Can I do this? Last minute Star Wars training while life is in the way....

I’m tired just from reading all this! All the work you guys have done looks great! Glad your son was able to find a venue. Hope moving day goes well and I look forward to seeing you guys at Star Wars!
Following....and now exhausted just reading everything on your plate!

Thanks for following! Yeah, I am pretty much exhausted all the time, lol!

I’m tired just from reading all this! All the work you guys have done looks great! Glad your son was able to find a venue. Hope moving day goes well and I look forward to seeing you guys at Star Wars!

Thanks! DH is a rockstar! He works a very physical job all day then comes home and works on the house. I just have a desk job and I am exhausted, lol! I'm glad he found one too! And it is a lovely location, not like a second choice place at all. Eek! Star Wars half in 41 days! @DopeyBadger hooked me up with another great mini-plan so I KNOW I will be ready! It will be great to see you also! :)

Where in AR do you live? We live in Monticello. I’d love to meet you at W&D!
@PkbaughAR We are in Arkadelphia. We are only going to Star Wars this year. Where is Monticello? Near Little Rock?
@PkbaughAR We are in Arkadelphia. We are only going to Star Wars this year. Where is Monticello? Near Little Rock?

Monticello is about 2 hours SE of Arkadelphia. We are in the SE corner of the state. Our son graduated from OBU December 2017, been to Arkadelphia a bunch! I will be there for Star Wars as well. Hope we have a dis meet and greet!
Monticello is about 2 hours SE of Arkadelphia. We are in the SE corner of the state. Our son graduated from OBU December 2017, been to Arkadelphia a bunch! I will be there for Star Wars as well. Hope we have a dis meet and greet!

Awesome! I look forward to meeting you also! I sure hope we have an organized meet and greet! I could never organize it but will show up for sure, lol!

Laying carpet..


My DH also used to lay carpet. He sure is handy to have around! :)


Done! I put polyurethane on all that wood!


And all that wood too!


The often talked about but never before shown new bedroom door! Turned out great! DH made all that trim by hand.


Better pic of the old weird closet area. Now it is just storage and will be for my mom's cat Brinks to keep his stuff in!


Bathroom door.


Her new 7' closet.


Another shot of the finished closet.


Daisy approves. :)

This weekend we moved my mom out of the office and into this room! She wouldn't let me take any pics after her stuff was in, lol, but she loves it. We emptied out my dining room (including my treadmill which is currently living on my front porch) and the hallway and tonight we will start framing in the wall with the entry door into her suite. :) More pics eventually.

@DopeyBadger made me a new mini plan to get ready for Star Wars and training starts tomorrow! This week is:

Tuesday: 2 miles at easy/LR pace 14:52
Thursday: 2 miles at easy/LR pace 14:52
Sunday: 4 miles at easy/LR pace 14:52

Yay for a new plan! Now to just stick to it!
I completed day one of my plan on Tuesday!! :) 2 miles at LR pace of 14:52 on schedule

Actually ran:
Mile 1 at 14:06
MIle 2 at 14:26

Because that is what I do, run too fast, even when it is slow, lol. But it felt good to be running again!

Today is another 2 miles at LR pace. It is chilly and raining and I am going to do it anyway! :)
I love the remodel! I hope you don’t mind, but I saved one of your pictures. I really like the door in the before picture of the weird closet area! Is it original to the house?
I love the remodel! I hope you don’t mind, but I saved one of your pictures. I really like the door in the before picture of the weird closet area! Is it original to the house?

Thanks! I don't mind at all. That is her old bedroom door and yes, it is original to the house. I don't know if you can tell but it has a drop down panel in the top panel of the door. Didn't help her much as she is very short. I can see out of it if I step on my tip toes! It is currently on my back porch. We had to replace it as there was no wood left in the frame (the homemade frame that they built when they put it in the house) and DH was tired of trying to get it to close/latch. So we bought a new door already in a frame. :)
Thanks! I don't mind at all. That is her old bedroom door and yes, it is original to the house. I don't know if you can tell but it has a drop down panel in the top panel of the door. Didn't help her much as she is very short. I can see out of it if I step on my tip toes! It is currently on my back porch. We had to replace it as there was no wood left in the frame (the homemade frame that they built when they put it in the house) and DH was tired of trying to get it to close/latch. So we bought a new door already in a frame. :)

I wonder if that was for air circulation? My husband and I always said if our money tree ever grows and we have loads of time on our hands we would restore an old farmhouse.
I wonder if that was for air circulation? My husband and I always said if our money tree ever grows and we have loads of time on our hands we would restore an old farmhouse.

Could be! Well, I don't have a money tree or lots of time so this is a slow pay as we go process. :) But prices in Arkansas for property are very reasonable!
Thursday I did day 2 of my plan, 2 miles at LR pace 14:52:

Actually ran:

Mile 1 - 14:09
Mile 2 - 14:24

Almost the same as day 1. At least I am consistent if too fast. But then on Saturday I wrenched my back hauling wood/debris out of our house while working on the remodel. It was still bothering me on Sunday so I skipped my 4 mile LR. Boo! :( But I would rather skip one than hurt it worse and miss a lot of runs. It is feeling better today and I'm sure it will be 100% by tomorrow's run. Honestly I just hope I survive this remodel and race! No new pic updates as I forgot to put them on Facebook and that is where I steal them from to add to here as I can't have my cell at work. Maybe tomorrow. :)
I did do my 3 mile LR pace run on Tuesday, scheduled at 14:52 pace -

Actual pace:
Mile 1 at 13:52
Mile 2 at 14:12
Mile 3 at 14:26

Oops! But glad to be running! EEK, race is in 30 days! But I will be ready! I have to reschedule my 3 mile run today for tomorrow due to rain/thunderstorms. But don't do the 4 mile run until Sunday so I will still have a day off in between.

Post with pic updates of the remodel will follow sometime today. :)
Thank you to both! We are making progress! And she is one of 3 pups we have. They are all adorable! But I may be biased, lol. :)

I know how that is -- we all think our dogs are the cutest in the world, don't we? I feel like my pup (Taffy) has so many hilarious faces that she could sum up all the emotions I have re: training. I need to start posting more pics of her and my boyfriend's dog (Dixie).
Sunday scheduled 4 miles at 14:52:

Actual pace:
Mile 1 - 14:09
Mile 2 - 14:24
Mile 3 - 14:39
Mile 4 - 14:26

Monday's scheduled 3 miles at 14:52 pace (actually ran on Tuesday due to weather):

Actual pace:
Mile 1 - 14:39
Mile 2 - 14:25
Mile 3 - 14:47

I'm trying to slow down, honest! Getting better at it, actually.

DD29 has not been able to train AT ALL, like literally 0 miles. She is a super fast walker though and we are going to stay together and walk and stop for characters. I need to keep to my running training though, just to keep up with her walking pace! If we are in danger of getting swept she should be able to run a bit. What is the actual time allowance? I have no idea what corral we will be in. My time I submitted was a 2:34 half and she submitted a 5:01 full for our POT. Hopefully we will find out our corrals soon!

I haven't had time to update pics of the remodel. We are getting close to done though. We are on the second coat of mudding the drywall, then we will primer, paint and install trim, etc. (finish work). Then we will be DONE!! Well, with my mom's part, lol. We are taking a break until we get home from my son's wedding in June to do "phase 3" which will either be our roof or installing the 2nd bathroom (master!). We haven't decided yet which we need to do first. Well, we NEED to do the roof first but I WANT to do our bathroom first, lol.

Exciting talk not related to either running or remodel - I have talked DH into a Disney cruise for our 25th anniversary next year! Our actual anniversary is in July but we are planning on the 4 night Bahamas cruise on the Dream out of Port Canaveral on March 2nd. I am currently trying to figure out how to justify (and talk him into) flying to WDW on Friday and staying until our cruise on Monday! Not really doing parks, although if there is an after hours party on Saturday night we could do that. Otherwise hanging out at Disney Springs, resort, etc. I am looking at renting points to stay at Saratoga Springs if I am feeling extravagant or AoA if I cheap out. Price difference is $300 between the 2 resorts. Then take the Disney transportation to PC for the cruise on Monday. If I am figuring it out correctly, with being able to get cheaper plane tickets, it is only an extra $283 (staying at AoA, without the after party tickets - do we have to have park tickets to use the after party tickets??). For me that is a no brainer, but he isn't the same level of Disney fan that I am. I have done well to talk him into the Disney cruise for our first cruise in 15 years!
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What is the actual time allowance? I have no idea what corral we will be in. My time I submitted was a 2:34 half and she submitted a 5:01 full for our POT. Hopefully we will find out our corrals soon!

I'm guessing you'll be in Corral E, and she's on the cutline for D/E. So maybe about a 30 min buffer from the balloon lady start? So 4 hours for the HM (18:18 min/mile) estimate.
I'm guessing you'll be in Corral E, and she's on the cutline for D/E. So maybe about a 30 min buffer from the balloon lady start? So 4 hours for the HM (18:18 min/mile) estimate.

Thank you! I think we would be fine with that time allowance!


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