Contracts drying up??

Not sure what state you are in--but if you're in a community property state, if something happened to you, all of the contracts (for better or worse) would go to her.

At my house, I'm not worried about where the contracts would go, in terms of ownership, rather how they'd be managed. I've been thinking about typing up a list of directions of what needs to happen with the DVC contracts (there's seven of them now) if something were to happen to me. (1) when dues need to be paid, (2) how to rent points, (3) basic banking and borrowing, and (4) the name of two decent brokers if they need to be resold. I handle all the DVC stuff (and a lot of other things), and I don't think anyone else at the house really understands how it works (except we go on vacation), which is fine, unless something happens to me.

But if you're in a community property state, all your contracts, if they are in your name, would simply become hers. Managing them might be more of an issue.
Are you entirely sure about that? I am not a real estate lawyer, but I believe it should depend on how you take title, your estate planning, and possibly also the state your DVC resort is located in.

In any event, you raise a good (but troubling) point that my husband would have absolutely no idea how to manage our DVC contracts if I poofed. The only things he knows is their approximate collective resale value (which is a rounded number in a single cell in our excel family finances sheet).
Not sure what state you are in--but if you're in a community property state, if something happened to you, all of the contracts (for better or worse) would go to her.

At my house, I'm not worried about where the contracts would go, in terms of ownership, rather how they'd be managed. I've been thinking about typing up a list of directions of what needs to happen with the DVC contracts (there's seven of them now) if something were to happen to me. (1) when dues need to be paid, (2) how to rent points, (3) basic banking and borrowing, and (4) the name of two decent brokers if they need to be resold. I handle all the DVC stuff (and a lot of other things), and I don't think anyone else at the house really understands how it works (except we go on vacation), which is fine, unless something happens to me.

But if you're in a community property state, all your contracts, if they are in your name, would simply become hers. Managing them might be more of an issue.
Oregon is not a community property state.

She has already told me she will sell everything except for the Grand Cal points.
Are you entirely sure about that? I am not a real estate lawyer, but I believe it should depend on how you take title, your estate planning, and possibly also the state your DVC resort is located in.
I really think this depends on the state. Where I live--at least according to my investments person (so take that for what it's worth)--it's true. We each have some things in our own names. The bigger issues is if we both go--like in a car accident.
I really think this depends on the state. Where I live--at least according to my investments person (so take that for what it's worth)--it's true. We each have some things in our own names. The bigger issues is if we both go--like in a car accident.
That sounds fairly reasonable, but the best advice of all is not to take legal (especially estate planning) advice from anonymous folks on the internet. 😛
Stuff like this just doesn’t happen at Disneyland or Aulani…

The level of crazy and alcohol at WDW is amazing….
OMG. That is horrifying. My first guess is some sort of mental handicap (either temporary or a vision/mental impairment that they shouldn't be behind the wheel at all) but they will also rent a scooter to anyone with the money to pay for it (there is a minimum age but not a maximum) and there do seem to be a lot of guest tantrum/meltdowns at WDW. I realize there could be homocidal maniacs, but my money is still "driver so out of it that they didn't realize they were trying to crush a child" (and not necessarily alcohol).
There are 135 PVB’s on the market and most are very expensive. Something’s got to give here….
If they are under the minimum for new buyers, they will still go. I tried to talk a friend out of buying 100 VGF resale points (she grew up with DVC parents!) at $190 or something... a few months before VGF 2 went on sale. Of course they went and bought VGF 2 as well. We did get a nice dream it forward gift card out of it.... LOL
propriety resale contract availability benchmarking scale™ (RCABS™) (I totally didn’t just make this up in Excel 10 minutes ago 🤨)
Wow, your algorithm uses Excel! Mine is called WAGUn=1 (Wild A.. Guess Using n=1) aka WAGUAD (anecdotal data)
You all have peer pressured me into checking out DVC resale aggregators for the first time in months. Luckily not my UYs at places I’d be tempted to buy.

There are a lot of bigger VGC contracts sitting around though. If I thought my marriage would survive it, I’d be trying to pick up a 200 point contract around $200/pt.
LOL same. Every time we have money come in (tax refund, bonus, etc) he's like "NO MORE DVC" ... honey, nothing has made me want to bite yet. Admittedly, when I first bought resale (BLT), VGC resale was around $150-160. (But we heeded buy where you want to stay/wouldn't mind staying, and we were planning annual trips to WDW, not DL)... Cue Cher ...
and I don't think anyone else at the house really understands how it works (except we go on vacation), which is fine, unless something happens to me.
THIS IS MY FAMILY. Which is why I held ressies for spring break at WDW first, then VGC at 7 mo (we did it!!) and then AUL at 6 mo.... that was scary. ("Nah... let's go to Hawaii instead!") and ARE YOU DOUBLE SURE BECAUSE ONCE I CANCEL THIS WE ARE NOT GOING TO DISNEYLAND.
Can someone help me figure out how to make not be accessible from my computer or my phone?

Just submitted an offer on something :eek:
Was it the 40 point VGF contract that was briefly listed yesterday for $40pp? LOL. Or was it the BWV contract that was listed last week at $13.50pp?? (And yes, both of those were up on the site for a few hours.)
Is DVCforless having issues scraping from the board sponsor? Filtering by that broker on the aggregator shows latest contract is a few (6) days ago. But a quick check on the broker site, I can see a AKV 300pt listing with a date of Oct 3 on their site as an example, or a BLT 200 pt with a Oct 5 list date, neither on the aggregator. Not that the prices are good, just curious why they are missing
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At my house, I'm not worried about where the contracts would go, in terms of ownership, rather how they'd be managed. I've been thinking about typing up a list of directions of what needs to happen with the DVC contracts (there's seven of them now) if something were to happen to me. (1) when dues need to be paid, (2) how to rent points, (3) basic banking and borrowing, and (4) the name of two decent brokers if they need to be resold. I handle all the DVC stuff (and a lot of other things), and I don't think anyone else at the house really understands how it works (except we go on vacation), which is fine, unless something happens to me.

I actually did this (I think it's still three pages long!) and put it with my Will/Trust documents. Seemed a bit creepy but I figured without it they will be overwhelmed and probably so irritated with the system they dump the contracts :( I really want to leave these to the family, but they are not long term planners so this might be a pipe dream on my part.

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