We have Covid right now and it is NOT like a cold for us. It started with my 17 year old who we are almost positive contracted from her gymnastics gym where she coaches little ones. I expect schools to be hit hard.
I got it about 10 days after her. Imagine a bad flu combined with a bad cold with extra pain.
We’re in Florida and the pharmacist said it’s rampant right now.
We are all vaccinated with up to date boosters.
I cant' seem to shake this fatigue. It's just been dreadful. I worked today, work from home, and throat very sore after talking all day. IT's been just over a week now, so hopefully this will be gone very soon! hope everyone who is dealing with this , or any other illness, feels better soon!
I have it right now too, came down with it 2 days after returning from vacation - maybe from the airport. It is also much worse than a cold for me. I'm the only one out of 4 of us that has it. I tested negative on days 2 and 3, but since my tests expire soon, and since it feels much worse than my normal colds, I tested again on day 6 and it was positive right away. I've now had it a week. The initial sore throat is gone, but the headache, fatigue, low grade fever, nose issues, and general achiness are still there.
This is my 2nd time with it. The first time was also after travel. This time has been pretty bad, but the first time had a higher fever, dizziness to the point I had to just sit right down on the floor in the middle of what I was doing, a full day where I pretty much was completely unable to get out of bed, and complete loss of smell / taste for about a week. That first time it took a couple of weeks for my energy levels to return, even after the other symptoms had abated, so I'm guessing I'll be feeling the effects of this for awhile longer.
I am generally pretty healthy, get 1-2 hours daily exercise, eat well, get sufficient sleep, etc. Our last vaccines were October last year. At least now I should have some immunity for a few months, I might push my booster back to winter and hope that protects me for my March/April cruise.
I just hope my kids don't get it as one of them returns to school next week, and I don't want the first day at a new school to be spent home sick.

If they've avoided it so far, maybe they'll be okay.