Cheap Ideas for night activities


Earning My Ears
Jan 11, 2001

We have just confirmed flights and reservations ect. It feels like it is really real now. Our resort has changed from All Star Sports to All Star Movies. Anyone got any feedback on that. Has anyone got any cheap ideas for night times at DW. :)
The cheapest is probably the campfire with Chip and Dale at FW. It's free and they show Disney Movies!


CBR Jan 2000
Next Trip Jan 2002 Where to stay?
Riding the monorail at night is fun and free.

Also you can stop at the Contemporary or Grand Floridia, walk down to the beach area and watch the Electrical Water Parade for free. It is a series of lite up barges and accompanied by music that circulates around the lagoon mid evening.

Bouncing- - just can't help bouncing!

Here is another vote for the Disney Campfire! Really fun for our kids.

Also, our family enjoys watching Electrical Water Pageant (can be seen at WL, Poly, Contemporary, or GF).

We also spend one evening just walking around Downtown Disney. The place is very festive at night :)

<font color=red><font size=3.5>Dagny
<FONT size=3> <ITALICS> Co-Host, Budget Board &
One of the Beth's (the one incognito) moderating the Rewards Board :D
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This may be a stupid question but I am a rookie. Can you go to the campfire if you are staying offsite? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
My DH and I picked a different resort each night that we were there. We would ride the bus to the resort and then just walk around and sit and look. It was very enjoyable. The deluxes all have lobbies that are wonderful and it is fun just to see the different pools at all of them. Have a wonderful time!

they do not check for FW ID but if you want to drive into the camp ground you need a pass to get through the gate. they do have parking which is called over flow for those waiting to get to their site. So you might be able to park there and then take a Chip or Dale bus.
You could always take the boat over from the MK Then take either the Chip or Dale bus to the camp fire. Also any of the Boone or Crocket busses will take you there from the parks, or down town Disney.
Take a walk on the Disney Boardwalk! They have all kinds of free entertainment....roving magicians, jugglers, bands, and one of the nightclubs has music with a hoola-hoop contest. It's a great atmosphere.



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