Yes, it ended up being easier than it was going to be.
My dog stays home when I travel. But I’ve learned way more than I wanted to know about international travel with dogs.
One key thing - make sure your dogs microchip works before getting a rabies vaccine or RATT test if needed for foreign destinations.
A Rabies vaccine is essentially null and void if there is no microchip. They need to put in new microchip and do the rabies vaccine again. (Family member learned this when asking Vet to ensure microchip was ISO compliant while getting booster shots. The vet is like let’s check before we do the rabies ..and no microchip was found. Even had a second vet office check)) Had to go back the next day to get the microchip & rabies vaccine …and then pay a ridiculous amount to re-do the rabies antibody test 30 days later that the dog needs because of the country she is moving to.