Childfree Disney fans?

:D 1 son,he is 30 and lives in n.j. and we are here in sunny but chilly florida. He will be coming down last week in Feb. with his girl friend, and guess where we will be going for a week? :Pinkbounc :bounce:
It's nice to know that there are not only so many childfree folks here at the boards, but that you aren't "petfree." I always knew I would have pets, but kids were a whole other thing. <g> Anyway...

Ti2gerrr, I'll be curious to know if you do indeed make it to Europe for your tenth. I think my own spouse will be surprised at just how quickly that anniversary comes out so we'll have to see if he remembers the promise. ;) That will be next!

AJA55, I know what you mean about tending to parents as though they are children. My husband's mother had children at a very late age so we've had to deal with miscellaneous senior parent issues while we're not that old ourselves (early 30s).
I don’t think I’ve posted here before, but I lurk from time to time. I am husband- and childfree. Just have 2 cats – Misty & Otis.
I'm <b>so</b> glad that you decided to join us on this board, Diane :wave:

DW and I are " kid-free " as our kids are grown up but we are taking this opportunity to bring the whole family, DS, DD, son-in-law, and DW's sister who is Down Syndrome and lives w/us, for a wonderful family vacation as DVC members. We are staying @ VWL for 6 days. Don't worry, we also have plans for a visit in Aug for just the two of us. We did that last August and really enjoyed ourselves. Actually enjoyed it so much that we will probably do it every year.:Pinkbounc DW is a teacher and the August trip helps her to get ready for the new school year. Only three weeks 'til our next trip :teeth:
Welcome to the DIS, disneydadrrm. I'm really glad you decided to join us. I hope you will visit us often.

An adults only trip in August sounds like the perfect way for a teacher to get that last bit of magic before she has to face the school year again. I wish I was DVC. My husband is, unfortunately, Disney impaired and I don't think that is going to happen soon. I'll just have to "settle" for the Dolphin ;)

Come say hello <b>HERE</b> there is a special welcome waiting for you :)

I am child free and will be husband free until May 17 (I am looking forward to being married however!!) I am also hoping to not be child free for too long after we are married.
The only bad part for me is that I absolutely LOVE Disney and my future husband is just so-so on it. To make it worse, or better, we only live 40 miles away from Disney World. I have to really "bribe" him to get him to go! But, we manage to get there every two or three months (We're probably going next Saturday- Hooray!)
:( Oh wow,! only 40 miles away and your future husband is only so-so ? You poor girl. Well, maybe he'll grow into it! :)
Hi again, everyone! BTW, if I may, I would like to clarify a common misperception - the term "childfree" actually describes a person who has chosen not to have any children over an entire lifetime. Someone who is "childless" has no children now, but expects to probably have children in the future. The term childfree is very empowering to those who have made their lifestyle choice.
Oh, then that makes me childless and husbandless. I haven't ruled out either one as possibilities yet.
I agree with JenniBerra. Childfree is very empowering. While every other couple we know is having children and forever asking us about having kids we are not giving into the pressures of multipling.

We love children... other people's kids.
We look forward to having a WDW trip with our Godson's when they are older... but knowing that we get to return them to their parents is pure bliss.

Not every person in this world is cut out to be a parent, we have realize we are those people. After much sole searching we have decided we just don't want kids. Maybe we're being selfish but more than likely we're being realistic.
It's great to know there are so many others who also choose to remain childless. I have no urges to be a mom, and DH doesn't want to change our lifestyle. He thinks it's bad enough having to kennel the dog when we go away. :)

I came across this on another message board today:

Chapters across Canada and the US, for people without children. It's interesting.
DH and I have two grown kids, 31 and 27. We have made 5 trips since 1995 and this year have talked our daughter and her fiance into going down with us!!! We were not able to afford a WDW trip when our kids were young and can't wait to "hook" our DD. DS went down a couple times with his SO and may fly down to meet us on this trip in March!!! Can't wait...countdown has begun! Nance:Pinkbounc
but lots of nieces and nephews!! I love kids,but always knew I didn't want to raise them. Just never wanted to be responsible
for another person. I'm just not "wired "to be a parent.

DH and I are 32 and blissfully childfree! We refer to ourselves as THiNKers (two healthy incomes, no kids). I've known since I can remember that I didn't want kids. We have taken two of our nephews to WDW to introduce them properly to the experience - LOL! As long as we can give them back at the end of the day, they're fine. I just don't want any living in my house for 18 years (or more). We do have cats and fish and donate time and money to several animal charities.

And for those of you who defined the term childfree, thank you. There IS a difference. Nobody is worse or better, but there is a difference in mindset. For the others who were confused by the "empowering" comment, just think if one of your major life decisions were questioned on a daily basis and how it would make you feel. Think about going to get a tubal at 25 and being told you're "too young to make that decision" - yet if you'd been five years younger and pregnant the same doctor would never even question it.

For the rest who are worried they'll be judged as "selfish", I would heartily disagree. It's far MORE selfish for thousands of people to bring kids into the world without spending as much time and effort deciding to than they did on choosing their car or their home, or even the clothes they are wearing. I applaud those who are true parents, who took the choice to have children seriously and are good, responsible parents. I also applaud those (DH and I among them) that took the choice seriously and decided, for WHATEVER reason, that it just wasn't for them. I'd much rather regret NOT having kids than regret having them.
Awwww, shucks, Jenni, now I'm blushing. :o
Great thread! I was wondering the same thing myself!

Hubby and I are child-free (have a wonderful aging guinea pig named Peanut). After 8 months of dating we went to WDW together and knew we were truly compatible! Honeymooned there and two more trips to the World since, one to the Land.

When we are not at Disney we are dreaming of going to Disney. We have turned our stairwell into an animation art gallery.

Most of our friends (thirty-to forty-somethings) are child-free and loving it. NOT having kids seems to keep us all young.

I have nothing against kids--I adore my nephew. But it is not for everyone and it is very brave to know your heart and not allow others to pressure you into it. I can't believe how many women have told me they had kids due to overwhelming pressure from parents and siblings and wished they had been strong enough to resist. How sad!
I can't bring myself to use the term child-free - sounds too much like fat-free or germ-free.

If we're using the term, I'd also be husband-free and pet-free, and right now I wish I was job-free (but only if one can be job-free and self-supporting at the same time!)

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