Can we just cruise forever?...Fantasy SWDAS - January 27, 2018 - Completed

Monday, January 29th – At Sea Day

We had another lazy start to another lazy at sea day. Ahhh....:cloud9: I was up at about 8:30 am but Scott lounged in bed a bit longer. We had lost the hour the night before and I guess he was determined to make up for it. :)


Everybody decided to go to Cabanas for breakfast this morning so Scott and I decided to join them and it was about 10:00 am when we got there to meet everyone. The last few cruises I’ve stuck to their granola and this time was no exception except it was a bit soupy so I also got some type of mango parfait thingy that was a nice addition to it.


It was a beautiful day with a nice breeze that was going to keep things cool for the day. We decided to go and see what was going on at the front of the ship. These chairs were a nice place to hang out in the shade. As you can see, we aren’t having a very good time at all! :crazy:


And then this is what happens when you tell everyone to behave for the photo. :laughing:


Maureen got one facing the other way.


Time for a drink! We all got the morning specials, either mimosas or bloody mary’s. The boys had a couple of refills on theirs. Cheers! :drinking1


We had the Chocolate and Liquor tasting booked for 12:15 pm in Ooh La La Bar, so it was time to move on from one watering hole to the next. We stopped at our cabins on the way down, but still got there a smidge early and had to wait for them to open the doors at 12:15 pm.


Finally!! Let us in – we’ve got drinking to do! Ha ha.


They had all of the drinks and chocolate laid out for us. I will admit that this is one of my favorite tastings that they offer on the ship, so I am completely biased, but my mouth is watering right now just looking at that liquid chocolate!


We were all there but we didn’t get many photos. Elaine from our FB group also was there and joined our table but obviously we didn’t do well in the picture taking department! This one of Scott and I looks like Belinda took it AFTER she’d had all the drinks, not before! ;)


The photo of Paul and Belinda has some happy smiling faces.


Maureen got these two...I am putting them both in there because it cracked me up that Scott immediately leaned to hug Mum and not me! That's how he scores those brownie points. :lmao:



Julia, who was the sommelier from Palo, did a great job on the tasting. The boys helped finish off the drinks that the others didn’t care for, especially the whiskey. I drank all of mine, in case anyone would doubt it! :P We got finished at just gone 1 pm. While we were down in that area I had everyone have a nosey around in the Tube to see what it looked like. The theming in there is cute for us Brits to browse around.



I also managed to talk everyone into trying out the Mid-Ship Detective Agency seeing as we were all up and about. On the way there we ran into Pluto having some fun with guests. I had to edit butts out of this I didn't see that they were there when I was taking the photo is beyond me...and kind of funny!! :ssst:


The princesses were all meeting and greeting diligently.


We volunteered Belinda to be the one to get the clue card activated. She was thrilled I’m sure, as we are all REALLY good supervisors in my family. :rolleyes2 There is a handy padded round seat to sit on right next to it, so it was a good place for Mum to watch from.


We hit up a couple of the clues, it’s a cute and fun way to spend some time. Found this little guy down by the Walt Disney theater, although he wasn't a part of the clue searching, he was too cute to pass up a photo opportunity.


By now it was about 1:50 pm and we were all thinking that we should have snack so we took a look to see what Cabanas had to offer. This was Scott’s plate. I think we all got something, I don't remember what, but I'm pretty sure I WOULD remember if anyone in this crowd passed food up!


We hit up the ice cream machines once we were done though! :woohoo:


We spent the rest of the afternoon being lazy in our cabins. There were naps and movies involved on the TV and not a whole lot of anything else. A few of us decided to go up and watch the sunset from Deck 13 at about 5:15 pm. It wasn’t the best as the sun went behind the clouds too soon but it teased us for a while.





After the disappointment of the sunset, we went back to the cabins and hung about on the verandas and sampled some more of the wine we brought on board. Tonight’s trivia was going to be Pub Quiz so we got downstairs in plenty of time to get the corner seats of course. Another not-so-great photo taken by yours truly but it’s the best I’ve got.


I don’t remember what our score was but I know we didn’t win. :scratchin As usual we had a fun time just playing along and the trivia sessions were always really packed so there wasn’t just us making a huge amount of noise! Tonight we were off to dinner in Enchanted Garden which required us to figure out how to get there as you couldn’t go down from deck 3 to deck 2 and then walk to it. That’s a mini pet-peeve of the Dream class ships – they aren’t as easy to navigate around as the classics, at least to me anyway. Having said that, in the end it was easy to get down there – :laughing: – we walked to the atrium and then went down the staircase.


We had a little bit of a wait to enter as there were lots of people waiting to get in, but we made it and found our table. Paul looks a bit surprised I was taking a photo…you’d have thought he’d be used to it by now!


Luis was happy to joke around and get in on the photograph taking.



So here’s the selection of food that Scott and I ordered. Forgive the half mushroom tart thingy – I shared it with Mum.





And now I will show you why I didn’t go into any great detail on the food we ordered….the reason is because about 2 minutes after our entrees showed up, so did these!!




Oh….my….goodness!! We had talked to Javed about how much we all loved indian food and so tonight he brought these for us. There was a chicken curry and a vegetarian curry, rice and roti. They were absolutely delicious, the curry was really good and we were thoroughly spoiled that he treated us to it. Of course once we saw the curry it was hard to eat the entrees we had ordered. I wasn’t all that keen on the fish I had ordered anyway, so I was happy to ditch it in favor of curry! We all ate until we were absolutely miserable, and yet somehow I have a photograph of dessert! :rolleyes1


Javed had a couple of tricks for the boys tonight, both involved crayons and the smartypants boys managed to solve both of them much to Javed's disappointment.



Tonight we all decided that we were awake enough to attempt to make it to the Tube to watch Match Your Mate at 10:30 pm. We had a quick stop in the bathroom along the way – I love this mosaic. :flower3:


Majority Rules was on before Match Your Mate at 10:00 pm. I am forgetting now whether Mum and Maureen came to any of it or if they went straight up to their cabin. @tennesseemo will have to remember that part for me! I got some photos of Chris explaining how the game worked (mainly to the other side of the room evidently!) but they didn’t come out great with the lighting and I was using my phone. :rolleyes:




MYM was hilarious as usual, it’s such a fun show to go and see if you can manage to stay up that late! The middle couple were from our FB group so it was funny to hear their answers. Chris did a really good job on this one. We watched the same version of this on the Royal Caribbean cruise that we did, and it was nowhere near as funny as the DCL versions we have watched.

Having managed to stay up this late though, we were done once the game was over and went straight back to our cabins. This little guy was acting very cool while waiting for us. It was about midnight when we crawled into bed and turned out the light. Another fun filled at sea day was in the books.



Coming up is St. Marteen. Quick note here as our original itinerary had us going to Tortola, but it got switched when the islands were hit by the hurricanes last year. :oops: And, Tortola was supposed to be a do-over to make up for missing it the year that Mum was ill and we flew home that day, so I guess it’s just not meant to be!! Maybe next time. :flower:
Yay!! Another trip report from Jenny!!:yay: Great so far, looking forward to more! Karen
I have the Chocolate and Liquor tasting booked for my cruise in May - so looking forward to it!

Looks like you are all continuing to have heaps of fun!
Ack, I hummed and hawwed about doing chocolate and liquor on our next cruise but when I decided to do it, it's now sold out. Oh well, I'll try and nab a spot for October!

Another fabulous sea day for you all!!
Yay!! Another trip report from Jenny!!:yay: Great so far, looking forward to more! Karen

Thank you! I am going to try and get more done today. Sadly, it is so much easier for me to do from my work computer - I'm sure they'd just LOVE to hear that! :duck:

I have the Chocolate and Liquor tasting booked for my cruise in May - so looking forward to it!

I really like it, what could be bad about chocolate and alcohol! :lovestruc

Ack, I hummed and hawwed about doing chocolate and liquor on our next cruise but when I decided to do it, it's now sold out. Oh well, I'll try and nab a spot for October!!

It does sell out fairly fast but maybe you can nab a spot once on board - doesn't hurt to try. :teeth:

Great review so far! Looking forward to the rest!

Thanks! I'm shooting to get some more done today. :flower:
As always loving your trip reports. Your group looks like they always have a good time. What was the alcohol that they served with the chocolate? Trying to decide if it's something I can talk my husband into on our next cruise. Thanks.
As always loving your trip reports. Your group looks like they always have a good time. What was the alcohol that they served with the chocolate? Trying to decide if it's something I can talk my husband into on our next cruise. Thanks.

Aww..thank you...we DO have a good time! :lovestruc The drinks were a rose champagne, a red wine (usually Lassiter brand and very yummy), port, and whiskey. The port pairs with cheese, all the others pair with chocolate.
Tuesday, January 30th – St. Maarten


Another day was dawning in paradise and the sun rose just perfectly without us being up to see it! :rotfl: I did eventually get up at about 8:30 am and we were just pulling into Phillipsburg. It looked like the weather was going to be beautiful. :flower1:


We turned around and backed into the pier. We were the first ship to arrive but I could see another ship approaching as we turned.





Here’s a view from the verandah. I don’t think it’s shown up in photos before, but there was a partial white wall between our cabin and Mum’s. It wasn’t a big deal and in fact we used it to get out of the sun sometimes.


Getting closer….


We got our first good look at the port and it didn’t look too bad considering that the island had been completely devastated last September by Hurricane Irma, which was a category 5 hurricane when it hit the islands, and then by Hurricane Maria a couple of weeks later. It wasn't until later that you could see that none of the multi-floor buildings had any windows. Closer up, things looked a lot different. :worried:


The hills here looked a bit weathered, but compared to video and photographs right after the hurricane it was looking better than I expected.


The port area looked to be under construction. To be honest it’s been since 2012 that we were here and I don’t remember it all that well. o_O


This building was new, and was still under construction.


The Harmony of the Seas was the ship that had been approaching, and she also backed in. She’s a biggun!! :scared1:


We had an excursion booked through DCL today. Originally I was going to book private excursions for us but the hurricane changed my plans as the itinerary changed and things weren’t panning out well for that area. We had a private charter catamaran booked for Tortola, which is where we were originally going to be today, he lost both his boats and charters were almost impossible to come by when trying to research something else. It seemed safer to stick with Disney this time around and it worked out well. We were booked on the Island Drive and Explorer Cruise which was scheduled for 12:15 pm. It made for a nice relaxing morning. :goodvibes

Having watched the Harmony arrive we all decided to go and get some breakfast in Cabanas. I decided to ditch the granola today and went with some eggs and tomatoes instead. We knew that we were going to be getting off the ship right at lunchtime so it seemed sensible to try and have a larger meal now. And we’re all about sensible! :rotfl:


Scott and I also got some lattes from the coffee place at the back of Cabanas. It was nice to be able to grab something while you were in there instead of walking all the way to the front to Cove. :thumbsup2


It was almost 11 am when we got finished as we'd really taken our time and relaxed. Paul and Belinda had left already but I got a quick picture of Nigel on our way out.


And then a CM asked us if we’d like her to take our photo, of course stands to reason we wouldn’t all be there! :lmao:


The MSC Davina had arrived while we were gone. I'm pretty sure that's the ship that's been featured on one of the cruise programs I've seen on TV. The cleaning crew were already busy working on the Fantasy. There was also good people watching as the pier was starting to get busy with everyone leaving for their day ashore.



Someone was enjoying their book on the verandah. ::yes::


We got ourselves organized to get off the ship and made our way down to the Buena Vista Theatre for 12:15 pm. They were really well organized for checking everyone in and it didn’t take long before we had our stickers on and were in our seats patiently waiting. :jumping1:



Once we were ready to go, Mum and Maureen went on ahead to take the lift down and the rest of us walked down the stairs to get to the gangway. We walked off the ship at 12:25 pm.



Scott took this photo of the new family hot tubs…such a funny perspective from below. Like a fish tank with people! :rotfl:


Both Scott and I were snapping photographs as we walked. They took a fairly leisurely walk along the pier which was nice as Mum could keep up with no problems, although I think we drove her nuts asking if she was OK about every couple of minutes. ;)



They walked us around the back of the buildings to the motor coaches that were waiting. The coaches were really nice, and I’m guessing brand new due to the hurricane. They had good AC and comfy seats.

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It was about 12:45 pm when we pulled away from the port. Our tour guide was very good and she pointed out things that the devastation of the hurricanes had caused. She kept repeating over and over how grateful they were that the cruise ships were back and how bad it had been on the island. You could tell that it had been a very traumatic, life-altering event for these islanders and you couldn’t help but hope that they can recover quickly. So many people lost their homes completely, or are living in one room of the house that they have made habitable. :sad1:



A very pretty view, but I have to admit that the island was still showing a lot of total devastation. It is going to take a very long time to recover.


We made our way from Phillipsburg, and the Dutch side of the island, over to Marigot, on the French side.


The Bay at Marigot is beautiful.


We got to Marigot at about 1:30 pm and had a stop for about 30 minutes. We took a walk around just in the center of town. They had some open air market stalls that we looked at and we stopped and had some fresh coconut. The boys got a couple of beers as well. :drinking:



Marigot looked completely different to Scott and I from when we had been there last. The only part we could recognize was the public toilets, everything else was either boarded up or blown away. The French patisserie, Seraphina’s was completely gone. It was sad to see. :sad2::sad2::sad2:

At about 2 pm we got back into the motorcoach to make our way back towards Phillipsburg. We crossed the border again, and managed to get a quick photo this time. There it is....and...gone! :laughing:


The drive back was fairly quick but we hit some traffic once we got closer to Phillpsburg that slowed us down a little. Included as part of our tour was a short cruise around Simpson Bay Lagoon. The boat was nice and large and had a sun deck on the top that we decided to go to. They had a bar with water, soft drinks or rum punch and also had a DJ. It was a nice relaxed vibe and everyone got into the spirit of having fun quickly.


There were lots of sunken boats. :scared1:


And some very expensive yachts.


There were a couple of really expensive yachts that had sunk. We just couldn't figure out why they hadn't been moved. They were big enough that they could have been sailed out of there pretty easily. Makes you wonder who wouldn't care about a yacht that would cost a couple of million. :scratchin:scratchin:scratchin


The weather was gorgeous though and we had a great time enjoying the breeze and being out on the water looking at everything. :cloud9:

The yellow/orange cover didn't make for the best photos, but here you go.



The DJ had people up and dancing and it provided some good people watching. There was a family from Chicago that were having a great time. The Dad was the life of the party, and the Mom obviously put up with it, all while shaking her head at him most of the time. They had two little girls who loved to dance, and they had a blast. I didn’t get any photos though!

More scenery…




This is the bridge that connects the north side of the bay to the south and it goes pretty much right to the airport on Maho beach. The airport was severely damaged and we could see the damage from our boat. They said that they were still operating out of portable buildings.


Mum and I stayed in the shade, but the others stayed up in the sun for the most part. There were several trips to the bar for rum and coke….they were very heavy on the rum! :drinking1


The boat ride ended at about 4 pm and we boarded the motorcoach again to make our way back to the port. There was one stop where you could get out and take a photograph at an overlook point. Scott and I got out and took a few, and also one of this statue, although I can’t remember who it was now. :confused:




Scott managed to snap this one from the coach window. The Harmony is so huge you can’t even see the two ships behind her!


We got back to the port at about 4:40 pm.


There were a couple of quick restroom breaks and then we split up for a little bit. Belinda went shopping and the rest of us went to the Guavaberry stand and got some drinks and souvenirs.


I took a couple of photos of the port area while we were waiting.



If you’ve never had Guavaberry you should try it, it’s delicious! (Don't believe me? Ask the dishes! <- had to, sorry!) I got two bottles to take home, one for us and one for Paul and Belinda. Paul bought us all a guavaberry rum punch and some kind of frozen concoction for Maureen. My goofy words. :goodvibes


Some quick photos, as we pretty much had to chug these drinks.



Belinda came back with some Christmas ornaments that took Mum’s eye, so they went back into the shops for Mum to buy some. Poor Belinda didn’t get a chance to get a drink. All aboard was at 6:00 pm tonight so at about 5:15 pm we made our way back to the ship.



They weren’t very diligent in checking ID cards, I don’t think any of us got our ID checked. :confused3



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Boarding didn’t take long at all and we were back in our cabins just after 5:30 pm and were straight out onto the verandah to watch the stragglers coming in.



Both the Harmony and the MSC ship left before us. We did the “byeeeeeee, byeeeeee” from our verandahs.
:wave2::wave2::wave2: Still cracks me up. :laughing:


We had a beautiful view of St. Maarten and Phillipsburg as the sun set and we sailed away. :cloud9:








Scott and I had to down an Alka Seltzer because those rum punch drinks had got to our tummies. Ahh, getting older, how we love you. o_O Not! :P


Tonight was pirate night and there were lots of pirates running around the staircases having a great time. We had booked dinner in Palo at 7:30 pm and Elaine was going to join us as she had the same reservation and was solo. Salvatore very kindly offered for us to go to our table after the fireworks as they were doing the pirate show between the two dinner seatings tonight. We were seated out on the verandah at Meridian bar after we checked in and we enjoyed a cocktail waiting for the fireworks. As Belinda was a newbie, she and I ran down to catch a little bit of the show. It was perfect timing on my part, and I could probably never do it again, as we were in time to see Captain Jack make his appearance.



We then hightailed it back to Meridian bar to see the fireworks. It was a good viewing spot, but of course you couldn’t hear the music. I don’t have any photos of it either. :eek:

As soon as the fireworks were over they took us to our table in Palo. The servers were happy to see us and they wanted to have this photograph taken with Scott showing their bald heads. :rotfl:


We all enjoyed the antipasto plate but I didn’t get a photograph of it. I also don’t have any photos of Scott’s food but I got the scallops and they were delicious. :thumbsup2


Then I managed to spill my entire glass of wine on the table….great….no amount of rose petals were going to get that covered up! It took an entire napkin to cover it. :blush::blush:


I got the steak, it was good, but I was stuffed and didn’t make much of a dent in it.


A quick pick with Salvatore and Elaine. It made us miss Susanna from the Wonder even more because he was there. They are like peas and carrots, they kind of go together! :laughing:


Mum saved room for the almond soufflé this time! :thumbsup2 She made sure she wasn’t going to miss it like she did last time. Not a great photo, but I have to include it.


We did some group photographs, just to prove we could when we wanted to. Awww…look at us all dressed up! :grouphug:



And Scott took these, which came out really well I thought.




We got finished with dinner at about 10 pm and everyone else went back to their cabins. Scott, Elaine and I decided to go and watch the Crazy Karaoke in The Tube. This decision had way more to do with our prior alcohol consumption than it did with us actually wanting to see karaoke. :lmao: It wasn’t very crowded at all, but on pirate night I think there is just too much going on. There wasn’t a shortage of people wanting to sing though! After Karaoke Elaine and I hit the dance floor for a very short while – LOL - at least it might have burned off a few of the calories. :rolleyes1



We got back to our cabin at about 11:00 pm and this dude was waiting to see us into bed and it didn’t take us more than 5 minutes before our heads hit the pillow! :faint:


Up next…St. Thomas and St. John – one of our favorite places in the world! :beach:
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Just have to say we will be one the Fantasy doing this route on April 21st. Our party will be a bit different as we will have a set of grandparents, set of parents and a set of kids (7 and 2 :) ) but this is so great to read. Thanks.
I needed to go to guest services as we were missing a Star Wars character meet and greet ticket. Scott came with me and we did some looking around as it was pretty quiet down there.





We had never got around to playing midship detective agency so we walked up and found the desk. It had a good view of the chandelier.


We chose the Plundered Paintings games.


We did a couple of the clues, and were not healthy at all in climbing the stairs – we took the lift!


We only did a few before we gave up and went back to the cabin. We messed around with the light stick a bit and had a lot of fun with that.




Sunset was going to be about 5:45ish, and Scott set up his tripod and camera to get some family shots on the verandah. The sunset wasn’t a very good one though – too much cloud.




Scott got bored and did some selfies….these are just a few of them, so funny!


Thank you for your report! Love it! quick question... Is your cabin on deck 6 and if so did you like it? We booked 6084 and I'm nervous about deck 6 being noisy and above the lifeboats. But your balcony looks lovely!!!
Thank you for your report! Love it! quick question... Is your cabin on deck 6 and if so did you like it? We booked 6084 and I'm nervous about deck 6 being noisy and above the lifeboats. But your balcony looks lovely!!!

We were on deck 8. I woudn't see how deck 6 would be noisy, although we haven't stayed there. You can look at the stateroom reports on the main part of the DIS (not the message boards). Do a google search for Disney Fantasy and your cabin number. There is one report for the Dream with someone raving over the cabin and it's location, and the Fantasy should be identical, so you should be in good shape!! :thumbsup2
Just have to say we will be one the Fantasy doing this route on April 21st. Our party will be a bit different as we will have a set of grandparents, set of parents and a set of kids (7 and 2 :) ) but this is so great to read. Thanks.

We have quite a spread of ages and everyone always finds something to do so I bet you guys will have a blast. :goodvibes
We were on deck 8. I woudn't see how deck 6 would be noisy, although we haven't stayed there. You can look at the stateroom reports on the main part of the DIS (not the message boards). Do a google search for Disney Fantasy and your cabin number. There is one report for the Dream with someone raving over the cabin and it's location, and the Fantasy should be identical, so you should be in good shape!! :thumbsup2
Thanks New to this cruising! I checked the dis and no reports for the fantasy but awesome to know the dream would be the same! Love your food pics!
It's such a beautiful area, so sad to see how utterly devastated they truly are.

And uh.....leaving a yacht worth millions half sunk?:confused3 Surely they have the money to move it! It is great that they are back up and running somewhat because what they desperately need of course is cruise ships full of people pouring money into the local economy. Glad you were able to support them with those rum drinks at the end, too :thumbsup2:rotfl:


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