Coronavirus and Anxiety

We have had not one case reported in my area. I am a Route Sales driver and I went to a Retirement Housing Community I service. Upon walking in they had set up a table. There was a bottle of hand sanitizer on it with several binders full of paper. I walked up to the woman and said I was there to service some of my customers. She said she needed my drivers license and cell phone number and they needed to take my temperature. I thought she was joking. Again, not one case has been reported in our area. I also don't understand everyone buying up all the bottled water here. We have incredible drinking water already. Do they think its going to get into our water supply? Good grief.
I think that they are probably trying to be proactive - trying to be part of the solution by not bringing together large groups of people from all over the country.
If universities think it will help to hold remote classes, then they must think those same students will refrain from getting together in large groups at bars/clubs/activities. Most college students in this college town will be out as usual, so the remote classrooms become pointless.
If universities think it will help to hold remote classes, then they must think those same students will refrain from getting together in large groups at bars/clubs/activities. Most college students in this college town will be out as usual, so the remote classrooms become pointless.
That was my thought too.
If universities think it will help to hold remote classes, then they must think those same students will refrain from getting together in large groups at bars/clubs/activities. Most college students in this college town will be out as usual, so the remote classrooms become pointless.
Maybe, it it gves these students the ability to manage their exposure if they wish. If they have to go to these classes, they are forced into situations where large groups of people come together. They provide choice.
If universities think it will help to hold remote classes, then they must think those same students will refrain from getting together in large groups at bars/clubs/activities. Most college students in this college town will be out as usual, so the remote classrooms become pointless.
Well considering some of the classes at my alma mater are 1,000 person ones I get their decision to move to online and allow for each week it to be a rolling decision. I don't think any decision will be perfect.

The campus stays open, dining halls stay open and dorm rooms stay open for my alma mater.

I don't think they are trying to eliminate ALL exposure but it can reduce certain larger exposures.

No matter what you cannot prohibit people from going out on their own time so no decision the Universities make will impact that but I also don't think the point like I said is to eliminate all exposure. They aren't imposing quarantines or isolations though there are guidance on who should be doing self-isolations based on individual factors (usually travel related).

One of the biggest factors IMO here is that Spring Break timing. The move to remote learning would probably still be the go to but the amped up possible exposure with Spring Breaks going on. Decisions probably would vary depending on time of year.
If universities think it will help to hold remote classes, then they must think those same students will refrain from getting together in large groups at bars/clubs/activities. Most college students in this college town will be out as usual, so the remote classrooms become pointless.
Not pointless for the elderly professors who no longer come in contact with thousands of students
I told my family that if we run out of TP, I have plenty of old newspapers stored (lighting fireplace, craft projects). If you crinkle it up a bit, it softens it! :) [Only half joking]
Well considering some of the classes at my alma mater are 1,000 person ones I get their decision to move to online and allow for each week it to be a rolling decision. I don't think any decision will be perfect.

The campus stays open, dining halls stay open and dorm rooms stay open for my alma mater.

I don't think they are trying to eliminate ALL exposure but it can reduce certain larger exposures.

No matter what you cannot prohibit people from going out on their own time so no decision the Universities make will impact that but I also don't think the point like I said is to eliminate all exposure. They aren't imposing quarantines or isolations though there are guidance on who should be doing self-isolations based on individual factors (usually travel related).

One of the biggest factors IMO here is that Spring Break timing. The move to remote learning would probably still be the go to but the amped up possible exposure with Spring Breaks going on. Decisions probably would vary depending on time of year.
Makes sense. I just can tell by the reaction from people here that it tends to provoke more panic, for a solution that may or may not be effective at all.
I only go big shopping about every 10 days for my family of 3 at my local ShopRite. 2 visits ago my toilet paper wasn't on sale so I decided to wait. Last visit there was none of my brand left. I'm down to the last 2 rolls in my house, one hanging in each bathroom.

Does this make me a better citizen, or worse citizen for not being prepared?
Not pointless for the elderly professors who no longer come in contact with thousands of students
We are older not elderly, gosh darn it!
My son told me coronavirus was hard on the feeble the other day. Asked him what he meant and he said people my age :lmao:.
Good thing he was on the phone cuz I would have punched him right in his arm. Darn whippersnappers....

I only go big shopping about every 10 days for my family of 3 at my local ShopRite. 2 visits ago my toilet paper wasn't on sale so I decided to wait. Last visit there was none of my brand left. I'm down to the last 2 rolls in my house, one hanging in each bathroom.

Does this make me a better citizen, or worse citizen for not being prepared?

It just means that no dysfunctional bear families will be visiting you

This ad is right up there with the Quizno spongemonkey campaign of commercials sooo bad I want to remember the name of the product so I'll never buy it;).
If universities think it will help to hold remote classes, then they must think those same students will refrain from getting together in large groups at bars/clubs/activities. Most college students in this college town will be out as usual, so the remote classrooms become pointless.

If students choose to go out, on their own and be in bars/clubs/etc., that is THEIR choice. The Universities cannot make choices based on what their students may or may not do on their own. Nor are they liable for the choice a student makes off campus.

That would be the same as saying, we shouldn't close for a hurricane because our students will just be out at hurricane parties.
Makes sense. I just can tell by the reaction from people here that it tends to provoke more panic, for a solution that may or may not be effective at all.
People panic for all sorts of reasons. I think the number of people truly panicking are smaller than people believe (some people yes do panic just not IMO as many as people often think). A lot of people are called out here on the Boards as panicking when I don't see them actually doing that. I see people having a healthy (no pun intended) consideration for the information as it comes out and as it evolves so does the reactions of places.

We still presently have travel plans--my husband for business at the end of the month and our leisure travel in a month. But I know we'll be taking precautions including doing things we don't normally do (wiping our seats and trays in the airplane, wiping more surfaces we come in contact with that we ordinarily wouldn't do). We aren't however, in stark contrast to all the memes out there, just up and suddenly washing our hands---yeah we've been doing that the whole time thank you very much :) We're not panicking but we are upping our awareness and preparedness just like we did when we went down to WDW during Irma.

My metro just over 2 hours ago canceled our St. Patrick's Day Parade. While there were continual updates of "we're monitoring the situation" all news stories were talking about is that it was still on. However, with my alma mater (KU) announcing yesterday and another close enough school (Mizzou) announcing the day before for going to online learning as well as the Big 12 tournament held here having the decision made last the game..that further games would be held without fans, fan festivals for the Big 12 canceled (likely due to that and consideration of larger crowds)..well it all came down like dominoes do. Is that panic? No I don't personally think so.

In any case I don't think the Universities are trying to find a solution and what solution you're thinking of I'm not even sure (spread maybe?). I think part of the issue, as I mentioned on another thread is the responses and procedures for Universities are kinda all over the place but in a way that makes sense. Each area has their own unique factors (size, location, make up of student body, etc) different levels of risks for expsoure (number of cases, spread in their area, location, etc).
My anxiety is off the charts. Always is, always has been, this is just the new trigger for me. But I'm trying to take inspiration from my parents who are pushing 90. Other than age, they're in good health, but still likely candidates for complications from this thing. While they're not brushing it off and are taking some precautions, they're not fearful, either, and are still going to the grocery, pharmacy, and visiting a small group of friends. I asked my mom about it and got basically this answer:

"We lived through measles outbreaks and polio outbreaks before there were vaccines, plus things like scarlet fever, rubella, mumps and whatever else. Yes, we saw friends and family die from these things, but there's always something out there. Plus we survived WWII and were raised by parents who survived WWI, the Great Depression, and the Spanish flu. Not to mention natural disasters, asbestos in the workplace, exposure to chemicals that are banned today, industrial accidents before OSHA, and all kinds of injuries and illnesses that didn't have proper treatments. Honey, a long life gives you perspective that there's always something terrible that can get you, but life just goes on. There's no protective bubble, nothing that makes you or anyone else special when it comes to avoiding bad things and to think there is is a fool's game. Whatever happens happens and since most of it is out of your control, you just have to soldier on."

I'm trying to take some comfort from their pragmatism and experience.
Wow what an amazing milestone! That's going to be an awesome birthday party.

My mom is 77 with diabetes, COPD, and heart disease. Covid-19 would not be good for her. She never listens to any of my advice, though. I'm just her baby, what do I know? lol
:hug: to your Mom, Kittyblue.

I'm writing this next part hopefully to let you and some of you others with parents who are elderly; there is some hope for us stubborn oldies:

I'm 66 with Alpha One, a lung disease. I have 20 some percent of lungs left and I do infusions weekly. As many of you know I go to our local casino all the time (3 to 4 times a week) to mainly play blackjack. It's my pasttime. I have some great friends over there and just love going.
Well..............after talking with one my sons last night and him being concerned to just come and visit me and Dad this weekend because his county near Detroit has a confirmed case and he doesn't want me to be at risk..... WOW what can I say! Puts me going to my casino in a whole different perspective. Guess I'm not going to go for awhile. so the boys don't worry. Weird. Never thought someone would ever talk me out of going over there!!

So you guys with stubborn parents.....keep talking; they hopefully will listen. I did. :hug:
I told my family that if we run out of TP, I have plenty of old newspapers stored (lighting fireplace, craft projects). If you crinkle it up a bit, it softens it! :) [Only half joking]
Just don't flush it. That will create a totally different problem. :crazy2:


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