"Cool Straight People"

Since I am from , Montréal , I dont know what a southern Baptist is (but i kind of understand it). it is allright to disagree , but it is better to try to understand and this is very cool in my book ! :thumbsup2
Winnie -

Since I guess I am one of the first person'd to read your post, let me say your explaination makes you a CSP in my book!

Agreeing to disagree is the best policy in life. With no bashing of anyone, pro or con with regards to a subject in question!

olbear said:
It is my desire to understand and learn how to language my thoughts with feelings of love and understanding, not hate and biggotry.
WOW....those are mighty powerful words and words that EVERYONE should live by.

All the best to you Winnie and your family also!

Bob & Kevin a.k.a. Mister Disney
I'm not gay and don't know about being cool, but I feel pretty passionately about the importance of equal rights and respect for everyone.

I am Canadian, and was away at a conference in Washington last year when Canada changed the law so that same-sex partners could marry. My daughter who is 26 (and also not gay) called me at the hotel to tell me the good news! We'd both been sending letters and emails to encourage our MPs to pass the law.

Later that summer, I was at a party with one of my friends who had recently married, and I will never forget the look of love and pride on her face as she introduced us to her wife.

toto2 said:
Yes, thank you to all the CSP ! I cant wait for the time we will only have to say CP (cool people) !

And good to see a fellow Montréaler on the Dis. There are not a lot of us here !
(and I am french on top of that , I think I am the only one !)

haha! Actually, there is one other! JoanJett on this board is a francophone Montrealer. I am an anglo, but my husband is francophone. I like to pretend I am as well but my accent always gives me away. :tilt:
We should start the Montreal clique of the Dis ! :cool1:

I even work at the world trade center , not far from you !
I think I qualify. I was one of the first to post in this forum, and I think that post says something.

Of course how would one define this situation. The person who has been my best friend for over 40 years, and we each were Best Man at the others wedding, about ten years ago came out as transgendered and is now, after surgery, living in a lesbian relationship. I have since invited her to share my bed, to which her adult daughter (straight but with a t-shirt that says "I love both my moms") said she had been told (by her mother) that I have acceopted the change.
Cheshire - your friend is very lucky to have a friend like you! You are definitely a CSP!
I think that everyone is a person and everyone deserves to be just like everyone else no matter what
-I like the CSP as well

They are having a big fight herein Md about rights and in todays Sun paper was a protest picture of a man holding a sign ,let just be CIVIL on the CIVIL union thing,or something to that nature.
As a married man for 14 years and haveing Gay friends I think that really sums it up

Well at my school we have this challenge day thing. And apparently the money goes to supporting the gay/lesbian marriages. I think that it's amazing and very nice of them to do this! I agree with them 110% because in the end we are all just people and we need to be treated the same.
Ok, I just came up with an idea for a new bumper sticker

Proud to be a CSP! :sunny:
I prefer to think I'm a CSP.

Not that there's anything wrong with that!
sotoalf said:
I've been lucky: most of my best guy friends are straight men. When I came out five years ago the reactions ranged from "Oh, okay..." to "Get over yourself. We KNEW!" I was 24, which should indicate how my generation (and the next one) views homosexuality as a non-issue.

Im 24 soon, I have gay and straight friends, its a non issue in our area, but its awfull when some people are ignorant enough to cause hassle when we all go out,

Im a straight girl, but my two best friends in the world are two gay men, couldnt ask for any better (and they are great on my shopping trips lol) my dbf accepts it lol and gets on like a house on fires with them.

great board and great thread!!
Mister Disney said:

Thanks, Mister Disney! Good to know that even the socially challenged can by CSP's. :) DH and I are typically the "TSP"'s (token straight people) at the parties and jaunts of our gay friends.
kpk89 said:
Thanks, Mister Disney! Good to know that even the socially challenged can by CSP's. :) DH and I are typically the "TSP"'s (token straight people) at the parties and jaunts of our gay friends.

Thats really interesting.....since Kevin and I just moved to a historic neighborhood in Bristol, and are somewhat feeling like the "TGP" (token gay person)........some people hate us and some people love us.....I just want to be US!
Mister Disney said:
Thats really interesting.....since Kevin and I just moved to a historic neighborhood in Bristol, and are somewhat feeling like the "TGP" (token gay person)........some people hate us and some people love us.....I just want to be US!

I'm sorry you have to be the TGP's, I get to be the THP (handicapped) at work all because I was born without a few fingers. It bugs me to be singled out for something that #1-doesn't change who I really am and #2 doesn't make a diddle of a difference in how I do my job.
So from The CSP/THP to the TGP's...I like you based on what you say (lurking here until now) and how you treat people around you, not on who and how you love.
To me love is an amazing thing, being able to love is what matters, nothing else should factor into it. One day society as a whole will realize that.
Mister Disney said:
some people hate us and some people love us.....I just want to be US!

But that's the way it is when you ARE who you ARE for the sake of being YOU. Whether gay or straight, people who are open with their opinions/habits/choices are always subject to more love/hate stuff than the people who just go along to get along and fly under the radar.
Another CSP here, but here is the funny thing, i have a great gay friend that i have never met, we chat and we talk on the phone all the time, i'm sure people have so many assumptions but you know what when we talk, there is no gay issues (unless i am asking for fashion advice) but it is just good friends having a great conversation, i too am religous, so i just make note of that part of the bible that tells us we are not to judge so i don't,
live love and let live i say.
Hey has anyone seen this commercial it says there are two times in a persons life when they don't care who the person next to them is,
it shows when the babies are first born in the hospital and they are all in the room together

then it goes to the cemetary and you know what tey were right, these are definitely two times when i could care less who is next to me, i love all

ps. the fashion comment was not a sterotype, it is just what i have found to be true with all the gay, bi, lesbian friends i have had througout my life.


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