Coffee Maker Challenged...


Earning My Ears
Feb 16, 2000
What kind of coffee makers do they have at the BWV? I want to pick up some filters. Hope this question isn't too stupid...but I don't even have a clue about the one we own. :rolleyes: That's DH's job. :D

[This message was edited by Mare on 02-05-01 at 08:02 AM.]
Both BWV and OKW coffee makers use the same filters (or at least they did as of 12/2000). They are the 'Mr.Coffee' type - the white ruffled type that look like cupcake shells (Mmmm, now I can use a cup of coffee and a cupcake - see what you did!).

Did I make sense, or did I just confuse you?

What we take is those Maxwell House Filter Packs. It's a round disk that has the coffee in the center of the filter, 10 come in a package. We had a studio last week with the 4 cup coffee maker and one filter pack made one perfect pot. When we were "home" last October we had a 1BR with the larger coffee maker and used two filter packs, one right on top of the other. Worked great and didn't have to take both filters and coffee.
My dh travels a lot on business and rarely makes coffee in the room. He brings home the one filter packet he gets each day and by the time we go on a trip, I've got a nice little collection of them. BTW, we had a ten cup coffee maker in our OKW studio last week, not a little one.
I'm a BIG coffee drink and though we rarely get a studio I always request the larger coffee maker - as well as a toaster. Just a thought if you're in a studio.

Not a stupid question at all. What we always do is take those little coffee filter packets that are all in one. We know we'll want at least one a day...and then a few. That way we travel light and we have extra room in our luggage for those "extras" we always seem to return with.
Have fun.
Sorry to read that you too are challenged.

I am also coffee maker challenged Mare.

I have no advice to you as everyone seems to have that part taken care of.
I just wanted to let you know you are not alone.

I couldn't even MAKE a pot of coffee if my life depended on it. Just thought I'd share that with hopes that it might make you feel better about yourself.



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