Chugging along one mile at a time! (comments welcome)

So yesterday I did my C25k W1D1 workout and today I will be going for a 4 mile bike ride for my cross training day. I'm doing the Galloway run/walk method this time around because last time I did my C25k I was miserable without the walk breaks. My ultimate goal is to run for 3 minutes and walk for 1 minute and then repeat until finished with race. Haha

I've done really well this week so far with eating. I haven't eaten out once and we have been grilling lean pork chops, chicken breasts and did stirfry with a lot of veggies in it. For lunches I've been eating turkey breast with baby spinach stuffed in a whole wheat pita with a bit of balsamic vinegar drizzled over it. I'm not much of a snacker but I've been concerned about not getting enough vitamins in even though my diet has been very balanced so I have been eating an apple or orange for a snack in the afternoons and I've been taking my multi-vitamin as well. In the mornings I usually eat some whole wheat toast or cereal with skim milk and some fruit. I'm not going to lie though, I've been DYING for a chick-fil-a chicken sandwich all week though. At only 400 calories it really isn't the worst thing I could eat but I am trying to stay away from things like that for now. Maybe I'll treat myself in a week, we'll see!

Off I go for my bike ride now! <3
I'm looking forward to following along! Keep up the great work!

Thanks! I was trying to find a photo of me from my heaviest but my self-esteem was so bad that I never went anywhere or let anyone take pictures of me. I would just go to work and come home and eat myself into a carb coma and go to bed. Not healthy at all. I'm still terribly out of shape, I huff and puff when I go do my runs but I know it will get better!

I did a 4 mile bike ride in 25 minutes today which is much improved over when I first started riding a couple weeks ago. I could only go 2 miles and thought I was going to die after I got home. Tomorrow will be W1D2 of my C25k and then I will do W2D3 of my 200 situps and 100 pushups program! We move next week and have to get the new house clean and painted and fixed up so I'm really going to try hard to stick to my program even though I know I'll be tired from the work on the house everyday. :dance3:
Just finished my workouts for today. I did the W1D2 C25k workout and then came home and did the W2D3 workouts for the 200 situps and 100 pushups programs. The C25k workout was really hard, I was huffing and puffing during the running parts. I think my pace is too fast but if I go any slower I'm basically walking. I finished though and felt good at the end of it so I'm going to stick with it! When I did the C25k last time it was easier but I was also doing it on the treadmill so I could control my pace better. Running outside is definitely harder.

I had some mixed greens and baby spinach and turkey breast in a pita pocket for lunch and I'm going to make meat sauce with turkey and lots of extra veggies added in over whole grain pasta for dinner tonight along with a salad. Snacks today will be an apple and maybe later a couple crackers with peanut butter. I'm really craving something sweet so I may pick up some skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and let myself have one of those a couple times a week for a treat. :dance3:
Haven't had time to workout today because we bought a house that needs a lot of TLC so that is a workout all to itself. I'm using today as my "off" day and tomorrow I will do my W1D3 C25k workout and then I get to clean all day long so I'll be burning plenty of calories. lol I'm going to have to clean and paint all next week but I will be getting up early to go for my run everyday!

Hope you are all having a wonderful day! :cheer2:
Just finished my workouts for today. I did the W1D2 C25k workout and then came home and did the W2D3 workouts for the 200 situps and 100 pushups programs. The C25k workout was really hard, I was huffing and puffing during the running parts. I think my pace is too fast but if I go any slower I'm basically walking. I finished though and felt good at the end of it so I'm going to stick with it! When I did the C25k last time it was easier but I was also doing it on the treadmill so I could control my pace better. Running outside is definitely harder.

I had some mixed greens and baby spinach and turkey breast in a pita pocket for lunch and I'm going to make meat sauce with turkey and lots of extra veggies added in over whole grain pasta for dinner tonight along with a salad. Snacks today will be an apple and maybe later a couple crackers with peanut butter. I'm really craving something sweet so I may pick up some skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and let myself have one of those a couple times a week for a treat. :dance3:

Hey there! I found your journal! Way to go! This is going to sound funny, but I am glad to hear that W1D2 was hard for someone else too. I struggled with it the other day. :S But, I did finish!!! I have my workout clothes with me today and am heading to the gym right after work to do W1D3!!! How are you doing?:hug:
Sorry I've been away so long, things have been crazy! We bought a house and it was a foreclosure and the previous tenant left it absolutely trashed. I mean, like filthier than anything I've ever seen in my life. It has been a solid week of hauling out their trash, fixing walls, scrubbing scrubbing scrubbing scrubbing and painting and now we're laying down new floors... (We have to do all of this before we move in, it was covered with cat urine and feces and just general grossness) I have probably been burning 2000 calorie a day just cleaning for the last week. I have been able to keep up with my workouts though despite all of that! I start week 3 of C25k tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it. It's getting hot outside and that makes it difficult for me to run but I'm going to keep at it!

I hope you all are doing well, I promise to update more often. :-)
Hey there, I'm going back through my journal and thought I'd check in on you! You mentioned in my journal that you were scheduled to do a 5K on October 1st. Are you still preparing for that? How's everything else going?

Hope to hear from you soon! :)


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