Dairy Farmers Wife IS going to Disney in March/April!

I'm not sure why I hadn't already subbed?? But I am here now!! Hopefully you and your DH will decide to book for FD in December! I'm reading your past TR's now!
Thanks for joining. I'm exciting free dining has been extended. But I wish it started a few days earlier. It starts (for the week I want to go) on the 10th and I was hoping to arrive on the 8th or 9th. I haven't fun any of it past Skip yet. He's been so busy and with his body al lout of whack too, I feel mean suggesting we go at this point. LOL! But maybe we can go on the 9th, and do a room only for 1 night.
Now for Claire's introduction~

It seems like EVERYONE knows Claire!


So much so that last trip, when we were at the Beauty and the Beast show, as we were walking out, a lady asked me how Claire liked the show...Which I replied she loved it....then thought..how the heck does she know who she is.
One option is she was a Disser and read the boards and knew her, or the other possiblitly is she was sitting somewhere near us, and heard us talking to another family before the show started.

Claire is my baby! Even though she is 5 now! I really enjoy having her. When we got married, Skip wanted to have a child, but I wasn't sure. My kids were getting old enough that they no longer needed constant care, and I could leave without taking them if I needed to go to the store...etc. I told him after a year of marriage we would talk about it. And you better believe that almost to the day, he brought it back up. We did argue a bit about it, and I had some other medical issues at the time as well. So I finally said that once we got the OK from the Dr, we could just let things happen. Of course by the time we started trying I was all into it, and mad that I didn't get pregnant right away. I mean, with my other...they were oopsies,... and never had a problem, but Claire took the 3rd month of trying for us.

I also get to be a stay at home mom with her. Which is wonderful. I had to work all the time with the other 2, and I feel I missed out on alot of stuff. Plus I was a single mom with them as well, so it was hard at times.

We have taken Claire to Disney 3 times, March of 2007,2008, and 2009. She really loves it.
For those who haven't read my past TR, Claire had gotten sick on the 2007 and 2008 trips. She requires alot of sleep. She is a late nighter, but also then likes to sleep in. I really pushed her in 2007, and I think by the end she was overtired and over stimulated. She threw up on the way to the airport going home and it was a long flight home with her not feeling good.
Same with 2008. I slowed down a bit, but still went a little to hard for her. We stayed a day and 1/2 longer, but she threw up again towards the end of the trip. Also in my defense, she did lick a pole on the bus one day :scared1: and I wonder if she had gotten a bug of some sort from that as well. We ended up spending most of a day in our room with her sleeping. and though she seemed to be a bit better the next day , but she wasn't up to par. And we had a very long flight home with a crying child. I was "that" person with the bratty kid. I just held her most of the flight, and she did drift off after take off, and was decent most of the flight, but it was not ideal.
2009, I went in with a whole new plan of letting her sleep. It worked out well. Still a bit overtired, but things went much more smoothly for us.

Claire is really into princesses. She thinks she is really one herself. She also is pretty girly and likes to wear dress and skirts alot. Even when she is working with dad, she likes to be dressed up.

Here are some of Claire over the past year or so.









She is such a cutie. Her eyes are gorgeous. And probably had daddy wrapped around that little finger, huh? I was Daddys princess growing too. :)
A little bit about my past Disney trips and history.

I went to Disney for the 1st time in 1974. I think I was almost 5. My parents took me down to FL to visit my grandparents in there winter home (my younger sister was left at home with my other grandparents) We drove down in a rented Bronco. I don't remember alot about the trip, but some memories really stick out still. I know that the drive was long and I spent most of the trip pretending I was a dog and hopping all around the back of the bronco barking (back in the days where there were no car seat laws). And I remember my mom yelling at me alot to stop barking. :confused3
We arrived at my grandparents house late and I was put to sleep immediately on the couch. Now this set of grandparents were not the loving kind so much, so I don't remember really doing anything special with them while there. .....I don't know the order, but I know we went to Kennedy Space Center, which bored me to tears, LOL! Disney, Miami, and Bush Gardens.
The thing I remember most about Bush Gardens is that my parents wanted me to lie about my age to get me in free. I think I was 4, almost 5, and they wanted me to say I was 3 (If asked), so they didn't have to pay, but I refused to. :laughing: They paid for me. :rolleyes1

I remember bits and peices of the Disney day. I remember walking through the castle and being so Disappointed. I want to tour the inside, and all we were allowed to do was walk through. What a rip off.
My mission was to meet my favorite character, Winnie the Pooh! And I did. It was back in the day when the characters roamed freely, so in one of my pictures with him, I have another little girl on the other side. LOL! :eek:


Another memory is wanting to ride Dumbo really badly. My mom said the line was too long and we would do it later, I begged all day, and then she said we were out of tickets. It took MANY years before I ever did get to ride it too.

I think my first ride was 2000 Leagues under the sea, and being scared that we were going so deep in the "ocean".

I vaguely remember small world, and Haunted Mansion as well. As well as most of the fantasyland rides.
It was fun, but my parents didn't know how to vacation and do parks like I do them now. :hippie: They arrive late and leave early.

Here is all of the shots my mom took the whole day. And look how awful they are too. She is NOT a photographer in any way. LOL! Thanks mom for capturing all those memories! :woohoo: :flower3:


Loved looking at those old pics! Claire is such a gorgeous girl and your pictures of her are alaways amazing. I love that she's so into the princesses and dresses. I was blessed with two little man and we have no plans to try for another. I love getting to see the others all dressed up like she always is since I'll never have a little princess to play dress up with! She's adorable!

I really hope you get to plan another trip for this year. (Selfishly too, I just wanna read about it!) Hope your hubby is able to feel well enough for it. I couldn't imagine trying to do a week at Disney with how he sounds. Good luck!
Yay a new PTR!!!!!! Way to go Jen!!!!!!!

I enjoyed reading your last one so much that I was super excited that you created another!!!

That little Claire of yours is adorable- and such a little princess!!!! I have a little prince here for her LOL- Austin will be 5 in October.

Way to go on the CRT ressie!!!! We are going Sept 20-25 and we booked with the free quick service ddp. I did however book one special lunch for Sci Fi Dine In. Can't wait to here more!!!
Loved looking at those old pics! Claire is such a gorgeous girl and your pictures of her are alaways amazing. I love that she's so into the princesses and dresses. I was blessed with two little man and we have no plans to try for another. I love getting to see the others all dressed up like she always is since I'll never have a little princess to play dress up with! She's adorable!

I really hope you get to plan another trip for this year. (Selfishly too, I just wanna read about it!) Hope your hubby is able to feel well enough for it. I couldn't imagine trying to do a week at Disney with how he sounds. Good luck!

My thinking is, there is always a wheelchair or scooter he can use. LOL! But he doesn't think like that. I wish we could just find out what exactly is wrong and get it taken care of. Now another theory form the chiropractor is nerve damage. I don't know if anything can be done for that. :confused3

Yay a new PTR!!!!!! Way to go Jen!!!!!!!

I enjoyed reading your last one so much that I was super excited that you created another!!!

That little Claire of yours is adorable- and such a little princess!!!! I have a little prince here for her LOL- Austin will be 5 in October.

Way to go on the CRT ressie!!!! We are going Sept 20-25 and we booked with the free quick service ddp. I did however book one special lunch for Sci Fi Dine In. Can't wait to here more!!!

thanks for joining! :dance3: I have debated just doing the QS plan nect trip, but then there are so many places I want to try and so many i want to repeat as well. :cool2:
Claire gets along really well with little boys too. She doesn't get all shy around them at all like some girls do. I think because she can play just as rough as they do when she wants to. LOL!
More of my Disney History~

I can remember in High School a few girls went to Disney during Spring break. I thought it was so cool how they could park hop from MK to Epcot. They talked about the trip, and it just sounded wonderful.

In spring of 1995 I had decided I wanted to go to the "Country Concert" that was about 2 1/2 hours away from my house. It is a really big deal around here,..... a long weekend, with many country music artists and lots of fun. I wanted my best friend to go with me. We knew a ton of people going, but I wanted to go with her and get a hotel to share, etc. She had gone the year before. And...decided that once was enough for her. She said she wanted to go to FL to her parents winter place in Zephyrhills.
I decided that might be fun, and told her that if I went, we would have to do Disney one day. She agreed, but only MK, as she had found Epcot boring in the past. Fine with me. I was mainly interested in MK anyways.
So we made plans for late June of that year. I got family to watch Michael and Paige. Her younger brother of 17 decided last minute to go with us as well.
We drove down (from Ohio)and just had a blast.
We really thought we were some hot chicks going to FL. :rolleyes:

Our drive was about 1 1/2 hours, (from Zypherhills) might've been longer due to a ton of traffic. I remember coming to a standstill at one point trying to get there.
I was the "camera girl" so I only got 2 pictures with me in them.

Look how "sexy" we were. I'm in the green top, with my shorts pulled up to my chin! LOL! :rolleyes1



We also spent a day at Universal and then headed over to Clearwater Beach overnight to visit a friend.
Again, I don't remember alot of the trip. I didn't take alot of pictures, because everytime I stopped to do so, my friend and her brother would complain about it. And it was back in the film days, so I probably only brought two rolls with me for the whole trip.
I do remember riding alot of the main rides, and some of them triggering memories from the trip in 1974. Like on Haunted Mansion, I remembered the Ghost sitting in the car with you. Things like that. It was EXTREMELY hot and the lines were really long. And we DIDN'T ride Dumbo. My friend refused to wait in a line for it.

We had alot of fun, but the day was short and I vowed I would come back some day to do more.....Little did I know how much of an obssession it would be come...thanks to the Disboards. :flower3:
well, if Claire has DH wrapped around her finger, then it's obvious how you can get him talked into a trip!! :lmao: She is adorable! Maybe have her fressup in one of her princess dressed and tell her dad she's pretending to be at Disney! I'm sure he will give in!
My thinking is, there is always a wheelchair or scooter he can use. LOL!

:rotfl: You ARE obsessed, aren't you?? Hope he finds out what it is soon. My mother went through something like this when I was younger. She took us to some of the amusement parks in Ohio while dealing with it and it didn't make for the best days while she dealt with that. It turned out to be something with a nerve wrapped around her spine.. I think? I'm not sure on the details and she's unfortunately not with us anymore to ask. :sad1: Good luck!

Keep those updates coming!!
well, if Claire has DH wrapped around her finger, then it's obvious how you can get him talked into a trip!! :lmao: She is adorable! Maybe have her fressup in one of her princess dressed and tell her dad she's pretending to be at Disney! I'm sure he will give in!

It's not working! LOL! She talks about it alot and asks to go on her birthday all the time, but he just says we will some day. I know he won't make any promises till he finds out whats wrong with him though.

:rotfl: You ARE obsessed, aren't you?? Hope he finds out what it is soon. My mother went through something like this when I was younger. She took us to some of the amusement parks in Ohio while dealing with it and it didn't make for the best days while she dealt with that. It turned out to be something with a nerve wrapped around her spine.. I think? I'm not sure on the details and she's unfortunately not with us anymore to ask. :sad1: Good luck!

Keep those updates coming!!

Was that park Cedar Point? We have been there many times? Or Kings Island? We've gone a few times there as well.
I just wish we could get to the bottom of it and know if it is fixable or not. He got nasty with the Dr a bit today. Still no referral to the back Dr after a over a week. We can't get anything fixed if we can't even get into the Dr. to see whats wrong. I have to hear about it all the time now. Now I love him dearly, but he is a big baby, and it is very tiresome to hear about his pain ALL the time. And of course his pain, is much worse than anything I can imagine. (I guess have 3 kids was very painless for me...I don't seem to remember that though :rolleyes1 :lmao:)

I'm impatient, but he's ten times worse than me, so it makes for some stressful times here lately.
Such cute pictures of Claire.

And by the way I love your 1995 outfit. Only those of us who lived through the mom jeans/shorts can truly appreciate todays waist level. (Let's just put the whole low rise butt crack of the early 2000's far far behind us.) :rotfl2:
Was that park Cedar Point? We have been there many times? Or Kings Island? We've gone a few times there as well.
I just wish we could get to the bottom of it and know if it is fixable or not. He got nasty with the Dr a bit today. Still no referral to the back Dr after a over a week. We can't get anything fixed if we can't even get into the Dr. to see whats wrong. I have to hear about it all the time now. Now I love him dearly, but he is a big baby, and it is very tiresome to hear about his pain ALL the time. And of course his pain, is much worse than anything I can imagine. (I guess have 3 kids was very painless for me...I don't seem to remember that though :rolleyes1 :lmao:)

I'm impatient, but he's ten times worse than me, so it makes for some stressful times here lately.

The worst was Kings Island, yes. I grew up in southeastern Ohio and our "vacations" usually consisted of just a day trip to the various parks if we didn't do the beach. Never Disney. :sad1: I've done 'em all there though! We did the old Geauga Lake Park and Sea World the most! I'm pretty sure both of those have since turned into something else?

Aren't men the biggest babies when they're hurt/sick? :rotfl: Try to relax. They'll figure it out eventually. :goodvibes
Such cute pictures of Claire.

And by the way I love your 1995 outfit. Only those of us who lived through the mom jeans/shorts can truly appreciate todays waist level. (Let's just put the whole low rise butt crack of the early 2000's far far behind us.) :rotfl2:

AMEN!! I have a body that fits the Mom jean style much better. With low rise..which I can't wear by the way, I have more cleavage than my top could ever have! LOL!

The worst was Kings Island, yes. I grew up in southeastern Ohio and our "vacations" usually consisted of just a day trip to the various parks if we didn't do the beach. Never Disney. :sad1: I've done 'em all there though! We did the old Geauga Lake Park and Sea World the most! I'm pretty sure both of those have since turned into something else?

Aren't men the biggest babies when they're hurt/sick? :rotfl: Try to relax. They'll figure it out eventually. :goodvibes

We did the Sea World Geauga Lake thing too a couple of times. It then was bought out by 6 flags and turned into on big park, which I never had a chance to visit. One side of the lake was amusement, and the other was an animal area. Then six flags sold it to the Cedar point company and they closed down the Sea World side (which sits abandoned now from what I hear) and call it Geauga Lake again, with just that side open now. I've not been there at all since Sea World has closed though. I loved Sea World. I think our last trip there was in 1998.
I'll do an Official Skip Update

Skip called the back Dr yesterday trying to get an appointment. We were tld last week we couldn't get anything scheduled till his hip Dr sent a referral over. So over a week has gone by and they still have not sent the referral. The hip Dr's office is closed on Fridays. Skip was so mad that he called the emergency number, which went to the Dr.s's cell phone. The Dr was NOT happy and told Skip he was on vacation and this wasn not an important thing to call about. Skip got a little nasty with him and basically said this is Bull...... and hung up.
Skip seems to be gettting worse again too. A f ew days this week, I thought he looked to be doing much better, but yesterday he could barely walk again.
Skip had also planned to start Tractor pulling this summer again, and last night was the pull he had planned to do first to give his tractor a test out. But with his hip the way it is, he was worried he would hurt something worse and didn't go....so I had to put up with a little extra moodiness as well about that. I told him to go tonight and just watch, but he snapped back that he couldn't walk around to do anything. :eek: So we are still in limbo for another weekend. :rolleyes1


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