2025 Goals (subject to change):
End of February update.
Financial -
[ ] Get home equity loan down to $20k - Currently sitting at ~$23,800.
[ ] Pay off new ipad purchase ($860) - Currently sitting at $600.
[ ] Add $4k to emergency savings to get us to our 6 months saving goal - Only auto contributions have contributed to this so far. $750/$4000.
Personal -
[ ] Exercise - get my body moving. Stay focused on eating healthier. Stay focused on getting more protein in my day. - I've been doing really well with focusing on walking or using my exercise bike M-F. On the 3 days i'm in office i'll go for walk at work and i'll come home and still use the exercise bike, on the 2 days i'm home i'll just use the exercise bike. I've not weighed myself and I don't plan too, but I do feel maybe a smidgen slimmer overall in my clothes. I've also been trying to be mindful of what i'm eating and how much i'm eating.
[ ] Replace our patio cover - No progress
[ ] Build new fence in our side yard, level out the dirt, get a storage shed. (May or may not utilize 0% balance transfers depending on costs). - Small progress, on the days that it's been nice out i've been out there throwing dirt into our green waste bin for pick up, but I can only do so much before I need to stop and the bin gets picked up. Luckily our green waste bin is picked up weekly. We also already had one bulk pick up of some of the tree limbs/branches that we need to clear out before we can build the fence. I had hopes of trying to get out there this weekend to do more, but we'll see if it happens since it's supposed to rain again after a week of very pleasant weather. We've also looked at some storage shed options.
We don't have any big plans coming up until May when we're going on a 3-day cruise for a friend's 50th birthday. I'd love to start getting our backyard cleaned up and put back into "summer mode," but with the weather turning crappy again I'm pretty sure i'm going to have to put that off for a little while yet. Received my Costco rebate checks (executive member and credit card holder) and I plan on using them to stock up our freezer with meats and to grab some other things we routinely use. I'm also heading to SoCal next week for a work conference. I'm really hoping I can stay on my exercise/eating relatively healthy while i'm there. I know i'm going to be tired and i'll more than likely end up talking myself out of the gym, but maybe if I write it down here i'll have some accountability for myself lol.
It's been pretty quiet around here recently it feels like. I hope everyone is doing well. I saw something this morning that said something along the lines of "i've spent so much time surviving that I can't wait to start living" and I felt that. Let this be a reminder to not just survive, but also to live!