Christmas week experts - day at MK (was asked for advice!)

Boardwalk III

DIS Veteran
Oct 1, 2001
Hi all,

A friend mentioned to me today that she’s heading down to Orlando (from Boston) Christmas week with two other families. Total 6 adults, 5 school aged kids. They are renting an Airbnb and were thinking that all 11 of them would go to Magic Kingdom for the day on Christmas Day. Having been a DVC member for a couple decades I worked really hard not to laugh. Though I’ve never been down that week I’ve heard war stories, and wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.

That said, although I told her it’s the busiest week of the year I offered to check around to see if that’s even doable. They might also be open to going another day that week. I believe their non-travel days are December 24th, 25th, 26th & 27th. Is there any scenario in which this could be a successful experience for 11 people? Even if they used LLMP, being offsite they wouldn’t be able to book until 3 days ahead. I can’t imagine there would be decent attractions left? I also believe some of those days may be MVMCP parties, though I haven’t looked that up. Not sure if they would spend the extra money to do that, but I suppose they would have to if they’re just doing a day trip. And wondering what crowd size would be like for parties that week as well.

For anyone who has knowledge of, or direct experience at MK that week I’m open to any and all comments, which I will pass along to her.

Many thanks!

Having been 3 of the last 5 Christmas weeks (but usually getting there the 27th) and going again this year I don’t think there is much of a difference between any of the days except maybe morning of Jan 1. It’s going to be packed to the gills. If they are only doing one day at MK it will be pretty difficult to do it all in that day realistically unless they rope drop and stay until close straight through. Staying offsite will be a large disadvantage for them—not only do to LL booking but they will be 30 minutes behind everyone who gets early entry. They should pick 1-2 must do rides and 1 event (parade, fireworks, etc) and focus on those. Everything else is gravy. Maybe consider a character meal if they are wanting to see characters to knock some of those out, have a sit down break, and because finding a table for 11 at any quick service place will be pretty tough. We enjoy our Christmas trips but we have gone a bunch so don’t feel the need to “do it all”. Going in with the “do it all” mentality will be a recipe for disappointment.
The final Christmas party this year is December 20. They never continue all the way into Christmas week because of the incredibly high attendance that week.

I wouldn't recommend that week for first timers unless they have very reasonable expectations, pack lots of patience, don't mind buying tickets knowing they will ride very few rides, and take the time to familiarize themselves with the experience beforehand.
I wouldn't recommend that week for first timers unless they have very reasonable expectations, pack lots of patience, don't mind buying tickets knowing they will ride very few rides, and take the time to familiarize themselves with the experience beforehand.
Yes. Totally agree.

We’ve been to Disney several times on these dates. We love it! But I would only stay on Disney property Christmas week. The Disney buses are great, but traffic can be brutal if you’re driving yourself.
We went last Christmas for the first time(been many other times). Honestly Christmas eve and Christmas day were fine. I expected absolute crazyness. That started 26th. We did MK on Christmas and it was wonderful!
I expect it will be way more crowded this year since they got rid of the reservation system for date based tickets in January.
Such great feedback, and continue to welcome more! Also, it looks like park hours aren’t posted yet for that week but assume they will be soon. Does anyone recall MK general hours during Christmas week over the past few years?

I also know MK often used to close on Christmas Day due to capacity, but not sure what time of day. Chance that could happen again?

And agree they should consider an overnight stay even if “throwaway” rooms since they already have an Airbnb. As of right now, there are plenty of DVC studio rooms available at Saratoga Springs for Christmas Eve night. They’d need 3 of them. If they were to book rooms, would they actually have to check into the room before going to the park?

Again, I’m just looking to pass along all this information and they’ll have to figure it out!
I would avoid it as well, but if it's their only option, they wouldn't be back for a while (or ever) and they want to go to the MK, there are ways to make lemonade out of lemons.

1) parks hours will be longer and they have to exploit the first and last hours of the day. On such busy days MK should open very early. Really big crowds won't probably materialise until 9am, that's the harsh reality of getting the whole family ready, the first hour or two will be golden.
Same at night, the last couple of hours will be very good. Especially if it's a bit colder, remind them to bring a sweater, many people are surprised by that and have to leave earlier.

2) LLMP will be very poor for pre-booking, but they will drop additional availability on the day. If they are willing to play the refresh game with compulsion, they may squeeze something out of it. Not sure if it's worth the price, though, probably in the region of $50 each. Being a big group also plays against them, it'll be impossible to catch cancellations.

3) early entry is in Fantasyland and Tomorrowland only. MK is the most forgiving park for rope drop for people staying offsite, just rope drop Adventureland or Frontierland. Explain to them that rope drop means be at the car park 60-90 minutes before opening, to have time to go through parking, monorail/ferry, security, ticket scanning, walking down main street, a couple of pics etc.

4) take a midday break. I don't think any ride in the MK is worth a 2 hours wait. Rather than getting really tired standing in never moving lines, better to take a break, book a restaurant for lunch in one of the resorts, check out decorations, ride the monorail to visit other resorts, take it easy. That's the trick to last until closing.

5) Manage expectations: no, they won't be able to do everything. It's a success already if they can do half the attractions. But they can still have a good time. Isn't walking down Main Street an attraction in itself?
I would avoid it as well, but if it's their only option, they wouldn't be back for a while (or ever) and they want to go to the MK, there are ways to make lemonade out of lemons.

1) parks hours will be longer and they have to exploit the first and last hours of the day. On such busy days MK should open very early. Really big crowds won't probably materialise until 9am, that's the harsh reality of getting the whole family ready, the first hour or two will be golden.
Same at night, the last couple of hours will be very good. Especially if it's a bit colder, remind them to bring a sweater, many people are surprised by that and have to leave earlier.

2) LLMP will be very poor for pre-booking, but they will drop additional availability on the day. If they are willing to play the refresh game with compulsion, they may squeeze something out of it. Not sure if it's worth the price, though, probably in the region of $50 each. Being a big group also plays against them, it'll be impossible to catch cancellations.

3) early entry is in Fantasyland and Tomorrowland only. MK is the most forgiving park for rope drop for people staying offsite, just rope drop Adventureland or Frontierland. Explain to them that rope drop means be at the car park 60-90 minutes before opening, to have time to go through parking, monorail/ferry, security, ticket scanning, walking down main street, a couple of pics etc.

4) take a midday break. I don't think any ride in the MK is worth a 2 hours wait. Rather than getting really tired standing in never moving lines, better to take a break, book a restaurant for lunch in one of the resorts, check out decorations, ride the monorail to visit other resorts, take it easy. That's the trick to last until closing.

5) Manage expectations: no, they won't be able to do everything. It's a success already if they can do half the attractions. But they can still have a good time. Isn't walking down Main Street an attraction in itself?
Thank you! This is perfect - a reality check, but also an option. They’re not sure they’ll be back to Florida for a Disney trip. My friend’s older son went many years ago when he was 5 and now she has a daughter who is 7 and sees this as maybe their only opportunity to get her to experience Magic Kingdom.
It will be so difficult to be together in that large of a group without being separated about every 30 seconds by other guests. Wall to wall people. I can't imagine doing Christmas Day ever again at MK. They really should pick an alternative day, which will be busy that week, but hopefully not as busy. All a kid will be able to see is the backs of adults pushing through the crowds. I sure hope they change their minds!
Hi all,

A friend mentioned to me today that she’s heading down to Orlando (from Boston) Christmas week with two other families. Total 6 adults, 5 school aged kids. They are renting an Airbnb and were thinking that all 11 of them would go to Magic Kingdom for the day on Christmas Day. Having been a DVC member for a couple decades I worked really hard not to laugh. Though I’ve never been down that week I’ve heard war stories, and wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.

That said, although I told her it’s the busiest week of the year I offered to check around to see if that’s even doable. They might also be open to going another day that week. I believe their non-travel days are December 24th, 25th, 26th & 27th. Is there any scenario in which this could be a successful experience for 11 people? Even if they used LLMP, being offsite they wouldn’t be able to book until 3 days ahead. I can’t imagine there would be decent attractions left? I also believe some of those days may be MVMCP parties, though I haven’t looked that up. Not sure if they would spend the extra money to do that, but I suppose they would have to if they’re just doing a day trip. And wondering what crowd size would be like for parties that week as well.

For anyone who has knowledge of, or direct experience at MK that week I’m open to any and all comments, which I will pass along to her.

Many thanks!
Christmas Day itself is often not super crowded, it’s December 26 - 1/1 that has the end of the world crowds. Don’t get me wrong, it’s crowded, it’s just not end of the world crowded. It’s going to be very difficult for 11 people to eat together unless they have ADR’s for everything for 11 (which is going to be difficult to do), but if they don’t mind splitting up for meals no reason they can’t utilize LLMP to ride most things (although without onsite advantage they better learn the refresh method).
Went Christmas week last year for the first time ever, going back this year. Manage expectations is the best advice. We have been going at least once a year for more than a decade so we don't have a sense of "must do's". We use LL as best we can, try to focus on enjoying the holiday environment and whatever we ride or see is what happens. I saw lines last year over 300 minutes - I think thats insane and would never. Make a dining reservation to have a sit down break.
I also know MK often used to close on Christmas Day due to capacity, but not sure what time of day.
Pre-Covid the MK would occasionally restrict certain guests in phases. A phase one closure was usually implemented late morning or early afternoon. Generally all restrictions were lifted a few hours later.

Chance that could happen again?
It’s possible, since most people don’t need to make park reservations anymore. If they are worried about that, they should try to make an ADR in the MK on the 25th. Since they’re not staying onsite, a dining reservation will usually guarantee admission, unless there is a full closure for everyone, which is highly unlikely.
I expect it will be way more crowded this year since they got rid of the reservation system for date based tickets in January.

The timing of the holidays also makes this year different. This is the longest winter break up here (NH) that we've had in years, with the last day of school being December 20th and the kids not going back until January 2. Basically if people are going to travel for the break, this is the year they do it. If my kids were older, we'd be traveling this year.
Is epcot bad christmas week also?

It's been a zillion years since I went that time of year, but the upside to Epcot is that the world showcase is pretty wide and you can cram a lot of people in those pathways.

I just remember it being a sea of people everywhere.


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