poncho - used up on vacation
2 travel liquid detergent - used up on vacation
1 book - donated
1 stack of GC’s - used up
1 t-shirt - trashed

6 items left the house

1436 items of 2018 or 71.15% of goal
We finally got the closing date on our new house (Oct. 11th!) so we've started to pre-pack a bit more hastily. Every week stuff heads to the storage unit but more importantly, it's finally 'clicked' for my DH that he doesn't need to keep every bit and bob. Everything gets scrutinized before it gets put into a box and a lot of items we thought we just had to keep have been let go. I think he also likes the fact that the house feels less cluttered. It'll be weird once we move and finally have enough closets that there'll be a place for everything and everything in it's place. When you have to move every box or piece of furniture yourself it really makes you evaluate what's worth keeping and what's not.
So we haven't done as much as I'd like around here... but some small steps.
I finally got around to putting together my son's new desk - it's been sitting in the box for almost 2 months. I'm so glad I don't have to look at that box anymore! Now we just need to clean up the area around the new desk. Thankfully it is inspiring my son to do a little declutter - he's finally deciding maybe he doesn't need to keep everything in his room... :) So far he's just going through pens and pencils, but at least it's a start for my little clutter bug!!
We have a huge bag of clothes and such ready for donation, and there's another bin of stuff I planned to give to my brother for his kids. He lives out of state, and was supposed to come in for a visit this month. His plans changed, so now I have to find a place to house this bin until he does come up. :( It's not worth the cost to ship it down to him.
Other than that, I went through a bathroom cabinet and found a bunch of stuff left over from when the kids were babies -- like half used bottles of baby wash, some old medical things (who needs to keep all the measuring cups every medicine comes with?) and several packs of bandaids so old they were brittle and yellowed. To the trash!! Every time I go through a different place I keep saying why on earth is this still here, and why would I ever keep it??
I found a box of books and flashcards that were forgotten... they are brand new, still shrink-wrapped. So I'm packaging up all the ones for grades younger than my kids and bringing them in to a teacher friend who can probably use them. :) If she can't use them, she'll be discreet enough not to tell me. :)
DD went through her bookshelf and found several books that she doesn't love anymore. We're debating which way to donate them - either to the local library or to the school where they will be used as part of a drive they do each year to give each kid in the school a book of their own.

I'm hoping to go through some more stuff this weekend - really want to try to have at least 3 bags for donation if I can, and I think they come next week. My closet is busting at the seams, and I just need to ditch stuff.

Since it's the Dis... what do you do with Disney movies on VHS? I have VCR here, not hooked up to anything, and I can admit I haven't watched any of these in YEARS. However, I can't bring myself to get rid of them, as they are all my favorite movies. Some I have on DVD now, but not all, and I know the library won't take VHS tapes for donations anymore. Anyone else handled this one?
We finally got the closing date on our new house (Oct. 11th!) so we've started to pre-pack a bit more hastily. Every week stuff heads to the storage unit but more importantly, it's finally 'clicked' for my DH that he doesn't need to keep every bit and bob. Everything gets scrutinized before it gets put into a box and a lot of items we thought we just had to keep have been let go. I think he also likes the fact that the house feels less cluttered. It'll be weird once we move and finally have enough closets that there'll be a place for everything and everything in it's place. When you have to move every box or piece of furniture yourself it really makes you evaluate what's worth keeping and what's not.

After our second child was born, we moved four times within 2 years. Two of those moves were cross-country. So I had a preschooler & an infant when we started those moves. By the time the 4th move came around, I had gotten rid of just about anything that wasn't a necessity. Decorating stuff? Gone. Random items my MIL gave me? Gone. Stuff we hadn't used since the first move? Gone. My husband was basically in fear that if it wasn't nailed down, he might come home and find it gone. It was liberating. And moving everything four times while having small children will definitely make you re-think your priorities!
Got rid of few more items today!

1 T-shirt - trashed
1 pair of sneakers - trashed
8 ink cartridges - recycled
3 cardboard boxes - recycled
1 CFL bulb - recycled
1 partial notepad - used up

15 items left the house

1451 items of 2018 or 71.90% of goal
So I was able to do a bit more clearing and organizing today


3 pair of underwear - trashed
16 pair of worn out socks - trashed
7 rolls of X-Mas wrapping paper - given to daughter in law
3 rolls of X-Mas wrapping paper - recycled (2 ft or less on each roll!)
2 poster - recycled
2 boxes - recycled
3 empty wrapping paper tubes - recycled

36 items left the house

1487 items of 2018 or 73.68% of goal
15 more items gone!!!


2 sets of sheets
Fire Extinguisher
2 birdfeeders

Had appliance company take away when brought new

4 pairs shoes

251 items left the house - 1,767 to go!
Got ride of a few more items

1 Gift Card - used up and recycled
3 books - brought back to my classroom
2 posters - brought to my classroom
1 phone case - donated
1 phone case - donated
1 pair of socks - trashed

9 items left the house

1496 items of 2018 or 74.13% of goal
Did some major fall cleaning.
My DD, and my grandchildren were staying with me for 10 days.
My grandson sure can make a mess.

We recycled 4 boxes.
I trashed a ugly gold throw blanket.
One couch pillow.
One seat cushion.

Have been doing a bit of decluttering this week while getting ready for my son's wedding (not to mention a bunch of the wedding stuff has been stored here for a while!)

Also just hit the 75% milestone!!

4 cardboard boxes - recycled
1 large bag of grocery bags - recycled
1 partial legal pad - used up
1 note pad - used up
2 books - donated
2 pieces of metal rod - to robotics center
1 toner cartridge - to robotics center
6 broken cinder blocks - trashed
2 dead pens - trashed
9 large boxes of wedding supplies/decoration/etc.. - to son’s wedding
2 cases of water - to son’s wedding
1 case of soda - to son’s wedding

32 items left the house

1528 items of 2018 or 75.71% of goal

1 poster - recycled
6 cardboard boxes - recycled
1 Dry Erase Marker - trashed
2 Bricks - trashed

10 items left the house

1538 items of 2018 or 76.21% of goal
My dd is moving home with her husband in October-so we really need to clean out 2 closets.

One king size bed is hitting the curb for bulk pickup the 1st weekend in October
2 boxes were recycled this weekend.
1 pair of tennis shoes-trashed
2 under garments-trashed

1118/2018-(one thousand more items to go)

I forgot, I went in the food pantry and grabbed a lot of things for our local food pantry-
Was able to get rid of more items yesterday and today!!:cool1:

2 mini posters - recycled
3 cardboard boxes - recycled
2 bundles of leftover wedding invitations - recycled
1 bundle of wedding RSVP”s - recycled
1 T-shirt - donated
3 tubes of driveway crack sealer - used up
1 shirt - donated
20 assorted pens - to robotics center
1 oven mitt - trashed
6 plastic balls - trashed

40 items left the house

1578 items of 2018 or 78.19% of goal
A few more items out of the house

2 sheets of address labels - gave to son for his and DIL wedding thank you cards
3 sheets of stamps - gave to son for his and DIL wedding thank you cards
1 book - donated
1 Gift Card - used up and recycled

7 items left the house

1585 items of 2018 or 78.54% of goal


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