Can you purchase transferred DVC points?


Earning My Ears
Aug 14, 2024
I recently saw on DVC Store that you can buy transferred DVC points. When I looked into it, I’ve seen articles and blog posts that say Disney doesn’t allow members to sell transferred DVC points. Does anybody know if there’s exceptions to this?

And if so, do you have experience with buying transferred DVC points from DVC Store? This was mentioned on DVC Fan a few years ago, so it appears this has been happening for quite a while, but just wanted more information. Thank you :)
I think Disney does not allow money exchanged for transferring points. But you can "buy" them from another member and have them transferred to you, but Disney just doesn't need to know about it. We buy points and have then transferred to my account every few years if we are going on a larger family trip.
I think Disney does not allow money exchanged for transferring points. But you can "buy" them from another member and have them transferred to you, but Disney just doesn't need to know about it. We buy points and have then transferred to my account every few years if we are going on a larger family trip
Do you usually go through a company to buy points? How easy is the process?
I have only done it from the same member on here a few times. Going through a company would be "safer" as you need some level of trust since you usually pay first then do the transfer. We get on a 3 way call with DVC and they confirm both people and then I would venmo the money and he would say yes please transfer x number of points. Usually done in a just a couple minutes so very easy.
I recently saw on DVC Store that you can buy transferred DVC points. When I looked into it, I’ve seen articles and blog posts that say Disney doesn’t allow members to sell transferred DVC points. Does anybody know if there’s exceptions to this?

And if so, do you have experience with buying transferred DVC points from DVC Store? This was mentioned on DVC Fan a few years ago, so it appears this has been happening for quite a while, but just wanted more information. Thank you :)
I have used DVC Store twice in 2024 to buy transfer points.

I would highly recommend!

PM me if you want more details on how it works.
The POS prohibits transferring points for money. DVC does not ask, when you do a transfer, if it is for money. But what members do is technically not allowed.

The POS actually deems the thing of value that you own to be the ownership interest in a unit in a resort that has been deeded to you. It then declares that points are mere symbols which represent that ownership interest, and thus themselves have no monetary value. The prohibition against transferring points for money is designed to be consistent with that declaration.

Of course, as is commonly known, members believe the points are the things that have value since those are what are used to make reservations and many members transfer points for money. As long as one does not expect DVC to do anything if the transfer agreement goes awry, you probably do not have to be concerned. Moreover, the member has the member's own technical argument to say the transfer for money was valid because, by inference, what is actually being transferred for use to make reservations is the portion of the ownership interest represented by the points
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I have only done it from the same member on here a few times. Going through a company would be "safer" as you need some level of trust since you usually pay first then do the transfer. We get on a 3 way call with DVC and they confirm both people and then I would venmo the money and he would say yes please transfer x number of points. Usually done in a just a couple minutes so very easy.

This is the same process used by DVC Store except they arrange initial member contacts and process payment. Transfer is then done on a 3 way call between MS and the 2 members. No issues.
I recently saw on DVC Store that you can buy transferred DVC points. When I looked into it, I’ve seen articles and blog posts that say Disney doesn’t allow members to sell transferred DVC points. Does anybody know if there’s exceptions to this?

And if so, do you have experience with buying transferred DVC points from DVC Store? This was mentioned on DVC Fan a few years ago, so it appears this has been happening for quite a while, but just wanted more information. Thank you :)
It is not allowed but it is done. I’ve done it a few times, member to member, through disboards. You both need to be on the call with member services at the same time which can be annoying.
I recently saw on DVC Store that you can buy transferred DVC points. When I looked into it, I’ve seen articles and blog posts that say Disney doesn’t allow members to sell transferred DVC points. Does anybody know if there’s exceptions to this?

And if so, do you have experience with buying transferred DVC points from DVC Store? This was mentioned on DVC Fan a few years ago, so it appears this has been happening for quite a while, but just wanted more information. Thank you :)
Depends when the $ changes hands. If before the phone call with MS, then the purchaser takes on the risk.

If after the phone call, or the arrangement is during the phone call with MS, then the risk is with the owner who is transferring.

It would be safer on both sides to go through a broker. But then there is always the middleman fee that you have to take into account, so its based on your risk tolerance, if that makes sense?

I've only done it twice as an owner, and the money exchanges during the phone call or afterwards. It does take a bit of trust, Thus far, there has been very few instances of fraud via disboards rent/trade board. I hear of the scams mostly from the rental sites on Facebook, where purported owners often try to rent booked dates at $25-40 per point, and it just seems.... very much a marketplace for the sake of it.
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I've done this a few time through the DVC store. The nice thing about going through a broker is that they hold the money so if you are on either side you don't have to worry about being ripped off. But if it's someone you trust you don't need the broker. Another point is that as the owner selling the points, you get the full payment right away versus if you rent points and you have to make a reservation, they usually hold half the money until the trip occurs.

As others said, representatives of both parties have to get on a call with MS, and you do the move over the phone.

One thing to remember, you are only allowed one transfer per use year on your membership. That's includes in OR out.

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