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Why would they disappoint people like this with false chocolate stuffed advertising?? I would be so sad! The huevos rancheros and Josh's omelet look really good. Xavier is an omelet connoisseur and I think he'd be all over that!

It's true, why did they lie? :sad1: I really want to try an actual chocolate stuffed waffle now. They were so good you guys should try them sometime, if he likes omelettes those were huge!

Same!! It's helped us find some really good places. Part of the reason I like traveling so much is b/c of the food choices :rotfl:

Me too :rotfl:

As always this was super tender and the sauce went really well with it. This is still my favorite steak we have on vacation.
This is what I had back in September. I told Zack basically I had to get the sauce you always do to try, because I've never been anywhere with fancy sauces like that :rotfl: So good. We're going to try and take his parents this summer.
Because that wouldn't be weird at all. "Oh yes waiter, I know my boyfriend is an adult who can make his own choices, but I don't think he'd like his asparagus grilled like he said, please do as I say even though it isn't my food".
The waiter seemed pretty mortified when we told him he couldn't eat that, and told me I could keep it. It was Key Lime Pie, and though I don't like lime I decided to give it a try because I'd heard key lime desserts don't taste super strongly of lime, but I still wasn't a fan.
This is why I refuse to try Key Lime Pie. I don't believe people. I have trust issues :laughing:
It's definitely the place in DS that feels the most like a nightclub, which seems strange since they closed all the clubs and now are trying to bring places that appeal to that crowd to DS, but I guess it's good to have that option.
So strange. The idea seemed neat... Zack still wants to go, it's not top on my list based on menu and now some reviews I've read... It seems pricey even for Disney for food.
While he was eating the fire alarm started to go off, and we moved outside for the rest of the meal, but most people didn't seem like they were planning to get up. In fact the employees had to make a lot of people leave and then lock the doors since more kept trying to come in despite the alarm. I never get when people hear a fire alarm and decide that they should ignore it because they're shopping/eating/etc. I've had it happen when I worked in the mall too, like people don't want to put their purchases down so they pretend it's not real?
People are weird.
Once the food booths opened I finally got my totchos! This was actually a huge portion, and probably the best snack I had. It had beef, cheese, sour cream, and I think jalapeños and pico de gallo if you wanted it.
I was picturing crispy bacon, dipped in chocolate, but this wasn't anything close to that. Josh said because of the stick they wouldn't have been able to make it crispy, but I didn't know it was served on a stick.
But... why is it on a stick??? :confused3
I was also way too full by the end to really want anything more, and I felt like the the fact that most booths were only open for a 5 hour span and weren't fully stocked kind of defeated the purpose.
So weird to run out. That makes no sense.
I ate about half of this but was disappointed. It clearly says "stuffed" with chocolate, but it was not at all. It only had chocolate on top.
This was a kind of diner like restaurant with burgers and ice cream. These were actually really good burgers, and I think they were the best ones we had on this trip.
Can't go wrong with that! They look delicious!
The up close tour we did with the penguins was one of my favorite parts of the entire trip.

Penguins are the absolute best!! So adorable and fun to watch!

You also got the souvenir cup to keep which I thought was cool,

The cup is cute!! But I see your point about the pass, doesn't seem all that worthwhile.

Another Broken Egg in Winter Park

I love this place, there is one in South Florida that we go to and I always get the beignets mmmm
Really enjoying your report - and can I just say how much I love the title? JS is totally my guilty pleasure!
Loving this so far and looking forward to the rest, I enjoy your reviews because me and my partner will be going to Disney/Universal too so your Universal restaurant and snack reviews have me very interested. :thanks:
I finally took a break from trying to do my own report to read your lovely one. I like that you are willing to venture off the Motherland to forage for food.

I am very interested I your trip to St. Augustine. Mike loves a burger with fried egg, so I hope to visit your burger place.

Sanaa looks wonderful . You ordered everything we intend to order in May.

Your selfies are excellent. You look absolutely beautiful in every photo.

Keep the reviews coming kid
it tells you to make U turns all the time whether they're legal to make or not. :sad2:
Oh yeah... gotta love the promoted illegal U-turns :sad2: :laughing:

It will also turn down music you have on so it can talk which is great, but then sometimes it lowers the music and then still talks lower than it :rotfl:

Loved your review of Sanaa - I've never been but it's definitely very high on my list.
Sanaa is so good!!!! I'm hoping to fit it in in September...:love:
Hey, are you coming along to the trip in May??? I thought I saw your name...:flower1:
I almost ate at Sanaa the last time I stayed at Animal Kingdom Lodge, but the only thing that really appealed to me on the menu was the naan and dipping sauces so I ended up cancelling. They should give you an option to not get all the sauces if you don't like some of them.
Man, what a let down. I agree with you about novelty foods, though, and how the quality tends to be less.

Looking forward to more adventure meals
I think with a lot of the novelty meals, too, they're expecting that to bring people in and for them not to order it more than once, so it doesn't really matter how good it actually is. Which is a shame, but I suppose the thinking sort of makes sense.
Such a shame you ha e never eaten at a sports bar/pub with great food. Here in the Midwest, especially northern Wisconsin, we have some really great bars with outstanding food. One near me has such good food, the bar regularly has wine dinners paired with gourmet foods. Looks like you need to visit here someday.
(Does anyone else hate when that happens? People will rave about the food somewhere and you'll see a really delicious looking menu, but when you turn up you realize it's more of a pub/sports bar?)
Yes! Ambiance isn't everything, but it's important to me. I rarely like the sports bar vibe, I usually just end up feeling overwhelmed and out of place :laughing:

Also at the mall Josh picked these Godiva chocolate covered oreos up for me:
You've got a keeper ;)

Bummer Teak didn't live up to its hype. Your burger did look really good, but impossible to eat! And I've never really understood that - like don't places want you to be able to enjoy it as a burger is meant to be enjoyed? :confused3 :laughing:


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