Covid Curious

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Went to Disney mid-June and shiny new Omicron got 2 of the 5 of us. (We weren’t careful at all, honestly). Then 2 of us who didn’t get it there went on college visit/wedding combo and got it. (Pretty much everyone who I know who went to that wedding got it.) That leaves 1 of us, my 11 year old. We are all vaxxed, boosted, most of us had it before, etc. but this strain just doesn’t care. Shiny new Covid is a jerk.
I'm not sure this is really related to just Disney anymore because it seems like everywhere is going through a wave right now. We recently had to reschedule our trip; caught it in a rural community before we went to Disney.
I'm not sure this is really related to just Disney anymore because it seems like everywhere is going through a wave right now. We recently had to reschedule our trip; caught it in a rural community before we went to Disney.

You're right, the new Omicron wave is everywhere, but we are allowed to talk about it here if it is related to travel plans in general.

We head out on Thursday....and this shouldn't be a stressful trip, just a nice beach vacation at a nice resort in Los Cabos. Should be just pure relaxation, but getting there and back just with the insane travel delays occurring right now will be a minor miracle. Same with trying to avoid covid on the way down...and back. But...we're going and have contingency plans if we're delayed heading down (when we connect in DFW), or when head back by having a back-up pet sitter in place for additional days. We'll be packing our patience for sure.

I saw a news piece this morning about a Delta flight in Michigan that was overbooked. They offered 8 passengers $10,000 if they would give up their seat. And it was legit...other passengers backed it up. They paid you immediately with Apple Pay. I don't know if you got rebooked...or what the rest of the details were...but wow, that would have been tough to turn down.
You're right, the new Omicron wave is everywhere, but we are allowed to talk about it here if it is related to travel plans in general.

We head out on Thursday....and this shouldn't be a stressful trip, just a nice beach vacation at a nice resort in Los Cabos. Should be just pure relaxation, but getting there and back just with the insane travel delays occurring right now will be a minor miracle. Same with trying to avoid covid on the way down...and back. But...we're going and have contingency plans if we're delayed heading down (when we connect in DFW), or when head back by having a back-up pet sitter in place for additional days. We'll be packing our patience for sure.

I saw a news piece this morning about a Delta flight in Michigan that was overbooked. They offered 8 passengers $10,000 if they would give up their seat. And it was legit...other passengers backed it up. They paid you immediately with Apple Pay. I don't know if you got rebooked...or what the rest of the details were...but wow, that would have been tough to turn down.
All I can say to that is Wow! We did manage to rebook for a few weeks time luckily! I definitely would have given up my seat for that price, even if it did mean delaying my vacation, lol.

I'm guessing the airline issues right now are a result of understaffed airlines and compounded by those staff having to call in sick/isolate.
All I can say to that is Wow! We did manage to rebook for a few weeks time luckily! I definitely would have given up my seat for that price, even if it did mean delaying my vacation, lol.

I'm guessing the airline issues right now are a result of understaffed airlines and compounded by those staff having to call in sick/isolate.

Yes, just like you said, airlines and airports are really understaffed. The airlines gave packages to their older/most experienced pilots who would take them during the pandemic, and they just can't handle the volume now with travel returning to normal. It's just the perfect storm. I know United and American Airlines have offered *17%* raises to their pilots in recent negotiations just to retain them. I would not expect air travel to return to anything close to 2019....probably ever.

We're just going to hope for the best and prepare for delays-delays-delays....and wear high quality masks. I did check with the urgent care near our resort in Los Cabos, and they do have paxlovid and will prescribe for those who need it. That made me feel a bit better.
We went to Disney June 21st for my sons 12th birthday and we had so much fun untill we didn't. Towards the end of the trip one by one each of us testing positive for covid. This was not the souvenir we wanted. Now looking back I think about standing in the stretching room shoulder to shoulder with so many people. I really should have not let my guard down.. I feel really bad to do this to my family.
We were there 6 days mid June. Wore KN95s indoors- pretty vigilant 85-90% of the time - stayed masked at the airport/on the plane. All 6 of us made it home without Covid. We are really grateful because we knew it was a pretty big risk. All are vaxed/boosted. Ages 65 - 8.
We plan on wearing kn95's when we go in September. I work with too many vulnerable folks. Did you all do any table service or did you stick to quick service/outdoor seating?
Had friends visiting from out of town. We all went to DL Fri Sat and Sunday. Monday morning
I got texts after they flew home a couple of them had sore throats. Then DH and DD later that
day. Then the avalanche. One by one. Out of the 8 people that went. All tested positive including
myself. All vaxxed. About half boosted. I never got a booster and I already feel better. DH had it rough
the first 48 hours and couldnt get out of bed. Everyone else had varying degrees of symptoms. I wore
a mask anytime indoors and about 75% out while there.

Went on 2 cruises the last few months and didn't get it so this strain is very contagious and spreading
quickly. Although my doctor said I had really mild symptoms I wish I would have gotten my booster.
Then again i read some articles it might not be very effective against this strain.
Sorry but there is a good chance that someone in the crowds was infected but not yet showing symptoms. That is the most contagious phase. Rest up/ Get well soon
I was at WDW 7/4-7, so 4 days in parks, packed into crowded queues. Wore KN95 or N95 masks 100% of the time indoors and probably 90% outdoors: it only came off in my hotel room, or if I had 20 or more feet between me and other people. That meant eating every meal outdoors in the heat, too, well away from other people: that part was tough, but for various reasons I really have to be cautious. A week later, no symptoms, no positive tests, so I think the masks did their job. Hope this helps others!
Went to WDW from May 26 - June 9. We are all vaxed and boosted, and had Covid in Jan 2021. I wore KF94 almost the entire time in the airport, 100% of the time on the plane, on any Disney transportation, and any time I was standing in a queue. My daughter was equally as cautious, my teenage son so-so, and my husband not so much 😑 We did several indoor meals, however.

Two days after returning home (Saturday)I got the dreaded scratchy throat and felt really tired. Tested negative on rapid that day - negative rapid the next day (Sunday), along with a PCR swab that would come back negative as well. A few days later (Wednesday), I developed minor cold symptoms and something just compelled me to do another rapid. Red-hot screaming positive - the solution didn’t even make it to the control line and I already had a dark red positive. Remained positive on a rapid test for about another week before testing negative and ending my isolation. Fortunately, kids and hubby remained negative throughout multiple tests over the next week.

Moral of the story - don’t trust that first, second (or even third) negative rapid test result. If you’ve been traveling and you have symptoms, assume it’s Covid until you’ve been able to test a handful of times over a certain length of time. Honestly, just about everyone I know who’s been to Disney lately has come back with Covid.
We were at Disney World from Jul 5-11. Both of us are vaxxed and boosted. We wore KF95 100% indoor AND outdoor. Only took masks off for a few seconds for outdoor pictures in not crowded areas. We cancelled all indoor dining. Cleaned hands frequently and after every single ride. We are still testing negative as of today ❤️.
We plan on wearing kn95's when we go in September. I work with too many vulnerable folks. Did you all do any table service or did you stick to quick service/outdoor seating?
We did all quick service - most meals inside. Other than trying to avoid most crowded times, just masked up as soon as we were done eating. DD’s family did one table service while we were there. Also, good use of Genie+ & ILLs meant little long waits in lines.
I spent a week at Disney World from April 28th thru May 5th with my 10 family members. Hit every park and most of the time two in one day. We arrived home late that night. By the next morning
most of us were feeling ill. Concerned, we all took Covid rapid home tests and it turns out that 5 of the 10 tested positive. I am just curious if any other of the tens of thousands that were there experienced the same situation.
Our trips - first number how many contracted Covid, second number how many in our party that trip.

April 2021 - 0/5
December 2021 0/4
Jan 2022 - 1/6
April 2022 - 0/6
May 2022 - 1/2

We figure 2 cases out of all those trips isn't too bad.
Since the pandemic started I have had: 5 trips to WDW. 1 trip to DL. 2 trips to Italy. 1 trip to Istanbul. 1 trip to Alaska. A number of trips to ATL and Wichita. Never contracted COVID.

I have barely been around anyone for these past two weeks -- pretty much have been doing my own thing and working alone in my classroom with it being summer break (teacher here). Symptoms started this past Friday. Tested positive Saturday (yesterday). I'm still trying to rack my brain as to exactly when/where I was exposed.

You can do everything right and catch it. You can disregard all safety protocols and never catch it. I observed every safety precaution and was very lucky not to come home with COVID on any of my trips. But that's all they are -- precautions. They are not guarantees, but you have to do what is best for you!
I previously posted that we all got it in May at the end of our WDW trip. Fast forward to the 4th of July and we all got it for the third time at the end of our SC beach vacation.

We go to TN soon...praying it is not ×4!!!!!!
Hopefully whatever strain TN has is the same one you had after july4. I honestly am really starting to get anxiety about catching it. I have not gotten Covid and am a nurse and even when my daughter had it and sneezed in my face I didn’t catch it. I am starting to paranoid test frequently with symptoms - I get lots of headaches and sore throats. I feel like it is an impending doom. Not worried I will get sick. Just worried my kid will get it and miss college classes. I will get it and miss work when I don’t have much leave. Taking a short Disney trip in august and a short HHN trip in October. Don’t want to catch it before during or after those trips. Maybe in the middle of a very snowy time in winter would be an ok time. I’m vaxed and boosted x1. MyChart won’t let me sign up for a second booster even tho I am 55. I do have antibodies being tested Aug 2 as part of a research study which I will find interesting since it has been quite some time since I was vaxed. I have not caught it unless I was asymptomatic. Or a test missed it. My kids positive test was a pcr when she had 5 home tests (3 at school and 2 by me) being negative. This was in January. So I know she can catch it again. Just wondering when my number comes up. We have gone to cedar point and the zoo mult times and Disney with my elderly parents in February. All was good but they recently just had it. Prob because they went to a movie theater. Anyway. Now you know my life story you never wanted to know lol
Since the pandemic started I have had: 5 trips to WDW. 1 trip to DL. 2 trips to Italy. 1 trip to Istanbul. 1 trip to Alaska. A number of trips to ATL and Wichita. Never contracted COVID.

I have barely been around anyone for these past two weeks -- pretty much have been doing my own thing and working alone in my classroom with it being summer break (teacher here). Symptoms started this past Friday. Tested positive Saturday (yesterday). I'm still trying to rack my brain as to exactly when/where I was exposed.

You can do everything right and catch it. You can disregard all safety protocols and never catch it. I observed every safety precaution and was very lucky not to come home with COVID on any of my trips. But that's all they are -- precautions. They are not guarantees, but you have to do what is best for you!

Well, DH and I both avoided Covid until one of us got it yesterday....had two trips canceled on us, canceled another on our own, but finally decided to take a trip last week to Los Cabos Mexico. We got our second booster a few weeks before the trip. We were in the very tiny minority of people in Newark, Dallas and San Jose Del Cabo airports wearing masks. We wore KN95s for the entire time. We managed to get to our resort in Mexico and had a great time. Eight days/nights in paradise. We chose this resort because all of the dining options are outside. Entrance to the room is from the outside as well. We spent time outside at the pool all week. We had a long couples massage scheduled...and we moved it to a private outdoor cabana on the beach to avoid indoors. Our massage therapists wore KN95s, even though we just had cloth around three sides of the cabana...and a nice breeze. Had an amazing trip....but....

We headed back on Friday, home very late on that night. Again, were in the less than 5% of travelers masked. And on Saturday morning my husband woke up...scratchy throat, achy, and yup...sure enough he tested positive. So far, I'm negative and have no symptoms. If he got careful as we were, lots and lots of people are in for it this summer. My husband is doing well...he has a cough that is definitely a chest cough, low fever, some chills and achy....but our doc said the second booster is definitely helping in diminishing his symptoms. His appetite is normal....he even had a glass of wine last night while we watched a movie.

Based on the 3-4 day incubation period for Omicron Ba5, the doctor is pretty sure he got it in Mexico. DH did not see another man in the only public bathroom we used all .the pool. We had many outdoor conversations with unmasked pool servers/attendants and restaurant servers, but figured outside was safe for that. Anyone in our room to turn-down service...etc, were all masked. Whenever we came back into our room, we opened the wall of sliding glass doors to air it out and turned the overhead fan on. And so, like you....we have literally no idea where he got it. I said, I expect there is a ton of virus out there. My husband's home test is not millions of others.

We're so glad that we took the trip, and very thankful that he didn't get it until after we were home. His cough is nasty enough that there's no way we could have gone to the pool or enjoyed meals at the would have definitely been room service in our room, or on the balcony.

I'm not masking inside with him...I've been around him all of the days he was likely pre-symptomatic. We drove home in our car from the airport....slept in our bed on Friday night. I'm almost just wanting to get it....get it over with for now. I don't see the point in trying to fight it anymore.
We traveled:
Aug 2020 0/4 (WDW/Universal)
Nov 2020 0/2 (WDW)
Feb 2021 0/5 (WDW)
March 2021 0/4 Wisconsin
May 2021 0/5 Wisconsin/ chicago
June 2021 0/6 (wdw/universal)
August 2021 Chicago/milwaukee/new york city (moving family via 3 cars, and moving truck, and visiting in each city as tourists) 0/10
Sept 2021 0/2 (wdw)
April 2022 0/2* (universal)
April 2022 0/5 (NJ and NYC)
June 2022 4/4* (plus 0 for 4 other people we spent time with in fl . 3 in my house tested positive. 4th got symptoms but 3 neg home tests...but she had covid in Jan (rest of us did not as we social distanced and masked in house).

* didn't mask up as we had previously on these trips

I'm 99% certain we got it at wdw at an indoor show. Two sets of people coughing consistently throughout the show in front and back of us. Within 2 days, 1 at a time got sick. Luckily was at end of trip and we had driven to FL. I got sick on drive home. DH got symptoms 2 hrs from home.DD had such mild symptoms we thought it was heat exhausted with 100 degree days. DH and myself had it worse. Dr confirmed covid (our home tests positive too)

We will be back in FL in September. Will be masking up indoors for sure.
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