Character Performer Auditions

I'm wondering when the latest December Character Performer auditions were the past few years to estimate when they will be this year. (I do realize it could be totally different this year.)
Anyone have that information? I'm trying to plan a trip and it would be great if they were having auditions while we were there!!
So I'm 5'2 without heels. I thought this meant I couldn't be a princess, but someone was just telling me that depending on how they measure me, I could. Does anyone know if that's true?

Also, when you audition and if you get into the CP/College program, do they tell you who you'll be friends with or if you'll even be a face character? Even if I'm not a princess, I would like to be a face character like maybe Alice, Wendy, or Tink.

So I'm 5'2 without heels. I thought this meant I couldn't be a princess, but someone was just telling me that depending on how they measure me, I could. Does anyone know if that's true?

Also, when you audition and if you get into the CP/College program, do they tell you who you'll be friends with or if you'll even be a face character? Even if I'm not a princess, I would like to be a face character like maybe Alice, Wendy, or Tink.


Correct. It would depend on how you are measured (if they like you enough, you could be measured up).

Also, know that as a CP, you are mainly doing fur (even if you are picked as face). Not many CPs do face, as well.
Correct. It would depend on how you are measured (if they like you enough, you could be measured up).

Also, know that as a CP, you are mainly doing fur (even if you are picked as face). Not many CPs do face, as well.

What if you just did a regular audition/not a CP audition.

I was thinking about doing the college program, but now I don't know. I might think about working down there in the summer or fall, but not in the college program. I want to finish all of my classes for college--and possibly even graduate--before going to Disney. (I realize if I graduate from college, I wouldn't do the CP program). I'm just looking at all of my options and trying to figure something out.

Thanks everyone for helping me out.
Is it possible for a CP participant to find out if they made a character performer prior to arrival? (Already auditioned)
If you went to a cp audition you will find out the results of that audition before your arrival. You won't necessarily find out your height range or any friends you will have but you will know if you are a performer or not.
What if you don't audition as a CP, but just do a regular audition? Will they tell you then before you arrive, or is it the same thing?

Thanks everyone for being so nice and answering my questions.

Have a magical day! :smickey:
What if you don't audition as a CP, but just do a regular audition? Will they tell you then before you arrive, or is it the same thing?


If you attend the regular audition they will tell you at the end of the audition if you made the pool... then you wait (up to 6 months) for a phone call to offer you a job. If you want to work for Disney while you wait, they will direct you to Casting in which you may end up in F&B, Merch, Attractions, etc.
I posted this on a similar thread but I saw that this thread had been posted on more recently thank y'all!

Hello! I'm not sure if I am posting this in the correct section but this is the most recent thread on this subject that I can find!!
I have a lot of questions that has been difficult to find online and I'm not the best at navigating the Internet! So I will give a little bit about my self then ask! Ok! I am 21 and currently a nanny! For many years people (my mother and sister in particular) have been telling me I should work at Disney! And I've always thought that is sounded perfect for me I just never thought it would be possible! but now I've decided that if I dont try then I will probably always regret it! Since I have a few questions I'll list them!!
1. I want to audition for a character role (I'm not picky) I would love to do face or fur! But my question is that I do Not want to do the college program. So would I have to be a cast member and live in Orlando to audition? Or can anyone?

2. In high school I was on the dance team for two years and a cheerleader for 2 years. Would that be an advantage for me? Or are the dances SUPER advanced like balet? (around how many 8 counts?)

3. I read a post on this thread that was posted I think in 2006 that special consideration is given to people with ''extreme'' heights. I am 4'9 and I am wondering if that is still the case?

4. I would want to be a fur character or a face character I honestly have no preference but on the Disney auditions website i'm not sure which type of audition I would attend? Would I go to a face character audition?

5. I would want to audition in late summer early fall in Orlando but the website only shows auditions through June 28 would it be too risky to wait for one at a later date?

6. This question is jumping the gun but let's say when I audition I get a role, would there be easy ways to find roommates or would I live on Disney property keep in mind I will nOt be doing the college program?

7. I'm under the impression that the audition process is first cut is on overall appearance, then learning a dance, the animation (like decorating a Christmas three) then a final cut?? When wOuld you find out if they will hire me?

I'm so sorry for so many questions!! I just know that y'all have to most knowledge on the subject from all the researching!! So does it seem like I shOuld do it? WHat would my chances be? If there is anything I've missed and y'all think I shOuld know please let me know!! Also what would my weight need to be for my height range 4'9?? Also what wOuld my process be for not doing the college program and doing it full time instead?

Ok I'm done!! Thank you all so much!!

Also I'm so sorry for my grammar!! I am posting from my iPhone which is difficult!! Thank you!!!
I'm working Attractions this fall. I auditioned for character performer in March and didn't get it. So, after the six months can I audition and switch roles? I know you can if you extend, but I can't miss two semesters of school, so that's not an option. They told us there we could audition again in six months but didn't say anything about having to extend to do so. Thanks!
I'm working Attractions this fall. I auditioned for character performer in March and didn't get it. So, after the six months can I audition and switch roles? I know you can if you extend, but I can't miss two semesters of school, so that's not an option. They told us there we could audition again in six months but didn't say anything about having to extend to do so. Thanks!

No. During the CP, if you are not in entertainment, you can only attend certain auditions (and there are only a few held during the program, including the extension audition). Most of the auditions will be face auditions
I did the CP spring 2011 as an attendant and am going back down for the fall CP in merch on august 13th, and I noticed on the hub that they are having look-a-like auditions on june 15th for fall and fall advantage people. I know when I did the spring program they had the same kind of audition shortly after I got there, and I thought I remembered seeing on the hub that they had one in september or somewhere around there last year, but does anyone who has done the fall program before know? It doesn't seem fair that they'd have the audition before the fall people even really arrive, but the description did say for fall and fall advantage, so maybe they won't have on in sept now? But i guess the fall is a pretty slow season so they wouldn't necessarily need to hire people in sept. anyway? haha idk does anyone know anything about this?
It doesn't seem fair that they'd have the audition before the fall people even really arrive, but the description did say for fall and fall advantage, so maybe they won't have on in sept now?

The inclusion of "Fall" is most likely an oversite by the copy editor since Fall participants will not be there until a few months later. Guess would be that they were reusing text and whomever copied and pasted updated dates, but didn't really update the base text.

Business needs aren't necessarily "fair" because they are for the benefit of the business and not for the benefit of people.

If they have a business need for face characters in the Fall months, it can be assumed that they would have an additional audition once Fall participants have arrived.

These auditions are additional auditions and may or may not happen ever. The only one that can be safely assumed that would happen would be the general audition for current cps wanting full time, part time, or seasonal character spots which are also used for cps wanting to extend as a character if this is an option. But again, while this one usually happens, if they don't need the people due to business needs, there won't be one.
Yea, I mean obviously I understand how businesses work, and being an entertainment cast member I understand that process as well. I was referring to "fair" as including the fall people when they havent even arrived yet, but you're right it may be an oversight. Just thought that was weird.
I figured I would post my audition experience and hopefully get some advice. I recently audition in Orlando for a character/parade/look alike position. I just moved about two hours from Orlando so I figured I'd give it a shot.

I wasn't 100% sure what to expect but had a general idea. Also I just graduated college with a degree in dance so I have attended my fair share of auditions. The audition was very diverse and many people said it was their first time auditioning for anything. Due to the number of people, after you signed in and got measured they took smaller groups to holding areas. Also I was measured at my appropriate height of 68 inches.

The casting director said they were looking for very specific things and people. She said not to get offended if you get cut, you could be the best dancer but they might not need you. We learned a simple combination with pedestrian movement. Then you performed it down the floor in small groups. After that they made a cut. They kept mainly guys and a small number of females. None of them stood out to be extremely trained in dance, if any was wondering. To me it seemed like they were looking for extreme heights.

When I left people were still getting signed in, so there were a lot of people to see. Just being there made me want to work and perform there even more, so I want to audition again because you just never know. They said they will keep "scores" for 6 months so you don't have to come back. However they only took my name and height, so I don't know how they would contact me or remember that I was there. Does anyone know about this six month rule or if there are good times to audition? Like should I wait until the end of summer when they could be hiring for holiday? Any advice for me? Thanks!
If there are auditions near me, I'm planning on going to an audition for the Spring Advantage 2013 CP. I have no experience with dance but it'd be fun to try and who knows. :banana:
I'm planning on applying for the Spring 2013 CP and would like to audition as a character performer. However, I don't want to get stuck with a not-great job if I don't make the audition. Any advice for this?
I know you don't hear if you're accepted into the program until after your audition, which delays your entrance into some of the jobs. After you audition and find out, only a few jobs may be left.
I would really love to be a character, but there are quite a few jobs that I don't want. Should I just forget the audition and apply for my next top role? Is there any way to go to a really early audition before the other jobs all fill up?


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