Debt Dumpers 2025

Welp, we were making decent progress on our CC balance. Chipping away at it at least $1000 a month, sometimes more like $2000. And then, day before yesterday, the massive ice build up on our roof released and crashed down on the back deck and broke four of the braces supporting the second story deck.

That cannot wait, we HAVE to get that repaired this spring. So that will set us back a bit. However, from what we can tell (which isn't a whole lot at this point, the ice has to melt to tell for sure) it doesn't look like any deck boards are actually broken. Just the braces underneath. And, given that it's a two story deck, we may not actually need to remove the deck boards to get to the braces. We may be able to just put new braces up next to the broken ones and call it a day. Fingers crossed!!!!
Welp, we were making decent progress on our CC balance. Chipping away at it at least $1000 a month, sometimes more like $2000. And then, day before yesterday, the massive ice build up on our roof released and crashed down on the back deck and broke four of the braces supporting the second story deck.

That cannot wait, we HAVE to get that repaired this spring. So that will set us back a bit. However, from what we can tell (which isn't a whole lot at this point, the ice has to melt to tell for sure) it doesn't look like any deck boards are actually broken. Just the braces underneath. And, given that it's a two story deck, we may not actually need to remove the deck boards to get to the braces. We may be able to just put new braces up next to the broken ones and call it a day. Fingers crossed!!!!

did it sound like gunshots going off? that's what a friend who had ice and snow take down her deck described it like-which I subsequently heard when a similar set of circumstances caused a portion of our roof to break. oh well-that's what we pay homeowner's insurance for.

best wishes on the deck repair, we had to replace a support 2 years ago (on our own dime)-no deck boards had to be removed.
did it sound like gunshots going off? that's what a friend who had ice and snow take down her deck described it like-which I subsequently heard when a similar set of circumstances caused a portion of our roof to break. oh well-that's what we pay homeowner's insurance for.

best wishes on the deck repair, we had to replace a support 2 years ago (on our own dime)-no deck boards had to be removed.

I actually wasn't home at the time. I'm told it wasn't as loud as you'd think but it's hard to tell.
Ok, jumping in with the plan of staying committed this time. I tried last year, but honestly we were still dealing with so much aftermath of my husband's brain tumor and living in "survival mode" that I just didn't have the mental capacity for it.

Here are our goals for this year and beyond - there is honestly no way we can do all this with what is left in 2025. But we want to dream big!

  1. Get true starting number for all debts
  2. Start debt snowball
  3. Max out Husband's 401K match
  4. Max out Roth IRA for Husband
  5. Max out Roth IRA for myself
  6. Earn $46,000 (I work part-time from home and this is a big stretch goal)
  7. Start some sort of 529 or HYSA for 3 kids
  8. Pay off at least $10,000 debt
  9. Replenish Emergency Funds x3 (home deductible, vehicle deductible and 90 days living expenses)
  10. Save up for son's first car ($10,000) - son will be contributing to this as well
  11. 7 day No Buy Challenge
  12. 14 day No Buy Challenge

  1. 42 intentional date nights (6 out of the house)
  2. 21 intentional family nights or family outings
  3. Bake/Cook 42 times with middle daughter
  4. Take family photos
  5. 10 Mom or Dad & son outings - 5 with each of us
  6. 10 Mom or Dad & middle daughter outings - 5 with each of us
  7. 10 Mom or Dad & youngest daughter outings - 5 with each of us
  8. Focused effort to teach life skills to son
  9. Focused effort to teach more life skills to middle daughter
  10. Focused effort to teach more life skills to youngest daughter
  11. Round up all sources of digital photos and put on one central drive - they currently live on Photopass CDs, thumb drives, old laptops etc
  12. Sort through and organize all digital photos once gathered
  13. Make photo books (nice, durable ones) for each year x24
  14. Make photo books for each vacation x24+

Health, Fitness & Self Care
  1. Complete a full C25K - I've started so many times and am determined to finish the darn thing this year!
  2. Complete 21 Day Fix (workouts only) - I spent money on this YEARS ago and it's still just sitting there
  3. Complete Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (workouts only) - See comment above regarding 21DF
  4. Read 26 books
  5. Get to 135 pounds - this is for health reasons as well as vanity and hoping it will alleviate joint pain
  6. All 3 health annuals for all 3 kids
  7. Go to church 21 times
  8. Floss nightly x200 - I went 40 years without dental issues and now they are hitting one after another; hopeful making this a habit will reverse some of those issues!
  9. Find a solid face care routine
  10. Nightly face care x200 - I am so bad about this and it's showing with age!
  11. Nightly family walks x150 - this used to be a habit before Husband's brain tumor and we all miss it!
  12. Use up surplus of makeup - I am putting myself on a no buy in this category
  13. Use up surplus of wax melts / candles - Another no buy category

Food & Kitchen
  1. Try 42 new recipes from my overabundance of cookbooks
  2. 7 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  3. 14 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  4. 30 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  5. Start “Sunday dinner” tradition x35 - my Grandma ALWAYS did a huge family meal on Sundays complete with homemade dessert and the fine china - I want to start this with my family!
  6. Restart sourdough starter
  7. Learn new sourdough recipes from memory x7
  8. Invest in really good pots and pans - we have really cruddy non-stick ones that are both falling apart and worry me about what we are putting into our bodies. Any recommendations?

  1. Purge & organize garage
  2. Purge & organize 14 rooms
  3. Purge & organize 8 closets
  4. Vegetable garden
  5. Decorate entry
  6. Decorate kid’s rooms x3
  7. Flush water heater

Whew! It's a lot when I look at it all laid out. But baby steps...let's do this!
Our car insurance premiums went up this year despite no changes in coverage, vehicles or history. Shopping around but also planning to do the online Defensive Driving course which will help reduce it by a little bit. Anyone else done this?
We do it every 3 years. We use GEICO and they offer it but others do too through the same company. Not all states allow a discount for taking the course. Some states only allow the course to be applied to reduce points on a DL. I live in NJ and work in PA. NJ allows the discount but my coworkers who live in PA can't do it.
The discount isn't a huge amount but it's more than the cost of taking the course and the discount continues for 3 years. They email me when my old certification is about to expire.
Screwed up pretty decently. Somehow between making sure bills got paid between my house, my mom's apartment, and her old house, I missed our cell phone payment. I had intentions of paying it a couple days past the due date when we got paid (thinking it was just one month of payment), but service got shut off yesterday. Can't do anything about it til payday. At least our wifi is a different provider so we still have internet for tv and our texting and messenger works as long as we are hooked up to internet.

Just need to get my payments organized a little better for the future. Or finish getting that dang house ready to sell. I've made very good progress the last week and plan to have a yard sale in 2 weekends to clear more stuff out.
I feel your pain. I have been handling mail and bills for 3 houses now for the past few years. I really don't mind doing it but it's time consuming and I don't have a lot of spare time to begin with. In the midst of post vacation catching up combined with holiday shopping, I somehow didn't pay our property taxes. That's the first time they were ever late since I became a homeowner in 1993. :guilty::sad2:
Ok, jumping in with the plan of staying committed this time. I tried last year, but honestly we were still dealing with so much aftermath of my husband's brain tumor and living in "survival mode" that I just didn't have the mental capacity for it.

Here are our goals for this year and beyond - there is honestly no way we can do all this with what is left in 2025. But we want to dream big!

  1. Get true starting number for all debts
  2. Start debt snowball
  3. Max out Husband's 401K match
  4. Max out Roth IRA for Husband
  5. Max out Roth IRA for myself
  6. Earn $46,000 (I work part-time from home and this is a big stretch goal)
  7. Start some sort of 529 or HYSA for 3 kids
  8. Pay off at least $10,000 debt
  9. Replenish Emergency Funds x3 (home deductible, vehicle deductible and 90 days living expenses)
  10. Save up for son's first car ($10,000) - son will be contributing to this as well
  11. 7 day No Buy Challenge
  12. 14 day No Buy Challenge

  1. 42 intentional date nights (6 out of the house)
  2. 21 intentional family nights or family outings
  3. Bake/Cook 42 times with middle daughter
  4. Take family photos
  5. 10 Mom or Dad & son outings - 5 with each of us
  6. 10 Mom or Dad & middle daughter outings - 5 with each of us
  7. 10 Mom or Dad & youngest daughter outings - 5 with each of us
  8. Focused effort to teach life skills to son
  9. Focused effort to teach more life skills to middle daughter
  10. Focused effort to teach more life skills to youngest daughter
  11. Round up all sources of digital photos and put on one central drive - they currently live on Photopass CDs, thumb drives, old laptops etc
  12. Sort through and organize all digital photos once gathered
  13. Make photo books (nice, durable ones) for each year x24
  14. Make photo books for each vacation x24+

Health, Fitness & Self Care
  1. Complete a full C25K - I've started so many times and am determined to finish the darn thing this year!
  2. Complete 21 Day Fix (workouts only) - I spent money on this YEARS ago and it's still just sitting there
  3. Complete Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (workouts only) - See comment above regarding 21DF
  4. Read 26 books
  5. Get to 135 pounds - this is for health reasons as well as vanity and hoping it will alleviate joint pain
  6. All 3 health annuals for all 3 kids
  7. Go to church 21 times
  8. Floss nightly x200 - I went 40 years without dental issues and now they are hitting one after another; hopeful making this a habit will reverse some of those issues!
  9. Find a solid face care routine
  10. Nightly face care x200 - I am so bad about this and it's showing with age!
  11. Nightly family walks x150 - this used to be a habit before Husband's brain tumor and we all miss it!
  12. Use up surplus of makeup - I am putting myself on a no buy in this category
  13. Use up surplus of wax melts / candles - Another no buy category

Food & Kitchen
  1. Try 42 new recipes from my overabundance of cookbooks
  2. 7 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  3. 14 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  4. 30 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  5. Start “Sunday dinner” tradition x35 - my Grandma ALWAYS did a huge family meal on Sundays complete with homemade dessert and the fine china - I want to start this with my family!
  6. Restart sourdough starter
  7. Learn new sourdough recipes from memory x7
  8. Invest in really good pots and pans - we have really cruddy non-stick ones that are both falling apart and worry me about what we are putting into our bodies. Any recommendations?

  1. Purge & organize garage
  2. Purge & organize 14 rooms
  3. Purge & organize 8 closets
  4. Vegetable garden
  5. Decorate entry
  6. Decorate kid’s rooms x3
  7. Flush water heater

Whew! It's a lot when I look at it all laid out. But baby steps...let's do this!

Can I offer my tip for flossing? I used to think I had to do it at the time I brushed my teeth. Sometimes I'm so tired by then I just want to get to bed and I'd want to skip it. My dentist said do it when it's convenient so now I keep it on my desk and I floss once I know I'm not having anything else to eat for the evening. I do it while I read the Disboards or surf online and I've become soooo much better at getting it done. I rarely miss now.

I also rinse with this every night after I brush, right before going to bed. Prior to this, I used to have new cavities at almost every dental visit. I haven't had a new cavity since my kids were little, probably going on 20+ years now. I do occasionally need old fillings to be replaced but it nice to know it's not for new cavities. :thumbsup2
Last edited:
Ok, jumping in with the plan of staying committed this time. I tried last year, but honestly we were still dealing with so much aftermath of my husband's brain tumor and living in "survival mode" that I just didn't have the mental capacity for it.

Here are our goals for this year and beyond - there is honestly no way we can do all this with what is left in 2025. But we want to dream big!

  1. Get true starting number for all debts
  2. Start debt snowball
  3. Max out Husband's 401K match
  4. Max out Roth IRA for Husband
  5. Max out Roth IRA for myself
  6. Earn $46,000 (I work part-time from home and this is a big stretch goal)
  7. Start some sort of 529 or HYSA for 3 kids
  8. Pay off at least $10,000 debt
  9. Replenish Emergency Funds x3 (home deductible, vehicle deductible and 90 days living expenses)
  10. Save up for son's first car ($10,000) - son will be contributing to this as well
  11. 7 day No Buy Challenge
  12. 14 day No Buy Challenge

  1. 42 intentional date nights (6 out of the house)
  2. 21 intentional family nights or family outings
  3. Bake/Cook 42 times with middle daughter
  4. Take family photos
  5. 10 Mom or Dad & son outings - 5 with each of us
  6. 10 Mom or Dad & middle daughter outings - 5 with each of us
  7. 10 Mom or Dad & youngest daughter outings - 5 with each of us
  8. Focused effort to teach life skills to son
  9. Focused effort to teach more life skills to middle daughter
  10. Focused effort to teach more life skills to youngest daughter
  11. Round up all sources of digital photos and put on one central drive - they currently live on Photopass CDs, thumb drives, old laptops etc
  12. Sort through and organize all digital photos once gathered
  13. Make photo books (nice, durable ones) for each year x24
  14. Make photo books for each vacation x24+

Health, Fitness & Self Care
  1. Complete a full C25K - I've started so many times and am determined to finish the darn thing this year!
  2. Complete 21 Day Fix (workouts only) - I spent money on this YEARS ago and it's still just sitting there
  3. Complete Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (workouts only) - See comment above regarding 21DF
  4. Read 26 books
  5. Get to 135 pounds - this is for health reasons as well as vanity and hoping it will alleviate joint pain
  6. All 3 health annuals for all 3 kids
  7. Go to church 21 times
  8. Floss nightly x200 - I went 40 years without dental issues and now they are hitting one after another; hopeful making this a habit will reverse some of those issues!
  9. Find a solid face care routine
  10. Nightly face care x200 - I am so bad about this and it's showing with age!
  11. Nightly family walks x150 - this used to be a habit before Husband's brain tumor and we all miss it!
  12. Use up surplus of makeup - I am putting myself on a no buy in this category
  13. Use up surplus of wax melts / candles - Another no buy category

Food & Kitchen
  1. Try 42 new recipes from my overabundance of cookbooks
  2. 7 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  3. 14 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  4. 30 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  5. Start “Sunday dinner” tradition x35 - my Grandma ALWAYS did a huge family meal on Sundays complete with homemade dessert and the fine china - I want to start this with my family!
  6. Restart sourdough starter
  7. Learn new sourdough recipes from memory x7
  8. Invest in really good pots and pans - we have really cruddy non-stick ones that are both falling apart and worry me about what we are putting into our bodies. Any recommendations?

  1. Purge & organize garage
  2. Purge & organize 14 rooms
  3. Purge & organize 8 closets
  4. Vegetable garden
  5. Decorate entry
  6. Decorate kid’s rooms x3
  7. Flush water heater

Whew! It's a lot when I look at it all laid out. But baby steps...let's do this!

Wow! Wonderful list!!
Ok, jumping in with the plan of staying committed this time. I tried last year, but honestly we were still dealing with so much aftermath of my husband's brain tumor and living in "survival mode" that I just didn't have the mental capacity for it.

Here are our goals for this year and beyond - there is honestly no way we can do all this with what is left in 2025. But we want to dream big!

  1. Get true starting number for all debts
  2. Start debt snowball
  3. Max out Husband's 401K match
  4. Max out Roth IRA for Husband
  5. Max out Roth IRA for myself
  6. Earn $46,000 (I work part-time from home and this is a big stretch goal)
  7. Start some sort of 529 or HYSA for 3 kids
  8. Pay off at least $10,000 debt
  9. Replenish Emergency Funds x3 (home deductible, vehicle deductible and 90 days living expenses)
  10. Save up for son's first car ($10,000) - son will be contributing to this as well
  11. 7 day No Buy Challenge
  12. 14 day No Buy Challenge

  1. 42 intentional date nights (6 out of the house)
  2. 21 intentional family nights or family outings
  3. Bake/Cook 42 times with middle daughter
  4. Take family photos
  5. 10 Mom or Dad & son outings - 5 with each of us
  6. 10 Mom or Dad & middle daughter outings - 5 with each of us
  7. 10 Mom or Dad & youngest daughter outings - 5 with each of us
  8. Focused effort to teach life skills to son
  9. Focused effort to teach more life skills to middle daughter
  10. Focused effort to teach more life skills to youngest daughter
  11. Round up all sources of digital photos and put on one central drive - they currently live on Photopass CDs, thumb drives, old laptops etc
  12. Sort through and organize all digital photos once gathered
  13. Make photo books (nice, durable ones) for each year x24
  14. Make photo books for each vacation x24+

Health, Fitness & Self Care
  1. Complete a full C25K - I've started so many times and am determined to finish the darn thing this year!
  2. Complete 21 Day Fix (workouts only) - I spent money on this YEARS ago and it's still just sitting there
  3. Complete Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (workouts only) - See comment above regarding 21DF
  4. Read 26 books
  5. Get to 135 pounds - this is for health reasons as well as vanity and hoping it will alleviate joint pain
  6. All 3 health annuals for all 3 kids
  7. Go to church 21 times
  8. Floss nightly x200 - I went 40 years without dental issues and now they are hitting one after another; hopeful making this a habit will reverse some of those issues!
  9. Find a solid face care routine
  10. Nightly face care x200 - I am so bad about this and it's showing with age!
  11. Nightly family walks x150 - this used to be a habit before Husband's brain tumor and we all miss it!
  12. Use up surplus of makeup - I am putting myself on a no buy in this category
  13. Use up surplus of wax melts / candles - Another no buy category

Food & Kitchen
  1. Try 42 new recipes from my overabundance of cookbooks
  2. 7 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  3. 14 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  4. 30 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  5. Start “Sunday dinner” tradition x35 - my Grandma ALWAYS did a huge family meal on Sundays complete with homemade dessert and the fine china - I want to start this with my family!
  6. Restart sourdough starter
  7. Learn new sourdough recipes from memory x7
  8. Invest in really good pots and pans - we have really cruddy non-stick ones that are both falling apart and worry me about what we are putting into our bodies. Any recommendations?

  1. Purge & organize garage
  2. Purge & organize 14 rooms
  3. Purge & organize 8 closets
  4. Vegetable garden
  5. Decorate entry
  6. Decorate kid’s rooms x3
  7. Flush water heater

Whew! It's a lot when I look at it all laid out. But baby steps...let's do this!
Wow - there is a lot there! I may steal a few for my own "things I should do" list - but flossing will never be on there. My dentist tried to get me to do so, I explained that it makes me really need to vomit. She set about trying to teach me, claiming I was clearly doing it wrong. Very quickly realised it was not going to work and encouraged me just to use a good mouthwash instead.

Mind you this is the same dentist that saw me break the arm of her chair (she asked me to raise my hand if I wanted her to stop at any point, I did - I just forgot to let go of the arm first) and propel some sort of implement down the hall (something accidentally touched my tongue just as someone opened the surgery door, I gagged and down the corridor it went).
Can I offer my tip for flossing? I used to think I had to do it at the time I brushed my teeth. Sometimes I'm so tired by then I just want to get to bed and I'd want to skip it. My dentist said do it when it's convenient so now I keep it on my desk and I floss once I know I'm not having anything else to eat for the evening. I do it while I read the Disboards or surf online and I've become soooo much better at getting it done. I rarely miss now.

I also rinse with this every night after I brush, right before going to bed. Prior to this, I used to have new cavities at almost every dental visit. I haven't had a new cavity since my kids were little, probably going on 20+ years now. I do occasionally need old fillings to be replaced but it nice to know it's not for new cavities. :thumbsup2
Thank you so much for the tips! I have added the mouthwash to my shopping list. I think I will get the bubblegum flavor for my kids too. Hopefully they can create the habit young!
Wow - there is a lot there! I may steal a few for my own "things I should do" list - but flossing will never be on there. My dentist tried to get me to do so, I explained that it makes me really need to vomit. She set about trying to teach me, claiming I was clearly doing it wrong. Very quickly realised it was not going to work and encouraged me just to use a good mouthwash instead.

Mind you this is the same dentist that saw me break the arm of her chair (she asked me to raise my hand if I wanted her to stop at any point, I did - I just forgot to let go of the arm first) and propel some sort of implement down the hall (something accidentally touched my tongue just as someone opened the surgery door, I gagged and down the corridor it went).
Oh no, I'm so sorry the dental is so rough for you ::hugs:: My husband is the same way. He can't even brush his back molars without gagging. Everyone says he's just doing it wrong, but no matter what he tries the gagging occurs.
Ok, jumping in with the plan of staying committed this time. I tried last year, but honestly we were still dealing with so much aftermath of my husband's brain tumor and living in "survival mode" that I just didn't have the mental capacity for it.

Here are our goals for this year and beyond - there is honestly no way we can do all this with what is left in 2025. But we want to dream big!

  1. Get true starting number for all debts
  2. Start debt snowball
  3. Max out Husband's 401K match
  4. Max out Roth IRA for Husband
  5. Max out Roth IRA for myself
  6. Earn $46,000 (I work part-time from home and this is a big stretch goal)
  7. Start some sort of 529 or HYSA for 3 kids
  8. Pay off at least $10,000 debt
  9. Replenish Emergency Funds x3 (home deductible, vehicle deductible and 90 days living expenses)
  10. Save up for son's first car ($10,000) - son will be contributing to this as well
  11. 7 day No Buy Challenge
  12. 14 day No Buy Challenge

  1. 42 intentional date nights (6 out of the house)
  2. 21 intentional family nights or family outings
  3. Bake/Cook 42 times with middle daughter
  4. Take family photos
  5. 10 Mom or Dad & son outings - 5 with each of us
  6. 10 Mom or Dad & middle daughter outings - 5 with each of us
  7. 10 Mom or Dad & youngest daughter outings - 5 with each of us
  8. Focused effort to teach life skills to son
  9. Focused effort to teach more life skills to middle daughter
  10. Focused effort to teach more life skills to youngest daughter
  11. Round up all sources of digital photos and put on one central drive - they currently live on Photopass CDs, thumb drives, old laptops etc
  12. Sort through and organize all digital photos once gathered
  13. Make photo books (nice, durable ones) for each year x24
  14. Make photo books for each vacation x24+

Health, Fitness & Self Care
  1. Complete a full C25K - I've started so many times and am determined to finish the darn thing this year!
  2. Complete 21 Day Fix (workouts only) - I spent money on this YEARS ago and it's still just sitting there
  3. Complete Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (workouts only) - See comment above regarding 21DF
  4. Read 26 books
  5. Get to 135 pounds - this is for health reasons as well as vanity and hoping it will alleviate joint pain
  6. All 3 health annuals for all 3 kids
  7. Go to church 21 times
  8. Floss nightly x200 - I went 40 years without dental issues and now they are hitting one after another; hopeful making this a habit will reverse some of those issues!
  9. Find a solid face care routine
  10. Nightly face care x200 - I am so bad about this and it's showing with age!
  11. Nightly family walks x150 - this used to be a habit before Husband's brain tumor and we all miss it!
  12. Use up surplus of makeup - I am putting myself on a no buy in this category
  13. Use up surplus of wax melts / candles - Another no buy category

Food & Kitchen
  1. Try 42 new recipes from my overabundance of cookbooks
  2. 7 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  3. 14 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  4. 30 day pantry/fridge/freezer challenge
  5. Start “Sunday dinner” tradition x35 - my Grandma ALWAYS did a huge family meal on Sundays complete with homemade dessert and the fine china - I want to start this with my family!
  6. Restart sourdough starter
  7. Learn new sourdough recipes from memory x7
  8. Invest in really good pots and pans - we have really cruddy non-stick ones that are both falling apart and worry me about what we are putting into our bodies. Any recommendations?

  1. Purge & organize garage
  2. Purge & organize 14 rooms
  3. Purge & organize 8 closets
  4. Vegetable garden
  5. Decorate entry
  6. Decorate kid’s rooms x3
  7. Flush water heater

Whew! It's a lot when I look at it all laid out. But baby steps...let's do this!

I have a lot of similar things on my list for the year.

I have sourdough starter on my counter as we speak that I'm trying to do things with. It's so intimidating and I don't know why.
As far as pans, hubby got me and Mainstays stainless steel sauce pot from walmart for Christmas and it's actually pretty decently made for the $9 it was. I wouldn't mind additional items from that line. I'm also in the process of switching to stainless or cast iron only and it's an expensive endeavor.

I don't know if it's something you're into, but garage sale season is coming soon and that's how I've been slowly furnishing our home. Between those and thrift shops I've managed to turn a it into a more cozy home. I allow myself $40 a paycheck to thrift with. Some weeks I spend it in one day, other weeks I have most of it left over. I love scrolling Pinterest and finding "inspired" pieces that look high end but only cost me $5.
Oh no, I'm so sorry the dental is so rough for you ::hugs:: My husband is the same way. He can't even brush his back molars without gagging. Everyone says he's just doing it wrong, but no matter what he tries the gagging occurs.
I found switching to a sonic toothbrush really helped - and if there is an option of a smaller head I always go for that.

I recently needed a lot of treatment for a broken tooth and at the end of it the dentist said she was really impressed I kept turning up each week for her to torture me! And you know it has been rough when the dentist says that. She is very kind and does her best but knows just how much I hate it after more than 25 years of treating me.

A toothpaste commercial is enough to make my stomach tighten.
Wow - there is a lot there! I may steal a few for my own "things I should do" list - but flossing will never be on there. My dentist tried to get me to do so, I explained that it makes me really need to vomit. She set about trying to teach me, claiming I was clearly doing it wrong. Very quickly realised it was not going to work and encouraged me just to use a good mouthwash instead.

Mind you this is the same dentist that saw me break the arm of her chair (she asked me to raise my hand if I wanted her to stop at any point, I did - I just forgot to let go of the arm first) and propel some sort of implement down the hall (something accidentally touched my tongue just as someone opened the surgery door, I gagged and down the corridor it went).
Maybe you could try a water flosser?
I found switching to a sonic toothbrush really helped - and if there is an option of a smaller head I always go for that

I use an oral b with the little round head. It works well to get the back teeth. Flossing, if you can do it, makes the twice a year cleanings easier as there's less stuff for them to scrap off however they do it, water thing or metal thing. Once a hygienist explained that to me almost 20 years ago I rarely miss a night. Doesn't matter how tired, I floss, brush and wash my face or I can't go to bed.

I feel like if they'd explain better the reason why more people might do it. They suggest a water flossed but I hate the water thing they use and I just know it would leave me with a wet shirt and face.
I use an oral b with the little round head. It works well to get the back teeth. Flossing, if you can do it, makes the twice a year cleanings easier as there's less stuff for them to scrap off however they do it, water thing or metal thing. Once a hygienist explained that to me almost 20 years ago I rarely miss a night. Doesn't matter how tired, I floss, brush and wash my face or I can't go to bed.

I feel like if they'd explain better the reason why more people might do it. They suggest a water flossed but I hate the water thing they use and I just know it would leave me with a wet shirt and face.
That would assume I go for cleanings, I am afraid I don't.
I have a lot of similar things on my list for the year.

I have sourdough starter on my counter as we speak that I'm trying to do things with. It's so intimidating and I don't know why.
As far as pans, hubby got me and Mainstays stainless steel sauce pot from walmart for Christmas and it's actually pretty decently made for the $9 it was. I wouldn't mind additional items from that line. I'm also in the process of switching to stainless or cast iron only and it's an expensive endeavor.

I don't know if it's something you're into, but garage sale season is coming soon and that's how I've been slowly furnishing our home. Between those and thrift shops I've managed to turn a it into a more cozy home. I allow myself $40 a paycheck to thrift with. Some weeks I spend it in one day, other weeks I have most of it left over. I love scrolling Pinterest and finding "inspired" pieces that look high end but only cost me $5.

garage sales and thrift stores are great and cheap resources for cast iron. you may find some rust but that's easily addressed with some steel wool and naval jelly. I often see them on the lowest shelves at thrift stores, covered in dust b/c people think they are so difficult to use (NOT) or in boxes practically being given away at garage sales when an older relative's home is being cleared out. same thing with canning supplies-i bought an amazing stove top pressure cooker for a crazy low price and I continue to see people almost giving them away. people clean out family member's homes and themselves are afraid to use them (I get it, it's a bit unnerving the first time or two) but they can be used for regular canning as well as pressured (and the mason jars end up in boxes for a handful of dollars). thrifting is an awesome way to aquire kitchenware that will last you forever.
garage sales and thrift stores are great and cheap resources for cast iron. you may find some rust but that's easily addressed with some steel wool and naval jelly. I often see them on the lowest shelves at thrift stores, covered in dust b/c people think they are so difficult to use (NOT) or in boxes practically being given away at garage sales when an older relative's home is being cleared out. same thing with canning supplies-i bought an amazing stove top pressure cooker for a crazy low price and I continue to see people almost giving them away. people clean out family member's homes and themselves are afraid to use them (I get it, it's a bit unnerving the first time or two) but they can be used for regular canning as well as pressured (and the mason jars end up in boxes for a handful of dollars). thrifting is an awesome way to aquire kitchenware that will last you forever.

I'm always on the hunt for canning and cast iron at thrift and yard sales. I've never found any though. Maybe this year will be my year!
I’m married to a dentist his best tips for flossing is to get a bag of the plackers (the floss picks) and keep them in your car and floss once a day while you are sitting at a red light. Plus they come in handy if you eat out and have something stuck in your teeth. Ideally everyone should have their teeth cleaned by the hygienist every three months as that’s the time it takes for tartar to harden into cement like plaque. Unfortunately most insurances only cover two cleanings so people think that’s how often they should have it done. Water piks are good but they need to be maintained because the lines can become full of mold and bacteria if they are not flushed and cleaned regularly.
I’m married to a dentist his best tips for flossing is to get a bag of the plackers (the floss picks) and keep them in your car and floss once a day while you are sitting at a red light. Plus they come in handy if you eat out and have something stuck in your teeth. Ideally everyone should have their teeth cleaned by the hygienist every three months as that’s the time it takes for tartar to harden into cement like plaque. Unfortunately most insurances only cover two cleanings so people think that’s how often they should have it done. Water piks are good but they need to be maintained because the lines can become full of mold and bacteria if they are not flushed and cleaned regularly.
I started going for cleanings every 4 months when our kids were in braces and not able to clean as well as they normally would have. Our dentist recommended they get professional cleanings more often. That's when I realized it's really not that much extra oop each year and I can use our FSA funds to get reimbursed.
I can't use the plackers because I have a ridge of bone, along my lower inner gums (your hubby would know the proper name for this condition. Torus, I think.) The ends of the plastic that hold the floss dig into my gums and it's very painful.

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