"Can I Get A Hangover Steak, Please?" An Adults-Only, Irma-Rific TR! - NEW PTR Link 4/11

Love your report! Poor Tom--his knuckles are actually white and I'm guessing he has a couple of mountains to go...
Phew thank goodness you could change your ADR time!

Omg the cheesy potatoes at Crystal Palace are soooo delicious!

Adorable photos with Piglet & Tigger!

You guys did a bunch of fun classics on this morning!

Ah you definitely should have bought that pin pack, it's definitely a hard to find! I looked for it during my entire trip and finally found them on my last day in Epcot!
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad! The wait time said 25 minutes, but in actuality, we waited about 15. I love the bright colors of the rock against the blue sky :goodvibes

Tom was a bit jumpy on this ride :scared: He especially didn’t like the part where we coasted over the water! He was glad he tried it once, but he said he didn’t want to ride BTMRR again this trip.
Ha ha, that sounds so much like my wife! I convinced her to ride it once, a few trips ago. She is not a roller coaster person, at all. But I told her it was sort of like those log flume rides she likes at water parks, only not on water. She said she felt like she was going to fly out of the ride car, and now she refuses to ride it again. I like to tease her by calling it her "favorite ride". She is never amused.
We ended up waiting closer to 20 minutes, and enjoyed the interactive queue!

I love the que. Almost more than the ride! ha!

Ahhh, every time I ride this ride, I love it more and more! I was pretty sad when they took away Snow White’s Scary Adventures, but I think that this is a great (and less creepy) alternative.
I don't remember the Scary Adventure ride other than being scary to death riding it. I like that they took the figures and put them in that final house.
Love your report! Poor Tom--his knuckles are actually white and I'm guessing he has a couple of mountains to go...

Thanks so much! :) And yes.... you will read about that later on but he was such a trooper!!

Can't blame them, use to love it but now it is too loud and obnoxious to us. :duck:

Haha, I can see how it would get obnoxious after a while... but I've always loved it :goodvibes

Phew thank goodness you could change your ADR time!

Omg the cheesy potatoes at Crystal Palace are soooo delicious!

Adorable photos with Piglet & Tigger!

You guys did a bunch of fun classics on this morning!

Ah you definitely should have bought that pin pack, it's definitely a hard to find! I looked for it during my entire trip and finally found them on my last day in Epcot!

Hope your trip was amazing and that you're starting a TR really soon!! :)

I was so happy we could change our ADR because Crystal Palace was so worth it! And ahhh, if I would have known how rare that pin pack was, I totally would have bought it! It was that classic "it's my first day, I should look some more to see what I really want" mentality :sad2:

AWWW I love your 7DMT photo! What a happy Disney girl you are!:flower:

Awww, thanks :hug: I'm definitely happiest when I'm at Disney!!

Ha ha, that sounds so much like my wife! I convinced her to ride it once, a few trips ago. She is not a roller coaster person, at all. But I told her it was sort of like those log flume rides she likes at water parks, only not on water. She said she felt like she was going to fly out of the ride car, and now she refuses to ride it again. I like to tease her by calling it her "favorite ride". She is never amused.

YES, ALL OF THIS! Tom loves water slides (we try to get to the Dells at least twice a year) and has no fear of them. But as soon as you put it on a roller coaster track, he gets petrified! :confused3 I don't understand!!

I love the que. Almost more than the ride! ha!

I don't remember the Scary Adventure ride other than being scary to death riding it. I like that they took the figures and put them in that final house.

Haha, I don't know if I'd go that far ;) But the line definitely makes for a nice wait time!

What a cool fun fact, I had no idea!! Of course, as I read your comment, I had to show Tom a Youtube video of the old Scary Adventure ride. He said, "this doesn't look that scary!" :laughing: It was my first ever ride at Disney World when I was 6 years old, and it scarred me for life. It actually had more of an impact on me than the old Alien Encounter!!
Day 2: Part 3- “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow!”

Hello friends! Where I last left off, the family and I were enjoying a beautiful day at the Magic Kingdom. We had just disembarked the Many (and trippy) Adventures of Winnie the Pooh! It was about 1:45 at this point, and we were getting thirsty from the heat.

We had seen a snack cart in New Fantasyland called Maurice’s Amazing Popping Machine ( :lmao: ), so that’s where we headed! We took in the scenery of New Fantasyland and got a few Diet Cokes. I was telling everyone about the Lefou’s Brew, and Ryan decided to go inside Gaston’s Tavern to have a look around. When he came out, he had a Lefou’s Brew in his hand and said that a CM had given him a free one as some pixie dust!

This strategy worked very well, because after the crew all tried Ryan’s, we went inside to buy a few more glasses :rotfl: Smart CM :thumbsup2

The Lefou’s Brew is so addicting; even though it’s a weird combination of flavors (apple, passion fruit, and marshmallow), it’s very refreshing! We all enjoyed our beverages and decided to finish them in line for Under the Sea- Journey of the Little Mermaid!

It took us about 3 minutes just to walk through the empty queue, then we were on :laughing: Tom LOVED this ride (and probably doesn’t want me to tell you guys this ::yes:: ). He loves the song Under the Sea, and we managed to get momentarily stuck in this scene. Tom was LIVING. We also stopped to giggle at these cute little fish!

To finish up our lap of Fantasyland, we decided to round it out with a classic: Mickey’s PhilharMagic! One of Tom’s favorite Disney characters is Hades, so he very much enjoyed seeing him in line!

Everyone in my family has loved this movie since it came out! When we went to Disney in 2005, this was pretty new and we weren’t sure what to expect. But, it exceeded our expectations and has become a favorite for us! Tom loved it as well, especially when I made him turn around and he saw Donald in the back of the theatre :) He claimed this was a (close) 2nd favorite 3D movie of the trip- his first one may surprise you… :scratchin

After exiting the theatre, we took a quick peek in Fantasy Faire. This is one of Mom and I’s favorite gift shops at Magic Kingdom, there is always some good stuff here! I saw this baby outfit and nearly died…

Can you tell I love babies?? Tom gives me the same answer every time, “Don’t get any ideas!” :rotfl2:

We didn’t stay for long though, ‘cause we had our 3rd and final fast pass to get to!

Tomorrowland was definitely Tom’s favorite area of Magic Kingdom. It’s funny; for me, my favorite land always changes depending on my mood. I think that, overall, my favorite area of the park is Main Street USA; I love the music, stores, and general ambiance. But I love all of the other areas for many reasons! I love Adventureland for its general lack of crowds and theming that reminds me of my beloved Polynesian Resort. I love Frontierland because it has my favorite ride (Splash Mountain) and the fun music. I love Fantasyland for it’s amazing and in-your-face Disney-ness, and I love Tomorrowland for the nostalgia it holds for me!

Ok, tangent = over! But, you guys should also let me know in the comments what your favorite area in Magic Kingdom is and why :goodvibes

I actually wasn’t too nervous about Tom on Space Mountain. His main fear about rides is the heights; he doesn’t mind speed, going upside down or general dizziness! Since Space Mountain is pitch black and you can’t see how high up you are, I knew he’d be fine :thumbsup2

I absolutely LOVE the queue music for Space Mountain, it’s probably my favorite in all of WDW!

Tom got a little nervous when he saw that we couldn't sit next to each other, but all in all had a good time! I took front row, of course! :woohoo: You do forget how jerky this ride is, though. My dad went on it alone back in 1994 when my Mom was pregnant with me. She took Haley on a milder ride, and when they came back to meet my dad, they found him face-down on a stone ledge in Tomorrowland! He had actually slipped a disk in his back and needed cortisone shots when they returned home! :scared1:

Luckily, Dad braced himself appropriately and had no problems with Space Mountain this trip! For kicks and giggles, here’s a Photo pass pic of Haley, Mom and Ryan! Of course, Ryan is holding his baseball cap again :laughing:

After we got off of Space Mountain, I hopped onto MDE and made us all fast passes for Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin at 3:30! It was just about 3:00 at this point, so we made a pit stop at the People Mover! :hyper:

Such a classic! It’s so relaxing and is a nice break from walking. Plus, you get the best photos from here!

See that cooling towel around Ryan’s neck?! We brought two of them from home and used them for when it was really hot in the parks! My dad pretty much had one on at all times ::yes:: They worked out really nice and were easy to pack up and use!

We were all leisurely enjoying our ride on the People Mover, when all of a sudden I hear Tom gasp and say, “OMG, IT’S BUZZ!”


Sure enough, right below us, Buzz Lightyear himself was doing a meet-and-greet! Now, usually I am not big into character meet-ups :sad2:. It’s strange, because I like to think that I’m relatively outgoing. But when I’m around characters, I totally clam up! Tom had been dropping hints whenever we saw characters and saying “We should meet them” or “Come on, let’s get in line,” but I always kind of poo-pooed it :lmao:

However, I knew that I needed to take one for the team for this one, since Buzz is basically Tom’s childhood hero! So, I promised him that once we got off the People Mover, we would get in line to meet him!

When we disembarked, we split up. Haley and Ryan wanted to ride Space Mountain again on standby, so they headed over there while the rest of us got in line to meet Buzz Lightyear! We stopped at the stand right by the Lunching Pad so that Tom could drool over the Toy Story figurines, but I steered him away by saying that he could buy them for cheaper at World of Disney later in the trip :thumbsup2 Plus, we decided that we were not going to ship any items back to our room this vacation; we were all nervous about the hurricane and it potentially screwing up/delaying our deliveries.

We waited in line for about 10-15 minutes, because they had Buzz take a short little “break.” When he came back out, Tom was basically like this…


We patiently waited our turn, then this happened:

Can’t you just see the love seeping off of Tom?? :love: I laugh every time I see this picture, his dreams are coming true right here! The power of Disney magic :rotfl: However, Buzz completely breezed past Tom and did this...

:rotfl2: Oh Buzz, what a gentleman! We were all cracking up. My parents also got in on the picture action!

But of course, Tom needed a picture by himself with his hero…

Look how happy Tom is!!

Overall, it was a really nice character experience! It was a bit less stressful for me since there was no talking involved :laughing: Even though Buzz didn’t speak, he was very expressive and funny in his body language!

We bid goodbye to our new friend and met back up with Haley and Ryan. We had a galaxy to save!!

To end this update; I’ll include a picture of Haley and I meeting Buzz and Woody back in 2000 :)

Coming Soon- Day 2: Part 4- “Afternoon Delight, Cocktails, And Moonlit Nights!”

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WOW, Tom really was happy to see Buzz!

That photo of you guys on the people mover should be in a frame if not already. What a great photo!
But, you guys should also let me know in the comments what your favorite area in Magic Kingdom is andwas why :goodvibes
Frontierland. Big thunder is my favourite ride. The shorter version of the story is that when I was 9 on my family’s first trip to Florida, my dad thought that my very first roller coaster should be a MONSTER at Circus World called the Roaring Tiger (google it, it was a real thing). I was traumatized by that experience. The next week at WDW I was nervous to try Big Thunder, but I conquered it and was proud of myself. So that’s partly why Frontierland is my favourite. Plus I just enjoy the old west and the music.
We also stopped to giggle at these cute little fish!

They do look pretty funny :rotfl:


That's actually terrifying! I don't like the mask. But I ddi see one I thought about getting Jenna's baby that was a Donald Duck onesie without the mask but with the hat.

Tomorrowland was definitely Tom’s favorite area of Magic Kingdom. It’s funny; for me, my favorite land always changes depending on my mood.

I love Tomorrowland too! Josh and I were just talking about how we spend way too much time in Tomorrowland especially during the parties.

But, you guys should also let me know in the comments what your favorite area in Magic Kingdom is and why :goodvibes

You forgot Liberty Square which is great because of the Haunted Mansion!

Can’t you just see the love seeping off of Tom?? :love:

That's how I looked when I met Nick Wilde :rotfl:

To end this update; I’ll include a picture of Haley and I meeting Buzz and Woody back in 2000 :)

Buzz looks angrier back then :laughing:
I’ve always liked Inca Kola

This is totally my favourite too, so yummy! I've never been to Peru but when my friend went on honeymoon my input was "you've got to try Inca Kola!" :rotfl2:

Haley, Mom, and I in 2000.

Wow look how uncrowded that shot is!

Do you ever have one of those mornings where your hair just doesn’t cooperate?! Well, this was definitely one of those mornings

Haha yes *every* morning in Florida! My Scottish hair does not do humidity!!

I don’t know if my Disney brain was just off today

It's so upsetting when this happens! And then your group looks at you like "but you're the expert, how did you not handle this?!"

But, you guys should also let me know in the comments what your favorite area in Magic Kingdom is and why :goodvibes

Same as you, Main St USA wins hands down, it's all the hidden easter eggs, the effort of all the design and it always looks amazing done up for special holidays. But I agree with you that it depends on mood sometimes. My strongest memory from childhood is Tomorrowland but it's probably my least favourite area now...
LeFou's brew is so good! You wouldn't think those flavors would go together but they do!

What a fun time in Tomorrowland! Yay for Tom getting to meet Buzz, love the pictures!
I'm kinda like you where each land brings a different type of love and happiness to me. But if I had to pick one, it would be Adventureland. I get so happy and giddy when I walk into the land. No matter how tired I am. Although my favorite rides are in Frontierland.
The Lefou’s Brew is so addicting; even though it’s a weird combination of flavors (apple, passion fruit, and marshmallow), it’s very refreshing!
We didn't try it, but maybe I will next year!

He had actually slipped a disk in his back and needed cortisone shots when they returned home!
Oh no! But I can imagine that happening on Space Mountain-it's sooo rough!
The pics with Buzz are adorable! Glad Tom got to meet one of his favorites. The old photo is super cute, too!

I love all the lands, but Adventureland is my favorite. We always start every visit to Magic Kingdom there and the music always makes feel like we have arrived.
Looks like an awesome time, I love Philharmagic and People Mover, two faves for sure. Tom looks so happy meeting Buzz, what a fun meet. I totally agree how each land has its specialty!
Ok, tangent = over! But, you guys should also let me know in the comments what your favorite area in Magic Kingdom is and why :goodvibes

Definitely Tomorrowland, for a few reasons. Maybe my favorite ride in all of WDW is Space Mountain. Without a doubt, my wife's favorite ride in all of WDW is the PeopleMover. I also really enjoy Carousel of Progress. Plus, I was always a big SciFi geek when I was a kid, so the whole "future that never was" aspect of the land is very appealing to me, too. Oh, and it is probably the best area in WDW to be at night. Well, maybe Main Street USA would top it. But Tomorrowland is a close second in my book.

Now, usually I am not big into character meet-ups :sad2:. It’s strange, because I like to think that I’m relatively outgoing. But when I’m around characters, I totally clam up!
I had to quote this, because I'm the exact opposite. In "real life", I am super introverted, anti-social, and shy. But for some reason around the characters, I'm really talkative and engaging; almost to the point that I wonder if people behind us in line think I'm a little loony, being 40 years old and that eager to interact with Mickey Mouse.
Oooh, I'm joining late, and I REALLY hope I can keep up. I"ve become a horrible DISser of late. But I'm totally intrigued. Also, your dad looks like my high school Government teacher. But his name was Pete, so it's not the same guy. :)
Is that supposed to be a mask or a hat? How would the baby breathe? I'm so confused!!!

Tomorrowland was definitely Tom’s favorite area of Magic Kingdom. It’s funny; for me, my favorite land always changes depending on my mood. I think that, overall, my favorite area of the park is Main Street USA; I love the music, stores, and general ambiance. But I love all of the other areas for many reasons! I love Adventureland for its general lack of crowds and theming that reminds me of my beloved Polynesian Resort. I love Frontierland because it has my favorite ride (Splash Mountain) and the fun music. I love Fantasyland for it’s amazing and in-your-face Disney-ness, and I love Tomorrowland for the nostalgia it holds for me!
I feel you on this so much!! I love the music in each land too. It's like choosing my favorite country in WS, I just can't do it.

But of course, Tom needed a picture by himself with his hero…

Look how happy Tom is!!
He's so happy!! I love it! I'm so happy he's loving WDW so much because that's how I wish my BF would be but he likes Universal better.


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