Convincing DH to go to WDW


Earning My Ears
Jan 7, 2000
I'm in a bind and would like some help. The problem we're having is to 1) Get a pool, or 2) Go to WDW. My choice is #2, but my DH would rather get a pool. I'm trying to get my DD to convince their dad that they would rather go to WDW, but they're split down the middle. We haven't been since 2001 and I really miss it. We've talked about going at Halloween time and I think the Girls would really enjoy that. I've heard that Mickey's Halloween Party is cool. Help me please to convince everyone that WDW is the way to go this year. Another year without a pool will not kill us, (I don't think anyway.) Thanks alot!!:jester:
I am not sure about the age of your girls but I think I would want both my children old enough to be accomplished swimmers before I got a pool. If that is not an issue then maybe try to find a compromise. Maybe staying at a less expensive resort to save enough money to join a pool for the summer.
Maybe it's just me, but as a kid I'd WAY rather have a swimming pool b/c it ensures a whole summer of fun rather than a week at WDW (which has been done before.) Also with a pool you can have all your friends over for summer parties. Sorry! I'm not of much help.

But: i agree with shelly3girls when she talks about compromising - that may be your best solution. You could stay off-site even!
I had a pool and I'll never have another one. Too much work and constant maintenance expenses. I hated it!!!! Ask DH who is going to be responsible for cleaning, etc.
When I was 19 we moved to a house with a pool. We lived there on year. It was deinitely too much. It is for people who can easily afford to have someone maintain it. It was also turning my hair green! M hairdresser's first question when she saw me was, "Do you have a pool?" I never went in it much after that.
My parents have a pool and it is SOOOO much work. One year, when they had it covered for the winter, the cover split and it cost more $ to get the vover of, clean up , and order a new cover then pay for the man to come get it covered again.

My Mom wishes that they didn't have it now since it is so much work.
I agree; pools are a lot of work to keep up. Do you belong to the Y? Maybe that would be an inexpensive alternative...your kids could swim (and also join in the other activities that the Y offers), and it wouldn't break the bank.
I agree with Steffi. We looked at putting in an inground pool last year. Would cost almost 30K when all said and done. We joined the local health club that has an indoor and outdoor pool. Cost $75 a month and I do not have to clean it or anything.

The other thing and its a real bummer but I will mention it. My wife (and I agree) didn't want to become the neighberhood babysitter any more than we already are. Every time you have someone over for a swim you have increased liability. Although a liability policey is not that much (about $500 /year for a 1mil policy) you got to have it.

And another reason for DW. I am told that a pool adds no additional value to your home (unless your in Florida). Here in Tennessee where you can use it only 3 - 5 months most folks do not want them. Makes it harder to sell your house down the road.

I choose WDW...have a built in pool in the backyard, and if I could fill it with dirt tomorrow I would. It is a lot of work and depending on the weather each year the maintenance and chemicals vary. The kids do enjoy having the pool, but trust me, after being out of school for about 2 weeks, I hear, we're bored. Good luck with convincing your DH:)
Thanks for everyone's input. My DD are 9 & 7 and love to swim. I can't keep them out of the neighbors little pool. They think it will be cool to have a BIG, in their eyes, pool in the back yard. The DH thinks it will keep them occupied for the 3 months they're off school. Me, I'm thinking every kid in the neighborhood in my back yard, and in my house to go potty. But hey, what are parents for. I guess it's my own strong wish to go to WDW that makes me not want a pool. Can't have both, unless of course I win the lottery. LOL!!

Well, wish me luck. I think if I can turn both DD onto WDW, DH won't stand a chance.
Well, I wish you luck in deciding what to do. I can offer some input about swimming pools though. Welive in western NY (rochester) so we have a similiar climate to where you live in Ohio. We purchased our home that came with an large inground swimming pool and a seperate small pool house. At first it seemed like it would be a great way to spend our summer.

The first year it was so cool we swam in it a total of 8 times (from early June till end of Aug/early Sept). The following year we spent more time in it and thought -great, we love it. The next year-same thing-cooler temps and it became a real chore to take care of. To make a long story short, it became a huge hassle. We sold that home and the new owners seemed happy to have a nice pool but the neighbors told us they filled it after 3 years or spending a ton on chemicals, etc....

Plan on spending a good deal of time with upkeep, chemicals and the like as well as a good amount of money. Our good friends kept hearing from their kids that they wanted a pool and were old enough to understand some concepts of money and responsibility. The mom explained over the course of a week or 2 how expensive a pool would be and what they would no longer be doing (like skipping a meal out every month or something) to be able to afford the pool. Later she talked about their responsibilities in upkeep, like using the hand skimmer to get rid of bugs, help with vacumming, help with the pool toys (that gets old really fast), help in opening and closing the pool each year. I thought her way of approaching it was great and in the end they joined a pool club at a local condo subdivision and are happy to go and swim and leave the responsibility to someone else.

I'm not trying to talk anyone out of getting a pool, but there is so much to it that most people forget about when they are thinking how great a nice swim is at the end of the day.

Everyone seems to be answering you by telling you how much work a pool is, but we have one and it really is not that much trouble if you just keep up with what you need to do. Of course, if you neglect the chemicals and such for awhile, then it takes a lot of work to get it back the way it is supposed to be. We have teenagers so we love having a swimming pool because the kids can invite their friends to our house, and we would much rather have them at our house where we can supervise than out running around getting into trouble like many teenagers do when they complain that there is nothing to do.


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