Dancing with the Stars...anyone watching?


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005
So, I saw the men, and the results show, but had to watch the girls online, and it wasn't all that clear.

Anyone else watching tonight?
I won't miss it! My favorite guy is Helio and for the women I like Jane Seymor, she is so classy!
I'll be watching. I don't have a favorite yet as for their dancing but I'm a huge 90210 fan so I'm hoping that Jennie lasts awhile.
I have to say I liked the Cheeta Girl...

Jane Seymore is just amazing isn't she? I don't think she has aged at all in 20 years. It will be fun to see how she does with Latin...classical just seems made for her.

There are some really good dancers already... popcorn::
I won't miss it! My favorite guy is Helio and for the women I like Jane Seymor, she is so classy!

I'm right there with you, Helio is HOT :love: he could take me for a spin around the track anytime.

My DM and I make up a list of the elimination order we think the dancers will go it.......here's mine

Josie - first :thumbsup2
Marie - second
Jennie - third
Mark - fourth
Cameron - fifth
Wayne - sixth
Floyd - seventh
Mel - eighth
Albert - ninth
Sabrina - tenth
Helio - eleventh
Jane - WINNER :banana:

Anyone else want to chime in on their order of elimination? It might be fun to see everyone's order and who is the best guesser.

I hope Mark lasts longer than you're projecting him, Lisa!! (Being a Dallas girl, he was already a favorite local celeb for me...)
I hope Mark lasts longer than you're projecting him, Lisa!! (Being a Dallas girl, he was already a favorite local celeb for me...)

I just didn't like his attitude, sorry .......I only base my decision on how they dance, not what their "fan base" will be. This year the order was much harder since most of them can actually dance.

What's your projected outcome?

I feel asleep during the show.:sad1: :sad1: Hopefully I'll catch the recap. Did a dancer fall? Poor thing.
So I was having trouble with the cable box, and took it in to the shop yesterday. I was able to score a DVR cable box, and 3 additional boxes for the house for $10. SOOOOOO, I got the record the dancing, which my family wasn't interested in, and watch it later last night. Let me just say, this technology is just so WAY COOL!!! :happytv:

I think it's either Sabrina or Helio as the winner. Jane looked amazing, but I thought it was so true, she looked just so reserved doing the mambo.

This is going to be a difficult season, because I agree, so many are already great dancers. :dancer:
I fell asleep and missed Floyd and Jane, Wayne was way sad to watch, Marie surprised me, Helio of course ROCKS and thought Sabrina did great too. It was too bad Jennie fell, we will see what America thinks tonight.

I have to say I have no idea on the elimination order this time. Other seasons I at least had an idea of who should go in the first few weeks and each time I had down who the final 3 were. This time it's just harder!

I have to say I'll be shocked if Marie goes tonight after her performance last night. She really was good! It really should be Wayne, but he probably has too large of a fan base. It's usually those that people don't know who go early.

Of course Helio is just outstanding! So was Sabrina! Although I have to say I have a hard time with them using people who already are dancers. Sabrina may be best known for being a Cheetah Girl, but she IS a dancer...even if it isn't ballroom, it's still an unfair advantage.

Last week I only saw the men. I liked Albert & Floyd (even though the judges didn't like him) but thought both were shaky last night. Watching Mark is painful for me...literally. It makes my bad knee & back hurt just watching because he moves like I feel sometimes...stiff & holding off the pain. It's a shame. I like him otherwise. Cameron OTOH - I don't care for him as an actor, which may be coloring my viewpoint, but he's not very good & doesn't seem to be trying as hard as some of the others. I'd like to see him go sooner rather than later.

And Jane...I was prepared to really be rooting for her. But I didn't care for her dance last night at all. DS & DD watched her with me & none of us could figure out what dance she was doing. :confused3 We knew it should be the mambo, but it didn't look like it. Based on last night only, I'd be surprised if she won.

And can I just say that I was shocked by the complaint about the song someone "chose" last night? A couple seasons ago they explained how that worked...the dancers & choreographers were given the music for the following week - selected FOR them - immediately after the results show. :confused Why penalize the dancers when they had no say in what song was used? :confused3 Unless that has changed since then... And I hate some of the stuff they choose. I can't think who it was, but someone did a Quick Step (I think) to a song that simply didn't fit. I have no clue how they were able to do it!! It was just dreadful!
Josie - first :thumbsup2
Marie - second
Jennie - third
Mark - fourth
Cameron - fifth
Wayne - sixth
Floyd - seventh
Mel - eighth
Albert - ninth
Sabrina - tenth
Helio - eleventh
Jane - WINNER :banana:

Okay, I couldn't post until now as I just finished watching it. I still love Helio as my favorite. I felt terrible for Jenny Garth, but it so wasn't her fault! Now for my list.
Josie - first :thumbsup2
Mark - second
Wayne - third
Jennie - fourth
Marie - fifth
Cameron - sixth
Floyd - seventh
Mel - eighth
Albert -nineth
Sabrina - tenth
Helio - winner!

all opinions are subject to change as the weeks go by.;) :teeth:

ETA Debbie, I don't know what song you are talking about, but I did not like the dance to 99 Red Balloons. It just didn't seem to work for me!
I've only watched through Jennie so far from last night but are they allowed to do lifts this early this year? I noticed in Helios dance that his partner did a flip thing over his back and both of her feet were off the ground. I'm trying to remember in years past that everyone kept getting in trouble for taking both feet off the ground in a "lift" before they were really allowed to.
You're right Jenny! It used to be around week 6 that they allowed lifts of any kind. I wonder why it's allowed now?:confused3
That's the one!! Ick!!

I so agree with you about the song - I think it hurt the dance.

My favorite last night was Sabrina but I did like Helio. Last week I liked Albert. Disappointed in Jane but surprised by Marie.

Wayne - absolutely nothing to say about him. How about - He's better than Master P?

And, I kinda like Mark Cuban - he seems like he's really trying hard to do well - and I think Floyd did better than the judges said.

We'll see tonight.
I'm worried that Mark will be out tonight, although I'm hoping for Wayne instead! I don't think Mark will win, he's not near the dancer that the others are, but just from knowing how he 'works' he's giving the show everything he can...

On the music - did anyone besides me think that they liked the Jammin' Jungle Parade's version of Mas Que Nada much, much, much better than the version used last night?

I think it's probably going to come down to Helio and Sabrina - hopefully Helio!

(Someone asked - it was Jennie that fell last night, I believe. Her partner stepped on her skirt while she was sliding and they both went down.)
I love this show. I'm hoping that Wayne goes tonight. I really thought he was a better dancer. Sabrina really nailed the quick step last night, thought she would do more hip hop. I'm rooting for Marie as she is a year older than me and it's nice to see someone who isn't pencil thin dance. Donny is still a cutie!:cutie: I like Jane but she is too reserved, although her outfit wasn't! Helio was hot!
Boy I was way off on Albert (I picked him to go 9th) oh well, didn't like him anyway.......it sures proves that if you have a big fan base you will stay ie Wayne, I think he's getting the 60+ ladies group :lmao:

Helio.......vroom, vroom!

Boy I was way off on Albert (I picked him to go 9th) oh well, didn't like him anyway.......it sures proves that if you have a big fan base you will stay ie Wayne, I think he's getting the 60+ ladies group :lmao:

Helio.......vroom, vroom!


My 70+ Mil says that she and her friends think Wayne looks ridiculous and can't dance. I know it's not this group of 60+ ladies voting for him!


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