Buying resale dilemma

Generally speaking, is availability quite good August/September time booking 7 months ahead? Is there still a chance of getting availability at many of the resorts? It’s very tempting to book one of the newer DVC resorts but I know my family will still want to stay at BCV most of the time.

Look up DVC historical availability like the sites above.
If you’re willing to take 2 night stays (or split where BCV is less than 3 nights) it’s not as bleak as it appears to try to get in there through a combination of stalking and waitlists especially if you are open to 1bed—but you can’t count on it and I think it’s going to keep getting harder to book at 7m. We’ve also found it challenging to rent points there if you want to stay over the holidays. We took the plunge and bought ~100 points last year because we like to visit BCV around the holidays and we found a contract missing 2023 points but with all its 2024 points for under $120/pt. The market for BCV may have ticked up a little since then, but it was a pretty good deal at the time. We are OK with it ending in 2042, we have other direct points, and probably once our kids are in their mid-20s they won’t want to spend the majority of their vacations in WDW—I don’t know what will happen at BCV after 2042 and I always wanted to own there…so now I do.

FWIW, based on what we’ve actually spent on cash bookings in 1 and 2 bed villas at BCV vs. points for those same days, we come out ahead on contract (after dues) in less than a decade…but I wouldn’t say it’s a good investment as we plan to hold to zero.
You will not get much access at beach club with 7 month bookings, ALMOST EVER. The resort is too small and everyone wants to stay there. We were in a similar situation and bought in last month. We didn't like the idea of buying heavy at Riviera because if we ever sold the Riviera contract, it loses a ton of value because of resale restrictions on resale Riviera contracts and because it's not actually in walking distance to anything. If the skyliner goes down either for maintenance or a temporary problem you have to take a bus to get ANYWHERE. Resorts like Beach Club and Boardwalk expire in less than half the time, but also can cost less than half compared to Riviera for even better location.

After an absolute ton of research, We picked our use year and decided to buy just a small contract at a crescent lake resort (beach club or boardwalk) because we love the area and being able to walk to 2 parks. But didn't want to get all of our points there because they expire in 2042.

So we ended up buying a bit less than 1/3 of our total point purchase at Boardwalk (originally wanted beach club, but boardwalk is in basically the same location, has better room availability, and ended up being $30 or so per point cheaper than beach club because we found a semi-stripped BWV contract that we got a deal on at $99 per point). We may try for beach club every time we look at staying at the boardwalk, and if we never get one we could also rent out our points for a year and rent beach club points ourselves for about the same price.

Then we bought the other 2/3 of our points at Bay Lake Tower and Animal Kingdom Villas so we had a bulk of our points expiring way later than 2042 and have access to one of the resorts nearest to each park.

Does that make sense? If you have any questions for me, ask away! All of it is very fresh in my mind since we just did the research and bought in ourselves.
I like what you did, smart choice! But we did the opposite on the resort choosing! lol! We have about 1/4 of our points at BLT, and the rest at BRV.

I am definitely one that supports the "buy where you want to stay" motto. The Wilderness Lodge is one of our favorite resorts and knowing we can stay there in our future vacation, it makes us happy. But then, we also like BLT for the location and ease of getting to MK. We want to do split stay there, especially during our MK/Epcot days to make things easy. BRV was our priority, I found a contract with the right UY and amount of points, was able to get a good price on it, so we bought that one first. After that, we bought a small BLT contract, and my plan is to continue to build that ownership over the next 17 years with smaller contracts. That way by the time BRV expires we'll have enough BLT points, and we won't have any gaps between ownerships.
Thank you - this is really helpful! Interesting that BCV is near the bottom of the list ;)

Thank you - I didn’t realise they expired so soon! That does make things a bit more difficult to decide.

Thank you for this - it’s really helpful setting out the costs like that! It looks like the newer resorts will be a little more cost effective then - but hard to weigh that up against the risk of not getting into BCV at 7 months.

Thanks - that’s exactly why we want to buy at BCV but it seems it’s nowhere near as good value as some of the other the resorts.

Thanks so much everyone for your advice. Now I’m more stuck - surely then buying direct from Disney for Riviera would work out cheaper than resale at Beach Club given the Beach Club contracts would expire in 2042. Getting the DVC discounts would be a big incentive but Beach Club is by far our favourite resort and we would really want to be able to get access to rooms there.

Generally speaking, is availability quite good August/September time booking 7 months ahead? Is there still a chance of getting availability at many of the resorts? It’s very tempting to book one of the newer DVC resorts but I know my family will still want to stay at BCV most of the time.
As others have stated, if you want to consistently stay at BCV, you’re going to have to buy there. It doesn’t matter which month, a Studio at BCV is always different to get at 7 months. There even are some months when it’s challenging to get at 11 months.

Buying at BCV is probably the least economical choice you can make in term of DVC. But, as I previously described, you’ll still save compared to paying Disney cash for the room, even with a Disney hotel discount.

We have stayed at BCV several times. Unlike most others, Stormalong Bay is one of our least favorite pools. It’s difficult to get chairs, the pool’s shape and numerous bridges make it a pain to get around, and the pool is far from BVC. (We dislike walking through the lobby in wet bathing suits.)

The pool at Jambo House is much more appealing. It’s a big body of water with lots of chairs and you take the elevator straight to the DVC floor without having to pass through the lobby.

I fully understand the appeal of BCV, but suggest you give all the other DVC resorts a closer look before buying at BCV.
We also love BC so we purchased 55 points with the idea that we'd stay every other year in a studio for 6 nights. We purchased the direct minimum at AK and use them to stay everywhere else on property, plus Vero and Hilton Head. We found this the most equitable compromise to get what we wanted.
You will not get much access at beach club with 7 month bookings, ALMOST EVER. The resort is too small and everyone wants to stay there. We were in a similar situation and bought in last month. We didn't like the idea of buying heavy at Riviera because if we ever sold the Riviera contract, it loses a ton of value because of resale restrictions on resale Riviera contracts and because it's not actually in walking distance to anything. If the skyliner goes down either for maintenance or a temporary problem you have to take a bus to get ANYWHERE. Resorts like Beach Club and Boardwalk expire in less than half the time, but also can cost less than half compared to Riviera for even better location.

After an absolute ton of research, We picked our use year and decided to buy just a small contract at a crescent lake resort (beach club or boardwalk) because we love the area and being able to walk to 2 parks. But didn't want to get all of our points there because they expire in 2042.

So we ended up buying a bit less than 1/3 of our total point purchase at Boardwalk (originally wanted beach club, but boardwalk is in basically the same location, has better room availability, and ended up being $30 or so per point cheaper than beach club because we found a semi-stripped BWV contract that we got a deal on at $99 per point). We may try for beach club every time we look at staying at the boardwalk, and if we never get one we could also rent out our points for a year and rent beach club points ourselves for about the same price.

Then we bought the other 2/3 of our points at Bay Lake Tower and Animal Kingdom Villas so we had a bulk of our points expiring way later than 2042 and have access to one of the resorts nearest to each park.

Does that make sense? If you have any questions for me, ask away! All of it is very fresh in my mind since we just did the research and bought in ourselves.
Thank you so much for this - invaluable to hear your perspective having just purchased yourself. Honestly, I’m now leaning towards doing something similar - I’m not sure I could justify buying only at BCV given the high cost per point. At the same time, I quite like that it expires in 18 years as I don’t know how long I’ll want to be locked in for. I know that you can resell, but being in the U.K. I’ve heard that’s a bit of a hassle.

We don’t actually like Riviera much, so while I was considering buying direct, if I did, I don’t think we’d ever actually use it there! The problem is that we absolutely adore Beach Club - we’ve visited all the deluxe resorts and stayed at quite a few too but none come close to Beach Club in our experience. If you don’t mind me asking, what do you mean by semi-stripped? $99 at BWV sounds like a great deal and would definitely be an incentive to buy some points there too.

I think you'll find 7 month booking at BC for August & September would be very difficult if not impossible to get. All of the bookings during F&W time are normally snatched up by owners well before 7 months.

Thanks - that’s really good to know!

I would recommend if you really want beach club, and you are really committed to those times you really do your homework about renting points and cash rates/stays. What about Beach Club do you find most appealing?

I only ask because Boardwalk is pretty close by and much more affordable. What types of accommodations are you needing? If it is just studio accommodations I would strongly recommend looking at the Swan/Dolphin cash rates as well, even though it is a slightly longer walk.

I get you are saving about $100/night over cash rates, but that is a lot of money to tie up in 20 years of Disney vacations and a deeded real estate interest unless you're totally sure of it.

A big part of the appeal of BC for us is Stormalong Bay - we usually spend hours every day there in between park visits. I think the set up is perfect - we love getting ice cream from Beaches and Cream while at the pool and I’ve missed that at other resorts we’ve stayed at. It’s also just the atmosphere of the resort (we love YC too) and of course the location. It just feels special.

Boardwalk would definitely be our second choice, followed by Old Key West and potentially Copper Creek (more for the value per point than that we like the resort). I’ve done the maths and totalled up the average cost per night in a studio at the different resorts in September:

BCV - $245 per night
Boardwalk - $205 per night
OKW - $140 per night
Copper Creek - $155 per night

I’m hoping I calculated them correctly (I based it on resale contracts I‘ve seen and included upfront cost and dues). I’m wondering if it might be worth buying part at BCV and part at another resort, so that we at least have some time guaranteed at BCV. Despite OKW contracts ending in 2042, I can’t quite believe it would average out at about $140 per night! That seems like incredible value. I also priced up 1 and 2 bedrooms and found it interesting the price increase in points is higher than the price increase paying in cash without DVC.

Got curious reading this thread and checked direct prices as of today. Beach Club $275/pt and Boardwalk $240/pt. Ouch! Bay Lake and Beach Club are the highest direct aside from the snipe hunt of points at VGC.

Unless the market dives it won’t be long till these cross the $300 mark for direct.

At those rates it makes Riviera direct look like a bargain! If we buy BCV I could only really justify it resale.

It really doesn't matter what the direct prices are. Everyone buys BCV and BWV resale because you can get them for around $100-130 per point and Disney hasn't been buying ROFR contracts for either of those resorts so they don't have any points to sell for them anyway. Unless someone puts in a crazy waitlist for direct and then they may ROFR a couple contracts, but idk why anyone would ever do that. Just throwing money in the trash at that point

I was told BCV is available direct but I can’t justify it at such a high price compared to Riviera!

Nobody should be buying direct BC/BW from Disney unless they're absolutely desperate to find a small contract in their UY but even then it's not really worth it. 275/18+ maintenance fees = 23.9 per point direct which is pretty ridiculous. Buying BC direct at the price they want I don't think you're really getting any savings and would probably be better off just paying cash. Resale is still worth it currently if that's the only place you're okay with staying at but if you're flexible you'll get far better value not owning a 2042 resort and then just taking what you can get at 7 months.

@meggiebeth if it's truly Beach Club or bust, you need to buy resale Beach Club. Most times of the year it's not possible to get at 7 months. The only time it may be available at 7 months is a 1BR during the summer.

Thank you - think we will end up having to buy at least some Beach Club points.

1BR's? Yes. 2BR's? They're there but go quickly at 7 months, at least August. Studios? If you consistently want them you should own there.

Thanks! Thinking of buying some at BCV and some elsewhere now.

16 years of staying at beach club for a discount sounds damn good to me.

Buy Beach Club resale and never look back.

That helps me feel better, ha ha! I really want BCV but it is hard to justify as it is so expensive compared to other resorts. I’m thinking of buying 100 points at BCV and the rest elsewhere. By my calculations, it would average about $245 a night factoring dues in which is still a good saving from $600 ish cash rates.

@meggiebeth — I mean no offense at this but sounds like you need to do much more research into the world of DVC and all its inner workings. You seem pretty naive on the topic and it is never something you should enter lightly.

Absolutely. It’s hard to know where to start, and this thread has really helped get me on the right track.

Yes, buying Riviera (exp. 2070) from Disney would provide better value in the long term than Beach Club Villas (exp. 2042). In 2019 I was considering buying Grand Floridian resale but decided for the same cost I could buy Riviera direct. Resale is blocked from booking future DVC Resorts (including Riviera, Cabins at Fort Wilderness and Disneyland Hotel). I am glad I purchased Riviera direct initially over VGF to access direct perks and future resorts for the same cost (granted, I later bought Grand Floridian resale and direct anyway).

As previous posters have commented, you are unlikely to get into BCV at 7 months and will need to own there. Personally, I don't see the value in a 2042 contract no matter where it is and would want longer for marginally more upfront cost. However, if your preference is that it's Beach Club or your vacation won't be as enjoyable then there's a subjective value you'd need to contend with. I am an advocate of "Buy where you want to stay" as availability is getting tighter and tighter at 7 months now. Disney are looking at introducing a trust-based product which could further upend 7 month availability: we don't yet know.

I'd recommend getting a pen and pad and making a list of all the DVC resorts that appeal to you if you had to exclusively stay there as a home resort. Then next to each list their contract expiry dates (easily googled), and next to that write down the annual dues for each property. This will give you an overview on how long you will hold each property for, the upfront cost, and ongoing cost. From there you can begin to make informed decisions.

Then ask yourself how long you can see yourself going to WDW? Is the premium on a shorter contract worth it to you or would you like this vacation investment to last longer? Is renting BCV more economical for you or is owning going to give you peace of mind you can always stay there? Could you fall in love with another resort with a longer expiry date or will BCV be "the one that got away?" Will you feel FOMO not having the blue card and missing out on DVC promos/events/lounges they provide for direct members?

Whatever you do, however, do not buy Hilton Head or Vero Beach for access to Walt Disney World resorts. Their dues are ridiculously high and with availability tightening, you're playing a roulette game. Only buy Hilton or Vero to stay at Hilton or Vero. Even then the dues negate most savings over paying cash there.

Thanks so much - this advice is really helpful. I’ve since worked out how much each night would “cost” us if we book via DVC for December, factoring in the upfront cost, dues, and when the contracts expire:

BCV - $245 per night
Boardwalk - $205 per night
OKW - $140 per night
Copper Creek - $155 per night
Riviera (direct) - $200 per night

I‘m hoping I’ve done the maths right - if so, it looks like BCV is by far the most expensive, but it is far and away our favourite resort on property, and I don’t want to invest a lot of money to not be able to stay there at all. I’m wondering now if it would be worthwhile buying 100ish points at BCV to guarantee some availability and topping up somewhere like OKW or BWV, where we would be happy to stay for some of the time. It seems even with the early expiry in 2042 for OKW, it’s still excellent value.

I honestly don’t know how I feel about being locked in for 40+ years at this point in my life (I am only in my late 20s) - but Copper Creek is very tempting for $155 per night - still more than OKW though!

This is tremendously helpful, thank you! :-)

If you’re willing to take 2 night stays (or split where BCV is less than 3 nights) it’s not as bleak as it appears to try to get in there through a combination of stalking and waitlists especially if you are open to 1bed—but you can’t count on it and I think it’s going to keep getting harder to book at 7m. We’ve also found it challenging to rent points there if you want to stay over the holidays. We took the plunge and bought ~100 points last year because we like to visit BCV around the holidays and we found a contract missing 2023 points but with all its 2024 points for under $120/pt. The market for BCV may have ticked up a little since then, but it was a pretty good deal at the time. We are OK with it ending in 2042, we have other direct points, and probably once our kids are in their mid-20s they won’t want to spend the majority of their vacations in WDW—I don’t know what will happen at BCV after 2042 and I always wanted to own there…so now I do.

FWIW, based on what we’ve actually spent on cash bookings in 1 and 2 bed villas at BCV vs. points for those same days, we come out ahead on contract (after dues) in less than a decade…but I wouldn’t say it’s a good investment as we plan to hold to zero.

I would more happily buy BCV at $120 a point - are deals like that hard to find? Do you have to snap them up quite quickly? The 100 point contracts I’ve seen are all between $140-150 per point :worried:

Thanks for sharing your experience - it really helps as though other resorts are a lot cheaper, I really do want to be able to guarantee some BC stays. In some ways the contracts ending in 18 years isn’t a bad thing - I feel a bit more comfortable committing to the purchase if it doesn’t last 40 years or more!

I like what you did, smart choice! But we did the opposite on the resort choosing! lol! We have about 1/4 of our points at BLT, and the rest at BRV.

I am definitely one that supports the "buy where you want to stay" motto. The Wilderness Lodge is one of our favorite resorts and knowing we can stay there in our future vacation, it makes us happy. But then, we also like BLT for the location and ease of getting to MK. We want to do split stay there, especially during our MK/Epcot days to make things easy. BRV was our priority, I found a contract with the right UY and amount of points, was able to get a good price on it, so we bought that one first. After that, we bought a small BLT contract, and my plan is to continue to build that ownership over the next 17 years with smaller contracts. That way by the time BRV expires we'll have enough BLT points, and we won't have any gaps between ownerships.

That’s clever planning! I’m envious that Wilderness Lodge is your favourite resort - as it seems to be one of the cheapest! BCV is our favourite by far, so I think it’s probably worth buying some points there to guarantee some stays for us. Thank you for your advice - makes me feel a bit better about spending more $$$!
As others have stated, if you want to consistently stay at BCV, you’re going to have to buy there. It doesn’t matter which month, a Studio at BCV is always different to get at 7 months. There even are some months when it’s challenging to get at 11 months.

Buying at BCV is probably the least economical choice you can make in term of DVC. But, as I previously described, you’ll still save compared to paying Disney cash for the room, even with a Disney hotel discount.

We have stayed at BCV several times. Unlike most others, Stormalong Bay is one of our least favorite pools. It’s difficult to get chairs, the pool’s shape and numerous bridges make it a pain to get around, and the pool is far from BVC. (We dislike walking through the lobby in wet bathing suits.)

The pool at Jambo House is much more appealing. It’s a big body of water with lots of chairs and you take the elevator straight to the DVC floor without having to pass through the lobby.

I fully understand the appeal of BCV, but suggest you give all the other DVC resorts a closer look before buying at BCV.

Thanks for your insight - really helpful and I’ve come to the conclusion we need to buy at least some points at BCV. It would definitely bother us not to be able to stay there at all.

Your reply made me smile, as we love Stormalong Bay! :laughing: Of the many things we love about BC, that has to be one of the top on the list for us. We love the set up and being able to grab ice cream from Beaches and Cream in the afternoons while we lounge.

I’ve crunched the numbers a bit, and am now thinking of buying somewhere in the region of 100 points at BCV and 50-100 points more elsewhere. Below Beach Club, BWI, OKW, SSR and Copper Creek appeal. OKW seems to be the best value, even given its expiry date.

We also love BC so we purchased 55 points with the idea that we'd stay every other year in a studio for 6 nights. We purchased the direct minimum at AK and use them to stay everywhere else on property, plus Vero and Hilton Head. We found this the most equitable compromise to get what we wanted.

Thank you - I think this is what we will have to do too! Hard to pay more money than necessary, but BC is so special to us and it would be hard for any other resort (Yacht Club aside - ha ha) to match it.
If you don’t mind me asking, what do you mean by semi-stripped? $99 at BWV sounds like a great deal and would definitely be an incentive to buy some points there too.
It just means that the seller had used some of the current/future points before selling to us. We were able to get it at a discount because they had already used all of the 2023 use year points and about half of the 2024 use year points.

We didn't really mind because we already had a booked and paid for cash stay at the beach club for February 2024, so we didn't really need the 2023 points since we already have a trip in the same general location for the 2024 year. The lower price made it much easier to buy into a 2042 resort as part of our point collection
That’s clever planning! I’m envious that Wilderness Lodge is your favourite resort - as it seems to be one of the cheapest! BCV is our favourite by far, so I think it’s probably worth buying some points there to guarantee some stays for us. Thank you for your advice - makes me feel a bit better about spending more $$$!
why thank you! I believe BRV gained quite a bit popularity after their refurb, us included. If it wasn't for the refurb, we probably would have bought CCV instead or AKV. When I was looking for BRV, there were still a decent number of contracts available, but in the past 3-4 months I've seen a lot less.

If BCV is your favorite, go for it! The only downside, it is a tad pricey. I think $140-150 is the average for 100-200 pts? If you find a contract that you like, don't be afraid to negotiate though, because you never know! Good luck to you and hope you'll find the right BCV contracts!
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I really liked ***edit*** a different one that I apparently cannot mention***

it's not as pretty as some of the others, but I found it updated faster than some of the others for new listings and it has lots of filters and data as far a price, price per point, price per point year, and price per point year plus dues.
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I really liked x

it's not as pretty as some of the others, but I found it updated faster than some of the others for new listings and it has lots of filters and data as far a price, price per point, price per point year, and price per point year plus dues.
FWIW, The moderators are most likely going to delete your post for not posting a link to the site that goes through the DISboard filter.
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FWIW, The moderators are most likely going to delete your post for not posting a link to the site that goes through the DISboard filter.
edited out my original post, unfortunate to be filtered out as it really helped me with my research personally
to reply to @meggiebeth’s question to me— I took the approach of 1) using a DVC contract aggregator to try to view all BCV listings under about 170 points in the UYs I wanted, and 2) contacting brokers for all listings (newest to older) with an offer that was about equivalent to the best I’d seen on the ROFR thread (adjusted for banked or stripped points). I planned to do about 10 each weekend working my way to older listings, but caught a motivated seller with a delayed close before I’d sent out more than 25 offers.
it wouldn't let me post it, do they not like that site?

The owners of the site have many reasons that businesses are in the filter and even as mods we are not privy to those reasons.

So thank you for removing the info. You are allowed to leave a filtered link…just can’t give additional details to guide people to it.
I own mostly SSR, and I'm booked in BC this summer. If you want BC, your choices are:

1. Buy BC resale or
2. Buy some other resale and hope you sometimes get lucky.

I don't see the point of spending a ton more for direct points, for something any resale points have access to.

We have no idea when you are traveling or what you are trying to book. If you are flexible, BC isn't impossible. If you want school holidays or peak DVC season, fall-winter, this can be harder.

This is a complicated product, and there is no rush. You need to know the rules and booking patterns. I would be reading a whole lot before I committed to this.
Regarding OKW, be aware that there are 2 different expiration dates. OKW’s initial lease expiration date was 2042. Several years after it opened DVC offered lease extensions to 2057, some owners bought them & those contracts are listed on the resale market as “ext” or “extended.” That may account for the odd $ calculations you see.
Everyone is different. Some people have favorite resorts & are only happy staying in them, others care less & even like the variety of staying at different places or enjoy the hunt at 7 months to use their ‘cheap’ SAP (sleep around points) to score a stay at a more desirable resort. When you want to go & if your holidays are flexible can make a difference, but demand changes through time too & 7 month bookings at small resorts like the BC only gets tougher as DVC opens more new resorts increasing the pool of people competing for 7 month bookings.
I fall into the category of far preferring my favorite resorts & not being interested in staying at other resorts & not wanting to play the 7 month booking gamble game. Thus for me the most economical choice would be wasted money because every time I couldn’t get one of my favorites I’d be disappointed. It sounds to me like you may fall into the strong preference crowd & if so, then buy BC if staying there makes you far happier than staying elsewhere.
Listing prices are not final prices. Some brokers list higher than others. You negotiate to arrive at your final price. Many sellers want you to reimburse them for current year’s maintenance fees, which currently adds around $8/$9 ($8.62 for BC) per point above listing price, but that’s negotiable. I found the ROFR thread helpful to get a sense of what folks were actually paying when I was buying resale . Since there aren’t many BC sales you might find the links on the first page to previous quarters helpful, last quarter, for example, 3 disboarders bought BC paying $125, $133, & $140
When considering 11 or 7 also consider when you want to stay, I read posts who brag they had no problem getting rooms at 7, but is consecutive dates they like to stay or just picking up strays

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