Denise's Days (Comments Welcome!)

Have a wonderful trip, Denise :sunny: ! We want to hear all about it when you get back ::yes:: .
Denise, only 2 more days!!! I bet you're getting very excited about your trip! Enjoy every moment but don't push yourselves too hard in the middle-of-the-day heat. Drink lots of water too!

If you're looking for a yummy sugar-free snack or dessert, I can highly recommend the no-sugar-added chocolate mousse - we found it in the Norway pavilion at Epcot. It didn't taste "diet" at all!!

Have a wonderful time!! :sunny:
Wow! It has been almost 6 years since I've posted in this journal! I can't believe it was still here for me to find. I was telling DH that I should keep a journal again, and we thought of this one. I loved it at the time, and I'm not even sure why I stopped keeping it. Anyway, a lot has happened over the years, and I now have a lot of weight to lose. Here is a summary:

1. 2006--ran the WDW Marathon in under 4 hours

2. 2005-2009--ran 6 half marathons and several 10k and 15k races

3. 2007--had our first son

4. 2007-2009--while I was running again, I never really lost the weight I should have and got pregnant again weighing 10lbs. more than I did when I got pregnant the first time

5. 2010--had our second son

6. Today--Tomorrow our youngest will be 6 weeks old, and I will be officially released from the doctor after my cesarean.

I'm officially starting my journal tomorrow; I'm just re-introducing myself today. I need to lose 30lbs. just to be healthy again and 50-60lbs. to be the me I want to be/was. I know it's going to be a long process. I can't cut my calories too much or workout too much since I'm breastfeeding. I really think this journal is going to help me. I hope that I can find the support here that I once had. Here is the plan for my journal:

1. Keep track of food I eat each day
2. Keep track of exercise each day
3. Post my steps each day (goal 10,000)
4. Update my weight weekly (Tuesday)
5. Take a fitness test weekly and post progress (Tuesday)
(timed 800M run, push ups, sit ups)

I will change my journal as needed and set new goals along the way. I'm not setting a timeline for the weight loss since I'm nursing. I'm going to do what I can and lose what I can without affecting my milk supply.

Comments are more than welcome as I try to find my once 24-year-old body in my 30-year-old self. :thumbsup2
Today was a pretty good day, but I'm pretty tired.

Here is what I ate today:

B: 1/2 cup plain oatmeal w/ splenda and cinnamon (150)
S: 15 almonds (90)
L: turkey sandwich on ww flat round w/ cheese, mustard, and spinach (270)
1 cup mixed vegetables (90)
Fiber One yogurt w/ 10 blueberries mixed in (60)
S: banana (80), lf cheese stick (50), Fiber One bar (150) (these weren't all at the same time, but they were all between lunch and dinner)
D: three small tacos (two corn and one flour tortilla) made with 93% lean
ground beef, tomato, lettuce (400)
skim milk w/ sugar free Hershey's syrup (195)
S: 100cal. ice cream treat

Roughly 1635 calories for the day. I don't plan to count every day, but I just wanted to get an idea of how I was doing. I may need to up this a little, as my doctor wants me to have 300 extra calories a day while I'm nursing. I think adding protein to my breakfast would be a good addition.

Water: 150+ oz. I think nursing makes me extra thirsty!

Workout: 40min. walk, 800M jog, 25min. wii fit

Total Steps: 12,600

Here's the ugly truth:

body fat--41.7

Results of 1st fitness test:

800M run -- 5:27
push ups--3
sit ups/min.--0 (I do not have the ab muscles to do a single one!)

This was quite a wake up--I have a long road ahead of me. I don't remember ever being this out of shape!

I'm off to bed. Looking forward to some great weather tomorrow! :)
It was a good day, but I don't feel like I'm working out enough. I just don't know what to do with my current limited physical ability. I wish I had an exercise bike again or an elliptical. It's hard making sure that I am done working out and clean before my son needs to eat again. Anyway, I need to figure it out instead of making excuses. We wen to the zoo today and had a picnic by the river; it was a lot of fun!

Here is what I ate today:

B: 1/2 c. oatmeal w/ Splenda and cinnamon (150)
S: lf cheese stick (50)
L: 3Tbs. natural PB on ww flat round (370)
1/2 c. natural apple sauce (50)
banana (80)
S: small back of Sunchips (140)
Fiber One bar (150)
D: 93% lean hamburger on ww bun (390)
1 c. peas (90)
3 c. spinach salad w/ tomato w/ ff dressing (50)
1/2 cup olive oil noodles (120)
skim milk w/ sf Hershey's syrup (195)
S: 1/2 c. sf vanilla pudding (70)

Roughly 1905 calories today. That's up over 200 calories from yesterday. I think somewhere between those two would be great! The only thing I'd change about today is to skip the Sunchips. I debated the bun with dinner because it had 220 calories, but dh and I decided it was good to get the carbs, so I could use the step after dinner.

Water: 140+ oz.

Workout: 30 min. stepping, 2 mile walk--not a good workout; it was just a family stroll with parts at a good pace

I definitely need to workout more. I plan to go for another jog and longer walk tomorrow.

Steps: 12,160
The weather was great today! I think exercise and food were both good, but dinner was a quite a bit high in sodium.

Here's what I ate today:

B: 1/2 c. oatmeal w/ Splenda and cinnamon (150)
S: 15 almonds (90)
L: 5 cups spinach salad w/ chicken breast, cheese and ff dressing (330)
Fiber One yogurt w/ 10 blueberries (58)
sf jello cup (10)
S: cheese stick (50), Fiber One bar (150) banana (80)
D: 4oz. boneless pork rib w/ bbq sauce (200)
1 c. fried rice (240)
1 c. corn (90)
skim milk w/ sf Hershey's syrup (195)
S: 1/4 c. sf vanilla pudding (35)

Total Cal.= 1678

I think I need to cut my chocolate milk serving in half. I can just have water if I'm still thirsty. That just seems like a lot of calories for a drink!

Workout: 2 miles--run 1/2, walk 1/2 (repeat), 30 min. walk w/ the fam.

This felt pretty good. I think I need to add something in later in the day though. Maybe some weights/wii.

Water: 140+ oz.

Steps: 11,500
I didn't do much in the way of working out today, but I made my steps and kept my calories good.

Here's what I ate today:

B: 1 c. Kashi Go Lean (140)
S: Fiber One bar (150)
L: 2 small tacos on corn tortillas made w/ 93% lean ground beef & cheese (420)
1 c. peas (90)
D: 3 Fiber One pancakes (190) and sf syrup (40)
2 turkey sausage patties (120)
scrambled eggs (1 yolk, 2 whites) (87)
10 oz. skim milk w/ sf Hershey's syrup (128)
S: banana (80)
1/2 graham cracker (35) and 9 almonds (45)

Total Calories: 1525

I like this number since I didn't workout much today. I'm a little worried I'm actually not getting enough calories, but we'll see. Hopefully I'm good.

Water: 140+

Workout: 20 min. walk, 30 min. Wii step (4" step)

Steps: 10,527

I was only sitting at 4,600 steps at 8:15 (most of these were from grocery shopping at two stores), so I went for a walk and came home and did the step! Failure is not an option! :P I'm hoping to get a run and walk in before the rain moves in tomorrow. We'll see--DH is going to run 8 miles in the morning; hopefully I'll have time when he gets back.
Yay, the rain held off long enough for both of us to get our run in this morning! Of course, it started raining on me during my walk. DS and I made Easter cookies today, and I didn't eat any mix or any cookies! That is huge for me! I'm normally really bad when it comes to that.

Here's what I ate today:

B: 1/2 c. oatmeal w/ Splenda and cinnamon (150)
L: turkey sandwich on flat round (247)
1 c. olive oil noodles (240)
S: Fiber One bar (150)
D: 2 triangles of chicken quesadilla w/ light ranch (297)
3 c. spinach salad w/ cherry tomatoes and light ranch (118)
1 c. peas (100)
10 oz. skim milk w/ sf Hershey's syrup (128)
S: banana w/ 5 strawberries, 1T. cool whip, and chocolate drizzle (200)

Total Calories: 1630

Water: 120+

Workout: 1 mile run (9:27), 1 mile walk, 20 min. family walk, squats, lunges, and abs on the exercise ball

I'm very pleased with this for my first one mile run. I have a long way to go, but still pleased. The last time a ran one mile was around Thanksgiving; I was six months pregnant and ran an 11 min. mile. I look forward to building on this.

Steps: 10, 350

I really want to increase my steps. I know the rain didn't help today, but I'd still like to get more in during the day.
I lost track of time yesterday and didn't get my post typed. So, here is yesterday's journal entry. It was a beautiful day and a great Easter. DS had a great time finding eggs in the house early in the morning.

Here is what I ate:

B: 1/2 c. oatmeal w/ Splenda and cinnamon (150)
S: 9 almonds (90)
L: 1 piece quesadilla w/ light ranch (188)
1 small taco on corn tortilla (153)
Fiber One yogurt w/ 10 blueberries (58)
S: Fiber One bar (150)
D: 1 large slice of sausage pizza (383)
Spinach salad w/ cherry tomatoes and ff dressing (95)
10 oz. skim milk w/ sf Hershey's syrup (128)
S: 1/2 c. slow churned vanilla ice cream w/ 3 large strawberries & banana (217)

Total Calories: 1612

Good day, but I woke up a bit hungry.

Water: 120+ oz.

Workout: 3 miles (run 1, walk 1/2, run 1/2, walk 1), 15 min. cardio boxing (wii), and 20 min. family walk

Steps: 11,538

This workout felt great! I plan to continue to increase workouts as my physical ability allows. I hope to get some work done around the house today. Here's to another great day! :)
Well, I didn't get as much done around the house as I would have liked, but I did get a good start on switching over to summer clothes and packing up winter and maternity clothes!


B: Fiber one bar (150) and banana (100)
S: 9 almonds (90)
L: 2 T. peanut butter on round flat (280) and 25 baby carrots (35)
S: light cheese stick (50)
D: spinach salad w/ cheese, chicken, and ff dressing (275)
1 large slice of sausage pizza (383)
S: 1 c. Kashi Go Lean and 1/2 c. skim milk (180)

Total Calories: 1543

Water: 160+ oz.

Workout: 45 min. walk pushing DS in stroller, 20 min. family walk

Steps: 11,300

I wanted to workout more tonight, but DS had other ideas! I'm beat! Tomorrow morning is weigh in! I really hope to have lost 2 lbs, but I'll take anything besides a gain!
I had another exhausting day. I was home with the boys today, and we had a lot of fun once I finally felt more awake this afternoon.


B: 1/2 c. oatmeal w/ Splenda and cinnamon (150)
L: turkey sandwich on flat round w/ cheese and mustard (247)
1/2 c. mixed veggies (45), Fiber One bar (150), and light cheese stick (60)
S: 3/4 c. Kashi Go Lean (110)
D: 3 pieces quesadilla (324), 1 T. light ranch (40), 1 c. broccoli (30)
10 oz. skim milk w/ sf Hershey's syrup (128)
S: 1/2 c. churned ice cream w/ banana, almonds, & sf chocolate drizzle (305)

Total Calories: 1589

Water: 120+ oz.

Workout: 2.5 miles (run 1/2, walk 1/2, run 1, walk 1/2) I ran the mile in 9:01, which is even faster than the first one I timed! I think it's great that I improved since I had already gone a mile before that, and it was super windy out!

Steps: 10,200

Weight--187.2 (2lb. loss!)
Body Fat--40.0%

I am very happy with a 2 pound loss!

2nd Fitness Test:

800M run--4:31
Push ups--5
sit ups--2

I'm thrilled with the time I've already taken off of my 1/2 mile run. I hope to keep knocking that down. I will keep building on the other two as well. I still have no ab muscles! Hopefully next Tuesday will look even better!
I didn't have time to post last night, so here is my Day 9 post.


B: oatmeal w/ Splenda and cinnamon (150)
S: Kashi Go Lean w/ skim milk (180)
L: turkey on sandwich round w/ mustard and cheese (247)
broccoli (30) and carrots (25)
light cheese stick (60)
S: Fiber One bar (150)
almonds (90)
D: 8oz. tilapia w/ 1 T. Parmesan cheese (200)
brown rice and peas (180)
spinach salad w/ cheese and ff dressing
10oz. skim milk w/ sf Hershey's syrup (128)

Calories: 1650

Water: 140+ oz.

Workout: 25 min. EA Sports Active (mainly jumps, squats, and lunges)
30 min. 4" step (wii)

Steps: 10,070

This has been my lowest day for steps. I really struggled getting them in. I couldn't take DS out in the stroller b/c it was way too windy. I got my extra steps by walking around the house and hopping on the treadmill for a little bit.
It's the end of another day! I didn't really workout today, and I really need to step it up! The weather is looking up again this weekend, and I plan to take full advantage of it. Though, I need to take advantage of our treadmill when the weather is bad.


B: 1 c. Kashi Go Lean w/ 1/2 c. skim milk (180)
L: corn tortilla w/ cheese (170)
black beans and corn (210)
1 c. fresh pineapple (58)
S: Fiber One bar (150)
sandwich round w/ cheese (180)
D: 93% lean hamburger on ww thin bun (270)
2oz. ww pasta w/ T. Parmesan and spray butter (220)
1/2 vegetarian baked beans (130)
S: 1/2 slow churned vanilla ice cream w/ almonds (190)

Total: 1758

I definitely didn't need that bread and cheese this afternoon, but I just felt really hungry. I'm not certain how many calories I should be eating, but I don't think this was bad.

Water: 120+

Workout: 30 min 4" step (wii)

Steps: 11,000
Well, this is is a long over due check in. I decided I didn't really need to keep track of daily food anymore because I manage to keep everyday about the same. What I do need to work on is workout time. I haven't been running; my left knee (old injury) has been bothering me, and we don't want to "trigger" that again. I need to lose more weight before I run regularly again. I'd like to add running back at least 2 or 3 days a week though. Working out around DS's feedings is tricky, but I'm going to figure this out!

Week Two (4/13): weight 186.0 (down another 1.2--3.2 total) BF% 40.0

Week Three (4/20): Weight 184.8 (down another 1.2--4.4 total) BF% 40.5

Hmm, well, at least I'm consistent! I think I can give this process a little jump/kick if I add in more workouts. I really enjoy working out; I just need to figure out timing. Lack of sleep ("midnight feedings") isn't helping matters! :P I'll keep checking in weekly until I decide I need to more often again.
I am here to ramp up my workouts! I gave myself until our next trip to WDW to be back in shape and down to weight. That is now 111 days away--spring break 2011! :yay: I have been a roller coaster with my weight for the last three months--lose 4, gain 4. I was down to 165 only to rocket back up to 170! BREAK THE CYCLE! DH and I are starting p90x later this month. I'm going to ramp it up between now and then! I did p90x between my two pregnancies, and it was great! I lost over 20lbs! I'm hoping for great results again! :thumbsup2
Hi Denise,
Keep me posted on the P90x, we have thought about it here but was afraid it was too time consuming to both be doing it

Keep posting!

Linda! Thanks for stopping by! The first time I did P90X, It was all by myself. DH can't run right now due to knee issues, so he thought he'd join me this time around. I'm not sure exactly how we're going to both do it, but right now the plan is to exercise at the same time after our boys go to bed. In order to finish the day before we fly out to WDW, we actually have to start on Christmas Day! :rotfl2: That should be fun!

I'm not doing well with food these days, but I'm mentally ready (or at least am going to be on 12/26!) I do highly recommend P90X, but it is very grueling. The last time I did it, I also worked out for an hour right after school (the boys are still napping at the babysitter, so I have time from 2:40-3:40). I plan to do that again b/c I have to really step it up in order to be successful again. I'll keep you posted once we start! :)


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