Course by Course, One By One, 'Til You Shout "Enough I'm Done" *NEW* 10/3!!

Today is the opening day for the 2014 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival, so we were ready and raring to get there!! We actually slept in a little for once, I think I got up at like 7:00am! I was so excited about that! When we got outside, to go to the buses though it started to rain, so we made sure to take our umbrellas! We were meeting our friends at Sunshine Seasons at about 10:00 or a little after so once we made it to Epcot we headed over that way! Before we got over there we did stop for a Photopass Photo, we did a few cute shots, then were on our way! Oh and our Disneybounds today?? Figment and Dreamfinder! Very Epcot appropriate! Anywho moving on...



We knew we didn't want to get a huge breakfast, and so this is our favorite place to go to get some Croissants and just sit and watch everyone rush into Soarin'!


I got a regular Butter Croissant, and Jeremy got the Chocolate one. Oh and by the way! I know some of you are interested so I will just stick it in right here! I made my version of these croissants at home and if you are interested in the recipe you can click on the photo of my croissants to see it on my blog! If not, let's continue shall we? :thumbsup2

After we finished eating our breakfast, we started trying to look at the map and figure out what we wanted to eat! It was a really difficult decision too, We looked at it for quite a while, but I think in the end we just decided to wing it for now. We decided to start at the Scotland booth and just go around until we couldn't eat anymore!


A little bit after 10:00, our friends met us down there, and we started heading over towards Test Track. The three of them meaning, Jeremy, Dan, and Mindy were going to ride Test Track with our fastpasses, and I wanted to run over to the Festival Center and grab us some passports to get stamped! So we split up and I headed to the left, and they went to the right. When I had the passports I went back over to wait for them at the end of Test Track. I think the photo is a little funny, because Jeremy forgot where the camera was, but Dan sure didn't!!


We headed out of Test Track...and guess what?? It was 11:00, so we all know what that means!! Time for some Food!!!!! The first booth we got to this time was Scotland. Oh I almost forgot, also when I went over to the Festival Center I loaded up one of those wristband gift cards with funds, so it would be easier to pay for everything! That way, I also knew how much I was going to spend and stuff! So back to Scotland...we chose 3 things from there! I am going to number everything that we got, so we can see how many we got by the time we left!!

1. Seared Sea Scallop with Spinach-Cheddar Gratin and Crispy Bacon - Scotland

This was amazingly delicious!! It was so good in fact, that this is another one of those dishes that I recreated at home. If I do say so myself, and I know Jeremy did, the one I made at home was better...LOL Here is a photo of the one I made at home, and the same as before, if you want the recipe for it, feel free to click the photo :thumbsup2

2. Vegetarian Haggis with Neeps and Tatties - Scotland


This was one of the most memorable dishes for me last year, and while it was still definitely good, it wasn't as good as I had remembered it being. I guess next to that Scallop, it was a little underwhelming, and then the potatoes and rutabaga were a little bland. Hopefully they were just having an off day it being the first and everything, I dunno, but I will try it again later on in the year and I hope it is as good as I remember it being last year!

3. Fresh Potato Pancake with Smoked Scottish Salmon and Herb Sour Cream - Scotland


Out of the three things we tried at this booth, this was probably our least favorite, don't get me wrong, there was nothing at all wrong with it, just compared to the other two dishes, it fell a little flat. It was just sort of boring actually, and it was sad because I really love smoked salmon, and potato pancakes for that matter.

Once we were finished with Scotland, we moved right next door to the Hawaii Booth! This booth had Jeremy's favorite dish of the festival so far! Out of everything we tried, this is what Jeremy liked the most!! He loved it so much in fact that I was a nice wife and only took one bite, he sort of inhaled the rest!

4. Kalua Pork Slider with Sweet and Sour Dole Pineapple Chutney and Spicy Mayonnaise - Hawai'i



5. "Dessert Trio" Passion Fruit Coconut Creamsicle, Blueberry Lime Cheesecake Roll, Chocolate Espresso Opera Cake - Desserts & Champagne


We were split between all of us on which one of these was the best. They were all good desserts, nothing amazing about them, well to us anyway, but they were ok. My least favorite was the Opera Cake, it was kind of dry and mealy, none of us were fans. Jeremy liked the Cheesecake roll the best, I thought it was pretty good too. My favorite was the creamsicle thing, I just love fruit desserts, and if you have read my reports before you already know that...LOL!!

We skipped over the Puerto Rico booth for next time, and then stopped in the Refreshment Port because Dan & Mindy insisted that I try the dreaded "Cronut" which is some sort of baby hybrid of a Croissant and a Doughnut. I am not a huge fan of really sweet things, and like you just read, normally I prefer fruity things as opposed to chocolate and sugary stuff...(yeah I know I eat cupcakes and love them, I am a crazy person) just bare with me!

6. Croissant Doughnut with Cinnamon Sugar - Refreshment Port


It wasn't so bad actually, it was a tad on the "deep fried" side, which was a little heavy, but it definitely wasn't as bad as I was making it out in my head to be, so I would more than likely get it again! That's why you should always try new things, they may surprise you in the end! We skipped over Greece for now, and then made it to Canada!

7. Seared Rainbow Trout with Bacon, Frisee, and L8 Harvest, Minus 8 Vinaigrette - Canada


This is another dish that we really loved last year, but fell a little flat this year, the sear on the trout was pretty much nonexistent which kind of left us with a soft skinned non-crispy fish. We just had to peel off the skin to eat it. The flavor was still awesome!! So I still recommend getting it, if you like seafood! Dan doesn't like seafood, he even tried it and enjoyed it! Last year the skin was crispy and delicious, but I am just going to hope that they were really busy, considering the Canada booth is always booming!

We have eaten seven things so far, and have not even made it out of Canada yet!! We still have almost all of World Showcase to go!! What will we eat next?? Stay tuned to find out!

Figment! My favorite :) anyways loving the food and wine pics!! I can't wait to try them myself!!! The pork slider is the number 1 thing I want to try. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it... Lol. As always good job so far!
Aww you are adorable as Figment!! Great job on putting it together. My second thought was 'Pants?!!' wasn't it uber hot for pants? Although I suppose you guys are a little more use to warmer weather!

I'm soooo looking forward to the pork slider in Hawaii! I love pineapple!

I took the veggie haggis off my try list. I price it out and our list of tries was over $220 I think. I got it down to $180 now. And thats just festival stuff, theres a bunch of regular stuff I want to try too. I'm bringing my fat pants to fly home in after the trip I will need them!
Figment! My favorite :) anyways loving the food and wine pics!! I can't wait to try them myself!!! The pork slider is the number 1 thing I want to try. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it... Lol. As always good job so far!

Yay!! We love Figment, Journey Into Imagination is Jeremy's favorite ride at Walt Disney World. He loves it, we have to ride it every time we go! Then we come home and sing the song...because it is like one of those that gets stuck in your head...haha!

If I could find banana leaves, I know he would want me to try and make that Pork Slider at home, he looks forward to that one so much! He talked about it the rest of the day, and a little at home every now and then too. I am pretty sure he is going to be sampling it again in!
Ok I can tell this report is going to be pure torture!!! I want all the food!

No, not torture!! I guess that means you are going to have to stop reading it...LOL There is so much food in it, that it is pretty crazy...haha

It is torture for me too, I keep remembering all of the food because I ate it, now I am having to try and make it at home...haha :rotfl2:
Aww you are adorable as Figment!! Great job on putting it together. My second thought was 'Pants?!!' wasn't it uber hot for pants? Although I suppose you guys are a little more use to warmer weather!

I'm soooo looking forward to the pork slider in Hawaii! I love pineapple!

I took the veggie haggis off my try list. I price it out and our list of tries was over $220 I think. I got it down to $180 now. And thats just festival stuff, theres a bunch of regular stuff I want to try too. I'm bringing my fat pants to fly home in after the trip I will need them!

Aww thanks! I was so happy that we got to do Figment and Dreamfinder this time. I didn't think it was that hot at all this trip, maybe in the 70's? It was cloudy almost every day, so that could have had something to do with it also. We may also be used to hotter weather since we already live in the south...not really sure. Maybe that must be it, because remember I had a sweater on at the Harambe Nights event and that was in July...haha!

You will probably love that pork slider! It seems to be a crowd favorite! I can't think of anyone who has told me that they didn't like it. It is not my favorite thing at the festival, but it is definitely a good one! Like I said, Jeremy would eat like 20 of them I bet, he seriously loves them!

Yeah, the little plates get expensive if you start racking them up. They are still decent size though, so I mean, you could totally make a meal out of them, I know you guys have lots of food plans already though! :thumbsup2

Oh and I am HAPPY to report, that we have photos of the two of us together from our Victoria & Albert night!! So I hope I get to that one before you guys leave for your trip! :banana:
Joining in! All caught up and I LOVE your disneybounding outfits!! You guys look great! I'm drooling over your F&W pics and reviews- I"ll be there in 24 days!! Can NOT wait!
Joining in! All caught up and I LOVE your disneybounding outfits!! You guys look great! I'm drooling over your F&W pics and reviews- I"ll be there in 24 days!! Can NOT wait!

:banana: Thanks for joining in on all the fun!! Thank you so much, we have such a great time doing the Disneybounding! Food & Wine this year is awesome, you are going to have such a great time! I can't wait to go back and eat more! I keep looking over my photos trying to figure out what I want to get when we go soon! :cloud9:
Yay!! We love Figment, Journey Into Imagination is Jeremy's favorite ride at Walt Disney World. He loves it, we have to ride it every time we go! Then we come home and sing the song...because it is like one of those that gets stuck in your head...haha! If I could find banana leaves, I know he would want me to try and make that Pork Slider at home, he looks forward to that one so much! He talked about it the rest of the day, and a little at home every now and then too. I am pretty sure he is going to be sampling it again in!
I know you said whole foods isn't close to you, but if you happen to make a trip there check with them I think they might carry banana leaves. Also if you have any foreign grocery stores they might carry them as well :) hope you can find some! I'd love to see that one on your blog :) figment has always been my favorite, I've been trying to collect all of his pins. Though I'm sure I'm still missing a ton... Anyways last time I was at Disney, 8 years ago :/ I got to meet figment and there was no line! Probably one of my happiest disney moments because I've never seen him out before and it was figment! Yay. ;)
Your Disneybounding outfits look great - and super appropriate!

I feel the same way with planning for the booths - I get like halfway through and realize there are 37 things I want to try already and decide to just wing it and figure I will try what I feel like at the time (though, usually keep at least a handful in mind that I really, really want to try)

Your seared sea scallop looks awesome - even better than the Disney version! Love making scallops - usually I just put like a balsamic reduction over them, but might have to try out this version :thumbsup2

Bummer that the vegetarian haggis wasn't as good as last year ... that was one of the surprise hits for us last year.

Definitely feel that if you are going to serve fish with the skin on it has to be super crispy, otherwise you have to just remove it. Glad the flavor was still there though!
I know you said whole foods isn't close to you, but if you happen to make a trip there check with them I think they might carry banana leaves. Also if you have any foreign grocery stores they might carry them as well :) hope you can find some! I'd love to see that one on your blog :) figment has always been my favorite, I've been trying to collect all of his pins. Though I'm sure I'm still missing a ton... Anyways last time I was at Disney, 8 years ago :/ I got to meet figment and there was no line! Probably one of my happiest disney moments because I've never seen him out before and it was figment! Yay. ;)

Cool! I will have to check Whole Foods next time we go to see if they do! We don't have any ethnic grocers in our town, but I am sure that Wilmington, NC, which is where Whole Foods is does, so I will look around and see what I can find! Thanks for the heads up! :thumbsup2

Oh My Gosh! We would love to actually see Figment, out of all of the times I have been to Disney I have never seen him out anywhere, you are so lucky! What a great experience for you to have!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that Disney decides to bring him out sometime in the future!! :love:
Your Disneybounding outfits look great - and super appropriate!

Thanks! We had a lot of fun doing them, even if we were the only ones who knew what they were...haha!!

I feel the same way with planning for the booths - I get like halfway through and realize there are 37 things I want to try already and decide to just wing it and figure I will try what I feel like at the time (though, usually keep at least a handful in mind that I really, really want to try)

I had a whole list when we left the house of what I wanted to try, but it totally changed in the moment, I guess it was a mixture of the things tasting different than I had before, and also, eating so much food, that I could easily skip things that I Hopefully, I will try more of them next week.

Your seared sea scallop looks awesome - even better than the Disney version! Love making scallops - usually I just put like a balsamic reduction over them, but might have to try out this version :thumbsup2

Thank you!! I knew I always enjoyed cooking, but now that I am combining Disney with cooking, it is becoming a new sort of passion. We are having such a great time coming up with these recipes and testing them out! That balsamic reduction sounds fantastic! I am going to put that on my try list for the next time we do scallops! I wish they weren't so expensive to buy! I think a pound here at our fish market was like $18.99 :scared1::eek:

Bummer that the vegetarian haggis wasn't as good as last year ... that was one of the surprise hits for us last year.

Definitely feel that if you are going to serve fish with the skin on it has to be super crispy, otherwise you have to just remove it. Glad the flavor was still there though!

I was sad about the haggis, it was one of the things I was looking forward to eating again the most. I am going to try it again when we go back and hope that it is going to taste just how I remembered it! I am with you on the fish skin thing, if it isn't crispy, just take it off, it is somewhat unappetizing when you think you are going to be getting a piece of crispy skin to bite down and chew on something that is far from it...LOL
When we left off we had just finished up at the Canada Pavilion. I think we had already eaten seven things or something like that and we had just barely started! I mean if you count the desserts as separate instead of a trio it is more than that, but I am not gonna do that, since they all came on the same plate...haha! The next destination on our list was Number 27: France. We did skip over 29...which was "Showcase Coffee Cart"...umm..what? Is that a country? We are saving Ireland for our next trip also, so that is the other we skipped as we crossed over into the France Pavilion! New this year...replacing one of my favorites was our next dish!

8. Creme Brulee Caramel fleur de sel - France

I was very excited to try this. One of favorites from festivals past was the Chocolate Milk Creme Brulee. It was really yummy. This version, well to the four of us anyway, was not a favorite. You know how sometimes if caramel gets cooked too far it has sort of a burnt flavor...well this is what they tasted like, burnt caramel custard. Some people may definitely like it, so by all means try it for yourself, it may also be better on any other given day, today however, was not that day...haha! Moving on...

9. Crispy Pork Belly with Black Beans, Tomato, and Cilantro - Brazil

I am not sure if something is wrong with me, or if we were hitting these stations on an off day, but the pork belly was not as seared as it looked, twas a tad on the chewy fat side. I can't remember if we had this last year or the year before that, but man when we had it then, it was seriously one of the BEST things we had at the entire festival, the flavors were definitely still all there and amazing, almost like the trout dish, but the meat was just not seared well. Still worth a try if you like pork belly, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it gets a good render on it! But the name Crispy Pork Belly, was not what this was, they should have called it Chewy Pork Belly...haha!!

10. Mocequa de Pescado - Regal Springs Tilapia with Coconut Lime Sauce and Steamed Rice - Brazil


Ok hold everything!! This said Coconut Lime Sauce right?? They had this exact same sauce on the menu last year. With the exception that it came with a scallop instead of tilapia. If I recall correctly, it was a ragout of tomatoes, peppers, and hearts of palm. Which is exactly what this is. Now, with that being said, this was phenomenal! It was probably the best thing I ate all day long, the rice was a little dry, but I am not going to hold that against it, because the flavors of this dish are epic. So simple, yet so robust. It was just great. It was not, however, what I ordered, or what is on the! Curious if when we go back, it will be different? I wonder if anyone said anything to them??

We were starting to get a little full, so we were going to start skipping a few places now, we passed over Belgium, Morocco, Japan, and Block & Hans, to end up at Hops & Barley, and my childhood nemesis...Pimento Cheese.

11. Florida Grass-Fed Beef Slider with Pimento Cheese - Hops & Barley


When I was growing up my Pappaw would always make pimento cheese at the kitchen table. My mom used to make sandwiches out of it all the time. It looked so gross to me, just not something I even wanted to eat. This neon yellow-orange gooey cheese with red sweet peppery things in it...Ick! Now that I am older and have a slightly more refined palate, I will almost try anything. When we saw this on the menu this year, it was something I knew that I needed to give a second chance. So when I got it, the cheese sauce on this slider looked nothing like that concoction I had remembered from my didn't look that bad actually. I took a bite and man oh was great! Did I say that tilapia was my favorite? May have to scratch that, because this was yummy! I am more than likely going to be trying to make this cheese sauce at home sometime. It just goes to show you to always give something a try, it may surprise you!!

Update: I made it at home!! It was really yummy too!

12. Artisan Cheese Plate: Cabot Cloth-wrapped Cheddar, Purple Haze Chevre Goat Cheese, Cave Man Blue Cheese - Hops & Barley


I love me a good cheese plate, and since they took the Cheese Marketplace out this year, I had to try this one. I can never seem to go wrong with cheese, there aren't that many of them that I don't like. They all have such unique nuances, it is really fun to try them all, sort of like wine I guess. I think my favorite was the Purple Haze, it was so creamy and just really hit the spot so to speak. Definite winner! Time to skip some more booths. We went onward and passed by Fife & Drum, Liberty Inn, Espresso, Coffee and Pastries at the American Adventure?? Really?? We also went by Italy and Poland to land at Germany.

13. Berliner-Yeast Doughnut filled with Apricot Jam - Germany


This year they decided to take the fan favorite Apple Strudel off the menu at the Germany marketplace. I was a little sad, but I figured if they were taking that off, something amazing must be taking its place, right? saw the looks like a grocery store doughnut you say? Well, it pretty much tasted like it too. It was almost like I went down to the pastry case at my local Walmart and grabbed out a jam filled cold day old doughnut. It makes me really sad to say that too. This is a food & wine festival though, I mean really? Some people may really like this, I was just not one of them. Huge Thumbs Down on this one for me.

I feel like I am giving everything such bad reviews, it is really funny too, because I usually really like everything I eat at the festival. It is my number one favorite thing to do at Walt Disney World! I look forward to it every year. I keep hoping that since it is the first day, they just have not gotten everything down pat yet, yes that must be it, that is what I am going to tell myself anyway, at least until I try some more next week!

14. Nueske's Pepper Bacon Hash with Sweet Corn, Potatoes, Hollandaise and Pickled Jalapenos - Farm Fresh


I watch the Food & Wine preview event on Youtube and saw this on there, I was like...YES, it looks so good!! I mean how can you go wrong with those ingredients??? My favorite part of this dish was the Corn, it was excellent, other than was just ok. I may opt for the Yard Bird when we go back. Oh and this is paired with the Chateau St. Michelle & Dr. Loosen Eroica Riesling. Dr. Loosen is one of our absolute favorite, we have some in our wine cooler right now, actually. So we thought, this might be really good!


I guess someone really enjoyed these two things paired together, but for me eating that and drinking that wine, it made each of them taste even worse than when you had them by themselves. Oh well, I hope I am not turning anyone off of trying any of these things. I am sure you guys will love some of them! I even loved a few, that pimento cheese sauce..Mmmm, yummy!

15. Shrimp Taco - Fried Shrimp, Pickled Habanero Pepper and Onions on a Flour Tortilla - Mexico


Yes, finally something that is really yummy!! Jeremy and I sort of haggled over who was going to get more bites of this, considering we had been having so many things that were not so great, this was a refreshing and happy change from previous years! Don't get me wrong, I love the old taco too, but this was actually a positive new experience from last year. Everything came together really nicely on this dish, and if you like shrimp, I highly recommend getting it!!

16. Venison Sausage with Pickled Mushrooms, Baby Arugula and Black Currant Reduction - New Zealand


Yum...yumm...and more YUM! A favorite from last year, and it is definitely just as delicious as it was then! Something about that black currant reduction on those pickled mushrooms with that sausage...just Yes. More please! I know venison may not be for everyone, but I love it! Definitely planning on getting this one again when we go back!! Our last booth of the day was going to be the first booth on the list. Terra!

17. "CraB'less CraB Cake", Pepper Slaw and Cajun Remoulade featuring Gardein - Terra


So good!! It had started to rain on us, so we were trying to hold the umbrellas and eat this at the same time. I was so glad to end this part of the food day on such a high note! These really did taste like crab cakes, even though they were Vegan! Jeremy and I hop around during the year between being vegan, vegetarian, and meat-eating. We don't usually like faux meats, I would rather eat vegetables really..LOL. But this was great! I would have definitely been fooled had someone told me this was a real crab cake. It was really good, the slaw that came with it was great too!!

We had tried 17 things around World Showcase!! Whoa! That was a ton of food, at least we did have each other to share it with. There were definitely some really delicious things, mixed with a few not so good things, but all in all, we were pretty happy! The rain, however, was not so happy. We were really worried about it raining tonight. Before we left Epcot, we had to ride Jeremy's favorite attraction! We even made fast passes for it, (like we needed them..ha) I think even without the FP+ we would have been first in We got in our car and Jeremy was channeling the ride already!


We finished up with Figment and it was time to head back to the hotel to get rest and get ready for the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party tonight! Mindy and Dan were kind enough to drive us back to the resort since it was on their way home. They were going to pick us up later to go to the party too. So we started walking out to the parking lot to their car and looked at the sky...


You see those clouds rolling in?? That was just the beginning, but you will have to wait to find out about that. Spoiler was going to rain...HAHA Just how much though? Would the Boo To You Parade be canceled? What about all the characters at the party? The Headless Horseman? Stay tuned to find out!!
I have never done F&W before but you are totally selling me on it! Looks amazing!

So if the CraB cakes were vegan... what were they??
I have never done F&W before but you are totally selling me on it! Looks amazing!

So if the CraB cakes were vegan... what were they??

Food & Wine Festival is so much fun! Not only is there food everywhere, but the weather is usually nice and cool, well for Florida anyway! We love this time of year down there! We always have a blast, I am so much looking forward to getting back down there to try more!I hope you get a chance to go down there for it sometime! :thumbsup2

Apparently the craB cake recipe is in the cookbook this year, I didn't look at it yet, but when I go next week, I will check it out and see because I am not actually sure what it is?? I would really like to be able to make those at home too, so now I am curious! :surfweb:
I'm loving every minute of your TR!

The Disneybounds are AWESOME! I didn't even know what that meant...I had to google it...LOL! I'm out of it I guess...but anyway, I really appreciate how much you put into it. Really great! It would be fun to guess what you are going really nail it, so it wouldn't be difficult.

You guys are adorable...can't wait to read more.

Oh...and I just found your blog....amazing!
Really enjoying your trip report! Went back and read all of you past reports as well!! Looking forward to more:thumbsup2
That bread and butter is sooooo good. If you make it at home and it comes out good please, please share the recipe!

I did it!! I am really really pleased with the results too!!! So I wanted to share it with you! If you guys get a chance to make it, let me know how it turns out!

I'm loving every minute of your TR!

The Disneybounds are AWESOME! I didn't even know what that meant...I had to google it...LOL! I'm out of it I guess...but anyway, I really appreciate how much you put into it. Really great! It would be fun to guess what you are going really nail it, so it wouldn't be difficult.

You guys are adorable...can't wait to read more.

Oh...and I just found your blog....amazing!

Yay! Thank you so much, I am so happy you are enjoying the TR!

We have so much fun doing the Disney themed outifts! I think they make for much nicer photos too!

Yay to finding the blog, I am having so much fun with it, I hope you get a chance to try out some of the recipes! :goodvibes


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