Debt Dumpers 2024

Final night of softball. My kiddo hit her very first home run. Her team came in 3rd in the league. I'm so proud of her. We took all the girls to get ice cream after and let them celebrate one last time. Half of the team (including DD) is moving up to 10u in the fall and I'm really hoping they all stick on the same team.

Now that the late nights and crazy unpredictable schedules are over, I'm buckling back down for July. We have a week trip loosely planned for DS 3rd birthday. We're thinking Omaha and Kansas City and doing both zoos and children's museums. We get half price admission to each zoo since we have a membership at our local one. We get half price admission to the Omaha children's museum and free admission into Science City at Union Station in KC. Our biggest expense will be hotels and food.

Hubby's dad's house is finally about to be listed, so just waiting for that to clear and then we can assess any future plans.
I want to go back to the Omaha zoo sok badly, I haven't been since 2015. They've done so much since then. I'd actually planned a trip in May 2020 for DH and I to have 2 days at the zoo pre kids 😂

I really have no excuse being from Nebraska 😁 I should just ask some friends if they'd want to go next time and we could do a visit with kids.
I want to go back to the Omaha zoo sok badly, I haven't been since 2015. They've done so much since then. I'd actually planned a trip in May 2020 for DH and I to have 2 days at the zoo pre kids 😂

I really have no excuse being from Nebraska 😁 I should just ask some friends if they'd want to go next time and we could do a visit with kids.

It's been on our list to go to for years. For some reason I thought it was on the west side of the state and it was 8ish hours away. Obviously I suck at geography, because it's not and it's only about 5.5 hours from us, which makes it a lot easier for us to do a weekend trip up there.

Do you think we would need two days or would one be enough?
It's been on our list to go to for years. For some reason I thought it was on the west side of the state and it was 8ish hours away. Obviously I suck at geography, because it's not and it's only about 5.5 hours from us, which makes it a lot easier for us to do a weekend trip up there.

Do you think we would need two days or would one be enough?
When we went in 2015 they had just opened their Savannah area and had a lot more planned to come online over the next several years. At that point I want to say they hadn't torn out the baseball stadium next door that they had gotten the land for expansion. My friend and I, having been many times over the years with growing up in Lincoln, were pretty much there open to close and saw everything but the aviary by choice. It's a big zoo 😂 I'd base it off 1. You know best if you're the type that HAS to see everything (I'm like that for sure) and 2. Take a look at what they have and maybe make a priority list. Not sure how your plans are set but maybe you could play it by ear for the second day if you need more time. I know they sell 2 day tickets- for DH and I, I was planning on those thinking we'd fly to Omaha, have a full zoo day and then partial second before heading to Lincoln to visit. But we are definitely see all the things people.

DH came by as I was typing and advises you to avoid the bats 😂 they're his least favorite part and he's only been once 😂

I wish Denver zoo participated in reciprocal programs.
DH came by as I was typing and advises you to avoid the bats 😂 they're his least favorite part and he's only been once 😂

This is hilarious because I got a text last night from hubby at 2am when he got home (I was in bed upstairs) that there was a bat flying around our living room. 🤣🤣 so I had to go down and help him get it outside.

I think we're going to do the 2 day tickets. With 3 youngish kids and it being July I'm sure we're going to need lots of breaks and to take it very leisurely around, I know we will miss a lot. This way we can go back the second day and hit what we miss and revisit the things we really liked.
Hola! I'm still here debt dumping but my progress has slowed. It's my choice though to pay for our cruise next year, rather than dedicate all of my extra funds to debt. At least I'm not in the dark as to where my money is going anymore. I'm keeping close track and following my plans. I'm not just bleeding cash like I used to. Got it down to maybe a seep instead of a gush ;)

Week 24

2024 Financial Goals

1. Pay off my credit cards and car loan in 2 years by using the debt avalanche. Still working on paying down the Q Card. This month I'm only dedicating an extra $200 above the minimum. Our next 3 check month is August, so my goal is to completely pay it off that month.

2. Increase my monthly payments to my husband for household expenses by $800 a month beginning in May and open a joint checking account where we will each contribute monthly. We figured giving me until May to sock some extra cash into my checking would be a good idea since my personal loan is now paid off and that was sucking $1000 off the top of my paycheck once a month. We went and opened our joint checking and saving account yesterday. Instead of Zelle-ing my husband cash directly once a month, I'm going to transfer the money into the new account. The new monthly amount ended up only increasing by $300 instead of $800. So, COMPLETED.

3. Set aside $285 per month from January-June to cover the cost of our hotel for our anniversary trip in July to Monterey. COMPLETED

4. Begin paying for our 2025 spring break cruise to Mexico in March. Payments will be $450 a month from March-December. Paid up for June. (2/8)

5. Continue using the YNAB app and website to track my money daily. I'm still tracking my money the old fashioned way with a register but I really like the budgeting aspect of YNAB and am getting more and more used to it. Movin and groovin.

2024 Personal Goals

1. Finish deep cleaning and organizing my kitchen. My husband is basically the Swedish Chef so he makes quite a mess when he cooks. I appreciate the fact that he does all of the cooking but it's a lot to keep on top of TBH. I need to do a better job and put in more effort. I will track this weekly. Starting again tonight after work. I've got company coming Sunday. *sigh* (6/52)

2. Once I feel like my kitchen is back under control I'll transition to organizing my clothes that are in boxes in our bedroom. I will tackle this at least one of the days of my weekend. Still waiting to start this.

3. Reorganize and deep clean my bathroom. I have too much on the countertop and need to make use of the cabinets in a more organized manner. Snoozed.

4. By July I'd like to be at the point I can begin to tackle my boxes that are still unpacked in the garage. I had a storage unit for years and now they're just sitting untouched since we moved into the house 3 years ago. Snoozed.

5. In August I'd like to make my stepson's room into a workout room. He's a senior in high school this year and he'll be starting college next fall. He's only staying over 1 or 2 nights a week at most at this point since he lives with his mom so I don't feel I'll be booting him out or anything. I am at my highest weight ever and I honestly don't even know what that is since I'm scared to get on the scale. I can have all of the DVDs and online workouts in the world but they do no good if you don't use them. I think having a space set aside will really help me out. My stepson is headed to a university about half an hour away from home, so he'll be close enough in case of emergency but far enough away to have his own experiences. My husband wants to put together the workout room ASAP. My in-laws are returning to visit in about a week so I'm guessing we'll work on it after their visit.

6. Get my passport at some point this year to be ready for the cruise in 2025. Aiming for September for this goal.

7. I came up with a new goal. Get back to baking on a weekly basis. This will begin when my kitchen is 'done'. JK, I know a kitchen is never truly caught up on. Snoozed until I cross #1 off of my list.

Tomorrow I'm off for the holiday and my hubby will be home since he's finished teaching for the school year. We're going to call and get me added to his car insurance. Hopefully the cost will be less than the $470 that Liberty Mutual wants from me every month. He's also going to apply for the Chase Sapphire Preferred card so we can start accruing some travel points.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend! 😍
Here we go again! This is all since the last time I posted., and the totals are with my updates included.

1. Put an extra $2000 on my mortgage. DONE
I'd messed up my math somewhere along the way, and this was actually done.
Nothing added though.. Had some expenses come up, and I can't afford to pay much of anything.

2. Put $2000 in savings to help pay for yearly bills (comes out in November). DONE
Another "no". I've managed to keep from pulling out of this stash so far, but I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out. I'd had to put a LOT on my credit card (a lot for me, maybe not to someone else) and I'm just barely keeping up with the payments before the interest kicks in.

I earned $5 in gift cards since the last update

1. Clean out 500 items of junk. 370/500
A little progress. Thankfully this one doesn't cost me anything
2. Make an "in case of death" folder (containing will, important info). 1/1 DONE
3. Get 60 minutes of exercise per week. 25/52
+3. I feel like I might have miscounted my weeks in my total, but so far I haven't missed a week.
4. Read at least 1 non fiction book related to professional development. DONE
5. Do 12 hours of skills development (example, take a course). 34.5/12 DONE
-Working on an online course. No time on that in the last few weeks. Technically done the goal, but not done the course
-Spend 14 hours learning and testing a new software. It should help with my resume (I hope)
6. Find a new job! (carryover from previous year). 0/1
Lots of work on this one!
-Checked job sites, but didn't have any luck. There hasn't really been anything posted recently
-Finished up improving my resume and getting it reviewed by the professional. It doesn't seem to be helping too much, but I'm hoping. I also revamped my LinkedIn.
7. Finish some of the partially done craft projects I have (carryover from previous year). 1/2
-Nothing recently. Seems like there's always something else that needs to be done.
8. Organize my "stuff". 10/10 - DONE
-Went through some drawers and some paperwork. There's still lots to do, but I made some progress.
9. Do at least 1 home improvement project. 1/1 DONE
Checking in for the first time since February. Yikes!

  • Mortgage Extra Payments. Goal - $12,000 over the year. $1470/$12,000. Putting this one on hold. We dipped into our emergency funds so I am getting those back to where they belong. We've also decided we will probably be ready to move in the next 1-2 years, so trying to decide if I should continue making extra payments or have the cash in hand for moving expenses/down payment.
  • Cash flow vacations..
    • RV trip to Arizona Goal - Done
    • Hawaii. Done. We just got back and it was amazing!!!
    • Alaskan cruise in September? We decided not to do this as my husband is low on PTO time and Japan is going to be waaaaay more expensive than I realized.
    • Girl's Trip to WDW Feb 2025 - $1150/?
    • Japan in 2025? 3485/20,000 I doubled how much I am saving for this trip. I knew plane tickets were expensive since we are planning on spurlging a bit for some more leg room... but dang! :scared: It'll be fine and I won't pay for it on credit so I need to be more aggresive on saving for this.
  • Max out 401K/403B/IRAs for my husband and myself. Continue additional contributions we are making to our non retirement investment account. On track.
  • Complete - word of the year
    • February projects: Taxes, son's closet & nerf wall, cleaning up 2nd floor so it's usable for something other than storage, entertainment center transfer Finished taxes and submitted them over the weekend! Entertainent center is partially transferred - we got the tv hung on the wall and components moved but neither my husband havewanted to tackle the wires yet. Haven't made it any further on the nerf wall or transfering stuff to the entertainment center. :rolleyes: I had forgotten I had written these down as goals for February but seeing it now has shamed me into working on it right after I do this update.
  • Mental health. The last few months were nuts between illnesses and travel. Then I ended up subbing more in April than the other months from this semester combined. It took a toll on me mentally but things got much better in Hawaii and now that summer has started our daily lives are significantly less hectic.
  • Continue working towards getting healthier I hadn't been to WW since February with everything going on, but started back a week and a half ago and feel more in control of my eating.
  • Moving Preperation. This is a new goal but we have decided to make a pretty drastic move in the next year or two. I know we will be going to a much higher cost of living area as well as significantly downsizing our living space. We will probably go back to something that's a quarter of size of our current house. So I'm starting to work on going through things. We have so.much.stuff. Both my husband and I hold onto things "just in case" but we also ended up taking a lot more from his parents house than we intended because it was take it or lose it and we panicked. Add that to all the stuff my dad gave us of my mom's stuff over the years (he would bring me a box of stuff everytime I saw him for about 15 years.) I usually just took it to deal with later. Well... later has come.
Hope everyone is having a great week!
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Hey all, I did manage to change my auto insurance and to bundle it with my husband's auto and home insurance at USAA. My premium didn't just go down, it practically flatlined. Liberty Mutual wanted $470 a month from me and I'm going to end up paying about $145 to USAA. My good driver (!) discount actually brought down my husband's rate as well. Crazy.

Week 25

2024 Financial Goals

1. Pay off my credit cards and car loan in 2 years by using the debt avalanche. Still working on paying down the Q Card. I paid $120 over the minimum this month ($200 total) and the balance is finally under 2K. July is when we get our COLA, so between that and 3 check August, this debt will be gone soon. Then on to the next one which has a much smaller balance, thankfully.

2. Increase my monthly payments to my husband for household expenses by $800 a month beginning in May and open a joint checking account where we will each contribute monthly. We figured giving me until May to sock some extra cash into my checking would be a good idea since my personal loan is now paid off and that was sucking $1000 off the top of my paycheck once a month. We got our new debit cards in the mail from US Bank and everything is set up. My husband also received his new credit card (CSP) and added me on as an authorized user. Just waiting for my card to come in the mail and then I'll transfer some of my monthly expenses to be charged to that card instead of my personal checking account so we can earn some points. Then we'll pay the CSP card off every month. So excited! This has been a goal of mine for a long time, so, COMPLETED.

3. Set aside $285 per month from January-June to cover the cost of our hotel for our anniversary trip in July to Monterey. COMPLETED - Going to put the hotel on the CSP and transfer the money I saved from the HYSA to the US Bank account to pay off the CSP. Points, points. points.

4. Begin paying for our 2025 spring break cruise to Mexico in March. Payments will be $450 a month from March-December. Paid up for June. (2/8) - I think I'll start putting this on the card too :)

5. Continue using the YNAB app and website to track my money daily. I'm still tracking my money the old fashioned way with a register but I really like the budgeting aspect of YNAB and am getting more and more used to it. Movin and groovin.

2024 Personal Goals

1. Finish deep cleaning and organizing my kitchen. My husband is basically the Swedish Chef so he makes quite a mess when he cooks. I appreciate the fact that he does all of the cooking but it's a lot to keep on top of TBH. I need to do a better job and put in more effort. I will track this weekly. Hey, I actually did organize my baking cabinet. (7/52)

2. Once I feel like my kitchen is back under control I'll transition to organizing my clothes that are in boxes in our bedroom. I will tackle this at least one of the days of my weekend. Still waiting to start this.

3. Reorganize and deep clean my bathroom. I have too much on the countertop and need to make use of the cabinets in a more organized manner. Snoozed.

4. By July I'd like to be at the point I can begin to tackle my boxes that are still unpacked in the garage. I had a storage unit for years and now they're just sitting untouched since we moved into the house 3 years ago. Snoozed.

5. In August I'd like to make my stepson's room into a workout room. He's a senior in high school this year and he'll be starting college next fall. He's only staying over 1 or 2 nights a week at most at this point since he lives with his mom so I don't feel I'll be booting him out or anything. I am at my highest weight ever and I honestly don't even know what that is since I'm scared to get on the scale. I can have all of the DVDs and online workouts in the world but they do no good if you don't use them. I think having a space set aside will really help me out. Going to talk to my husband to firm up a start date for transitioning this room over to a workout room.

6. Get my passport at some point this year to be ready for the cruise in 2025. Aiming for September for this goal.

7. I came up with a new goal. Get back to baking on a weekly basis. This will begin when my kitchen is 'done'. JK, I know a kitchen is never truly caught up on. Snoozed until I cross #1 off of my list.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous week! 😍
Getting rid of debt is no joke—it's like shedding a heavy backpack after a long hike! Personally, I've found that tackling it head-on, even if it's bit by bit, can really lighten the load and give you more freedom in the long run. It's all about those small victories adding up over time, right?
Yes! I started out with over 60K in debt four years ago. Almost my whole backlog is now paid off. It's amazing not to have creditors calling and threatening you night and day. 2+ years left until I'm personally debt free, including my car. I never thought I'd get here.
Getting rid of debt is no joke—it's like shedding a heavy backpack after a long hike!

i have heard folks say the same thing regarding becoming debt free as they do when they retire-'i never realized the stress i was experiencing and it's impact on me until i was rid of it'.

Hey all, I did manage to change my auto insurance and to bundle it with my husband's auto and home insurance at USAA. My premium didn't just go down, it practically flatlined. Liberty Mutual wanted $470 a month from me and I'm going to end up paying about $145 to USAA. My good driver (!) discount actually brought down my husband's rate as well. Crazy.

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 my dh's insurance rates also went down when we married due to my being 7 years older with a longer 'good driver' history. you might want to inquire and see how much they will further discount it if you can pay it every 6 months vs. monthly. we get a nice discount on ours plus they don't charge the monthly 'service fee'. we were able to start doing it by setting whatever we could aside for several months until we had the 6 month premium in hand, called the insurance company and they set it all up. now we prorate the 6 month payment into monthly payments that we auto transfer into a savings account to pull from when the premium comes due.
:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 my dh's insurance rates also went down when we married due to my being 7 years older with a longer 'good driver' history. you might want to inquire and see how much they will further discount it if you can pay it every 6 months vs. monthly. we get a nice discount on ours plus they don't charge the monthly 'service fee'. we were able to start doing it by setting whatever we could aside for several months until we had the 6 month premium in hand, called the insurance company and they set it all up. now we prorate the 6 month payment into monthly payments that we auto transfer into a savings account to pull from when the premium comes due.
That's a very smart thing to do. I did ask my husband if we'd get a discount for paying the 6 month premium in a lump sum but he said no. Not sure that's entirely accurate, but I didn't feel like digging into it at that moment.
That's a very smart thing to do. I did ask my husband if we'd get a discount for paying the 6 month premium in a lump sum but he said no. Not sure that's entirely accurate, but I didn't feel like digging into it at that moment.
Not all give a discount for paying 6 months or a year at once. I have State Farm and they don't discount.
Hey all, I did manage to change my auto insurance and to bundle it with my husband's auto and home insurance at USAA. My premium didn't just go down, it practically flatlined. Liberty Mutual wanted $470 a month from me and I'm going to end up paying about $145 to USAA. My good driver (!) discount actually brought down my husband's rate as well. Crazy.
That's huge!! Nice work
That's a very smart thing to do. I did ask my husband if we'd get a discount for paying the 6 month premium in a lump sum but he said no. Not sure that's entirely accurate, but I didn't feel like digging into it at that moment.
I have usaa and no discount for 6 month payment unfortunately. At least last time I checked, though they do give it as an option
End of June update!

1. Pay off card #1 (starting balance $11,600) Current balance: $2,383 - this card will be paid off with our first paycheck in August!
2. Pay off card #2 (starting balance $6,500) Current balance: $4,665
3. Grow emergency fund to $15,000 (currently at $7,480) Paused, debt is taking priority right now.

1. 30 minute workout at least 5 days/week
On track! This past week I have accidentally fallen into a pattern of working out twice a day. It won't last in the long run (I just happened to have some extra time and chose to spend it walking rather than watching tv) and wasn't the plan but it is working for the moment. With everything on this fitness/lifestyle change I have been on I am going with the flow. What works now may not work next week or in a month but I am just going with it. I am officially down over 20lbs since early January and I feel so good. I have a long way to go, and it is slow going because I am not focusing so much on my eating (I am naturally eating less but not being militant about it due to my history with an ED) but it is working and there is progress! My plan for July is to start incorporating strength training more frequently.

2. Read 100 books
246 books read so far this year :)
Full transparency - I've accrued some debt while I'm trying to pay off my credit. Fully my fault but planned a last minute trip to WDW.
I know it's not an excuse but I had DVC points and AP expiring on 8/11 so I decided to go for it. :clown: Going for 4 nights/5 days and only putting my plane ticket on my CC. I'll be saving up cash for the food portion.

Also I got in the queue for Oogie Boogie bash tickets for me, my younger sister and my sister's family. I was able to score our preferred date of Halloween! But my BIL already gave me the cash to pay off their portion and I'll be paying off mine next pay period before the cycle ends.

Honestly folks, on one hand I'm all 'Yeah, let's get debt free' and the other hand I'm 'I'm here for a good time, not a long time'. So, yeah, that's my issue.:rolleyes:
Full transparency - I've accrued some debt while I'm trying to pay off my credit. Fully my fault but planned a last minute trip to WDW.
I know it's not an excuse but I had DVC points and AP expiring on 8/11 so I decided to go for it. :clown: Going for 4 nights/5 days and only putting my plane ticket on my CC. I'll be saving up cash for the food portion.

Also I got in the queue for Oogie Boogie bash tickets for me, my younger sister and my sister's family. I was able to score our preferred date of Halloween! But my BIL already gave me the cash to pay off their portion and I'll be paying off mine next pay period before the cycle ends.

Honestly folks, on one hand I'm all 'Yeah, let's get debt free' and the other hand I'm 'I'm here for a good time, not a long time'. So, yeah, that's my issue.:rolleyes:
That is another thing that needs to be taken into account. If it is not a huge difference in payoff time, you need to do things while you can. DH and I have cut back considerably over the past couple of years spending wise. We have not cut vacations entirely because of our age. My mother died at the age I am with plans of traveling when my father retired.
That is another thing that needs to be taken into account. If it is not a huge difference in payoff time, you need to do things while you can. DH and I have cut back considerably over the past couple of years spending wise. We have not cut vacations entirely because of our age. My mother died at the age I am with plans of traveling when my father retired.
I’m with you on this! This is why I don’t feel guilty in the slightest for spending $450 a month on next year’s cruise. I actually suggested after our honeymoon a year ago that we take 2 years off from vacations, but I’m so happy now that my husband vetoed that idea. After just turning 50…yeah, it’s time to start embracing life whenever possible.
I’m with you on this! This is why I don’t feel guilty in the slightest for spending $450 a month on next year’s cruise. I actually suggested after our honeymoon a year ago that we take 2 years off from vacations, but I’m so happy now that my husband vetoed that idea. After just turning 50…yeah, it’s time to start embracing life whenever possible.
I have definitely decided that travel needs to be prioritised! I am fortunate to be debt free, but the lack of travel options during Covid times followed by 18 months of breast cancer treatment has definitely created some pent up wanderlust! I have another 6 to 8 weeks of treatment to go but the plans are starting to come together. Just got to work out what order to do things in!

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