Breakfast with Cindy. . .NOT!


DIS Veteran
Jul 6, 2007
Made an on-line ressie for breakfast @ CRT for 10/14 @ 8:05. DH kindly pointed out that we probably wouldn't want to get up that early because the night before we'll be at Epcot until midnight, so I called and finally got ressie changed to 10. (Reservation lady kept telling me the time couldn't be changed without cancelling and recharging my credit card, but her supervisor did it in about 30 seconds) I looked up our dining reservations today only to see that CRT had been cancelled for 10/14 @ 10! I called and was told that we had 2 reservations for the same date and time there and they were both automatically cancelled. HUH? :confused: Explained what had happened with changing the times and was told that the credit card was not an issue, that it was easy to change the time without recharging the card and that somehow we were booked twice and cancelled for that reason and that our card had been refunded. :confused3 (Were also told that it could be weeks before we see the credit on our bank statement!) After all that we've just decided to take our DS10 advice and go to POP for a yummy breakfast of tie-dye cheesecake!:wizard:
You can check online...
go to
click on "My Disney Vacation"
then click on "dining resvervations"

You will need your conf. # and phone number you booked with.
So, if you have 2 reservations for the same day/same time (or the times are close) for 2 different restaurants does Disney cancel the reservations? We have one day where we have 2 dinner reservations booked for the same time because we are still trying to decide which one we want to keep. We'll be deciding soon and cancelling one....I just don't want them both cancelled before I can call and cancel one.
OP, sorry to hear that that happened and was not your fault. As for the cc, I've been told many times it would take weeks and it has always taken 3 days.

As for the double booking. Recently I went to make an ADR on a night that I had an ADR. I was going to book it and then cancel the other one. Just when I went to book it a message in red came across the top and told me that I was already holding an ADR for the same timeframe. So the computer did indeed know I already had one. I wasn't going to hold both, I just wanted to get my new one confirmed and then cancel the old one.
According to the dining reservation representative with whom I spoke, the system automatically cancels BOTH ADRs if they are on the same day for the same meal timeframe. She said it's set up that way to open up more reservation times because holding several at different restaurants for the same time takes away those times for others trying to book. She added that yes, it's inconvenient for those trying to decide where to dine, however, many guests weren't cancelling and were no-shows when that time could have been given to someone else.
According to the dining reservation representative with whom I spoke, the system automatically cancels BOTH ADRs if they are on the same day for the same meal timeframe. She said it's set up that way to open up more reservation times because holding several at different restaurants for the same time takes away those times for others trying to book. She added that yes, it's inconvenient for those trying to decide where to dine, however, many guests weren't cancelling and were no-shows when that time could have been given to someone else.

I hope not- we are booked at 2 places---about the same time (20 minute difference) but we are also 3 different families not eating together two nights.
The past two years I have had a ressie at CRT for DD and I and CP for DH and DS at the same time. Haven't had a problem.
Well, I just checked our reservations for next weekend and we have ressies 50 minutes apart at the same restaurant (yes I will cancel one:)) and they are still there and holding strong!

The claim that they don't allow this actually doesn't make any sense. It doesn't have to be double booking. It's quite possible that a single person could be making reservations for themselves AND another group. Just because it's "UNDER" the same name doesn't mean that person is the one doing the dining in both places.

wow, very strange - I'm surprised they cancelled both when it's a paid-for reservation - you'd think when they already have your money they'd figure out a way to hang onto it. :confused:

I often have doubled up reservations...whenever I change my mind (which is often, lol) I book the new place before cancelling the old one. I think maybe once I go the warning message...but you know it still let me book the new one anyway. Now I do immediately go back in and cancel the one I don't want but guess my point is the system did let me double book that time. And every other time I've done it. This trip in May we have six ADRs (2 nights worth of DxDDP spread over 3 days.) I've changed those 4 of the 6 reservations at least twice each...and the Friday night one I've changed 3X. including having the same restaurant booked for 6:30 P.M. and 7:00 warning when I put in for the 7:00 P.M.? I wonder if it's a random thing with the system doing an occasional audit or something:confused3

Have FUN at POP...that tye-dye cheesecake is really something: very colorful going in (and out, lol)
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Not likely they can get you back into CRT but they should know what happened to you and that there is an issue with the booking system. This is not the first time something like this has happened.

So sorry it happened to you.
I just checked my doubled-up dinner reservations and they are both still there. One of my co-workers is going to Disney next week and we were talking about dining reservations (he knew yesterday was my day to make mine) and I asked him if he had any doubled-up ADRs and he said "Oh yeah, I have 4 for the same time - guess I should call and cancel some". :-)scared1:)
I just made adr's for our trip this morning and (unintentially) ended up with 2 complete sets of 10 different ressies. Two for each place, all within 10 minutes of each other, including one that needed a credit card. I had to go back and cancel them myself. The online system didn't seem to care how many I had.
Just wanted to add to please cancel the ones you don't need asap. I'm sure there are people looking to get ressies and can't because of people doing the multiple booking. When my party splits up to eat at two different places at the same time I put each under a different name and phone number. While they might not cancel immediately if you double book they can cancel at any time. If you don't cancel before you get down and are told at a restaurant it was cancelled due to double booking; don't get mad. You broke the rules. We were there last year at LeCellier when this happened to someone, they put up such a big stink because their ressies were cancelled.

OP- obviously this isn't what you did. Sounds like the CM made a mistake in your case. If it makes you feel any better, we ate there once and felt it was the most overrated place on property. Enjoy the tye dyed cheesecake.;)


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