DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

taking all of this with a grain of salt as I see something noteworthy across other threads, but this just populated:

"From an attraction CM, where there is an LL option the “return to line” process will use the LL line to the merge point. Parties either meet there or are held at that point.

The really important thing is to remember to tell the CM at the entrance when you leave the line."
I understand - my post was in response to that they are going off of the need not the diagnosis.

Agree. A child ABA therapist said this to me once and it has stuck with me since: "If you know one person with autism, you know one person with autism." In other words, the "autism" diagnosis doesn't explain too much (if anything) about a specific individual or their needs.
Personally I don’t understand why everyone keeps going back to providing proof of disability (doctor’s note, etc.) to curb the abuse and to get DAS. For example, one gets a note that says “So and so is diagnosed with xyz and requires accommodations while visiting a Disney park.” What accommodations? Disney CMs still need to determine what accommodations will work the best for each individual. The return to queue IS an accommodation.

My DD has a non definitive diagnosis so I guess we are just used to explaining her needs and not her diagnosis (as there isn’t one).

We are also used to accommodating my DD’s needs as much as possible. My guess is Disney is now expecting people to do the same. I also think that Disney is still making accommodations, just not the ones people have been used to using. I always come back to DAS doesn’t accommodate everything, it is for ride queues only.
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The old process was obviously more lenient (hence the change) but it never worried me whether I was going to be approved or denied every time I went to renew.
New experiences can be anxiety producing, no doubt about that. I suspect you had some level of anxiety the first time or two that you registered under the old system, it just became familiar and you had experience so after time it wasn't anxiety producing. This will eventually become familiar.
"From an attraction CM, where there is an LL option the “return to line” process will use the LL line to the merge point. Parties either meet there or are held at that point.
I have not seen first-hand reports of anyone who has actually used the Queue Re-Entry. I've seen the above as speculation about how it may be handled.

The really important thing is to remember to tell the CM at the entrance when you leave the line."
Yes, this is going to be a key factor, regardless of how/which queue/where one re-enters and/or reunites with their party.
As to the 10 minute delay before getting another return time. Last trip we simply waited to look for a return time until we finished riding whatever ride we were on. I’m sure it had to be close to 10 minutes and probably much longer from tapping in until finishing the ride. Some of our lines were very long even with das. Maybe they will be shorter now. If you include preshows it definitely will be more than 10 minutes most likely. I personally can’t look for another ride when I am on one anyway.
My DD has a non definitive diagnosis so I guess we are just used to explaining her needs and not her diagnosis (as there isn’t one).

I resonate with this. It was years before we had a definitive diagnosis (that still, years later, may not be the whole picture). Another issue is that diagnoses in this field are SO subjective. Yes, there is the DSM-5, but have you read the relevant parts of it? The holes are wide enough to drive a truck through them. The reality is that every mental health professional has a different picture of what certain diagnoses "look like," and, combined with the subjective nature and high probability of comorbidities, you might get 10 different diagnoses from 10 different professionals.
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I have not seen first-hand reports of anyone who has actually used the Queue Re-Entry. I've seen the above as speculation about how it may be handled.

Yes, this is going to be a key factor, regardless of how/which queue/where one re-enters and/or reunites with their party.

Here is a post from someone on Reddit who says they used the queue re-entry for a toddler that had to go to the bathroom. It seems like this queue re-entry is not limited to someone with disabilities, but rather it can be used by anyone:

We just did this last week! I didn’t know it was an official thing, but basically my toddler had to pee in the middle of the frozen ride line. The rule is 50% of adults in the party have to stay in the line - so in our case, it was my husband in the line while I took our daughter. Getting out was easy, other line members actually opened the clips on the lines for us and we just walked across. No one wants a kid to pee in the line lol. Then you go to the cast member and you say where you were in the line when you left and they bring you through the lighting lane side until you walk through the other side. It logistically was very easy despite what I was expecting.
This cannot be emphasized enough, apparently. I think most people here seem to understand this, but so many people on the other board commenting about x disorder or diagnosis qualifying or not. Soandso got it for PTSD so that is still a qualifying disorder. Otherperson was denied for POTS so that is no longer a qualifying disorder. There is no such thing as a qualifying disorder/diagnosis. The qualifying factor is the need.
While people may underlyingly understand their diagnosis isn't what granted them DAS or what should grant them DAS or some other accommodation it is still at the heart of many people's discussion (meaning their own as well as those they know or that they read elsewhere), usually the leading part of the comment being posted "I have ....."

If people stuck to strictly what made their time in a queue difficult actual diagnosis wouldn't really be much chatter and would be more to generic usage of words vs specific diagnosis. I can 100% tell you I had no idea how many visitors just from this Board are going to Disney parks with specific diagnosis related to bathrooms until threads started discussing them in depth more when DLR started adjusting things what was it last year?? So I won't blame some other board or reddit or something else talking about whether X specific condition is unilaterally qualifying or not qualifying.
Here is a post from someone on Reddit who says they used the queue re-entry for a toddler that had to go to the bathroom. It seems like this queue re-entry is not limited to someone with disabilities, but rather it can be used by anyone:
That's correct. While our oldest has had DAS every trip including our upcoming trip later this month, we were waiting to meet Darth Vader and my youngest (no DAS) had to use the bathroom right before we were supposed to go in. We asked the CM and she had my wife and two older boys stand near her and then we got to go in once I returned with our youngest.
I was following this thread early on but it became too much to follow.

I am curious how things have been going for those applying for DAS. I created a thread (I don't think there is one yet) STRICTLY for seeing the outcomes of DAS conversations with MS.


It DOES NOT have to be detailed just the outcome. Share if you feel comfortable!

DAS Outcome
It seems like this queue re-entry is not limited to someone with disabilities, but rather it can be used by anyone:
I do believe the Queue Re-entry is something available to anyone who needs it. An accommodation does not need to be limited to those with a disability, and there has been no indication this is restricted. I guess at question might be if there is any difference in how the return could be handled for those who identify as having a disability need to leave the queue. Especially if leaving for an extended period of time.
We already purchase LL as a technique and use DAS. The issue with LL is they expire, if my mom needs time, DAS gives you the ability to wait until she is ready. Also if a LL is too long, we wait for it to be shorter to prevent an episode-DAS does not expire-so you have flexibility. Look bottom line is we adore Disney, but I’m not risking the health of my mother for a ride on Peter Pan.
I feel you so deeply on this. My dad has had DAS for years, but no longer qualifies under the new rules. We don't buy LL because his conditions are pretty unstable, and there's an excellent chance of it going to waste because he can't use it during the available window. He's gutted, especially since we're newly local again and he used to love just popping in for a few hours when he felt up to it. But he still has his accommodations at Universal, and we're super excited for Epic Universe to open. Dad says he'd rather have his memories of when WDW was great, than to go without needed accommodations and make new memories of being miserable. Can't fault him for that.
did not comment about leaving the queue "for a few hours." That is something about which we have not yet had direct reports, though it does seem as though Disney is pushing the Return to Queue option. Since that option has not been explained in detail it's hard to make a firm determination. I'm waiting on direct reports of how that works before jumping to conclusions.
It’s being reported on WDW Magic from attractions cast members that the default “return to queue” when you are travelling with others is that you can leave the queue if necessary, then return through the. Lightning lane and will be held at the merge until the rest of your party gets there.

Edit: I see this is old news, sorry, this thread is moving too fast.
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It’s being reported on WDW Magic from attractions cast members that the default “return to queue” when you are travelling with others is that you can leave the queue if necessary, then return through the. Lightning lane and will be held at the merge until the rest of your party gets there.
I don't know that I have a better solution, but those merge points could end up disasters. People hanging around clogging things up while waiting for their party, cajoling the CM to let them go because they "missed their party", or the waiting party trying to jump ahead a bit when they see their return to queue people near the merge.

Good luck to the CMs.
“I was approved, but just for myself. If I were to add someone they advised we would need to use the ride swap or line wait system. I advised them how in some instances that wouldn’t be an issue but it will not work all the time.”

Another interesting comment. This whole thing is baffling.
Sorry if this confuses things but thought it was important that people are aware.
“I was approved, but just for myself. If I were to add someone they advised we would need to use the ride swap or line wait system. I advised them how in some instances that wouldn’t be an issue but it will not work all the time.”

Another interesting comment. This whole thing is baffling.
Sorry if this confuses things but thought it was important that people are aware.
Was this your own experience? or are you reporting from another social media site?
That person also indicated they had autism and were still denied.
I direct a group that at two separate times had a member who had autism join. I also have a nephew on the spectrum. While there were challenges with each, none would have been unable to wait on line. My nephew does better with his phone to keep him busy waiting for anything. There is a wide variety of limitations with autism that it's impossible to put every affected individual into the same bucket. Some truly can't wait while others can with some reasonable planning. That's why DAS is needs based, not diagnosis
Was this your own experience? or are you reporting from another social media site?
Sorry, I put quotations and mentioned it was a comment but should have clarified. This was on the Facebook group.

It’s a very specific thing to mention, that’s why I thought it was important to put on here.
Agree. A child ABA therapist said this to me once and it has stuck with me since: "If you know one person with autism, you know one person with autism." In other words, the "autism" diagnosis doesn't explain too much (if anything) about a specific individual or their needs.
It's a spectrum disorder after all. Each person will have their own unique skills and challenges.


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