Cabins or traditional one bedroom?


DIS Veteran
Aug 27, 2017
Hi all!

I was hoping to get some opinions, thoughts or insights on a dilemma. This September we are doing a 7-8 night split stay with the first few nights in a ln AKV studio and then I’d like to stay somewhere with a kitchen the last 3-4 nights as we start feeling sick after too much park food.

I’d prefer to stay in a traditional one bedroom somewhere as I’m not sure I’m a fan of the remoteness of the cabins since we have two little boys (will be 3 and 6 in September). However, I don’t believe either of my boys will sleep in a separate room than us which makes the sleeping arrangements in a one bedroom hard unless my husband and I were to split up and one sleeps with a kid in the main bedroom and the other sleep in the living room with the other.

Does anyone have any experience on the cabins with small kids? Would you recommend it? Conversely, does anyone with small kids like mine that are afraid to sleep separate have any thoughts or experiences? Thanks so much!!
I took two nieces to the cabins recently and couldn’t recommend it more. While it is remote, with a golf cart rental it wasn’t bad at all. I do also suggest asking for loop 2500, close to the wilderness pool and shorter walk to the park buses if you don’t do a golf cart.

As for activities at FW there are many including the camp fire sing along, fishing, biking, riding around on the gold carts. Along with much more.

As for the rooms the bunk beds were find in the rooms for sleeping. Had 0 issues there when we stayed. The only difference is the lack of a washer and dryer, which is why loop 2500 is nice since the laundry room is at the wilderness pool.

The cabins I personally think are well appointed and disagree with many of the negative comments. They personally are worth their nightly point cost in my opinion.
We have been taking our son to Disney since he was 4, he loves the cabins - especially the golf cart. The question you need to ask though is can your 6 year old sleep in the top bunk? The mattress does not come off the bunk. It is very safe, has rails, but some kids can’t do bunks. The kitchen in cabins is great.
The 1 bdr at AKL is also great, with terrific kitchen, but totally understand the sleeping issue. Though it might work, with 1 adult in bdr, the other in sleeping chair until kids fall asleep, then moving to other room. With door open you can easily hear anything from other room.

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