Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow

Hope I'm not too late with my guesses then.

What you gotta have in France is a slushie (either Grey Goose or Gran Marnier). Can't visit France at Epcot and not have a slushie.
2 other people with you on the ride.
Burning bush is on the island.

Oh and love the cheese soup. Lady H bought a recipe book that has most of the WDW and DLR recipes. It has the recipe for the soup. Now I'm hungry. I'll have to get Lady H to make some now.

I haven't made that in ages. Mmm...Now you have me craving it.

Have her whip up a batch and send some this way.
Gotta see if it was just a one off as far as my taste buds go.
Purely for science, you understand.

If you can figure out a way for me to ship it to you without being accosted by the border patrol, then I would be honored to make it and send it. I even make Pretzel bread to go along with it.

Do that! I haven't seen her around in ages!

*Whispered in her best Steve Erwin voice* Crickey, do you see that? It's a lady bunny poking her head out to view the rest of the world. It's one of the rarest sightings you will ever get. Don't make any sudden movements now, you could cause her to go back into her bunny hole and never be heard from again. Steady now...

You don't just blurt out the first fool thing that comes into your head like I do?! I will work on this whole proof reading thing. :worship:

Oh, I blurt.
But then I worry about it and worry at it.
And change a word here or a line there.

I'm never happy with the finished product.
But if I waited until I was happy, nothing would ever get posted.

It's almost like having a kid.
Eventually you gotta let them go off and have everyone point and laugh at your mistakes.

Something like that.

no sashaying, honestly I cannot see you scurrying.

I only refer to it as scurrying when I'm writing in the past, past tense.

That sounded good. We'll go with that.

Nice snap

Thanks! :)

You poor dear, that would not make for good associations with water. :hug:

I sometimes wonder what scarred me more.
My sister or the actual near-death experience.


Oh yes it does! Once when swimming across a lake in Oregon something wrapped around my foot out in the middle of the lake, I panicked, and swam fast for shore.


Reminds me of that old joke:
I discovered I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a great white shark or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot.

The vegetation from the bottom of the lake, had somehow become entwined around my leg. Even knowing it was nothing scary I did not swim out across it again that day! ;)

:eek: You get it! You get it!

:sad2: nope, nopers, nope huh uh! :eek: Even mermaids have their limits! :crazy2:

Hmmm... You might want to skip the next chapter then....
I can get on board with tapstiles.

Is it trending yet?

Well, it's a mighty nice photo. Can you bank the unused 24 slots for a future chapter?:confused3

And to answer your question.

You know how you do something nice and the Mrs. gives you a hug or a kiss or even just a grin?
And then 5 minutes later you do the normal guy thing... Which is to say, you do something stupid?
Ever try using that goodwill from earlier?

Well it's the same with the DIS.
Minus the yelling.

HELLO???? Did you not see my user name??


Good idea! Just don't use glitter. That stuff is more proof that there is a hell.


Right! Anyway, on to scene 24, which is a smashing scene with magnificent acting...


And then you followed him home...

Nope. Three reasons:
1. He wasn't going home. He was going to Jason's
2. I didn't want to freak him out anymore than he already was.
3. He was in a car... Me, not so much.

Holy crap, that's big! This is just catnip for an engineering geek like me.

::yes:: I know! It sure doesn't look it from the outside.

Wait, is "engineering geek" a redundant term?

Actually... yes. Yes it is.

Universal Studios.:rolleyes1


They'd probably prefer bacon. But at least it wasn't brussels sprouts.

They can't have bacon.
Well.... They could but I'd dive in and snag it all first, so...

Hmm. My kids don't hide their toys, they just scatter them all over every square inch of the floors.

I remember those days.
It gets better.
And by "better", I mean different.
Now it's school stuff, garbage and dirty clothes.
But it's mostly confined to their rooms.
I'm almost sure Kay's room is carpeted... but I'm not sure anymore.

Trying to reconcile this with water stories 1 through 4...

I see I'm going to have to include an explanation in the next chapter...

:scared1: You're gonna need a bigger boat.

Whoop whoop for the update! :banana: That's a whooping banana just for you :goodvibes

Can I split it with..... ice cream, strawberry,chocolate and caramel toppings, whipped cream and a cherry?

Pun intended? Too crude....?????

:lmao: Didn't even notice that!!

Judge you by your report, we do....

Oh, I know.... I know!

Thanks. I knew you could.

I think I might start a business called Practically Perfect Condiments.......

I like it. Has a nice ring to it.... Wait, we already went there.

or Tiny Kimonos.......diverse, yet achievable......

Sure. Why not?

Go me!!!!


You tease.....

And shifty. Don't forget shifty.

It's such an appreciated thing though.....keep doing it!

You have no idea how guilty I felt when I threw my back out... and couldn't!

(as I was typing that, I hit the wrong 2 letters and started off typing weeeeeee......just thought I'd share :goodvibes)


If you get your toppings wrong is that funky condimentalisation?

I like that!
Although I might tweek it to Funky Conmedina.

Love that the guy will probably remember you for ever because of this by not knowing you he ends up with you as nearly....well family really.....;)

Never thought of that. But since I remember him....
Hmmm.... I wonder if he's writing his autobiography somewhere and I'm in it???

Please tell me that you tried to get in it.....?! Please????!!!

Not after Melissa apologized for the smell.

He'd be fine.....all drains lead to the ocean......

That's true.... Forgot about that.

All better now?

Yes, thank you.

Naughty dolphins!

That's true! They'd do that too.

:rolleyes1 (You started it.)

That's the second wee you've had in this chapter alone.....

When you gotta go, you gotta go.

That's terrifying.

Was it? I don't really remember.... :sad2:

Isn't it strange how that works? I hate red peppers (not related to any water-based experiences I hasten to add....although I'd quite like to hear that story.....) but I can smell them in anything and taste them.....even the tiniest amount. Senses are incredible! You definitely have more excuse than me though...I in fact have no excuse at all.....pretend I never said anything.....


Ok....I'm game....

Glad you did it your way. should I put this.......

What no questions? No guesses? I know that it's not the end of the chapter but......

(Fast forward to next week. Small circle of chairs all occupied.)
"Hello, my name's Claire and I'm addicted to points. It all started as some harmless fun but then the questions stopped and I don't know how to cope any more...."

Can you live with the guilt????!!!

:laughing: I thought quite a bit about that.
But I just loved the final sentence and didn't wan't anything after that.
And I couldn't figure out where to add more questions... so I left them out.
dkfjlasdjfladskjflsadjd. I'm so far behind. Drat.

I can't go any slower Lisa! I'd explode!
Don't worry. The chapters aren't going anywhere.
I'm just glad you're still here. :goodvibes

Okay I just binge read your TR

I'm so sorry! You must have an incredibly upset stomache now!
Drink some gingerale. You'll feel better soon.

on the train home from London

Another reader from across the pond!
I just love that.
It makes me feel like I'm writing an international best-seller.
Or something.

and caused some looks to be thrown my way when I laughed out loud at various points

Yes, my readers do have funny comments to say.
Oh, wait. You must mean when I'm trying to sound intelligent.

Okay. I'm on the same page now.

(yes I'm one of those people on trains. I regret nothing. Plus I have no shame )

That's good. People with no shame are my favourite kind of people.

The guy opposite me was reading Tolstoy's War and Peace in Russian (he was English)

With a masochistic streak a mile wide no doubt.
Or maybe it's his way of picking up girls.
"I will dazzle them with my smartitude."

and I seriously considered telling him to read along with me cause he looked miserable.

:laughing: Sure! Why should you be the only one with an upset stomache?

But I have a rule about talking to strangers...unless they are on the internet...or they have ice cream. :thumbsup2 Sugar first, safety second! :teacher:

I like that rule. That's a good rule.
I'm going to share that with my girls.

(I have a very strong suspicion that he was actually reading Fifty Shades of Grey :rolleyes1)

Wouldn't he be smiling then?
Or possibly... have other ummm... outward signs?


And on that note....
:welcome: to the TR! Nice to have you along for the ride! :goodvibes
Yes!!! I'm still in first!

Yup. But watch out... Andy's nipping at your heels.

Even though I didn't do very well that last round.

Considering how you nailed the last photo question, I figured you would get these without breaking a sweat.

Although no one did really.

Andy and GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes were the only ones who got them all right.

I'm pretty sure I also guessed the driving experience. You said you exited the park so everyone assumed you were leaving Epcot.

I did not say I was exiting the park!
I was very careful not to.

I said:

Past the fountains.
Past Spaceship Earth, now with bonus extra-long line-up!
And soon I was approaching the...

I think I'll stick with turnstiles.
Even though they're clearly not actual turnstiles.
Shorter to type, though.

Finally... Finally!
I was heading out to do something that I'd never thought I'd do.

I suppose one could argue that once you pass the tapstiles (and I didn't say I did, just in case)
you're outside the park, but I was still on Epcot "property" since I only went as far as Guest Relations.

I never would have guessed you had a problem with water after reading your Hawaii TR. That's cool that you have scuba certification. I was going to take a scuba diving class in college but I didn't like the instructors and it seemed more like they were trying to make money off us then teach a class.

I took the course because the opportunity came up.
My high school Comp. Sci. teacher was a certified instructor and taught a bunch of us for just the cost of the pool time and equipement rental.

What do you mean you can't swim? How then can you scuba dive?

Who says I can't swim?
I couldn't when I was little, but I taught myself. Maybe not well, but I can manage.
For our certification, we had to swim.... I think it was two or four lengths?

Seriously, I was in diapers when I had my first swim lesson and before I could remember. I used to swim so much my hair was a light brown growing up, compared to the super dark, almost black hair I actually have. I think everyone should know how to swim.

I couldn't agree more. I think it should be as required as schooling.
Home, private or public... I don't care. As long as it's done.
Both our girls took lessons and are much better swimmers than I am.
WooHoo!!! I am not last! I got 2 points for guessing 2.5! Shouldn't I have gotten 2.5 points for that guess? Hmmm..

:laughing: No. You're not last.

Actually, I didn't feel the comment was quite worth two points... So I gave you 1.5.
Then I rounded up.
So 2.

And Wow! I didn't even know that you could do a scuba thingy at epcot. Shows what I know.

Now you know.
Aren't you glad you're reading this TR now?

However, I spent 4 years in the US Navy, sailing the ocean blue and all that, and I hate water sports in all forms. Taking a shower is as close to a large body of water as I want to get to anymore. :)

Interesting about 4 years in the Navy.
Out of curiosity, what was the longest stretch you did in between setting foot on dry land?
I'm asking because a friend of mine was in the merchant marine and I think he went about a year and a half...
and got seasick when he finally came ashore.

Plus... so... no Blizzard Beach or Typhoid Lagoon for you?

Wow...who knew you could scuba at Epcot?? And also that it's so big in the seas??? I had no idea!

This TR is nothing if not educational.
I'm thinking of bringing it to the school board.
Pretty sure it could easily replace some of the teachers my kids have had.... :sad2:

What an amazing experience that must have been...not sure I'd do it lol..but pretty cool to hear about it from here :)) Looking forward to hearing more!

All will be revealed... next chapter.

Right! That's totally what I'd do! ::yes::

:laughing: I knew it!!

'Bout time you acknowledged that. Hmmmph. :snooty:

Sorry dear.

Yikes! I can't say I was enjoying all of your death defying stories!

You didn't! I lived it! (almost didn't)

I was on the edge of my seat until I realized "hey, he's writing this TR... clearly he survived."

I really wonder.
Did I?
Maybe this is what the afterlife is like.
Much the same, except with colour TV, microwave ovens and the internet.

But seriously, how you even come within 10 feet of water is beyond me! I grew up on a lake and LOVE the water but I did not have any of your fear-inducing experiences either. :sad2:

Yup. I'm definitely going to have to cover this topic in the next chapter.

When I was a kid I grew up on Seneca Lake - the same lake where numerous "Lockness Monster sightings" have occurred, some documented by varying degrees of believable evidence. The cynics claim these sightings were actually sturgeon. So... moral of the story: anything that can be confused with the Lockness Monster is something to steer clear of! :scared1:

I've heard of Seneca Lake and its monster.
Wanna place bets on the likelyhood that I'd ever swim there?

I am anxious to read more about this experience! I sure hope it's a good water experience for you!!! :goodvibes There's a first for everything, right?

I hope it's a good experience too!
Oh, wait... I already know the answer to this one.

It's the circle of life.
And it moves us all...

And it moves the parents to sue Disney for traumatizing their children.
That too is part of the circle of life.

But their teeth are just as sharp. :rolleyes1

You have no idea how much I was not thinking about that.

Oh, I'm not knocking it. I'd love to try it sometime! I'm fascinated by it.

You should! It's... well... amazing.
I haven't made that in ages. Mmm...Now you have me craving it.

You're craving it???? But you're the one who can make it!

If you can figure out a way for me to ship it to you without being accosted by the border patrol, then I would be honored to make it and send it. I even make Pretzel bread to go along with it.

You make the Pretzel bread too??????? :faint:

Screw the shipping, I'm coming to you!

*Whispered in her best Steve Erwin voice* Crickey, do you see that? It's a lady bunny poking her head out to view the rest of the world. It's one of the rarest sightings you will ever get. Don't make any sudden movements now, you could cause her to go back into her bunny hole and never be heard from again. Steady now...

So good to hear from you again Heather.
I find it very interesting that you quote Steve Erwin considering something that happens in the next chapter.

Where the heck is Ponzi??? I'm bored.....I want the shout outs!!!

:laughing: Well, there you go. All done. That should make you happy!
So next chapter now???
Although I'm going to my mom's for the weekend so I probably won't be back on the DIS till Monday. So actually, no one post anything till then ok?

Have you seen the previews for Tomorrowland yet? It looks super good and I can't wait to see it. Probably not in a theater though---too expensive. We saw The Avengers 2 in the theater so I'm good on going to the theater for awhile.
Steppesister - several - 0 - tree - 4 points

I know there's nothing hiding in there.Dang it. I KNEW I shoulda gone with the answer that works for EVERY guy on the planet: Food. Ah well, 4 point for someone who can be here only a limited time for now ain't bad.

I know there's nothing hiding in there.

That's what all the underwater beasties want you to think. Keep swimming, my friend... keep swimming.

Your underwater adventure sounds amazing! How fun that you did that for yourself! Looking forward to hearing more! My hubby and son are certified; maybe he'd enjoy a trip into the tank when I show him your photos/stories. Although I think with the Keys as part of our trip, he'll opt for that instead. But seriously, the sharks may just do the trick.

For now, I'll just finish out my reply by saying that I"m pretty much in awe that you're still alive to write about your harrowing adventures. ;)
I have no idea why they liked it so much.
They didn't know who Figment was either.

Then again... who the heck is Figment????
Honestly? I have no idea. Do you????

Your own personal guide?
You have to go!!
I know. I know! It is so expensive to fly anywhere from here, but Japan is INSANE. If/when they move back there (which I think they will do in a few years - to stay for a two- or three-year term), I will make it happen. I can't imagine a better opportunity to visit somewhere we are both so interested in experiencing.

And I wonder about people who complain about dolphins (et al) in captivity.
"Release the dolphins! It's inhumane!"

A powerful wizard/alien/God... whatever... hears his plea.
Suddenly all captive dolphins everywhere are freed!
And all whales!
And all aquatic creatures!
Zoos are emptied!
Our animal activist is overjoyed!
And suddenly... He's stripped naked and plunked in the middle of an African jungle.
A voice calls out "You are now freed from the tyranny of your oppressors! Rejoice!
Oh, and that lion who was a former zoo resident is right behind you.
You can celebrate your liberty together. Maybe over lunch. I believe it's his feeding time."
This is a completely new angle on the debate (angle on the bait? wait, what?) for me. I find it intriguing... You should make a post on the Community Boards...... :rolleyes1

Is Willow scared of sharks and water too?
She went through a brief and weird shark "thing." She has no fear of water though. She has always been a water baby. From her first swim lesson, she loved it. At 4 or 5 years old, we would go early for her swim lesson at the YMCA, and she would don her goggles and swim laps with the elderly people there on the weekend mornings swimming laps. They loved to see her and always made time to talk to her about her swimming skills. She is currently sporting a green wristband from the YMCA after-school program that guarantees that she can "go anywhere she wants" in the pool all summer because she passed the test that the bigger kids passed. She is a SWIMMER. She is a MUCH better swimmer than I am. If I wasn't an only parent with a more than full-time job, she would be on the local swim team, but I don't have the physical or mental capacity to do the innumerable swim meets, fund raisers, out-of-town travel, and required commitment to be here for meets at times that we would be on vacation. The child is 8. Not 18. It would be nice if we had some kind of happy medium here, but we don't. :confused3
So next chapter now???
Although I'm going to my mom's for the weekend so I probably won't be back on the DIS till Monday. So actually, no one post anything till then ok?

Have you seen the previews for Tomorrowland yet? It looks super good and I can't wait to see it. Probably not in a theater though---too expensive. We saw The Avengers 2 in the theater so I'm good on going to the theater for awhile.
Inside Out and Tomorrowland are coming have to go back! :D
So next chapter now???



Although I'm going to my mom's for the weekend so I probably won't be back on the DIS till Monday. So actually, no one post anything till then ok?

Just for that, I should post the next update on Saturday and delete it on Sunday.

Have you seen the previews for Tomorrowland yet?

Yes I have!
I'm torn to be honest.
I watched the previews and.... this could be really good... or really bad.
Won't know until reviews (either my own or others) come out.

That's what all the underwater beasties want you to think. Keep swimming, my friend... keep swimming.

It's an aquatic conspiracy.

Your underwater adventure sounds amazing! How fun that you did that for yourself! Looking forward to hearing more!

Next update! :goodvibes

My hubby and son are certified; maybe he'd enjoy a trip into the tank when I show him your photos/stories.

Hmmmm.... @Steppesister could you ask me this again after the next update?
I'll tell you what the two more experienced divers who were also there had to say about it.

For now, I'll just finish out my reply by saying that I"m pretty much in awe that you're still alive to write about your harrowing adventures.

That makes two of us!
Honestly? I have no idea. Do you????

Nope. Not even enough to Google it.

I know. I know! It is so expensive to fly anywhere from here, but Japan is INSANE. If/when they move back there (which I think they will do in a few years - to stay for a two- or three-year term), I will make it happen. I can't imagine a better opportunity to visit somewhere we are both so interested in experiencing.

Flying west seems to be more expensive than flying east.
Maybe that guy in Russia can get that bridge to Alaska built and we'll just drive over.

This is a completely new angle on the debate (angle on the bait? wait, what?)

Good one.

I find it intriguing... You should make a post on the Community Boards...... :rolleyes1



If I wasn't an only parent with a more than full-time job, she would be on the local swim team, but I don't have the physical or mental capacity to do the innumerable swim meets, fund raisers, out-of-town travel, and required commitment to be here for meets at times that we would be on vacation. The child is 8. Not 18. It would be nice if we had some kind of happy medium here, but we don't. :confused3

I hear you. We had enough trouble doing it all and there was two of us!

Inside Out and Tomorrowland are coming have to go back! :D

I thought the trailer for Inside Out looked pretty funny.
Just wanted to let you know you have a new reader. I'm a bit late for the contest but I'm having a great time reading along. I'm thinking seriously of taking my first solo trip next February, so reading this report is giving me lots of ideas about what to do. I love your sense of humour.
I can't go any slower Lisa! I'd explode!
Don't worry. The chapters aren't going anywhere.
I'm just glad you're still here. :goodvibes

I know you can't. It is just me. Loads going on, little computer time. And then I read and don't post. Crap. And we certainly don't want an exploding pkondz, now do we? Everything is driving me insane. Hearing the motorcycles everywhere these days is making me crazy a la "come pick me up now please!".
Okay! Okay! No need to shout.
The natives are getting restless.
<Thunk> (Arrow imbeds itself into computer housing.)

I said "OKAY"!!

Calm down, Mr. Exaggeration. The arrow didn't go anywhere near your computer, because I shot myself in the foot.

If you emptied the tank into one-gallon milk jugs and laid them side by side,
they would stretch all the way to New Orleans... over 500 miles.

Woah, stop right there! We don't want your dirty fishy water! We've got plenty of our own... filled with gators.

I was pretty much left to my own devices
and I spent my time exploring the shallow end of the pool.
(Hey! That's just like me! Shallow end of the gene pool.)

I must caution you again to not pee in the gene pool.

I will not willingly go in an ocean.
But... as some of you may know, I did just that in Hawaii.
I snorkeled in a shark cage... but I'm in a cage. I was safe.

What were you thinking!! No, you are never safe from a shark until you are a couple of miles inland!

I snorkeled in a marine conservation area.
Yeah, but when I swam a bit too far and saw the bottom drop out,
I was done for the day.
I went surfing.
True... but it took everything I had to blank my mind out and not think of sharks.
"It's a shallow cove. Nothing here. Nope."
If I'd said, "No sharks here." That would've been enough to keep me out.
Actually, one of my daughters asked me that.
"Dad. Are there sharks here?"
"Nope! Not here! Ha ha!"

We lived in Florida (my ex-husband was in the Navy) and we went to the beach and played in the waves almost every weekend. One time when I was pregnant with my oldest, I was in deeper than thigh and almost hip high water, looked beside me and there was a stingray. You've never seen a 7-month pregnant person move so fast!

So here I was, standing on the edge of the dolphin pool in booties and a shorty.

(I read booties and a onesie) Did you have your binkie?

Soon, my head slipped beneath the surface
and I began my descent to the bottom...

And the circling sharks.

It was so nice knowing you and reading of your adventures. When and where are the services being held?
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Water episode #1

Water episode #2.
What? Oh. Sorry. Moving on.

Water episode #3.

Water episode #4

The whole time I was reading this, in my mind I saw you as Ralphie from The Christmas Story, with deep dark lakes instead of BB guns. How did you make it through your childhood alive?
Just wanted to let you know you have a new reader.

Hi! And :welcome: to our madness! :goodvibes

I'm a bit late for the contest but I'm having a great time reading along.

You still have some time with the contest, so don't be shy about playing along.
Couple of big point pictures coming up soon.

I'm thinking seriously of taking my first solo trip next February, so reading this report is giving me lots of ideas about what to do.

I'm still not sure if I'm going to do January or February.
I think I'd like February but January might work out better with DWs schedule.

And please feel free to steal as many ideas as you want! :laughing:

I love your sense of humour.

That's not humour.... that's panic!

I know you can't. It is just me. Loads going on, little computer time. And then I read and don't post.

At least you're reading, so that's good at least.
Commenting, especially on multiple threads, takes a lot of time!
I'm finding this out the hard way!

And we certainly don't want an exploding pkondz, now do we?

I dunno... that might be cool to see.
I just haven't figured out how to close myself inside the microwave and push the start button.

Everything is driving me insane. Hearing the motorcycles everywhere these days is making me crazy a la "come pick me up now please!".

Every time it's not raining, I'm on it.
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