CC's Weight Loss Journey

I got in a 25-minute high intensity workout this morning! I was so excited. I am still excited. That is huge for me. Hopefully, I'll be able to do it again this morning. I've eaten more than 15 of my WPA, but that's ok. I've decided my new goal is to earn one AP for each of my weeklies that I've eaten. So, I've eaten 17.5 weeklies, so I'm aiming for 18 APs this week. I've earned 11 already. I'm hoping for another 25 minute high intensity workout tomorrow morning, plus a trip to the gym tomorrow night. I'd love to earn 5 APs tomorrow and then 3-5 more on Wednesday. I'm going to take a quick walk during my morning and afternoon breaks tomorrow. I ate 22.5 POINTS today. I was doing really well until I agreed to try this dessert my grandmother made. It was supposedly horrible, but I liked it so I ate a lot of it. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now. Hoping for an exercise filled day tomorrow...
Today was an ok day food wise, but a great day for exercise. I went to the gym and did 25 minutes on the treadmill and then did 25 minutes at home, which is a high intensity workout. I ate 24 POINTS today and earned 4 APs. That means I have eaten 21.5 of my WPA and earned 15 APs for the week. I'm hoping to eat only 20 POINTS tomorrow and earn at least 5 APs tomorrow. That would be awesome for me. I don't think I've ever gotten close to 20 APs in a week. I'm hoping for a great weigh-in when I go on Saturday. Saturday will be my new weigh-in day for most weeks, but I'm going to keep my "week" as starting on Thursday because I have no idea how to change it using eTools. It's no biggie, especially because on some weeks, I'll probably weigh-in on Thursday. My current multi-week goal is to lose 7 pounds by Christmas. That's just over 1 pound per week. I know I can do that. I lost last year over Thanksgiving, so I'm not too worried about the upcoming holiday feast. I have a physical exam a few days after Christmas and I'd love to weigh-in at a healthy weight, hence my goal to lose 7 pounds. I must do it! Until next time...
It's great the exercise is kicking in for you...I love when I feel good about stuff like that. It's hard to get moving, but once you get into, it feels great when you're done..I feel all proud of myself afterward
So, I ended up using all 35 of my WPA this week. Oh well. I will try again for next week. Time to set goals for this upcoming "WW" week.

1. Drink 6 glasses of water a day.
2. Earn 12 APs.
3. Go to the gym 3 times.
4. Eat up to 15 of my WPA.

I'm hoping to still lose even though I ate more than I was planning to eat. I have a good chance since I earned so many APs. I tried to eat foods with less sodium than last week as well. Maybe that will have helped. I will find out for sure on Saturday morning when I weigh-in. I'm hoping to have earned a few APs by then as well. More than likely I won't have reached 15 APs by then, but I will probably have earned 4-6 APs. I'm hoping to earn at least 3 APs tomorrow. It would be great if I could earn 3 APs both tomorrow and Friday. I may even be able to get in a workout before weigh-in on Sat. morning. That would be 6-9 APs! That would be awesome. I really want to make my goal of 900 minutes of exercise for the month of November. I'm at 185 minutes so far, so I really need to get moving. I'm also hoping to increase the number of steps I walk in a day to at least 10,000. I've been averaging about 5,000. That's a good start, but I'd love to increase it. I'm going to try walking more during the day. Hopefully that will be possible with work and all. I did about 4,200 today, but I don't think my podometer was working the entire day. I'll have to watch it more carefully tomorrow.

I'd love to start running and maybe even train for a 5K. If I set my mind to it, I should be able to run a local one next Thanksgiving day. I've been increasing my speed on the treadmill, but I'm still walking about an 18 minute mile. I am walking at a 1.5 incline though, which is good. Maybe I should try interval training. I also need to do some of my walking on pavement and not a treadmill. If only it wasn't so cold. I can't let the weather get me down. I need the exercise. So, I have a few ideas/goals for the upcoming week and year. I'm still thinking about asking for a Wii and a Wii Fit for Christmas. I was reading the thread about the Biggest Loser Wii game and I'm interested in that as well. I'm game for just about anything that will help me lose some weight. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it. Well, until next time...
I'm doing the couch to 5k right now and it's a nice gradual program that takes you from walking to running

you can find it at or on

I've done it before (few years ago) and was amazed at how smoothly you progress...i'm back at it again and on week 4
I'm doing the couch to 5k right now and it's a nice gradual program that takes you from walking to running

you can find it at or on

I've done it before (few years ago) and was amazed at how smoothly you progress...i'm back at it again and on week 4

I looked at today and love the plan! I will probably be using the treadmill at the gym, but not sure yet. I would love to start it on Sunday or Monday. I may even start it sooner, if I can get myself out of bed tomorrow or home from work early enough to squeeze the workout in before it gets too dark. I am determined to not let the weather/limited daylight get me down or prevent me from doing this. Plus, I saw on the website that there is a 5K in my town in the spring. I'm really considering signing up for it. Thanks!
Today I drank 4 glasses of water. I didn't meet my goal, but that's a lot more than I usually drink. I have to work my way up or well, you know. I ate 22.5 POINTS today and earned 5 APs. I took a 60 minute walk and did 25 minutes on this machine I have at home. It is a high intensity workout. I'm considering adding yoga to the mix. I ate almost 2 full servings of dairy today too. I'm usually good about getting my dairy in, but lately I've been slipping. I think I'll start my day with a whole cup of milk instead of just half a cup in my oatmeal. I'll put some in my oatmeal and drink the rest. Then, I'll have a serving down for the day. Plus, that'll give me more protein for the morning and entire day. I haven't planned lunch yet for tomorrow. Today, I had 3 POINTS worth of chicken with a little bit of dressing and some carrots and onions for a very low point chicken salad. Maybe I'll have a soynut butter sandwich tomorrow. I don't know. I'll think of something. I know it's better to plan, but I'm exhausted and really ready for bed. I know I shouldn't be making excuses either. Alright. Let me think. I could have one of those TV dinners with the POINTS values listed on it. I'll either have one of those or soynut butter with carrots. It depends on how much time I have in the morning. Well, I'm exhausted. I had a busy day. I'm really excited about the amount of exercise I got in today. I have a good chance of meeting my exercise goal of 900 minutes. As of today, I'm at 270 minutes. I'm hoping to get in at least 90 minutes tomorrow. That should be doable. Till next time...
glad you checked it out...i hope you enjoy it. I've been really impressed with the progression, and my own body as it accepts each workout and moves forward
glad you checked it out...i hope you enjoy it. I've been really impressed with the progression, and my own body as it accepts each workout and moves forward

Thanks again! Can't wait to get started. I'm going to try to make it to the gym tomorrow.
Today was an ok day. Brownies are totally my downfall. I can't stop eating them. I have to stop baking them. I can't wait for this bake sale to be over on Wednesday. I'm following a new recipe and I want it perfe buct. This bake sale is more like a competition, so I have to bring in something nice. I'm going to decorate the brownies. I haven't even started practicing that yet. Tomorrow my sister and are going outlet shopping. I'm planning to wear my podometer. I broke 10,000 steps today!! I'm hoping to do that again tomorrow. I'm also hoping to buy some new clothes. I don't want to buy too much because I'm on a mission to lose another 20 pounds. I ate 29 POINTS today, which wasn't great, but I also earned 6 APs, so I'm ok with what I ate for the day. Looking forward to tomorrow...
I just finished a brownie eating binge. Luckily, I had the POINTS, but that's not the point (no pun intended). I really didn't want to eat a lot of my WPA this week, but it looks like I'll be eating all of it plus my APs. I've already earned 1 AP today and I'm hoping to earn a total of 4 APs. I'd love to get in a 25-minute high-intensity workout, but I'll settle for 15 minutes. I had an ok weigh-in today. I lost .8 lbs. Not exactly wonderful, but it's a loss and enough to take off what I gained the two previous weeks. The good news is that I've been earning so many APs lately, that I'll probably be able to earn 1 AP for every one of my WPA used. With any luck (and perserverance), I'll earn a total of 35 APs this week. I hope I can do it!
I got in a 25-minute high-intensity workout today! I'm so excited. That was really important as I've eaten 41 POINTS today. I've earned 4 APs today and am likely to earn at least one more! I'm planning to start my morning with a high-intensity workout tomorrow. I'm considering doing some yoga tonight to earn another AP and relax a bit. I can't believe I managed to eat so much today, but I know I shouldn't be so surprised. I've definitely had worse days. Sometimes, I go on a binge. It happens. Tomorrow, I'll start fresh and aim to eat only 20 POINTS. I've already planned my meals for tomorrow and as long as I don't deviate from my planned meals, I should be all set. I should even be able to have a snack tomorrow night. I've earned 14 APs so far this week, so I have the POINTS, which is great. Well, I'm off to earn another AP.
Well, I ate more food today and have now eaten all 35 of my WPA. I planned out tomorrow and still have 2.5 POINTS left for the day. I'm making dinner tomorrow night, so that should definitely help. I'm also making dinner on Monday night. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow as well. I'm hoping to pick up a few things to make some filling, low-point lunches for the week. Lunch tends to be my downfall. Well, that and brownies. I can't wait for Wednesday night! I'm hoping for any loss for the week. I'll take .1 lbs. That would be amazing at the rate I've been eating. I'm hoping to earn a few more APs for the week. I earned 5 today! I'd love to earn 35 for the week, but that's a huge goal. I'd be happy with a total of 25 APs for the week. I walked over 13,000 steps today, which was wonderful! I'm hoping for the same tomorrow. So, since having weekly goals doesn't seem to be working for me, I think I'll set some daily goals. So, for tomorrow:
1. Drink 6 glasses of liquid. (I don't drink alcohol so everything I drink counts.)
2. Get in all of the Good Healthy Guidelines.
3. Eat no more than 22 POINTS for the day.
4. Walk 13,000 steps.
5. Earn 3 APs.
I think that's good for one day. I'm off to bed. Night!
Well, I'm on track so far today. I skipped eating part of my breakfast, but that's ok as I'll still get all of my Good Healthy Guidelines in today. I ate oatmeal with diced apples and cinnamon for breakfast, as usual. I also had a glass of water. I then got in a 15-minute high-intensity workout. I'm hoping to earn at least one more AP today by walking. I've written my grocery list and made pudding for lunches for the week. Pudding is going to abe my "dessert" for the day. I'm planning to eat exactly 20 POINTS for the day and it's a lot of food. My parents and I are talking about the grocery list as I'm writing this. I better go and make sure it is perfect.
Ok. I didn't really follow my plan for the day. I tried, but was quite unsuccessful and ended up only making one of my goals. I've only eaten 22 POINTS for the day, but haven't got all my Good Healthy Guidelines in and am not planning on it. I know, horrible. I planned and planned and didn't succeed. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. I guess I should get planning. I know what I'm having for breakfast (the usual) and lunch. Hopefully, dinner won't put me over 22 POINTS for the day. I should be fine, but I know I'd feel more comfortable if I plan. I'm off to that now.
Ok. I didn't really follow my plan for the day. I tried, but was quite unsuccessful and ended up only making one of my goals.

You made ONE of your goals...woohoo...i know you said you ONLY made one of them, but ya know what..celebrate every single tiny victory.

Cheer on what you do well for and that positive attitude will spread!

Planning is a huge factor in success - great idea to plan
Thanks so much! I love your mentality. I need to think more like you. Thanks again, CC
Hi Everyone,

I had a bad day to say the least. I went on a binge and ate tablespoon after tablespoon of vanilla frosting. I need to get in a good solid workout tonight. I'm planning to exercise during Jeapordy! or House, or both. I posted a thread about bingeing. I'd love some suggestions. I need to be better about planning my meals. I think that might help. But, I planned today and that didn't really help. I have 3 APs left for my week ending Wednesday. I'm hoping to earn another 3 APs tonight. I know the upcomng bake sale isn't going to help, but if I earn 3 more APs Tuesday night, then I'll be able to buy at least something on Wednesday. I'm also hoping to earn another 3 APs on Wednesday. I bought a special edition yoga magazine yesterday. Its purpose is to introduce one to yoga. I'm going to read it religiously so that I can start incorporating yoga into my routine beginning this weekend. I'd love to alternate yoga one night with strength training the next night. Plus, I'm also planning to add the Couch to 5K plan to my workout routine. I'm still seriously thinking about asking for a Wii for Christmas. I'm thinking of asking for the new Biggest Loser game though, instead of a Wii Fit. Or, maybe, I'll ask for a Wii Fit and buy myself the game. I read one post that said the game can be used with the Fit, so maybe having both will be a good idea. I desperately want to lose these last 20 pounds before my sister's wedding. Off to make my low-POINT (thankfully) dinner and then get some exercise...
Well, I got in eatome exercise, but had to stop at 20 minutes because the machine broke. I did earn 2 APs, so I can't complain. Also, I ate a lot less at dinner than I planned, so I now have 7.5 APs left for the week. Hopefully, I'll have a better day tomorrow and not need to eat them. I'm going to start my morning off with a serving of liquid egg whites in addition to my usual oatmeal. I'm hoping the extra protein will help. I'm not sure what I'm going to have for lunch yet. I think I'm going to have a 4 POINT Smart Ones entree with a half a cup of pudding. I love the Cranberry Turkey Medalions because it's a serving of veggies and protein and low in POINTS. Plus, it has a lot of flavor. I'm also going to have some decaf tea with lunch. It might help if I get some more liquids into me. Dinner is leftover chicken pot pie for 6 POINTS. That brings me to 16.5 POINTS. I'll up my milk to a full cup at breakfast. That brings me to 17.5 POINTS. Hmm, what else. I need some oils. I'll "grease" my egg bowl (I microwave it) with 1 tsp. of canola oil. That brings me to 18.5 POINTS. Yeah for planning! I still need 1 oil and 1/2 cup of dairy. I'll have 6 oz. of WW yogurt with lunch and add 1 tsp. of olive oil to the biscuit crust on my chicken pot pie before I microwave it. That brings me to 20.5 POINTS for the day. Absolutely perfect. Maybe having the oil will help me feel fuller. Only time will tell. Off to read my yoga magazine...
I will stick to my plan for the day. I will stick to my plan for the day. Maybe if I repeat myself over and over again, I'll stay on track. As soon as I finish updating my journal, I'm going to review my plan and eat breakfast. I will stick to my plan for the day. I have to get some exercise in today that doesn't involve machines as I don't have enough time to go to the gym (have to bake for tomorrow's bake sale) and the machine in the basement is now broken. I guess it's a good day to walk. My 2 goals for the day are to walk 10,000 steps and to stick to my plan. Off to review it and eat breakfast...


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