CONFIRMED - Illuminations replacement

For those that don't "get" HEA, I find this to be a pretty good summary.

As for Illuminations, I'm ready for an upgrade. It's not that I dislike it (there really isn't much about WDW that I dislike at all), but it's probably my least favorite nighttime show right now. I did want to see it potentially one last time on my recent visit in May, but opted to see HEA for a 2nd time instead. If they can produce an HEA-like show with less IP and more world culture/peace focused, I would be ecstatic.
If they can produce an HEA-like show with less IP and more world culture/peace focused, I would be ecstatic.

Amen to this!

And keep some of the same music.

IMHO, what made Illuminations RoE great is the timing of the fireworks to the music, an excellent, original score. The fireworks are perfectly chosen and launched in time with the music.

The weakest part IMO is the globe. It needs to either go or become a minor part of the show.
I don't know. Out of the 4 of us that saw it the first time, none of us went Wow! It was more along the line of What is the giant mash up supposed to mean?

And I know I'm not the only poster who thinks it lacks the emotion of Wishes.

I am sad that Wishes is gone, and I really want to like HEA when we see it in December. I am not holding my breath though. I am not at all sure that relying on projections as a major componant of a fireworks display makes sense when it is not possible to squish as many guests into the optimal viewing space as want to be there. I hope that if Illuminations does get a change, it will still have that 360 view so it can be enjoyed from all angles.

I have to add that the Holiday version is my favorite, and I never miss it when I visit.
I had faith. Until I saw what I consider to be a horrible failure, Happily Ever After. All show no heart. I wanted to like it, but after a few viewings it just doesn't touch me at all. I will be very upset that if they decide to replace Illuminations, they do the same thing. Put in a show that is all technology and no heart.

It's like HEA was put together by someone given a list of songs who had never seen the movies. Some of the songs really don't fit at all when you know the movie context ("That's What Friends are For", "Love is an Open Door"). And the transitions are all over the place and I don't like the choice to use pop covers instead of movie versions of songs. I wanted to love it, but it left me cold.

Illuminations hits me right in the feels every time and if it ends before my next trip I may need to squeeze in a long weekend somewhere to see it one last time. I didn't even feel the need to do that for Wishes.
We talk about shows being replaced - and yet I suppose the real way to think of it is "upgraded". The "new Illuminations" is rumored to use drones - which is certainly a technology that's likely to impress greatly. (We went for the 25th and the rumor at the time was the fireworks were going to simulate a birthday cake. I certainly didn't see that - maybe it was the angle - or maybe it was just a wildy false speculation. However, with drones that can and will happen Im sure for the 50th).

But for those who keep saying "it's stale" - I'm sure you are not considering you aren't the typical Disney visitor. Most families are lucky is they can go once r twice in their lives - given the financial commitment.

It's a balance for Disney - one I'm sure they do not take lightly. So it's not that Illuminations is going away or being replaced - it's that the nighttime show at Epcot is being (presumably) improved.
I am not at all sure that relying on projections as a major componant of a fireworks display makes sense when it is not possible to squish as many guests into the optimal viewing space as want to be there.

That's the issue, and as you say, hopefully the new "Illuminations" will recognize that. (Drones to the rescue!)

People who get to see HEA from a good vantage point seem to like it a lot. I saw "Wishes" 7 years ago from the Train Station and they had projections on the castle then - I guess as a prototype. I loved it.

Would I love HEA in a non-crowded area that I could get to no more than 30 minutes before? I'm sure. Will I risk being there in what MANY people (on another thread) describe as a potentially crushing claustrophobic crowd with a 4 and 2 year old on a possibly hot July night? Of course not. I'm sure many people have had a different experience than those stories - but frankly the odds seem to be that's not typical. And it MAY be that those that saying "meh" to it might be really saying "I expected more, given the inconvenience."

With the HUGE viewing area around the Lagoon at Epcot, whatever nighttime show they have ought to be overall the best experience.
We talk about shows being replaced - and yet I suppose the real way to think of it is "upgraded". The "new Illuminations" is rumored to use drones - which is certainly a technology that's likely to impress greatly. (We went for the 25th and the rumor at the time was the fireworks were going to simulate a birthday cake. I certainly didn't see that - maybe it was the angle - or maybe it was just a wildy false speculation. However, with drones that can and will happen Im sure for the 50th).

But for those who keep saying "it's stale" - I'm sure you are not considering you aren't the typical Disney visitor. Most families are lucky is they can go once r twice in their lives - given the financial commitment.

It's a balance for Disney - one I'm sure they do not take lightly. So it's not that Illuminations is going away or being replaced - it's that the nighttime show at Epcot is being (presumably) improved.

"upgrade" is a good way of putting it as it would use new technology. Now "upgrade" =/= "better"

Definitely a balance for Disney as far as when to updated - I understand that one reason they don't do the Holiday Overlays at WDW they do at Disneyland is they want people who come for their "once in a lifetime" trip to see the "regular" version

Illuminations has been there for quite some time though - but just hope the new show still has a similar "feel"
I am sad that Wishes is gone, and I really want to like HEA when we see it in December. I am not holding my breath though. I am not at all sure that relying on projections as a major componant of a fireworks display makes sense when it is not possible to squish as many guests into the optimal viewing space as want to be there. I hope that if Illuminations does get a change, it will still have that 360 view so it can be enjoyed from all angles.

I have to add that the Holiday version is my favorite, and I never miss it when I visit.

I really don't find the projections to be a necessary part of the viewing experience. Especially after you've seen them once or twice. They are cool for sure, but the show can be enjoyed just like Wishes was without projections. The fireworks and the score are enough, for me anyway. But I really like fireworks and find myself switching back and forth between them and the projections too much. I prefer to just watch the sky with the castle as a backdrop.
That's the issue, and as you say, hopefully the new "Illuminations" will recognize that. (Drones to the rescue!)

People who get to see HEA from a good vantage point seem to like it a lot. I saw "Wishes" 7 years ago from the Train Station and they had projections on the castle then - I guess as a prototype. I loved it.

Would I love HEA in a non-crowded area that I could get to no more than 30 minutes before? I'm sure. Will I risk being there in what MANY people (on another thread) describe as a potentially crushing claustrophobic crowd with a 4 and 2 year old on a possibly hot July night? Of course not. I'm sure many people have had a different experience than those stories - but frankly the odds seem to be that's not typical. And it MAY be that those that saying "meh" to it might be really saying "I expected more, given the inconvenience."

With the HUGE viewing area around the Lagoon at Epcot, whatever nighttime show they have ought to be overall the best experience.

I think it was not well thought out, and offering dessert parties at a huge premium in order to avoid the literal crush is not the answer. I loved wishes from the Hub, however because the viewing area was fine from other areas even when it was crowded, there was still room for us.

I really don't find the projections to be a necessary part of the viewing experience. Especially after you've seen them once or twice. They are cool for sure, but the show can be enjoyed just like Wishes was without projections. The fireworks and the score are enough, for me anyway. But I really like fireworks and find myself switching back and forth between them and the projections too much. I prefer to just watch the sky with the castle as a backdrop.

That's the issue. In order to determine if one enjoys it from different vantage points, one needs to see it with the projects at least one time. I admit that I am not lookign forward to navigate that in December when there will only be three opportunities in a week to see the show.
For those that don't "get" HEA, I find this to be a pretty good summary.
IMO, the fact that the story has to be explained is a big part of the problem with HEA. When it first came out, everyone who saw it questioned the story and message and it wasn't until it was shared on the internet that people started to say they like it better. Frankly, even after learning about the story, I still struggle to make the connections. While I agree the theme of making your own happily every after is much better than simply wishing for it, and that projections and the pyrotechnics are really great, when I first saw it, I thought HEA was a hot mess of random songs and projections that did not connect. Where as the first and every time I saw Wishes, the connection was there immediately and always moving. And as stated on this thread, the majority of visitors only go once in a lifetime and are not perusing DisBoards every day and likely will not make the same connection to HEA as first time visitors did with Wishes.

As for Illuminations, it is and will continue to be my favorite show at Disney. Like Wishes, I connected with it right away. I am totally fine with them changing to a new show. I am all for change and always welcome it - as long as the change is better. For me, HEA is not as good as Wishes for the reasons above. My favorite attraction, Soarin' got downgraded with the World theme and all new cool CGI technology that just doesn't work for me. I just hope the next gen Illuminations is an upgrade.
And as stated on this thread, the majority of visitors only go once in a lifetime and are not perusing DisBoards every day and likely will not make the same connection to HEA as first time visitors did with Wishes.

I disagree. Most one time folks go to WDW (and esp MK) for "Disney" experiences and IP.

Every noobie family I take/go with points out the characters throughout HEA, esp Moana & Merida and even many older ones.

And that doesn't even scratch the increased pyro over Wishes, the familiar songs they want to hear, as well as the lighting, smoke and lasers.
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Most one time folks go to WDW (and esp MK) for "Disney" experiences and IP.

Interesting thought - my 2 cents - not well thought out:
Is the IP really a "Disney" experience? Probably. But is it a WALT Disney experience? I think not.

Walt didn't rely only on IP for Disney World - think of the original plans for Epcot and even the final result. Granted they needed to add the characters here and there to make it attractive to kids. But it was decidedly a WALT Disney idea apart from the movies and cartoons.

And Even Hollywood Studios - planned I assume well after his passing but still in his spirit to a large extent. No "IP" for ToT or RnRC. Very little in the GMR (now gone - because in part it isn't IP?)

Maybe that sums it up. The whole experience is morphing into a commercial for their IP and not a unique quality experience apart from it.
Interesting thought - my 2 cents - not well thought out:
Is the IP really a "Disney" experience? Probably. But is it a WALT Disney experience? I think not.

Walt didn't rely only on IP for Disney World - think of the original plans for Epcot and even the final result. Granted they needed to add the characters here and there to make it attractive to kids. But it was decidedly a WALT Disney idea apart from the movies and cartoons.

And Even Hollywood Studios - planned I assume well after his passing but still in his spirit to a large extent. No "IP" for ToT or RnRC. Very little in the GMR (now gone - because in part it isn't IP?)

Maybe that sums it up. The whole experience is morphing into a commercial for their IP and not a unique quality experience apart from it.

Not sure I agree with that. I mean, in the original Fantasyland - it was largely based on Disney properties and they picked Sleeping Beauty for the Castle to cross-promote to that film coming out. For Frontierland they created the Davy Crockett television movies and then merchandised the heck out of it, he had the true life adventures for Adventureland and then the Man in Space series for Tomorrowland. ... so ton of IP crossover with the original Disneyland and television and movies

As for EPCOT, obviously what got built was very different from Walt's original idea, but even just looking at that, the reason there weren't characters in EPCOT to start wasn't because they didn't fit with what they wanted in EPCOT it was because they were fearful if they put characters in EPCOT then people would have no reason to go to the Magic Kingdom (I mean, if you can ride all the new rides AND see Mickey in one place, why bother going to two places?)
IMO, the fact that the story has to be explained is a big part of the problem with HEA. When it first came out, everyone who saw it questioned the story and message and it wasn't until it was shared on the internet that people started to say they like it better. Frankly, even after learning about the story, I still struggle to make the connections. While I agree the theme of making your own happily every after is much better than simply wishing for it, and that projections and the pyrotechnics are really great, when I first saw it, I thought HEA was a hot mess of random songs and projections that did not connect. Where as the first and every time I saw Wishes, the connection was there immediately and always moving. And as stated on this thread, the majority of visitors only go once in a lifetime and are not perusing DisBoards every day and likely will not make the same connection to HEA as first time visitors did with Wishes.

As for Illuminations, it is and will continue to be my favorite show at Disney. Like Wishes, I connected with it right away. I am totally fine with them changing to a new show. I am all for change and always welcome it - as long as the change is better. For me, HEA is not as good as Wishes for the reasons above. My favorite attraction, Soarin' got downgraded with the World theme and all new cool CGI technology that just doesn't work for me. I just hope the next gen Illuminations is an upgrade.
I don't know. I thought the story was pretty clear right away, to me at least. That's why I'm always shocked to see so many people that don't get it even after several viewings. The first time I saw HEA my breath was taken away and the tears were flowing non stop for a good 15 minutes, I never got that feeling with Wishes even after countless viewings. But everyone has something they connect with immediately, and for me that is HEA.
I don't know. I thought the story was pretty clear right away, to me at least. That's why I'm always shocked to see so many people that don't get it even after several viewings. The first time I saw HEA my breath was taken away and the tears were flowing non stop for a good 15 minutes, I never got that feeling with Wishes even after countless viewings. But everyone has something they connect with immediately, and for me that is HEA.

Agreed. HEA is incredible and Disney fans should be happy they recognized less popular IPs and that it wasn't all Frozen and Star Wars. In fact, as of today, it's the best show at any Castle Park on the planet. It blows away what their doing in Shanghai and Paris. I guess will see what Tokyo debuts next month. And what's up with people still thinking this show is less of a fireworks show and more of a projection show that Wishes? HEA has more fireworks than Wishes... I repeat... MORE FIREWORKS THAN WISHES!!
Not only are there more fireworks in HEA, but the quality of them is a noticeable step up from Wishes.

They are so much more colorful in HEA. :)
Agreed. HEA is incredible and Disney fans should be happy they recognized less popular IPs and that it wasn't all Frozen and Star Wars. In fact, as of today, it's the best show at any Castle Park on the planet. It blows away what their doing in Shanghai and Paris. I guess will see what Tokyo debuts next month. And what's up with people still thinking this show is less of a fireworks show and more of a projection show that Wishes? HEA has more fireworks than Wishes... I repeat... MORE FIREWORKS THAN WISHES!!
Yeah, even though I am more of a Wishes fan, there is no way to argue that HEA doesn't have much more, better and more impressive pyro.
Agreed. HEA is incredible and Disney fans should be happy they recognized less popular IPs and that it wasn't all Frozen and Star Wars. In fact, as of today, it's the best show at any Castle Park on the planet. It blows away what their doing in Shanghai and Paris. I guess will see what Tokyo debuts next month. And what's up with people still thinking this show is less of a fireworks show and more of a projection show that Wishes? HEA has more fireworks than Wishes... I repeat... MORE FIREWORKS THAN WISHES!!

There are more fireworks, but I'm too distracted by the projections half the time to see them. I think Wishes had a better mix, with only minor projections on the castle to complement the fireworks instead of full on video competing with the fireworks.
The talk about viewing locations for HEA is interesting because that is one of my concerns with a replacement for illuminations especially the rumor it wouldn't be on the world showcase lagoon. The way illuminations is now is that there are a lot of spots all around world showcase where you can get a good view of illuminations so everybody isn't crammed into one area. I hope whatever they replace it with also has the ability to be easily seen from many locations. You start adding in projections and stuff and it changes. While I like the show one issue with WoC at DLR is you need to be in certain locations to really see it well. That is an important consideration.


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