DH and I are 32 and blissfully childfree! We refer to ourselves as THiNKers (two healthy incomes, no kids). I've known since I can remember that I didn't want kids. We have taken two of our nephews to WDW to introduce them properly to the experience - LOL! As long as we can give them back at the end of the day, they're fine. I just don't want any living in my house for 18 years (or more). We do have cats and fish and donate time and money to several animal charities.
And for those of you who defined the term childfree, thank you. There IS a difference. Nobody is worse or better, but there is a difference in mindset. For the others who were confused by the "empowering" comment, just think if one of your major life decisions were questioned on a daily basis and how it would make you feel. Think about going to get a tubal at 25 and being told you're "too young to make that decision" - yet if you'd been five years younger and pregnant the same doctor would never even question it.
For the rest who are worried they'll be judged as "selfish", I would heartily disagree. It's far MORE selfish for thousands of people to bring kids into the world without spending as much time and effort deciding to than they did on choosing their car or their home, or even the clothes they are wearing. I applaud those who are true parents, who took the choice to have children seriously and are good, responsible parents. I also applaud those (DH and I among them) that took the choice seriously and decided, for WHATEVER reason, that it just wasn't for them. I'd much rather regret NOT having kids than regret having them.