DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

For non-immunocompromised people, do products like Airborne or Emergen-C actually help as a preventative? With the changes in DAS resulting in more standby line time, what are some ways to help lessen the chances of getting sick? Beside the obvious - hand washing/sanitizer, masks, limited touching surfaces, etc. What are things that can be done or taken before going to the parks?
Strong, specific data is not available for most supplements and over the counter (OTC) products, because they don't have to be proven to be as effective as prescriptions do. But in general those kinds may very well help, and most likely won't hurt so they may be worth a try.

In general, immune boosters like Airborne and Emergen-C are a mix of Vitamin C and Zinc, sometimes with additional vitamins as well. Vitamin C and Zinc are thought to help boost your immune system as your body rapidly depletes them when fighting off an infection. So having extra of these vitamins in your body can help your immunes system start (and stay at) full strength when fighting off pathogens. source = https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16373990/

In general just making sure that your body has the vitamins and nutrients it needs to be at full strength is about the best you can do. That and hoping anyone who is actively sick is wearing a mask, but you can't control that. So taking a multivitamin every day and taking Vitamin C and Zinc either when sick or when traveling in crowded places would a general recommendation.

There are some other products as well. Zicam is another zinc based product that comes in lozenges and sometimes nasal sprays or swabs. It works differently than just taking the vitamins though. In this case zinc actually inhibits or makes it harder for viruses to replicate, or create more of themselves. The mouth and nose are the usual entry points for pathogens so that is why these are slow dissolving lozenges or nasal sprays. There was some thought that the nasal sprays could change your sense of smell though. This can either help prevent viral colds and the flu from taking hold, or sometime shorten the duration of the viral infection once an individual contracts the virus.

Similar to Zicam or other zinc based products, I have also occasionally seen silver based mouth rinses or nasal sprays. Silver is a natural antibiotic and can help kill bacteria, but we can't load ourselves up with it because it is expensive and can be toxic in high doses. Small pieces of silver and copper are sometimes used in water tanks and reservoirs to help prevent growth of unwanted bacteria for example.
Your other best bet is to keep your life "as normal" as possible when it comes to eating, exercising, sleeping, and stress. Your immune system likes consistency, so it will operate at its best with the fewest "shocks."

Keep a normal sleep schedule. Exercise consistently before Disney, so you're not walking 8-10 miles a day, having not walked more than to the mail box the prior month. Drink little to no alcohol. Eat at your normal times in your normal nutrient types and amounts. Stay hydrated. Don't let little things bug you and give yourself time to chill and enjoy.

As an immuno-compromised for the last 4 years, I've taken trips to Las Vegas, Universal Studios, Busch Gardens, large game conventions, and on some of the biggest cruise ships. By following the above (and adding on a daily elderberry/zinc supplement just during the trips), as well as following some of the other things I do b/c I am immunocompromised (I look and don't touch, I keep space, I wash hands, I avoid long lines/masses of people/parties/mass transit, I sit in the edge "jump seat" of any interior show/movie so I can bail before the masses leave and if anyone is sick around me, I book VIP for boarding/deboarding ships, I plan a lot of daytime outdoor fun, and I travel when I'm good and others don't want to be certain places, etc), I have not gotten sick from a single trip.

You don't have to get sick at a theme park - not if you don't push your body more than it's normally pushed.
Vitamin D is the other piece of the immune support triad (along with Vit C & zinc). Have you doctor/NP test your Vit D levels. You want a level of at least 50, with 60 or more ideal. My DH and I take 4,000 units Vit D daily. When we were first tested our Vit D numbers were way low. We’ve gotten them up to 60 for DH and 50 for me. We also take Vit C daily as well as zinc (50mg/day). Good luck!
I am helping a friend and his family plan a trip for their ailing son. I helped the family with their first trip to Disney World about 8 years ago when the son was stronger, but now with his heart/liver are failing. He has had multiple heart surgeries, has cerebral palsy, and uses a wheelchair, but can transport out. He tires quickly because his heart is having trouble keeping up.

Is it DAS that he needs to apply for? He is non-verbal but can use a keyboard to communicate, if he needs an interview his dad would need to be there to make the call, etc. When I took them 6 years old, we just went to guest services on our first day at the parks, all the changes are so confusing now.
I am helping a friend and his family plan a trip for their ailing son. I helped the family with their first trip to Disney World about 8 years ago when the son was stronger, but now with his heart/liver are failing. He has had multiple heart surgeries, has cerebral palsy, and uses a wheelchair, but can transport out. He tires quickly because his heart is having trouble keeping up.

Is it DAS that he needs to apply for? He is non-verbal but can use a keyboard to communicate, if he needs an interview his dad would need to be there to make the call, etc. When I took them 6 years old, we just went to guest services on our first day at the parks, all the changes are so confusing now.
given what you describe maybe it would be worth looking into make a wish?
I am helping a friend and his family plan a trip for their ailing son. I helped the family with their first trip to Disney World about 8 years ago when the son was stronger, but now with his heart/liver are failing. He has had multiple heart surgeries, has cerebral palsy, and uses a wheelchair, but can transport out. He tires quickly because his heart is having trouble keeping up.

Is it DAS that he needs to apply for? He is non-verbal but can use a keyboard to communicate, if he needs an interview his dad would need to be there to make the call, etc. When I took them 6 years old, we just went to guest services on our first day at the parks, all the changes are so confusing now.

given what you describe maybe it would be worth looking into make a wish?

DAS is only for those who can’t wait in a line and physical disabilities that prevent waiting in line are mostly being denied, unfortunately. I second Make a Wish if he has not had a wish yet. There’s a dedicated resort for those children to stay at and at Disney, they get front of the line access including characters.
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I am helping a friend and his family plan a trip for their ailing son. I helped the family with their first trip to Disney World about 8 years ago when the son was stronger, but now with his heart/liver are failing. He has had multiple heart surgeries, has cerebral palsy, and uses a wheelchair, but can transport out. He tires quickly because his heart is having trouble keeping up.

Is it DAS that he needs to apply for? He is non-verbal but can use a keyboard to communicate, if he needs an interview his dad would need to be there to make the call, etc. When I took them 6 years old, we just went to guest services on our first day at the parks, all the changes are so confusing now.
I can't tell from your post if the son is actually a child, or if "6 years old" is a typo that should read "6 years ago." If the son is a child, MAW would be something to look into for them. Unfortunately if he is an adult, MAW is only for ages <18. There are a few organizations that might grant a "wish" for an adult, but I don't know much about them and I don't believe they would qualify for the special Genie pass given to MAW visitors.

Please be aware that the Disability Access Service (DAS) program has changed recently and has become highly restrictive with regards to who qualifies. The dad can certainly be part of the video chat, either to assist his son or make the request on behalf of the son if he has guardianship. They should brainstorm the request in advance... think about what needs (not diagnoses) keep the son from waiting in a standard queue environment, as well as how this is accommodated is other situations. The alternative accommodations have guests entering the queue but allowed to leave if needed while some of the party stays in line. LLMP may be an option if willing to purchase that.

I'm going to move this discussion to main DAS Changes thread...
I can't tell from your post if the son is actually a child, or if "6 years old" is a typo that should read "6 years ago." If the son is a child, MAW would be something to look into for them. Unfortunately if he is an adult, MAW is only for ages <18. There are a few organizations that might grant a "wish" for an adult, but I don't know much about them and I don't believe they would qualify for the special Genie pass given to MAW visitors.

Please be aware that the Disability Access Service (DAS) program has changed recently and has become highly restrictive with regards to who qualifies. The dad can certainly be part of the video chat, either to assist his son or make the request on behalf of the son if he has guardianship. They should brainstorm the request in advance... think about what needs (not diagnoses) keep the son from waiting in a standard queue environment, as well as how this is accommodated is other situations. The alternative accommodations have guests entering the queue but allowed to leave if needed while some of the party stays in line. LLMP may be an option if willing to purchase that.

I'm going to move this discussion to main DAS Changes thread...

Thanks for the information on this. He is an adult. I guess I don't really understand DAS. Yes, his dad has guardianship.

Much appreciated!
Thanks for the information on this. He is an adult. I guess I don't really understand DAS. Yes, his dad has guardianship.

Much appreciated!
DAS is only for people who cannot wait in the standby queue, and since the recent changes, only a small subset of those people. All it does is allow the party of up to 4 to get a return time for the attraction, wait elsewhere, then return and ride via the lightening lane.

DAS doesn’t apply to any other accommodations- other accommodations you just use as needed. He can bring in all his medical equipment, use first aid, see shows from a handicap space, and get wheelchair return times for the handful of rides with inaccessible queues whether or not he has DAS. The family should review the disability information for which rides require a transfer and which ones have warnings about riding with particular medical conditions so they know what he can ride before they arrive.
For non-immunocompromised people, do products like Airborne or Emergen-C actually help as a preventative? With the changes in DAS resulting in more standby line time, what are some ways to help lessen the chances of getting sick? Beside the obvious - hand washing/sanitizer, masks, limited touching surfaces, etc. What are things that can be done or taken before going to the parks?
Take this with a grain of salt. But my college chem professor used to work in pharmacuticals basically said they're all placebo effects. Most suppliments are unless you're within a very specific group of people that need them. Meaning people who for whatever reason aren't getting smaller intakes of them and thus need the supplements to meet their daily requirements. Were talking about people who are post weight loss surgery or have conditions that prevent them from eating normally. The average person should be getting more then enough vitamins and minerals as long as your diet is fairly healthy. So the supplements really don't do anything except take your money.

That's not to say there aren't uses to them like I said. Just that it applies to a lot less of the populace from what I know and understand.

And like others have said if you are low in something you should be finding this out from the doctor. Because like with Vit D there are prescriptions out there to help with that. Some stuff comes from over the counter. But really this needs to be a discussion with your doctor if you can to find out if your lacking in vitamins somewhere and how to counter it.
Thanks for the information on this. He is an adult. I guess I don't really understand DAS. Yes, his dad has guardianship.

Much appreciated!
Knowing nothing about the family’s finances, this may be way off base, but if this is meant to be sort of a “one last hurrah/let’s make good memories while we can” trip perhaps they might want to consider a VIP tour. Yes, they are admittedly extremely expensive, BUT if they can swing it financially I think that the family will find it infinitely easier to manage than even DAS. Pricing varies a lot, so if they have flexibility in their dates they may be able to swing something (relatively) more reasonable.
These are great tips! Thanks for sharing!
Immune compromised here. What has worked for me: will sound over the top to most people but it helps to protect me.
2. Mask at ALL times except when in your room. KN95s are now more freely available. I use a mask from the UK that captures particles as small as biological and chemical warfare. Their filter is British military.
3. Disposable gloves. You may see me and snicker but I am not touching anything thousands of others have. When the turnstiles wanted my finger scan I simply said I wasn’t comfortable placing my finger where thousands of others have and show my drivers license.
4.shopping? Use your gloves. Your signature required? Have someone else in your party sign.
5. Public transport? NO WAY!! Taxis (masked and gloves) or drive your vehicle.
6. I Lysol my entire room as soon as I arrive. EVERYTHING.
7. Disposable sheets and I bring my sleeping bag to put on top of the disposables.
8. Air purifier. I travel with it and use it in my hotel room.
9. Mobile order only then get your food boxed up and go to a quieter place outside the restaurant to eat. NO SIT DOWN/RESTAURANT DINING. You would have to unmask to eat and drink.

Again really over the top to most people but I have to adapt if I want to go out in the world (I use most of these at work also). I WANT to go to Disney so I adapt.
You said it, sistah! It’s the way of the world…well, at least yours and mine!
I have a quick question. I was approved this morning for the DAS and I do not see it on my MDE or on desktop version. Will it be there once I go to the park in 30 days?
I am helping a friend and his family plan a trip for their ailing son. I helped the family with their first trip to Disney World about 8 years ago when the son was stronger, but now with his heart/liver are failing. He has had multiple heart surgeries, has cerebral palsy, and uses a wheelchair, but can transport out. He tires quickly because his heart is having trouble keeping up.

Is it DAS that he needs to apply for? He is non-verbal but can use a keyboard to communicate, if he needs an interview his dad would need to be there to make the call, etc. When I took them 6 years old, we just went to guest services on our first day at the parks, all the changes are so confusing now.
I will say that as he is non verbal, they can tell him he is non verbal so they will speak for him. And explain what cognitively happens in lines when he is in too long a line. Don’t concentrate on fatigue or transplant or mobility. But what cognitively symptoms he has, what his experience is and what. others experience would be around him. They are right he is unlikely to be approved but i don’t know what happens with him beyond gets tired. Expect denial,and plan accordingl
I will say that as he is non verbal, they can tell him he is non verbal so they will speak for him. And explain what cognitively happens in lines when he is in too long a line. Don’t concentrate on fatigue or transplant or mobility. But what cognitively symptoms he has, what his experience is and what. others experience would be around him. They are right he is unlikely to be approved but i don’t know what happens with him beyond gets tired. Expect denial,and plan accordingl
Thank you for this. I will pass the information along to his father.

I can't believe there is a good chance he will be denied. Things have really changed.
Thank you for this. I will pass the information along to his father.

I can't believe there is a good chance he will be denied. Things have really changed.
Yeah. The key is why one cannot remain in a standard Disney queue for the duration consistently.....not just in case anymore.

That's what they are looking for specifically
Thank you for this. I will pass the information along to his father.

I can't believe there is a good chance he will be denied. Things have really changed.
Is this for WDW? If so, he can use his wheelchair in the queue. In case that helps with him getting tired out. Another option of course is to by multi or single pass lightning lanes.
At Epcot right now, and just saw someone make their way through the VQ line at Guardians to exit (line is currently out the door) - I would say it took them about 5 mins. Everyone respectably moved over… Trying to exit the SPLL line would have been no better - it’s currently out the door 🤪 I’ve never seen it that long.

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