cro hung up on us!


Earning My Ears
Nov 6, 2000
I was helping a friend yesterday...her first time to Disney...make her reservations at AKL. All was going well, when they asked her if she wanted park tickets with her room thus making it a package. She asked for the price and determined that it was not a good deal and told the person on the phone no thank you. When they pressed her she again said no necause it would be cheaper to buy them separately and then they disconnected her..after she gave them all her info and was just waitng for her confirmation number. Can you belive? I told her next time ALWAYS get their names!
IMHO I would give them the benefit of the doubt and assume there was a technical / phone problem rather than assume they hung up because you did not want to buy park tickets.
Let's hope it was just an accident and not someone being rude!
If they had all of your friend's info the CM could have called back. I got disconnected once because my phone battery went & the CM called me back to complete the call. I was very very happy, because he had just found a great rate for me!
It could well have been an accident, but coincidentally, just last week I called to get some prices for a friend and the CM was really trying hard to sell me a package. That was the first time I had encountered that. She tried to sell me tickets, even though I was asking for AP rates(couldn't understand that one), but she was really trying hard to sell me airfare, telling me how it was refundable, etc. She also tried to sell me a meal plan. Like I said, this was the first time that's happened to me so maybe they're putting pressure on their CMs to sell packages.
hi, had a similar experience today with
cro myself.. i called on an existing reservation with a new code from marys site, to ask if discouns could be applied to any park passes or just to UHP, i explained that we would not be using the parks on all of the days we are there and arriving late on our first night. She told me that didnt matter and they did not care what time i checked in the discount was for UHP not park tickets and that maybe i should do more research and let the people who wanted to "BOOK" a package get through to reservations, HOW RUDE!!! i do have a reservation and i thought by calling it was research, she then told me the passes were added to my existing res. and if i wanted to take them off i needed to cancel and start over, HAve a nice day..... click.... so i called back and thank goodness got a polite CRO who took the passes off and did not make me start over..... i hope this does not start a trend of nasty cro's!!! :confused:
Their customer service is so desperately in need of a good management consultancy and better training. It is so painful to read some of these posts. CRINGE.
Hopefully this was just an accidental disconnect...

I also was disconnected once.... I had made all the arrangements... waiting for my confirmation number and "click", my DGD had pressed a button and cut us off! I called right back and explained what happened; luckily they were able to retrieve the information.... while I was speaking to the second CM, the first one beeped in on "call waiting" to give me my confirmation number.
I' ll try to think good thoughts and believe that our being disconnected was accidental but they didn't try to call us bach with a confirmation number even though they had all the information. By the way, after 3 calls with no luck the 4th call got my friend exactlly what she wanted..the akl..and on the dates she wanted after being told of no availability...all in a 1 hour time frame.
just the other day after spending 25 min of long distance only to spend another 25 mins before getting to talk to someone of corse I was angry at this time and said something about needing 800 numbers and they told me they had them for awhile but kids would call it just to talk to Mickey. Do ya think this realy happens or is it a line to keep from having to pay a little more money on thier part???:( :( :(
Kids can still call long distance numbers to talk to & dad might get mad but it doesn't prevent that from happening. A kid who is old enough to dial a 1-800 number is old enough to dial a 1-407 number.
yes, but if the kids dial a 407 number to talk to Mickey it is the parents who pay the toll...if they call 1-800 it is Disney who pays it.
I seem to get hung up on one out of three times no matter what company I call. Seems like they don;t know how to manipulate the buttons on the telephone.

If you have to wait on hold lots of times trying to get back through, doesn';t hurt to ask to have some of the phone calls out of your room comped or maybe a complimentary meal or souvenir.

Better yet, use a travel agent and let them wait on hold.

Disney hints:
did your friend call back to see if the reservation was completed? I had something happen like this once and I called back. The Cast member did complete the reservation.. If your friend is in the system, then she could ask for a manager and tell hm what happen. He would be able to tell if it was a tech. problem, or CM problem.


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