DAS Approval/Denial with New DAS Guidelines START 5/20 WDW & 6/18 DL

Was your DAS request approved?

  • YES

    Votes: 63 55.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 28 24.8%
  • Return to Queue

    Votes: 13 11.5%

    Votes: 9 8.0%
  • Other Accommodations

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I have been on the website since 8:15 -California time, it has now been almost 8 hours, is there any hope I will get to talk to someone? The website keeps having me go back to the last page and then refresh. It comes about every half hour with a message asking if I still want to wait 😫
I have been on the website since 8:15 -California time, it has now been almost 8 hours, is there any hope I will get to talk to someone? The website keeps having me go back to the last page and then refresh. It comes about every half hour with a message asking if I still want to wait 😫

I started wondering if it was a test. If you can wait 8 hours, surely you can wait in line. Being facetious.

On a serious note, I always recommend contacting Disney first thing in the morning on a weekday. I find the wait times are shortest then. I waited less than 30 min for mine.
I have been on the website since 8:15 -California time, it has now been almost 8 hours, is there any hope I will get to talk to someone? The website keeps having me go back to the last page and then refresh. It comes about every half hour with a message asking if I still want to wait 😫
Something has errored. We don’t see 8 hour waits reported anymore.
Something has errored. We don’t see 8 hour waits reported anymore.
I waited 8-12 hours for quite a few days before I got through. And I logged in right at 8am when it first opened.

I got a DAS approval, I was really worried since I've heard of previous reports of people who have had some of the issues that I deal with getting denied but I was able to really explain the issues that arise for me. I also wrote down some talking points for myself since I do get flustered and can't explain myself as well as I would like and that also helped me be able to explain my needs and my difficulties. The cast member was so sweet as well which really helped me too.
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It was the video chat CM. To be fair she was nice enough but one thing that kind of irked me was her saying that "my husband has something similar to your condition." Well....my disease is pretty rare and has 1-8 new cases per million people in the US each year so that would either be a massive coincidence or evidence of an underappreciation of the significance of one's illness/disability.

I'm the first to say that others have it worse than me but when someone thinks that their husband has "something similar", they just aren't getting how rare and unique my disease is.
I do not see your previous comments and responses. Were you rejected and the CM's reasoning is that her husband has a similar condition and he can make it so you should be able to as well? In my first reading I thought you were saying you were approved and it is because the CM understands why you need DAS.
I started wondering if it was a test. If you can wait 8 hours, surely you can wait in line. Being facetious.

On a serious note, I always recommend contacting Disney first thing in the morning on a weekday. I find the wait times are shortest then. I waited less than 30 min for mine.
Yes, it did seem like a test, except I was waiting and not my kids😂😂😂. My girls were both asleep by the time I gave up🤪🤪
Yes, it did seem like a test, except I was waiting and not my kids😂😂😂. My girls were both asleep by the time I gave up🤪🤪
You just have to keep doing it everyday. It's annoying but it will be the only way to get through. I had it on my computer but I also accessed it on my phone in case I had to go somewhere I was able to continue to check the chat and say "YES" every thirty minutes practically. There were times it stopped doing that and I was worried it was disconnected but it wasn't because I went 4 hours with no "say YES to stay in chat" and was stressed that meant I had to start all over again but then I got a cast member.
Just putting it out there that I got into the queue at 11:45am eastern time this morning (a Monday) and within 30 minutes I was in a video chat. I lost internet connection in the middle of the video call, but when we regained the wifi the person assisting us was still there. by 12:25 my son was DAS approved.

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