Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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I think surprisingly few things will be closed. Parades and fireworks are the issue because you can't reasonably manage the social distancing, but almost every attraction has some way it can be incorporated.

I saw some video of parades being back in Shanghai. The social distancing there looked practically nixed.
Right. And that’s why they have the blanket inherent exposure risk signs and verbiage.

It sounds like people are getting droplets, and Hydrofluoric acid mixed up. If someone on RnRC screams and a little bit of their spit hits your shirt in the back row, first of all, you probably wont feel it, second of all, it wont burn through your shirt and inject itself into your body. In all likelihood it’ll die in the florida sun before you even touch it. Unless you have a weird habit of touching every square inch of your clothing every 5 seconds
I saw a dr on TV talking about people screaming on coasters passing droplets to people behind them. There is just so much speculation on transmission to really be sure about safety anywhere

it’s really changing to a scenario where one has to accept that you are at least going to be exposed and at worst get it. If you are not concerned that it may affect you, or anyone you may pass it to then take the prescribed precautions and hope for the best. I myself just not willing to do that but no judgement on anyone who feels different
Reason for masks
The two things that jumped out to me here:

"Different labor situation" meaning unions, I suppose, which makes complete sense. Disney cannot move without making sure the union agrees - especially for any safety measures that wound up in their union agreement. That makes it hard to pivot quickly, both now and later.

"Pent up demand" and "people not cancelling before the July 11 opening was announced" - while that is true, I am a firm believer in "it's not what you say, it's how you say it" - all of these recent comments by Chapek come across, to me, as "we can do what we want because we're Disney and people love us". . .I feel like he is a little tone deaf right now and doesn't understand his most loyal and devoted guests, and that is going to hurt that "brand image" he keeps waving about. You can do everything that Disney is doing in a way that maintains that brand image. What I wish they had done was something like this: "You are important to us - we love when you come home - but we want you safe and to do that, we can only open MK and all DVC (no housekeeping) and local APs - limited capacity for at least the first month.
We have a special reservation system for those folks - link here. Everyone else can either reschedule their packages or we will conveniently cancel them for you when the date arrives. When you reschedule, you get to keep your current rate on everything and all AP's extended one year. We don't know yet when we will open more parks or resorts - we will let you know at least a month in advance when we decide it's safe to open more. We miss you, we love you, and we want you to be safe until we can welcome you home". That communication sounds so much friendlier to me. 🙃

Hes banking a lot on that new fangled reservation system. Was he not around during the magic band roll out?
Oh my! There is a risk of getting covid when Disney opens. Take the risk, or don’t go. I believe most people will follow the guidelines, but a small percentage will not. If you can’t accept that scenario, you might want to reconsider your trip. Unfortunately, the squad can’t be everywhere at every moment.
I hope Disney hotels do something like Universal is going to do. You get your temp taken daily at the hotel, then they give you a colored wrist band. You are then good for the day and don't have to get your temp retaken when you go around all the different properties/Disney Springs.
I hope Disney hotels do something like Universal is going to do. You get your temp taken daily at the hotel, then they give you a colored wrist band. You are then good for the day and don't have to get your temp retaken when you go around all the different properties/Disney Springs.
That sounds great, but you can take ibuprofen, or Tylenol to reduce a fever.
You get your temp taken daily at the hotel, then they give you a colored wrist band
Yeah, no, I don’t see that sort of thing happening here...colored wrist bands indicating the status of your health? That’s a bit too far to go to me.

People just need to adjust to the idea that if you’re going, you may come into contact with sick people. Take the risk or don't, but it’s not going to be a sterile environment.
Yeah I was an AP during that time but still didn’t receive that email. I thought eligibility for that was done through MDE? We were luckily enough to sign up and go but it wasn’t because of any email. Feels forever ago.
I wasn’t an AP during that time but I remember seeing people talking about getting notified via email about the previews opening on these boards.
How did you get notification to sign up if not through email? Genuinely curious. I’ve never received anything from Disney re: my pass.
For people with resort reservations but no tickets, what is your game plan?

We are in this weird, sticky situation where we have tickets. We just don't want to use THOSE tickets on THIS vacation, considering how little we would be getting out of it.

So, we have tickets, but we don't have tickets.

I guess the question for us, ultimately, is....once ticketing opens back up, will we be able to buy base tickets and switch them out, without disturbing park reservations?

Will the ticketed early morning magic events still happen?

It's still on my MDE page, but they appear to be gone from the park hours. Technically, EMM is considered a "dining experience," so I have to imagine they would be gone. But...who knows.

The whole soarin ride system is risky though the way each row is raised above the next row. If someone above you coughs with it... dodgy. Especially if they have lowered their masks so they can smell the fragrance better. Although the fragrances are water vapour so maybe they wont be in use either - anywhere on site?

If we are going to break it down to the minutia of what could happen on any given ride, nothing could open.
Yeah, no, I don’t see that sort of thing happening here...colored wrist bands indicating the status of your health? That’s a bit too far to go to me.

People just need to adjust to the idea that if you’re going, you may come into contact with sick people. Take the risk or don't, but it’s not going to be a sterile environment.
I guess people aren't understanding what I"m saying. Disney IS going to take your temp before going into the park and to Springs, and maybe hotels. So in order to avoid people having to take their temps multiple times throughout the day and being fine in the morning but running hot in the afternoon because you know, Florida, you get a wrist band that says you were fine.

Again temp screens are all theater but they will be doing them so why not do them efficiently.
Yeah, no, I don’t see that sort of thing happening here...colored wrist bands indicating the status of your health? That’s a bit too far to go to me.

People just need to adjust to the idea that if you’re going, you may come into contact with sick people. Take the risk or don't, but it’s not going to be a sterile environment.
The wrist band is just meant to indicate that your temperature has already been taken and to expedite entry to the park. There shouldn’t be different colors to indicate health. It just means they will only take your temp once then you are good to go for the day.
I guess people aren't understanding what I"m saying. Disney IS going to take your temp before going into the park and to Springs, and maybe hotels. So in order to avoid people having to take their temps multiple times throughout the day and being fine in the morning but running hot in the afternoon because you know, Florida, you get a wrist band that says you were fine.

Again temp screens are all theater but they will be doing them so why not do them efficiently.
It’s a great an efficient idea, but Disney has also made no attempt to do a centralized kids’ height and wristband thing, so I doubt they’d do this.
I hope Disney hotels do something like Universal is going to do. You get your temp taken daily at the hotel, then they give you a colored wrist band. You are then good for the day and don't have to get your temp retaken when you go around all the different properties/Disney Springs.

Or, couldn't they load some sort of status onto your Magic Band, MDE that would deny them entry when they scan their Magic Band for entry? Obviously, if you don't pass the temp test at the resort, they are not going to allow you on transportation. And on the chance that someone is driving themselves or call a Lyft or whatever, if they don't pass, they are denied entry at park entrances.
It’s a great an efficient idea, but Disney has also made no attempt to do a centralized kids’ height and wristband thing, so I doubt they’d do this.

This is different. It's affecting EVERYONE and has the possibility of causing long waits to enter parks. What @chicagoshannon is suggesting is so much more efficient.

People not staying at Disney hotels will still be screened at park entrance.
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