Debt Dumpers 2024

That is another thing that needs to be taken into account. If it is not a huge difference in payoff time, you need to do things while you can. DH and I have cut back considerably over the past couple of years spending wise. We have not cut vacations entirely because of our age. My mother died at the age I am with plans of traveling when my father retired.
Yes, tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

I've also volunteered for the holiday team at work.
Starting in 2020, the company would shut down for the week between Christmas and New Year's. Anyone who volunteered was given those 4 days as additional floating PTO to use before the holidays. I've done it twice and wasn't planning to again. Well, they decided to put $$ to incentive it this year so they wouldn't struggle finding volunteers. If we work the holiday week, we will be paid for the time we've worked as well as the 4 days everyone else is getting as 'other with pay' on the same paycheck. So basically getting paid twice (all normal time, no OT).
This paired with our annual bonuses (those usually get paid out on our 12/15 paydays), I'm looking to make a chunk of extra money at the end of year. So I'll be starting 2025 flush!

I should have this CC paid off by Oct if not earlier.
End of June update:

2024 Financial Goals:
  • Add at least $2000 to my main emergency savings on top of my auto contributions - Nothing additional added $200/$2000
  • Increase my contributions to my other savings goals by at least $25/each pay period - This has now been completed.
  • Look into a living will/trust (We have friends that keep telling us to do this and with everything going on in my life at the moment, I feel like I should actually look into this more.) - I can finally cross this off my list! At least until my DH and I decide to do one for ourselves.
  • **New goal** Get our home equity loan down to $20k (currently at ~$26.5k) - I threw an extra $175 at this at the end of June, but I can't update where I'm currently at because the website is down.
2024 Personal Goals:
  • Exercise at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes - REALLY need to get back into this....
  • Travel as much as possible - No travel planned until a camping trip next month, but my best friend comes in this week.
  • Replace the patio cover in our backyard - No progress.
  • Finally do something with our side yard - not sure exactly what at the moment - No progress.
Not to much of an update from me. We're bracing for a heck of a heat wave this week (hottest temps of the summer so far for us). I foresee a lot of evening swimming in my future for the week.
Yes, tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

I've also volunteered for the holiday team at work.
Starting in 2020, the company would shut down for the week between Christmas and New Year's. Anyone who volunteered was given those 4 days as additional floating PTO to use before the holidays. I've done it twice and wasn't planning to again. Well, they decided to put $$ to incentive it this year so they wouldn't struggle finding volunteers. If we work the holiday week, we will be paid for the time we've worked as well as the 4 days everyone else is getting as 'other with pay' on the same paycheck. So basically getting paid twice (all normal time, no OT).
This paired with our annual bonuses (those usually get paid out on our 12/15 paydays), I'm looking to make a chunk of extra money at the end of year. So I'll be starting 2025 flush!

I should have this CC paid off by Oct if not earlier.

I'd 100% take that offer too! That's a nice chunk of extra cash.
We finally, FINALLY got my dad's jeep down to the dealer and sold it. Granted we got it there and realized the seats weren't folded down in back, they were not in the jeep at all. I spent 15 mins searching the house and everywhere else and couldn't find them. They took 2k off the offer, but I'm happy with what we got. Basically made back what we used to pay it off, so I'm happy with that and now we can drop it from the insurance and bring that down some.

Now I can focus on finding a new place for my mom to live so we can downsize the house and the expenses that come from a 4 bedroom vs a 2 bedroom or, if she finally sees my side of things, a cute little retirement community condo.
We finally, FINALLY got my dad's jeep down to the dealer and sold it. Granted we got it there and realized the seats weren't folded down in back, they were not in the jeep at all. I spent 15 mins searching the house and everywhere else and couldn't find them. They took 2k off the offer, but I'm happy with what we got. Basically made back what we used to pay it off, so I'm happy with that and now we can drop it from the insurance and bring that down some.

Now I can focus on finding a new place for my mom to live so we can downsize the house and the expenses that come from a 4 bedroom vs a 2 bedroom or, if she finally sees my side of things, a cute little retirement community condo.
Good luck with getting her to move!

When my dad died a few years ago he had an almost brand new car - he bought it a few months before he fell ill and never really drove it at all. We made arrangements to sell it and the day before a cabinet in his garage fell off the wall, after being their quite happily for about 20 years, and damaged the hood. Fortunately the dealer we were selling it too was not too bothered and only took off a notional amount for the dent but it was annoying.


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