Buses from downtown Disney?


Earning My Ears
Aug 2, 2002
Good day!

My friend and I plan to party it up @ downtown disney
at night when we go to WDW in 13 days!!!!!!!!
I know the clubs close around 2am... and the boats
finish going to P.O. Riverside around 11 or 11:30...
so are there buses that run up to a certain point? What
time do the buses run until?

Anyone else there between the 24th and sept. 1 that
plan on clubbi'n in at Pleasure Island? We're 22,23!
Welcome to the Dis! I'm going to move your post over to our Transportation Board for you. I'm sure you will get your answer there. Thanks for posting. :)
The last time I went to PI (about a year ago)...when all the clubs were closing and everyone was meandering out, there were busses waiting there. I would assume that they will be there as long as you would want to (about 2:30). Have fun and be safe!
i just got back from wdw and busses run until 2:15. they say 2 but there is another bus that picks up those stragglers. my friend and i went out every night and stayed until closing and took the bus back to por except for 2 nights when we left with myfriends who work there. though some of it was a blurr i know i definitely had time to wait for lights to come on at the clubs (they close a little before 2) to say goodnight to the people i know who work there and go out and party for a little by the stage. have a great time!
Busses will service the Downtown Disney Marketplace until 11:45pm. After that time, they will service only Pleasure Island. I rarely work Downtown Disney... however, if I remember correctly, each bus has a certain "Last Run"... the times are 1:45, 2:00, 2:15... These busses will be held at PI, and are not allowed to leave until released by the Coordinator. Typically, the 1:45, and 2:00 busses will leave on time. The 2:15 busses might be held a few minutes (depending on if they have any other busses coming in) From what I am to understand, it only takes about 10 mins to clear PI.

Suffice to say... as long as there are folks inside PI... we will still run. Once everyone is out, we will wait until we beleive everyone that needs a bus is on it, and then will release the busses for the night.
I have closed PI down more times that I can count, and on several occasions, I have seen the PI security follow me out to the transportation area and tell one of the drivers there all clear.


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