Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Questions, next round:
1. The usual... what time do I get up? 6:47

2. How long do I wait for that first bus? 7 minutes

3. Which park do I visit? Hint: It's Magic Kingdom. I think that I should guess Magic Kingdom?

4. Do I go through the metal detector again? Yes! - they must treat us Canadians special

5. What's my first ride.Hint: Think a little deeper. Outside the box a little. The Walt Disney World Railroad as it skirts the outside of the park area so it is outside the box

6. Why yes, I do have a lunch ADR. And it's in the park! Guesses? Liberty Tree Tavern

7. I try a new-to-me ice cream treat. What is it? Mickey Head

8. What ride do I FP... but don't use it. Space Mountain cause it was out of order when you went to use your fast pass but you didn't need it when you came back later as there was no line

9. What ride do I FP... and use. Hint: I know what I said. Read it again. Buzz Lightyear
Bonus: Did you see it? You did, didn't you?
Yes I saw it - couldn't miss the headlines.

And if you tell me when you noticed
I'll throw you a few more points.

I read your report on the Mississauga Transit bus so it was sometime between 3:20 & 3:45 the day you posted your update - is that what you want to know?
I need to kill time somehow so I read the Disboard on my bus travels.
Haven't seen Andy's update yet... or yours.

Eventually... :sad2:

Don't worry. They're not going anywhere. As I've said before, you have much more important things to do than read about some stranger's vacation.

Yes I am.
And I told you not to call me Shirley.

Sorry, Alice.

Stop stealing my lines!

But you stole that one!

That's okay.
Nobody does.



The truth hurts. What are we talking about again?

You did??

So.... I suppose you don't go on it anymore.

No, I have to go on Star Tours so I can get this mythical Darth Vader scene that doesn't actually exist.

Those rings were soooo good.
But I want that chicken now.

Me too. Let's go!

Meh. Been there done that.
Once you've ridden one hovercraft,
you've ridden 'em all.

(I really did!)

That sounds cool! Was it as cool as I've pictured it in my mind?

I don't like your world!

Me neither!

Well, sometimes I do.

You'd like that, wouldn't you.
You're hoping the "wench" in question
is extremely fit with an oh-so-short temper.


So considerate of you to not
link to a YouTube site!
You know I can't watch YouTube
at work and you did that just for me!!

Oh. By the way. Hulu doesn't work in Canada.
So I'll never know what you posted there.


Great. Now I have to remember what that was and find a new link.

Actually, I tried to do YouTube but I'm blocked at work, too!

Anyway, your story about the grampa talking non-stop reminded me of a Simpsons episode where the workers at the power plant were on strike and Mr. Burns tried to hire some "strike-breakers" from back in the day. Grampa Simpson was the leader:

We can't bust heads like we used to. But we have our ways. One trick is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for m'shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt. Which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Gimme five bees for a quarter, you'd say. Now where was I... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion tied to my belt, which was the style at the time. You couldn't get white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...

Too late! That's gag's been taken!

Story of my life.

I'm trying to scoop up as much as
I can before Trump does.

We appear to have left the Circle of Sanity.
Hi Pkondz
We used to get about twenty kids for trick or treating when we first arrived in our street.But we have lived here for a few years now ( over ten ) and the kids have all grown up.Its populated by us older people now.Some of the kids still live here but are well into their teens and their games consoles have taken over.My two kids my son is here but not for much longer moving to a job in Oxford England and my dughter is at university so only comes home between simesters at the moment We get some from the neer neibourhood coming around but the weather was pelting with rain.I know we get lots off rain but it was misralbe out there this year.We now only get about three to four groups of kids when the weather is OK.
I was wondering if anyone (me) might be eligible for bonus points for reading your update not once or even twice, but three times?

Once on the plane to Kentucky, once on the way back, and a third time to quote.
As this is Wine & Dine Dash Weekend,

Thanks for dashing by here.

I did my own marathon and caught up on your report.

It was a marathon...
and that last update was one all by itself.

What an odd and frustrating episode at your bank. But at least you got your credit card.

It was weird.
"Yes we have your card!...
Who are you?"

Makes me wonder if she
was just going to hand out
cards to random people.

Nice pictures of Toronto from the plane flying in and out.

I was so disappointed with them.
I'm not like @Steppesister who
keeps her good camera handy
when flying.

LOL at grumpy passengers on the faux-no-rail. I could understand if it was the trip back.

:laughing: They did have that
"I don't want to go back!" look to them.

But how, exactly, did you take this picture of a bunch of pouty strangers. When I am trying to take pictures like that of people I don't know I do the fake selfie thing or I'll sneak the picture without holding the camera or phone up to my face.

I lifted up my iPod and pushed the button.
I had taken some shots out the window,
so it probably looked like I was still doing that?

I would say your travel day went pretty well.

::yes:: No complaints.
The trip back was a bit more stressful.

Come in threes
(if you wait long enough, everything comes in threes)

I've heard that three times now!

Congrats on the new Harley,

Thanks! I can't believe it's November
and I'm still riding it.
We broke all kinds of temperature records

the trip to Vegas and the possible trip to Florida which sounds like it might include Disney AND Universal (AND Capybaras)

Vegas is booked and ready to go...


Gorgeous shot of Main Street from the train station!


Your review of Skippers is the most positive I have read. Your drink looks and sounds really good. I am a sucker for passionfruit.

I liked it!
I liked the ambiance.
I liked the fun servers.
I liked the food.

Will all the dishes appeal to me?
Well... no. But that's why I ordered
what I did.

:worship: on the Splash Mountain ride photo!!!

:laughing: Thanks!
I had so much fun doing that for you guys.

During the class trip, I was mocked for having a prop (golf ball for Soarin')- I can only imagine if I had smuggled formal wear into a park.

:laughing: Do it!
(Cute idea of the golf ball, though.)

Another lovely picture of Main Street, especially the way you made the crane disappear by having it stand in for a balloon string.

That was just lucky.
Usually I photoshop that puppy out.

Bunch of photo comments to follow- and a question- what are you using for a camera?

Sony A77

Your photos in HM are awesome!!!

Thanks again! :)

Great picture of Beast's Castle.

Thanks! I was inspired by
a photo that @TheLittleKate took.

I would also compliment the photo of your Dole Whip, but that looks good no matter what. Glad you enjoyed it.

::yes:: Tasted pretty darned good too!

Bummer on leaving behind the tripod piece you needed, which led to Wishes issues. Your MSEP pictures are great, though! I was happy to see them as I never actually stopped to watch the show.

Yeah, I wasn't impressed with myself
that I forgot the quick-release plate. :sad2:

I had to see MSEP since it was going away.
I hadn't seen it (in its entirety) either.

We rarely rent lockers at MK, but one morning we did. When we were leaving the park that evening and wanted to get our deposit back we encountered a very long line of people who were mostly waiting to rent lockers for the night. Someone at the front of the line was taking the attention of both of the CMs working there and the line was not moving at all.

This resulted in my trip report chapter titled "PSSST... Wanna buy a locker?" We asked the woman in line in front of us if she was in line for a locker. I told her I would sell her the key I was returning for the cost of my deposit ($5). The locker was going to cost her $12, $7 for the locker and $5 for the deposit, so we both made out and we were able to ditch the line. Win-Win.

:lmao: That's great!
Definitely a win-win!

Speaking of lockers, if you don't know- Outside the gates of HS (in between the bus drop off and the park entrance) are huge luggage lockers. They are single use, but only $1 (you need quarters). If we ever have anything we want to stash before going into HS, we use these lockers.

Good to know! Thanks!

You really criss-crossed all over the world today!

I'm a little disappointed that I didn't
fit AK in there somehow. :rolleyes:

So not wowed by the new Soarin'?

Yes and no.
Some parts where good,
but the leaning stuff?
Totally ruined it.

And the obviously CGI animals?
Not great either.

That's funny about scraping together the money for the "G". It's not like they spent it on a new pre-show.

:laughing: Yeah the preshow is a tad bland.

As you discovered and had confirmed by 2/3 CM's, you can indeed get to the International Gateway before World Showcase opens. Breakfast in France is now available starting when the park opens and you would also be able to get to the EPCOT resorts if you were a guest there, had a breakfast reservation or just because.

Breakfast in France?
Funny... I think I knew about that,
but hadn't quite put that fact in
with you'd have to be able to
go there.


That's Siriusly funny.

WOW!!! either ToT is not crowded or some people got lost in the Twilight zone.

The elevator was full when we started...

I know how you feel about not noticing the car was a guitar head and the tracks are strings. I didn't know until recently that there was a keyboard below the giant guitar when you get into the plaza.

::yes:: Kay noticed that for me.

Always glad to see a trip to Beaches & Cream, unless it is by me.


Love your Dive Quest tour. Sorry you had some annoying folks in your group.

It wasn't too bad.
I did want them to shut up
so I could hear more about the
backstage workings, but...

Then again, I knew it would have
zero impact once the dive started.

Someday I hope to learn to dive, but the one time I tried to do a resort dive, I almost died. Seriously.

What? What happened???

But I love to snorkel. On my bucket list is snorkeling with sharks in the Bahamas.

In a cage or out?
I've done in a cage in Hawaii.

Your focus shots of the golfball before Illuminations are spectacular, and I enjoyed yours pictures of the show. Great spot for viewing.


Questions, next round:
1. The usual... what time do I get up?

7 am.

2. How long do I wait for that first bus?

5 minutes

3. Which park do I visit?
Hint: It's Magic Kingdom.

Magic Kingdom

4. Do I go through the metal detector again?

Heck Yeah, but not yet.

5. What's my first ride.
Hint: Think a little deeper. Outside the box a little.

Monorail. I don't know why, though. Guessing breakfast meet in one of the resort hotels.

6. Why yes, I do have a lunch ADR.
And it's in the park! Guesses?

Liberty Tree Tavern

7. I try a new-to-me ice cream treat.
What is it?

Citrus Swirl

8. What ride do I FP... but don't use it.


9. What ride do I FP... and use.
Hint: I know what I said. Read it again.

Space Mtn


On the way to Andy's room (is that too non-vaguey)?
Saw it right away, at approximately 1:17 Eastern Standard Time.

Not too non-vaguey.
I usually read this thread on my ipad which is a pain to quote, add a picture or do anything but type one or two sentences.

Oh, I know. It's terrible!

So tonight I'm on the actual laptop. You are welcome. :p

:laughing: Thanks!

I made the extra effort just to show off my pumpkin:


:laughing: Love it!

The squirrels had been eating the top for a few days, but it really didn't show too much.

Oh? Squirrels didn't get noticeably fatter?


I printed the pattern off the internet and used an X-Acto knife to carve. Very carefully! So carefully that I came away entirely injury free. Yay!


Until later that night

Uh, oh...

when I decided to take the now grubby blade out of the knife and dispose of it. I was watching TV so I stuck the dirty blade inside a Snickers wrapper to discard later (I didn't think it was safe, loose on the coffee table. This is called "foreshadowing.") At around 10:30, I woke up, jumped off the couch, grabbed the candy wrapper and crumpled it up to throw it away. YEOWZA!!!!! I now have a vertical 1/4" cut in the palm of my hand. Seems to have missed any and all important tendons and other gross innards, so I was lucky, I guess. (That's the kind of thing that will wake a person up!)

Yikes! How's the hand now?

The worst part of it is, Snickers aren't even my favorite.

:rotfl: Now that's funny!

Back to the TR: Not going to participate in the contest,

Okay. But you know you're welcome to play along.

but I will say that I, too, was disappointed in Soarin'. I was there the same week as PKondz so we saw the exact same show. The first time was pretty cool, but we were near the middle so we didn't notice any distortion. I was pretty disappointed with the elephants, though- I half expected one of them to flap his ears and come up flying beside us. So cartoony!

That might have improved the show.

Later rides were in the side seats and the distortion pretty near ruins the experience.

Yeah. It really does. Not good at all.

Basically, with the rubber buildings and the p*ss-poor CGI, they sucked the thrill out of the entire ride. (With the exception of the Great Wall of China- that is very very cool.)

There were a few things that were really good,
but the fails were so spectacular
that it completely ruins it anyway.

The previous ride was one thrill after another, so the new one is pretty sad. The silver lining, I guess, if there is one, is that it will likely become a "one and done" ride for many visitors, and that will cut down the wait times dramatically.

But it won't affect me since
I only ride it once (with a FP, too) anyway.

Edited to add: Don't expect me back for a few days. I'm going to hide in my closet with my hands over my ears ('LA LA LA LA") until the election is over.

You can come out now.
Or maybe you
still don't want to.
You're right, they tied the game after I posted that. Then lost it in the tenth. :guilty:

Close one. Exciting too.
How much did it hurt after having
a 3-1 game lead?

I had the pot roast and I would get it again.

Me too.... but first I want the chicken again.

DH just had some boring sandwich. He's not much for comfort food.

Really? Odd. Why not?

Plus he didn't like that the waitress yelled at him to get his elbows off the table.

:laughing: Did you explain to him
that it's part of the ambiance?

I've never been to Beaches N Cream either. I want to get the strawberry shortcake.

You have to go!
But make sure you make an ADR
as soon as you can.
It fills up fast.

My 25th high school reunion was last night. Had a pretty good time. Food was good and I won some stuff. I'll send you a pic.

Glad you had a good time.
And I got your pic!
You looked very pretty!

Sorry I didn't reply on that sooner,
I kept meaning to post it here.
Should've just hit "reply".
Whoa! Quite the productive days!

I did manage to do a bit, that day.

I haven't been on the new Soarin yet, I hate to hear it's anything less than amazing, and a little surprised too, Disney's standards are (or were) better than that. Regardless, I can't wait to see it for myself!

Just make sure to ask for the middle of the theatre.

Loved your update! And your pictures!!

Thanks! And thanks!

Questions, next round:
1. The usual... what time do I get up?

2. How long do I wait for that first bus?
2 minutes

3. Which park do I visit?
Hint: It's Magic Kingdom.
Ummm, maybe Magic Kingdom?

4. Do I go through the metal detector again?
Yes! Word got out you smuggle wine and formal wear in, the security team couldn't wait to see it for themselves. "When Pkondz gets here, pull him aside for that special, thorough screening"

5. What's my first ride.
Hint: Think a little deeper. Outside the box a little.
Hmmm, do I take your hint as a play on words? Deeper--- Little Mermaid? No. Outside the box--- maybe the Monorail? No. Ok ok--- My final guess is Jungle Cruise

6. Why yes, I do have a lunch ADR.
And it's in the park! Guesses?


7. I try a new-to-me ice cream treat.
What is it?
Mickey Head

8. What ride do I FP... but don't use it.
Space Mountain

9. What ride do I FP... and use.
Hint: I know what I said. Read it again.
Buzz Lightyear


I did see it! You're famous! Can I have free tickets?

Sure! I'll have some for you at will call.

Immediately, are you kidding? I'm "Miss Detail!" Kinda. Sometimes. Ok, not really, but this one I noticed right off!

:laughing: Thanks for clearing that up!
You actually wear them?!

Only half.

Why is this eerily familiar?

Because you're trying to figure
out which half.

But nowhere near as good as my toes.

Okay. I'll give you that.

Get yer glasses fixed!

Dang! But I just got them!!

You're in the park; may as well start playing.



I really wonder how much of a rule
you are???

The music is pretty loud. I doubt anyone would have been really bothered.

Hmmm... good point.
I'll never know.
But I suspect I wouldn't have noticed her.

Please tell me how you know...

I lived in Churchill, MB for 4 years.
It's the "Polar bear capital of the world".
We have
tons of them.

I'm sure the CM's come across guests now and then they'd love to point at with one (certain) finger.

:laughing: ::yes::

I'm SO glad there is at least ONE other person with the same opinion here.

I think it's actually the majority opinion.

This sounds exactly like what would be happening for our family too.

I suppose if you're a SW fanatic,
it's Mecca.
But for me?
"Meh. Just another gift shop."

Naturally. (I was going to write, "It's a rule." as my comment, but you beat me to it.

Ya gotta get up preeeeetty early
in the morning to beat ol' pkondz.

I actually liked it. Creative and outside the box.

Oh? Interesting thought.
was trying for something a bit different,
but wasn't pleased with the result.

Well, that was certainly very generous of you.

He earned it.

Huge eyeroll.

:lmao: Okay, I deserved that.

Noted. By the way, Salem has one, Portland has at least 3. Let's turn a "maybe" into "very soon".

I'd like to.
But... the funds are low
and I have to find the time.

There have been too many of these lately. Sigh.... too much travel and rushed reading/responding. Hoping to fix that henceforth.

How's that working out for ya?

I came down with a pretty good old fashioned head cold yesterday on the plane and have a fever with it today. So, I guess it's forced rest until I go back to work on Thursday.

Glad that's (mostly?) over.
Questions, next round:
1. The usual... what time do I get up?
6:30 again - why reset the alarm?
2. How long do I wait for that first bus?
7 minutes
3. Which park do I visit?
Hint: It's Magic Kingdom.
Ummm, MK (is that a trick question)?
4. Do I go through the metal detector again?
less than 50% chance, I'll say no
5. What's my first ride. Hint: Think a little deeper. Outside the box a little.
Ariel's Undersea Adventure

6. Why yes, I do have a lunch ADR. And it's in the park! Guesses?
The Plaza
7. I try a new-to-me ice cream treat.
What is it?
Mickey Bar
8. What ride do I FP... but don't use it.
Peter Pan
9. What ride do I FP... and use. Hint: I know what I said. Read it again.
Bonus: Did you see it? You did, didn't you?
I mean it was really obvious. Be vaguely vague in your specificity.
Airline moguldom becoming boring, hmmm? Time to become a real mogul.
And if you tell me when you noticed I'll throw you a few more points. Sometimes the obvious ones
are overlooked at first.

I'd like to say last Thursday or Friday when I read this first, but alas, pbucket was down for "maintenance" (yeah, right, in the middle of the afternoon), so I didn't see anything! I was starting to think that you hadn't paid the bill, but then discovered that my account was down too. Rereading it today it hit me as soon as the picture hove into view. BTW, your TR's are much better with the pictures.

Questions, next round:
1. The usual... what time do I get up?

2. How long do I wait for that first bus?

3. Which park do I visit?
Hint: It's Magic Kingdom.

4. Do I go through the metal detector again?

5. What's my first ride.
Hint: Think a little deeper. Outside the box a little.

6. Why yes, I do have a lunch ADR.
And it's in the park! Guesses?

7. I try a new-to-me ice cream treat.
What is it?

8. What ride do I FP... but don't use it.

9. What ride do I FP... and use.
Hint: I know what I said. Read it again.

Bonus: Did you see it? You did, didn't you?
I mean it was really obvious.
Be vaguely vague in your specificity.

And if you tell me when you noticed
I'll throw you a few more points.
Sometimes the obvious ones
are overlooked at first.

Coming up: Just another day in Paradise.
And... I promise the next update won't be so ginormous.
I am definitely breaking the day in two.

1. 6:45 am
2. 4 mins
3. Magic Kingdom
4. Yes -- single guys at MK always get "randomly screened" at MK.
5. 7DMT
6. BOG
7. Pretty sure you already had a mickey bar before -- so I'm going to guess a chocolate frozen banana.
8. space mountain
9. BTMRR if it is open -- if it was closed for refurb, then space mountain.

Bonus -- when did you buy out Pixar? I'm assuming that couldn't have been cheap. Noticed immediately.
Halloween was good for us. Accidentally overworked my ankle but other than that not too bad.

Well, your costumes were certainly terrific!
Sorry to hear about the ankle, though.
Better now?

I knew you wouldn't have the sense to sleep in.

I've only got 3 days!!!

Meh. If you are back that way and need to rest your feet for a bit its good for a break in the ac but I would say its not something to go out of your way for.

Rest? Who has time to rest?!?!?

I've only got 3 days!!!

Impressive. 2 Rope Drops in one day!

You know, I never thought of that!
I wonder if anyone's ever done that?

I'd be a tad surprised but heard that it's legally possible.

I hope it doesn't happen.
I really don't.

:earseek: What? No!

I should've broken it to you
a bit more gently.

::yes:: dehydration

Be honest.
How many tries did it take you?

Really? :confused3 That was the first thing I noticed.

You noticed that the car was curved??

Awa poor K!

Yeah, she wasn't too happy.

Such a good daddy! :thumbsup2

It's what we do! :laughing:

:rotfl: Awa poor Pkondz!

I obviously need to brush up
on my TSMM skilz.

Well, at least he tried!

Actually, he tried twice.
I don't think he believed me.

Ooo that's cutting it close!

::yes:: That's why I was growing
so antsy waiting for the clerk at
the Harley store.

The travesty!

I know!
I think they're going to make
a movie out of it.

I always do that too!

We're like twins!

:scratchin I'd like to see how well that works for you.

What is with you people
trying to get me killed?

Indeed! I'm not a banana fan so have at it!:crazy2:

Well, you can have something else, then.

:confused3 Why would you spend all that money on a tour and then not show on time?

Maybe they didn't have the bus VIP package?

I still find it funny that it's the Dolphins that you have to stay away from.

When playing leads to tragedy.
News at 11.

Pretty much.

:rotfl2: poor turtle!

:laughing: Man! That was funny!

:laughing: Thanks!


1 minute

Oh Oh oh I know!!! MAGIC KINGDOM!


The bus to get to there

The Plaza

A sundae

Mine Train

Buzz Lightyear?!?


It was the first thing I saw in the picture. And I noticed it as soon as the pic came into view.

Yep. I did say it was obvious.
But be careful.
This one was super obvious,
so I'm giving it to you.
But next time, a little ::yes:: guy
ain't gonna cut it.
See, told ya I'd be back. ;)

Who knew!

So, only about half as long as the typical wait for the majority of us peons.

Well.... yes.

I wanted to see one SO bad this trip. Never even saw one in the Keys either. Such a disappointment.

Here's a tip:
Gatorland Zoo.

'nuff said.

Yes, you should. And I hope you get slapped.

Hey! Hey! Hey!
What's with the violence?!?!?

You're lack of sense of adventure is disturbing.

They said the sharks were already overfed.
I'm just looking out for their wellbeing.

Glad we didn't waste our time after your "glowing" review.

Yeah. RNRC, it ain't.

Always the gentleman.

Except for when I'm a dirty old man.
Which is usually.

That was my experience snorkling with them in the Keys... but I'll get to that on Letter K. Truly a magical, magical experience.

Oooh!!! Can't wait!

The only one I DID have 2nds of. Probably my fave of the whole bunch.

Oh, really!
Mine was easily the Hawaiian slider.

Nope, not me. Hmmmm?

Hm. Wonder who it was, then.

This one's a winner!


Questions, next round:
1. The usual... what time do I get up?


2. How long do I wait for that first bus?

6 minutes

3. Which park do I visit?
Hint: It's Magic Kingdom.


4. Do I go through the metal detector again?

Yes, you do.

5. What's my first ride.
Hint: Think a little deeper. Outside the box a little.

Little Mermaid to see Ariel

6. Why yes, I do have a lunch ADR.
And it's in the park! Guesses?


7. I try a new-to-me ice cream treat.
What is it?

Mickey Ice Cream Sandwich

8. What ride do I FP... but don't use it.

Space... too rough for your back.

9. What ride do I FP... and use.
Hint: I know what I said. Read it again.



Bonus: Did you see it? You did, didn't you?
I mean it was really obvious.
Be vaguely vague in your specificity.

Of course. You do documentaries, don't you?


And if you tell me when you noticed
I'll throw you a few more points.
Sometimes the obvious ones
are overlooked at first.

HAHA, before I read the text this time. ;)

Have you ever taken your eyes off the screen and looked down from the top row? It's really high up!

No! I've never done that.
Now I'm going to have to.

I noticed that also. Why is it bendy??

I guess because of the CGI? Maybe?
I don't know... but I know I'm less than impressed.

:laughing: Must be you


That's funny I can totally picture you doing that

:laughing: That's just me.

Mmmmmmmm, onion rings

They were soooo good.

They always say that, and then you're still waiting there 15 minutes later

I don't even know why I asked.
Desperate times...

Why is there always at least one chatty one in the group?

Especially when he's interrupting the guide.
I paid to hear him not you!

Yep, sure do, poor guy


My! What big teeth you have!

That is so cool! I've always wanted to spot some DISboard famous!

It was great!
And so is she!

6:30. There's no sleeping in at Disney

2 min

Um, Magic Kingdom

Yes, you look like a suspicious fella

The train


Frozen chocolate covered banana




Pkondz studios is the best

Providing quality entertainment since
the beginning of this month.

Right off the bat, brilliant though :cool1:

:laughing: Thanks!
The problem with reading the update and waiting to reply until you actually have some time to reply from a computer - is that sometimes you are then pages and pages beyond the update! Ack! Must.Find.Update.

Just look for the largest update in the world.
That's it.

Hm. This is not sounding promising.

I have to say...
I was disappointed.

Some of it's really good, but...

And, due to DIS looking like it will crash if I do too much quoting, I'm now going straight to the contest...

I hear ya.
I've lost a few quotes
over the last few days.

1. 6:30
2. 3 minutes
3. Magic Kingdom!
4. Yes
5. Ariel's thing
6. Tony's
7. Citrus Swirl
8. 7D
9. Peter Pan


10. Yes, I saw your new studio! And this reminded me that I actually first read it through on the computer, so I saw it right away - but it keeps crashing on me. :(

The DIS has been super glitch lately.
I sure hope they can punt those ads, soon.

Thank you!

Sorry about that!
Don’t remember that one right off but I’m sure we saw it originally as that was nearly required watching in our house back when I was a young’en.

I remember it because it made an impact on me at the time.
I was right into the "Who's legs are the best?"
(So was the audience.)
I remember laughing a lot when the curtain went up
and it was all men.
The fact that it was Korman who won
was just icing on the cake.

Interestingly, my Mrs. tells me that I could probably win a similar such contest but I ain’t so sure I believe her.

Only one way to find out...

Mine neither. Dang shame…
It would have made having to go to class just a smidgen less oppressive.


Everyone else is just scatterbrained.
That’s the only possible explanation, right?
‘Cause otherwise it’d mean that we’re...


Naaaaa, that can’t be it.

Agreed. It's everyone else.

Good thing we didn’t have smell-o-vision way back when or we all might have had a rather different memory of Fred Rodgers.

I didn't learn about Fred Rodgers until much later.
We had Mr. Dressup up here.

Mr. Rogers Neighborhood: 1963 - 2001
Mr. Dressup: 1967 - 1996

That’s how the Imagineers got the fifty-odd possibilities that you can experience during each ride.


When they first started with the new films there was a “Passport” that you could get in the gift shop and have it stamped as you encountered each possible trip. Didn’t last long unfortunately. Must have been way too labor intensive and time consuming.

Or had too many people in a gift shop
not buying gifts and getting in the way
of people wanting to buy gifts.

I can only imagine.
Might have to dig around and see if I can run across that.

Here ya go:

An old drive-in in an even older section of Charlotte.
Good burgers; better known for the chicken, but the onion rings are just my absolute favorite that I’ve encountered. (that, and the steak sandwich).

Of course like all other edibles, everyone’s opinions may well differ.

I'd like to see for myself...

Yes and Yes…
It was just my being goofy, but I did barrow it from my studies of history.

I didn’t expect you to know of it either for precisely the reason you site.
I was curious to see if anyone other than you might have read it and possibly recognized the reference. We don’t teach history all that well down here, so I suspected not (that combined with the likelihood that no one beyond you was going to read my gibberish anyway).

Sorry, what are you going on about?
Nevermind. Probably not important.



What were we talking about?


Drives me absolutely batty…
Every answer sounds like a question; makes me think you don’t know what you’re talking about.

They probably don't, though.

Worse, it’s becoming and acceptable form of speech and no one corrects it.

No one corrects it?
Is this a thing?
This is annoying?
I'll stop now?

My figuring on the matter as well.
But it would be cool for the first little bit.


Too entertaining…

Why, thank you sir.

Besides, my not reading it wouldn’t prevent you from doing it.

Not true.
If no one read, I would've
stopped writing long ago.

I’ve no idea why but that sentence just makes me think of the exchange in Blazing Saddles where Bart and Charlie encounter the quick sand…

Charlie: “Am I wrong... or is the world rising?”
Bart: “I don't know, but whatever it is… I hate it.”

Which then ultimately leads to Lyle saying:
“Send wire, main office… tell them I said, "Ow". Gotcha!”

(which for some reason just tickles me to no end. Odd how my brain works… or doesn’t)

:laughing: Great movie.
Although I don't remember that last bit right now.

Guess I'll have to watch it again.
Maybe while sitting around a campfire.

Probably more so that you’d have liked a load of it in your regulator at the time.

I'm gonna say that might have been a bad thing.

I didn’t make a fool of myself, well, not this time at least.
I was wearing a particularly appropriate shirt that morning.
Specifically… this one:


One of the Troopers noticed me in the crowd and tapped the other fell’a with him on the back to get his attention, then pointed me out. The second guy, while trying to stay in character, just stared for a moment or two and gave me that sad slow head shake (but in this rare occasion it was more a note of victory that one of pity.)


I’m no expert, but…
If I remember my chemistry classes from way back in the Stone Age, I’m pretty sure the stuff works partly as a desiccant which would help prevent a septic environment. I’ve certainly had doctors tell me to gargle with salt water for sore thoughts and dentists do the same by having me rinse often with warm salt water right after any serious work involving the gums.

Dang! You're right!
I've heard that from both
my Doc and my dentist.

But that’s the best part of that particular episode.
Well, the bit where he keeps slamming into the next tree but continues on might be funnier…

Yoiks and Away!!!

Crap. At work.

It was some very fine work though.
It looked like it belonged right where it was.
Nice editing sir.

Whoops, a little late to the party. Forgot to subscribe to the thread and it's been a crazy few weeks over here!

What? But you were already subscribed.
You'd posted here before.

Now I really believe the
"crazy few weeks" bit!

1. With such an "early" return, I'm guessing around 6:30
2. 4 minutes
3. Umm... something is telling me to say Magic Kingdom
4. No
5. Did you go on the train again?
6. BOG
7. Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich- Sleepy Hollow
8. Splash Mountatin
9. 7DMT


Bonus: How could you miss it ? But also, do those shorts say Scale This?????

I think they either say "Score This"
which seems... rude.
Or "Scare This". Maybe for MNSSHP?

I never noticed that before, though.

When? Like the actually time? 11:15AM Nov 9th when I felt like taking a mini break from marking the call I'm listening to....

I meant did you see it right away,
or did you scroll right by it.
I think you answered that too, though.
OK, so I would like to do one of those full blown replies with multi quotes and such but I am just too pressed for time and want to get my answers in before it is too late!


I would have liked to have quoted with a comment your cute little Paul McCartney deal, someone beat me to it with the album cover.

Gotta be quick around here!
Or just lucky.


Thanks for clarifying that the bears were CGI. I wouldn't know what real bears really do, they live up in the Mountains (brown bears, not polar) and I'm about 50 miles away from the mountains (near the beach, as you know) but we see them on the news when they are caught on surveillance cameras rifling through the trash. Either that or lounging in people's jacuzzis.

Used to see them all the time.
Never got tired of it, either.

I've only seen Soarin' from the Middle section so I have yet to experience the Leaning Taj of Mahal.

Stick to the middle.

You should have asked me about the Int'l an owner at BCV, I know that the only way into Epcot from that resort is through there. I believe even the Joffrey's Coffee stand in Canada is open at that time.

I know I could have.
But then you'd know the answer
to the contest questions.

There's been a few times
where I've had to keep mum
about things.

I fear that eventually ToT at DHS is on the chopping block as well. They just need more attractions there before it will happen. Because they are paying a royalty on the Twilight Zone franchise, eventually they will convert it to something for which they own the rights. The reason Guardians of the Galaxy is such a great commodity is that Universal has the rights to Marvel characters East of the Mississippi. However GotG came out after the contract was signed so it is Disney's property, free and clear.

Interesting. Still... Come on Disney! Pay the royalties!

I'm glad you got to try the onion rings, they are superb!

They certainly were!

Did you know that at B&C they have smaller versions of those giant sundaes? So you could have ordered a small version of the No Way Jose. I'm not a fan of bananas, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Smaller versions?
They have smaller versions?????


Why didn't someone tell me!?!?!?

It took me over 24 hours for the "barbaric" thing to solidify. Har-de Har har har.


Glad you got to have fun doing the Epcot dive thing again.

::yes:: Man I love doing that.

You tried some of the things at F&W that I really liked, I felt the same way about the Chicken and Dumplings. Mine is much, much better!

Yup. Just.... okay.

I thought your pictures of Illuminations were great!


Don't I get any bonus points for being the first to alert you to the Harley Store at the Springs? :confused3

Ah! So it was you!
I wasn't positive.
Pretty sure... 95%...

Points granted!

I'm going to say 6:30 since you got to bed early

7 minutes

I'm going to go out on a limb and say Magic Kingdom....


Little Mermaid, under the sea journey. My first thought was, "Hmmm, :scratchin there is no Momma Odie themed ride at MK"

Be Our Guest

Mickey Ice Cream Sandwich


Peter Pan

(And you were thinking "deep in the swamps"?)

Yes I did. Nice that you have branched out into wrought iron

Gotta have a hobby.

I saw it right away. In fact I read it on my phone before anyone had replied, but the next day was when I was leaving for our weekend getaway/killer bandfest so I didn't have time to comment. In fact I haven't had time until now and I even started this reply probably 24 hours ago and am just finishing it up!

Heh. I've been doing the same.
Start multi-quoting, DIS crashes,
start again... crash again.
Start again... run out of time....

Whew! Only about three more to go before I can get back to my own!

You're ahead of me.
I think I have 5 or 6.


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