BL 7.1 Green Team!!!

Greeting greenies! I am a newbie here--still trying to figure out what all to do--but I am excited to be a part of this. Sorry about being absent from here yesterday--got crazy here.

A bit about me - I'm 45, work as a computer software trainer from home (mostly part time), DH teaches Jr High 'technology' (has what used to be the shop). We live on 10 acres in the middle of nowhere--very peaceful and lots of sagebrush ;) I've always been fat--but have always tried to stay non-couch potato-ish... but this winter I fell and hurt my knee (it popped and went sideways) so I'm just now starting to move around again.
I have over 100 lbs to lose total--but am going for a 10 lb loss in this challenge period. DH is in same boat weight-wise--so am trying to be a good example for us both--since I am mostly in charge of food (I try to keep him from the store or our cupboards fill up with all kinds of good junk--kwim ;) )

Thanks again for letting me join in this group--I am off and on the computer all day--so if anyone needs someone to help in a moment of weakness--let me know--and I'll do all I can to give helpful support :cheer2:
Hey Green Team!

Sorry I wasn't posting yesterday. I didn't post much on BL7, and I am determined to do better this time. It was my first BL, so I'm still sort of finding my way. I'm also going to work on the COW, which just intimidated me before. With all this focus, how can I not succeed?! :thumbsup2

Here's a little about me -- I'm 40, and I work full-time as a grants professional for a large homeless services agency. We have one ds11, and my dh and I have been married for almost 16 years. I never struggled with my weight as a child, but during grad school it went up and just never stopped. Pregnancy didn't help matters...Anyway, I need to lose about 60 lbs. (I can't believe I just wrote that...Sigh). I had a very unrealistic goal for BL7. This time my goal is 11 lbs. That's still ambitious for me, but I think I can do it if I stick with it for the entire time and don't take weeks off from doing what I should :rolleyes1

I am a voracious reader, and I wog (combination of walk and jog) for exercise, with a little bit of yoga and stationary biking thrown in for variety. I completed the WDW Half Marathon in 2008 & 2009 (Double Donald! :donald:), and I'm registered for 2010. Yes, you can do a half marathon and not look like an Olympian -- or even an athlete in my case :rotfl: The folks at WISH got me started, and I could not be more grateful! I can't imagine what I would weigh now if I wasn't working out most days of the month. The Team Ohana in my siggie is my WISH team in the event thread, we have a very friendly competition with miles and minutes over the year, but it's mostly a great place to talk about your workouts and anything else you'd like. We have quite the literary bent in my Team, some of the others have other things they chat about more -- like nutrition, injuries -- whatever people need or want to share.

Anyway, I'm totally psyched to be here, and I guess I could get with the program and answer the QOTD from yesterday -- QOTD Friday - What are you hoping to take away from this challenge during the next six weeks. This could be a certain amount of weight loss, changes in habits, etc.

I am hoping to lose 11 lbs., get in all my workouts, and maintain a consistently positive attitude, even when the scale does not move as quickly as I would like or expect, or even in the right direction. :goodvibes

It has been great reading the introductions, and I am very happy to be a part of this awesome Green Team!

Maria :upsidedow
Good Morning Everyone,
I am a 43 yr old mom of 2 teenage girls-17 and 14.Wife of DH for almost 20 yrs.I am the Disney nut, they think I am nuts!

Fall of 2007 I lost 20-25 lbs before starting a new job.I was running almost everyday, I felt great.

This past winter trained and did the full marathon at WDW and from that put back on most of that weight, with long runs and the dreary winter comfort food went down easy.

My GOAL of this challenge is to build my miles back up- I slacked off after the race, and hopefully lose about 10 lbs and tone up.

I had recently lost 5-6 lbs but already put it back on- the scale is very frustrating for me because it yoyos so much.I know it is all in how you feel but you want to see progress.

Have a great weekend everyone, I am counting on all of you for support.Last year we had a great group on the journal boards but this year it is not the same.


Glad to have you on our green team. Yes, the scales can be a pain in my side too. I do step on them every day but only to keep me accountable. I know that the number can change up and down within a week so I only use my Friday number as my true weight for the week. Good for you on completing the marathon this year, that is awesome!!! :cool1:


THis week's COW starts on Sunday 3/29/09 and will run until midnight Thursday 4/2/09. It will be short this week since we just started. It will be an easy COW since we are all just getting restarted.

YOu get 1 point for each day you follow the COW

THis week will start easy

Drink 8 glasses of water (1 point for each day)
Eat 2 servings of veggies (1 point for each day)
East 2 pieces of fruit (1 point for each day)

On Friday send me

XX days drinking water
XX days eating 2 serving of veggies
XX days eating 2 pieces of fruit.

Thanks and enjoy the COW

Thanks for getting them going again. Let's all work hard at having 100% participation on these.:thumbsup2

Went outside this morning and oh what a day! Ran 3.61 miles and it felt so good to move again.
I was pretty happy with my pace-9:43, since I have not been out for a while.

Starting over today since last night was a bust- retaining tons of sodium!Even after my run not much has moved.

I am not too proficient on the computer so I don't even know how to use the quotes thing properly.I hope my posts don't get lost in the shuffle because of that.

Have a sunny day!


What an awesome day you had, good for you on moving and I think the pace was great!! :banana:

Greeting greenies! I am a newbie here--still trying to figure out what all to do--but I am excited to be a part of this. Sorry about being absent from here yesterday--got crazy here.

A bit about me - I'm 45, work as a computer software trainer from home (mostly part time), DH teaches Jr High 'technology' (has what used to be the shop). We live on 10 acres in the middle of nowhere--very peaceful and lots of sagebrush ;) I've always been fat--but have always tried to stay non-couch potato-ish... but this winter I fell and hurt my knee (it popped and went sideways) so I'm just now starting to move around again.
I have over 100 lbs to lose total--but am going for a 10 lb loss in this challenge period. DH is in same boat weight-wise--so am trying to be a good example for us both--since I am mostly in charge of food (I try to keep him from the store or our cupboards fill up with all kinds of good junk--kwim ;) )

Thanks again for letting me join in this group--I am off and on the computer all day--so if anyone needs someone to help in a moment of weakness--let me know--and I'll do all I can to give helpful support :cheer2:

Small goals and baby steps are a great way to go. I'm sure you'll be an inspiration to your hubby as well!!:cheer2:

Hey Green Team!

Sorry I wasn't posting yesterday. I didn't post much on BL7, and I am determined to do better this time. It was my first BL, so I'm still sort of finding my way. I'm also going to work on the COW, which just intimidated me before. With all this focus, how can I not succeed?! :thumbsup2

Here's a little about me -- I'm 40, and I work full-time as a grants professional for a large homeless services agency. We have one ds11, and my dh and I have been married for almost 16 years. I never struggled with my weight as a child, but during grad school it went up and just never stopped. Pregnancy didn't help matters...Anyway, I need to lose about 60 lbs. (I can't believe I just wrote that...Sigh). I had a very unrealistic goal for BL7. This time my goal is 11 lbs. That's still ambitious for me, but I think I can do it if I stick with it for the entire time and don't take weeks off from doing what I should :rolleyes1

I am a voracious reader, and I wog (combination of walk and jog) for exercise, with a little bit of yoga and stationary biking thrown in for variety. I completed the WDW Half Marathon in 2008 & 2009 (Double Donald! :donald:), and I'm registered for 2010. Yes, you can do a half marathon and not look like an Olympian -- or even an athlete in my case :rotfl: The folks at WISH got me started, and I could not be more grateful! I can't imagine what I would weigh now if I wasn't working out most days of the month. The Team Ohana in my siggie is my WISH team in the event thread, we have a very friendly competition with miles and minutes over the year, but it's mostly a great place to talk about your workouts and anything else you'd like. We have quite the literary bent in my Team, some of the others have other things they chat about more -- like nutrition, injuries -- whatever people need or want to share.

Anyway, I'm totally psyched to be here, and I guess I could get with the program and answer the QOTD from yesterday -- QOTD Friday - What are you hoping to take away from this challenge during the next six weeks. This could be a certain amount of weight loss, changes in habits, etc.

I am hoping to lose 11 lbs., get in all my workouts, and maintain a consistently positive attitude, even when the scale does not move as quickly as I would like or expect, or even in the right direction. :goodvibes

It has been great reading the introductions, and I am very happy to be a part of this awesome Green Team!

Maria :upsidedow

Love the positive tone to your post, you can do it!!! :cheer2: WTG on doing the half the past two years and already being registered for this year. That is awesome!! :banana:
Sorry I didn't get back on yesterday to do a QOTD. My stamping class started at 9am and didn't end until 2pm and I never made it back to my computer later in the day.

The sun is finally shining this morning but all is wet and soggy. I'm ready for the sun to stay out and things to dry out a little so we can get back to the track to walk.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. Staying in control of your eating, getting exercise in if it is in your plan and drinking plenty of H2O :drinking1.

Question for the team...would any of you be willing to do the QOTD a week at a time? If so, PM me with a week that would work for you and we'll work up a schedule.

QOTD Sunday - How about a fun one for today...Who is your favorite character to meet/see in the parks?

Mine would have to be Goofy because of the smile it brings to DH's face each time;).
Good morning fellow Greenies,
Busy day yesterday and I didn't get on here. I'm Kathy, 45 yo, single mom to a 7 year old boy and we love disney world. I'm a nurse in an outpatient endoscopy unit, so I have weekends and holidays off for the first time in 24 years and love it. I've been overweight and a yo-yo dieter most of my life, and done ww many times. 3 and a half years ago, I joined ww and lost 40 pounds over 2 years, then did it on my own and gained back 20. I've lost 8 of that, and am working on the rest. I rejoined ww in sept, and this time, I will not stop. I love going to the meetings and find that it really helps me keep on track by weighing in. WW helps keep my portions in check, it's a lifestyle I can live with, and I've learned as I get older, I need to be more active. It's such a snowball effect, if I eat healthy, I move more, feel better, and want to continue.
I know I lose slowly, so my goal for this challenge is to continue to exercise 5 days a week, track all my food which is a huge help, and to get back in to the 180s, which is to lose 5.6 pounds. I also want to post regularly here and give back some of the support I've gotten from the last challenge.

I thought it would be nice to do a little intro so we can all get to know each other a little better. So here is mine. I am a stay at home mom and homeschool our two children (DD-16 and DS-14). I have been married to my wonderful hubby (jimmytammy on the disboards) for almost 19 years. I am a Stampin' Up demonstrator and hold card classes at least once a month. I love to scrapbook, crochet and cross stitch as well. I'm also an avid reader.

I have been on this roller coaster of losing and gaining for too long now. I have lost 39.5 pounds since the end of August 08 and have another 25 that I will lose. I am determined to get to my goal and I will keep it within a 5-7 pound range from then on. I am making lifestyle changes and not just dieting this time around.

Congrats on your loss to date! That's fabulous. A friend of mine did the stamping up parties a while back, and at least 8 years ago, I went to one and bought a bunch of christmas stamps, and red and green ink to make cards, (which I don't do), but every christmas we use the stamps to decorate the envelope of our christmas cards, and the ink is still as good as new. Great stuff. Do they carry Disney stamps too?

I'm really excited to do the BL as a team. BL7 was my first challange. I didn't reach the goal I set, but I did stick with it. A little bit about me....I am 46, I'm an office manager for an autodealership. I really enjoy my job which explains why I've been here for 24 years. My household is my DH, myself and our cat Squat.she got her name cause she adopted us. It seems I have always had struggles with my weight. I'm going into this challange with the goal of adopting a healthy lifestyle. I currently am doing the WW program and have had success with it. I started my current WW journey in Sept of 2006. I did really well and lost 50 lbs, then life happened and between losing my Mom very unexpectly in Aug 07, 2 cruises in 08 (one a 15 day) I have put back on 25 of the 50 lost. But through all this I have never quit WW, and I don't intend to. It has taken me 40+ years to get to where I am, and I have come to realize that only a healthy and active lifestyle is what I need to achive my goal.
Good for sticking with ww through out everything. I have come to realize that I need to continue as well, because even when I'm not losing, I know if I'm going to ww, I will not gain half as much as if I quit.

So, to all of you out there who are on this challenge with me, green and purple team and those of you who are lurking reading this, make things happen, and live the life you know you deserve. Every day is a new begining. So, put down the oreos, get off the couch and let's do this thing.

I love this! You are so right, we all deserve to live and be healthier, and we feel so much better when we do it.

Please welcome your two newest team members BilltM and momof2minnies.

Almost 3 years ago I lost 30 pounds. WHen I went for my yearly physical my bp was not low enough to get off medications and my cholestrol was not down so I had to start on medications. A few months later the nurse at my school found out that I had an irregular heartbeat and I spent some time being tested and being told that I have PVC's. It is an electrical problem that can be fixed by changing just one of my medications. After all this I kind of gave up. I then spent about a year having sinus infections off and on. I am now on 2 nose sprays during the fall and the winter and run a vaporizor in my bedroom at night. Then this past Sept I ended up getting the shingles. That really slowed me down for the last challenge. I still haven't gotten back to working out like I wanted to last Sept.

I am going to have problems with this challenge since I have a bad ankle. I was diagnosed with tendinitis of the ankle (no I have never heard of it before) this past June. It is being caused by a bunion forming. I wake up in the morning in pain so I have no desire to exercise. By the time I come home in the evening I am back in pain and I spend at least a 1/2 hour icing the ankle. I did this every night we were in DW last Aug. SInce I am walking funny sometimes my knee on the other leg gives out,. Yes I am quite a site.

I feel that I need to do this so that I can have surgery on the bunion this summer and not get any heavier since I will not have much mobility for a few weeks.

It should be fun getting to know you all. I know this was long so thanks for reading. HAve a great day everyone.
Dona, your ankle sounds so awful, and it must be very draining on you. It's been a rough year, but hopefully this will be better, and you be a big loser this time. You can do it!!
Now, about that puppy, will he be yours from now on, or will your son take him when he moves back out? Puppies are so much work, but they are so cute.

Good Morning Everyone,
I am a 43 yr old mom of 2 teenage girls-17 and 14.Wife of DH for almost 20 yrs.I am the Disney nut, they think I am nuts!

Fall of 2007 I lost 20-25 lbs before starting a new job.I was running almost everyday, I felt great.

This past winter trained and did the full marathon at WDW and from that put back on most of that weight, with long runs and the dreary winter comfort food went down easy.

Two teenage girls must be fun! Congrats on doing a marathon!!! That is awesome!

Greeting greenies! I am a newbie here--still trying to figure out what all to do--but I am excited to be a part of this. Sorry about being absent from here yesterday--got crazy here.

A bit about me - I'm 45, work as a computer software trainer from home (mostly part time), DH teaches Jr High 'technology' (has what used to be the shop). We live on 10 acres in the middle of nowhere--very peaceful and lots of sagebrush ;) I've always been fat--but have always tried to stay non-couch potato-ish... but this winter I fell and hurt my knee (it popped and went sideways) so I'm just now starting to move around again.
I have over 100 lbs to lose total--but am going for a 10 lb loss in this challenge period. DH is in same boat weight-wise--so am trying to be a good example for us both--since I am mostly in charge of food (I try to keep him from the store or our cupboards fill up with all kinds of good junk--kwim ;) )

Thanks again for letting me join in this group--I am off and on the computer all day--so if anyone needs someone to help in a moment of weakness--let me know--and I'll do all I can to give helpful support :cheer2:
Welcome! This is going to be a great challenge, and together we all will be successful. Love your screen name, makes me smile.

Hey Green Team!

I am a voracious reader, and I wog (combination of walk and jog) for exercise, with a little bit of yoga and stationary biking thrown in for variety. I completed the WDW Half Marathon in 2008 & 2009 (Double Donald! :donald:), and I'm registered for 2010. Yes, you can do a half marathon and not look like an Olympian -- or even an athlete in my case :rotfl: The folks at WISH got me started, and I could not be more grateful! I can't imagine what I would weigh now if I wasn't working out most days of the month. The Team Ohana in my siggie is my WISH team in the event thread, we have a very friendly competition with miles and minutes over the year, but it's mostly a great place to talk about your workouts and anything else you'd like. We have quite the literary bent in my Team, some of the others have other things they chat about more -- like nutrition, injuries -- whatever people need or want to share.

Anyway, I'm totally psyched to be here, and I guess I could get with the program and answer the QOTD from yesterday -- QOTD Friday - What are you hoping to take away from this challenge during the next six weeks. This could be a certain amount of weight loss, changes in habits, etc.

I am hoping to lose 11 lbs., get in all my workouts, and maintain a consistently positive attitude, even when the scale does not move as quickly as I would like or expect, or even in the right direction. :goodvibes

It has been great reading the introductions, and I am very happy to be a part of this awesome Green Team!

Maria :upsidedow
Congrats on doing the half marathons! I never liked running, and can't even imagine it, but you marathoners here have me thinking anything is possible.

I went out to a country dance reunion last night, and danced all night and it felt great. Before i had my son, I was hooked on country dancing, and for a time was going 4 nights a week, and it was awesome exercise. I don't get out too much at night, but they have this dance every spring, and it's a lot of fun. My son slept at my brothers house, and on the way home this morning, he asked, when can i have another sleepover, so maybe I should plan to get out more often.
It's great to meet everyone, and hope you're all having a great on track weekend.
The sun is finally shining this morning but all is wet and soggy. I'm ready for the sun to stay out and things to dry out a little so we can get back to the track to walk.

Question for the team...would any of you be willing to do the QOTD a week at a time? If so, PM me with a week that would work for you and we'll work up a schedule.

QOTD Sunday - How about a fun one for today...Who is your favorite character to meet/see in the parks?

Mine would have to be Goofy because of the smile it brings to DH's face each time;).
Glad the sun is out there, we're getting that rain now.

QOTD- my favorites are Chip and Dale. They were the first characters my son met on our first trip into MK, and I'll never forget the amazing smile on his face, and how thrilled he was as they were tickling his head, and playing around with him. This past trip, he had made a tshirt with chip and dale on it, and he wore it several day we were there in hopes to show them, and finally on our last day we met them at epcot, and they made him feel so special and he was just beaming. He's 7, and even though he's so quick to say that the characters are "just people in costumes", the minute he see one, they are so real again.
:goodvibes Hi Teammies!

Dona- thanks for putting the COW in the team thread, i think that will help me a great deal.

thanks for all the intros and :welcome: to our new teammates :cheer2:

my name is Molli, i'm mostly a SAHM with 2 DDS ages 16 and 12. couple years ago I went back to work 'per diem' meaning a fill in for vacations, sick days, etc at a small medical office, I'm an x-ray tech. I love scrapbooking and reading, and as a fam we watch movies alot. I'm looking forward to getting dirty in my flower beds as spring approaced :flower3:

I joined WISH back in 2003 while on my first trip with WW. i did really well, lost almost 25 lbs and kept it off a good year or so. then over the next couple years I slowly gained and yo-yo'ed until i was back up at my high over the holidays 2 years ago. I've just been making the right choices, exercising, mainly doing what I know i need to do. I have tinkered with counting pts again just for a change, but i gotta find my palm charger :rolleyes: my goal for this 6 wks is to be a consistent 140. that is only 4-5 lbs from where i sit today, but we are going on a long weekend in Washington DC in a week, so i'm accounting for that too. For exercise i like to call it powerwalking. i have been powerwalking 1/2 marathons since my first, WDW 2005. Also went back for the 1/2 in 2007 and that was the crazy hot year. I seen Anne has joined us, remember that crazy hot??!! no one could forget

QOTD -- right now Mater definately makes me smile everytime i see him. and i know he's just a 'thing' but he's sooo darn cute. I'm looking forward to going to 1900 Park Fare char. breakfast in Aug b/c I love Mary Poppins movie. I do have a pic with her from a recent trip. they all really do make me smile, but the pixar guys i just :love:

well i should go take my walk for the day ----
Good morning! Well - the challenge is working already--am actually thinking about what I am eating for breakfast instead of the usual grab and go ;) :banana:

Love this QOTD--and my answer used to be Mickey-he's been my favorite forever. But a few years ago I went to Dland with a dear friend of mine and she actually has an autograph book for the good CMs that add to their magic. And ever since those have been my favorites to meet as well--those CMs that go the extra mile to add to the magic. Example - during our Magical Gathering in Sept 2008 we were waiting for the parade in AK and one of the pre-parade guys stood there for 10 minutes and talked to my nephew about the different hidden mickeys and about being in the college program (DN is only 10 but is already working that into his 'plans'). It was great--other families were there waiting too--but he really added to our magic that day--I don't remember his name now--but we turned him in for positive stuff when we were there.

And after reading the posts on here so far--I bet that most of you would be on that list too--adding to the magic that others feel in the parks (and in life!!!)

Have a great blessed day!! Good luck with your COWs :thumbsup2
:) Liz :cheer2:
Ok, so I am still new to this but I think that COW- is this to mean challenge of the week? I am so proud of me, because I have alredy been doing this!!

The QOTD for Friday- I am not going to set or assign any type of number to my goals- I learned the last time around that the progress in my spirit, body and mind is much more important to me than the number on my scale. So, I am hoping to feel better about me, fit my clothes better and build my endurance during walks and exercise.

The QOTD for Sunday- My fave character is Jiminy Cricket. He is just so darn cute, plus you just gotta love his endearing spirit and positive message...Always let your conscience be your guide.... so true. Although, I haven't seen him in the parks since October 2004 in Epcot.
Good SUnday afternoon

It looks like it is going to rain again here in jersey. I have been to church and grocery shopping. I took ds2 back to school yesterday. I was going to take a ride and buy myself a new sewing machine today but I don't feel like taking a drive so maybe I will do it on Tuesday after school. I have to go to a dinner tonight to celebrate the end of the local school play. I am going by myself and meet up with a couple of other moms. The nice thing is that after they give out all the things at the end I can leave and don't have to stay until the dancing ends like in the past. They are having a buffet but I should be able to fill up my plate with some nice salads.

QOTD Sunday - How about a fun one for today...Who is your favorite character to meet/see in the parks?

It would have to be either CHip and Dale who I met in 1964 at the NY Worlds Fair, Cruella who I adore or Captain Hook who I had a run in with on my honeymoon.
Welcome to all those people who have checking since I checked in yesterday morning..

Thanks for all the kind words about my ankle. It was feeling great until a month ago. I was even thinking I could put off the surgery for another year. Then about a month ago I could barely stand on it so it told me not to put it off. I am still walking but also trying to get more yoga and things into my exercise package. I do occasionally get on my exercise bike .

mikamah The puppy is supposed to be my son's but at this rate he is only going to able to rent an apartment since he just got out of school. Dh loves the dog and when she leaves he will be very lonely. We have alwasy had dogs until 2 years ago when we had to have our dog put down due to illness. We do like this one but ds wants this one to be an indoor dog and this is something we have never had before. We are adjusting.

Don't forget that the challenge of the week (COW) starts today. I started everyone out easy this week. This one will only run until Thursday when I put up some new parts to the challenge. I know that by doing the challenge it did keep me more on track.

Well off to find something to wear tonight. I would love to just curl up and not go out tonight but I have to. Have a great evening everyone.
Time for me to jump in here. Lately I don't get to the computer at home as much but I'm okay with that as long as I'm doing something constructive/positive. I work for a small (family owned) manfacturing company in Marlborough MA (or just Marlboro if you prefer). I'm the Finance department so I'm at a desk for most of the day.

I've been mostly a Unplugged/Podcast poster but I'm expanding my horizons here on the W.I.S.H.

My goal is to get back to my healthy weight, increase my walking/jogging/biking time, and keep myself within 5/10 lbs of my target weight at any given time. Also, I'd like to try the Disney 1/2 marathon but I'm okay with the 3k as well. I like the prospect of keep a 16 minute pace whether crawling/walking/rolling/running.

For the next six weeks I'm looking at dropping ~20 lbs. I've set 10 lbs lost as the point to will start working into the jogging mode. Currently I'm walking about 4 miles on the weekend. I want to expand to more weekday walking.

Yesterday (Saturday) I walked about 5 miles and found the track at the middle school in town has a nice rubbery cushion surface ... so I went around for about a mile. Nothing outdoors today since it is pouring rain!!

Looks like I need to work on the vegetables for the challenge. I usually drink about 2+ quarts of water per day (increasing my bathroom visits), I have banana's and blueberries with cereal and yogurt in the a.m. Maybe some cantalope (sp?) in the afternoon.

I'll add more as I think of things to post!

Disney related. I haven't been since 2000. I've attended Disney conventions on a couple occasions. Looking to get back to the World asap (please send money!).

Any of the FAB 5 are characters I like to see ... or any character depending on the setting.

Rain, rain go away...yep, it's pouring. This morning I did 2 mi on the TM and 40 min on the bike before church. I'm pleased to say it was my last day of teaching Sunday School (we teach in 4 quarters over the year), so I won't have to plan lessons for another year. I teach 1st - 3rd grade. I do enjoy it, but after 10 Sundays, I'm ready for a break.

DH and I just took ds and two friends to see "Monsters vs. Aliens". It was cute. Very Pixar. I held myself to a package of milk duds, which is good for me.

QOTD -- My favorite character to meet in the parks is Stitch. He's playful and mischievous, and since I'm not often in the parks without ds, it's great to see them interact. Stitch is ds's favorite character. My favorite character to see in the parks is Belle because I love her, but I don't go up to her because I would feel a bit silly, and ds would be mortified :scared1::lmao:

Ok, now I have to get ready for the next week, everyone have an awesome evening!

Maria :upsidedow
Let's Go Green Team!!!

I thought it would be nice to do a little intro so we can all get to know each other a little better. So here is mine. I am a stay at home mom and homeschool our two children (DD-16 and DS-14). I have been married to my wonderful hubby (jimmytammy on the disboards) for almost 19 years. I am a Stampin' Up demonstrator and hold card classes at least once a month. I love to scrapbook, crochet and cross stitch as well. I'm also an avid reader.

I have been on this roller coaster of losing and gaining for too long now. I have lost 39.5 pounds since the end of August 08 and have another 25 that I will lose. I am determined to get to my goal and I will keep it within a 5-7 pound range from then on. I am making lifestyle changes and not just dieting this time around.

QOTD Friday - What are you hoping to take away from this challenge during the next six weeks. This could be a certain amount of weight loss, changes in habits, etc.

My goal is that I will continue to have a steady loss, I would be happy if I lost 10 pounds during this challenge. I am also going to be working hard at getting back to a routine in our walking and on the days that I can't get outside to walk, I will do the Wii Fit or some other form of exercise.

Have a great day everyone, I will try to get back on later today but I have a class that I'm having tonight and in the morning that I need to finish getting ready for, so it may be later tomorrow before I get a chance to get back on.

Hello everyone. I am happy to be part of the Green Team too.

I am hoping to take the second part of this challenge to the next step.

For the first part, I just wanted consistency and accountability and, for the most part, I got it.

My weight stayed pretty much the same but I was much more consistent with weigh ins and check ins and kept off the 32 pounds previously lost.

So now, I am going to step it up a bit. I am going to see if I can get the 24 pounds off to my next goal.

This challenge lasts 6 weeks and it is about that to my next race. On May 17th I do a 5 k here in Halifax and I am hoping to ramp up the speed and do a PR.

I would like that weight off.

I also have a target outfit, my team jacket. Lets see if I can get that to fit or nearly fit.

I will also try to participate in COW each week and continue the consistency and accountability I had in the first part of the challenge.

Rock on Team Green!:cheer2:


Sorry I didn't get back on yesterday to do a QOTD.
QOTD Sunday - How about a fun one for today...Who is your favorite character to meet/see in the parks?

Mine would have to be Goofy because of the smile it brings to DH's face each time;).

Mickey Mouse and Tigger, but I love em all and look forward to seeing them when I return to WDW in January.

I am going again marathon weekend with Team Arthritis. I am officially doing the 5k, but am also registered for the half and may try that again.

I tried before in 2006, but got swept early. Since then I have done quite a few smaller races.

I have well over 100 lbs to lose but love to walk.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, its over now isn't it? Dang!:sad1:

Oh well - have a magical losing week folks. I will try to be better at posting - must admit I found the big thread a little overwhelming, that's another goal of this challenge, participate more in the QOTD


This is your weightkeeper speaking:

Please give a big green team welcome to your three newest members: BibbidyBobbidyBoo, kayc86, and NancyK.

The following green team members have sent me weights. Of you do not see your name I do not have a weight for you. Please PM me your weight asap. Do not make me come after you. ;)

Lucky's Mom
I have been moved to the Purple Team -- so I'll be posting over there -- but I'm sure I will see you all later. Good Luck, Green Team, I know you can do it!

Congrats on your loss to date! That's fabulous. A friend of mine did the stamping up parties a while back, and at least 8 years ago, I went to one and bought a bunch of christmas stamps, and red and green ink to make cards, (which I don't do), but every christmas we use the stamps to decorate the envelope of our christmas cards, and the ink is still as good as new. Great stuff. Do they carry Disney stamps too?

No Disney stamps as of yet. I never thought I'd see Creative Memories having Disney items but they are bringing out some neat stuff.

Glad to hear you had so much fun at the dance!!:banana:

Good morning! Well - the challenge is working already--am actually thinking about what I am eating for breakfast instead of the usual grab and go ;) :banana:

Love this QOTD--and my answer used to be Mickey-he's been my favorite forever. But a few years ago I went to Dland with a dear friend of mine and she actually has an autograph book for the good CMs that add to their magic. And ever since those have been my favorites to meet as well--those CMs that go the extra mile to add to the magic. Example - during our Magical Gathering in Sept 2008 we were waiting for the parade in AK and one of the pre-parade guys stood there for 10 minutes and talked to my nephew about the different hidden mickeys and about being in the college program (DN is only 10 but is already working that into his 'plans'). It was great--other families were there waiting too--but he really added to our magic that day--I don't remember his name now--but we turned him in for positive stuff when we were there.Liz :cheer2:

Good for you on being more aware of what you were eating yesterday. Every little step will add up to great losses!! :cool1:

Ok, so I am still new to this but I think that COW- is this to mean challenge of the week? I am so proud of me, because I have alredy been doing this!!

The QOTD for Friday- I am not going to set or assign any type of number to my goals- I learned the last time around that the progress in my spirit, body and mind is much more important to me than the number on my scale. So, I am hoping to feel better about me, fit my clothes better and build my endurance during walks and exercise.

The QOTD for Sunday- My fave character is Jiminy Cricket. He is just so darn cute, plus you just gotta love his endearing spirit and positive message...Always let your conscience be your guide.... so true. Although, I haven't seen him in the parks since October 2004 in Epcot.

Yes, COW does mean the Challenge of the Week. This one is a short week and we'll get to add to it next week. We saw Mr. Cricket that year too and haven't seen him since, my DH was so excited when he saw him;).

Your challenge goal sounds like a great one. Sometimes those scales can cause more stress than they are worth. Good for you on knowing what you need to do for yourself.:yay:

Good SUnday afternoon

It looks like it is going to rain again here in jersey. I have been to church and grocery shopping. I took ds2 back to school yesterday. I was going to take a ride and buy myself a new sewing machine today but I don't feel like taking a drive so maybe I will do it on Tuesday after school. I have to go to a dinner tonight to celebrate the end of the local school play. I am going by myself and meet up with a couple of other moms. The nice thing is that after they give out all the things at the end I can leave and don't have to stay until the dancing ends like in the past. They are having a buffet but I should be able to fill up my plate with some nice salads.

QOTD Sunday - How about a fun one for today...Who is your favorite character to meet/see in the parks?

It would have to be either CHip and Dale who I met in 1964 at the NY Worlds Fair, Cruella who I adore or Captain Hook who I had a run in with on my honeymoon.
Welcome to all those people who have checking since I checked in yesterday morning..

Thanks for all the kind words about my ankle. It was feeling great until a month ago. I was even thinking I could put off the surgery for another year. Then about a month ago I could barely stand on it so it told me not to put it off. I am still walking but also trying to get more yoga and things into my exercise package. I do occasionally get on my exercise bike .

mikamah The puppy is supposed to be my son's but at this rate he is only going to able to rent an apartment since he just got out of school. Dh loves the dog and when she leaves he will be very lonely. We have alwasy had dogs until 2 years ago when we had to have our dog put down due to illness. We do like this one but ds wants this one to be an indoor dog and this is something we have never had before. We are adjusting.

Don't forget that the challenge of the week (COW) starts today. I started everyone out easy this week. This one will only run until Thursday when I put up some new parts to the challenge. I know that by doing the challenge it did keep me more on track.

Well off to find something to wear tonight. I would love to just curl up and not go out tonight but I have to. Have a great evening everyone.

Hope you had fun at your dinner celebration and was able to get those fresh salads. I am sorry to hear that your ankle is giving you so much trouble. I bet once you get it taken care of, you'll be like new again. :cheer2:

:goodvibes Hi Teammies!

Dona- thanks for putting the COW in the team thread, i think that will help me a great deal.

thanks for all the intros and :welcome: to our new teammates :cheer2:

my name is Molli, i'm mostly a SAHM with 2 DDS ages 16 and 12. couple years ago I went back to work 'per diem' meaning a fill in for vacations, sick days, etc at a small medical office, I'm an x-ray tech. I love scrapbooking and reading, and as a fam we watch movies alot. I'm looking forward to getting dirty in my flower beds as spring approaced :flower3:

I joined WISH back in 2003 while on my first trip with WW. i did really well, lost almost 25 lbs and kept it off a good year or so. then over the next couple years I slowly gained and yo-yo'ed until i was back up at my high over the holidays 2 years ago. I've just been making the right choices, exercising, mainly doing what I know i need to do. I have tinkered with counting pts again just for a change, but i gotta find my palm charger :rolleyes: my goal for this 6 wks is to be a consistent 140. that is only 4-5 lbs from where i sit today, but we are going on a long weekend in Washington DC in a week, so i'm accounting for that too. For exercise i like to call it powerwalking. i have been powerwalking 1/2 marathons since my first, WDW 2005. Also went back for the 1/2 in 2007 and that was the crazy hot year. I seen Anne has joined us, remember that crazy hot??!! no one could forget

QOTD -- right now Mater definately makes me smile everytime i see him. and i know he's just a 'thing' but he's sooo darn cute. I'm looking forward to going to 1900 Park Fare char. breakfast in Aug b/c I love Mary Poppins movie. I do have a pic with her from a recent trip. they all really do make me smile, but the pixar guys i just :love:

well i should go take my walk for the day ----

How'd that walk go yesterday?? Hope your weather was nice. I'm too ready to get outside and do some work around the house.:thumbsup2
Time for me to jump in here. Lately I don't get to the computer at home as much but I'm okay with that as long as I'm doing something constructive/positive. I work for a small (family owned) manfacturing company in Marlborough MA (or just Marlboro if you prefer). I'm the Finance department so I'm at a desk for most of the day.

I've been mostly a Unplugged/Podcast poster but I'm expanding my horizons here on the W.I.S.H.

My goal is to get back to my healthy weight, increase my walking/jogging/biking time, and keep myself within 5/10 lbs of my target weight at any given time. Also, I'd like to try the Disney 1/2 marathon but I'm okay with the 3k as well. I like the prospect of keep a 16 minute pace whether crawling/walking/rolling/running.

For the next six weeks I'm looking at dropping ~20 lbs. I've set 10 lbs lost as the point to will start working into the jogging mode. Currently I'm walking about 4 miles on the weekend. I want to expand to more weekday walking.

Yesterday (Saturday) I walked about 5 miles and found the track at the middle school in town has a nice rubbery cushion surface ... so I went around for about a mile. Nothing outdoors today since it is pouring rain!!

Looks like I need to work on the vegetables for the challenge. I usually drink about 2+ quarts of water per day (increasing my bathroom visits), I have banana's and blueberries with cereal and yogurt in the a.m. Maybe some cantalope (sp?) in the afternoon.

I'll add more as I think of things to post!

Disney related. I haven't been since 2000. I've attended Disney conventions on a couple occasions. Looking to get back to the World asap (please send money!).

Any of the FAB 5 are characters I like to see ... or any character depending on the setting.


Glad you are with us on the green team. You have some great goals and I know you can accomplish all of them!! :cheer2:

Rain, rain go away...yep, it's pouring. This morning I did 2 mi on the TM and 40 min on the bike before church. I'm pleased to say it was my last day of teaching Sunday School (we teach in 4 quarters over the year), so I won't have to plan lessons for another year. I teach 1st - 3rd grade. I do enjoy it, but after 10 Sundays, I'm ready for a break.

DH and I just took ds and two friends to see "Monsters vs. Aliens". It was cute. Very Pixar. I held myself to a package of milk duds, which is good for me.

QOTD -- My favorite character to meet in the parks is Stitch. He's playful and mischievous, and since I'm not often in the parks without ds, it's great to see them interact. Stitch is ds's favorite character. My favorite character to see in the parks is Belle because I love her, but I don't go up to her because I would feel a bit silly, and ds would be mortified :scared1::lmao:

Ok, now I have to get ready for the next week, everyone have an awesome evening!

Maria :upsidedow

WTG on getting your exercise in early yesterday. The movies do have lots of temptations there, good for you on keeping it in control.

Hello everyone. I am happy to be part of the Green Team too.

I am hoping to take the second part of this challenge to the next step.

For the first part, I just wanted consistency and accountability and, for the most part, I got it.

My weight stayed pretty much the same but I was much more consistent with weigh ins and check ins and kept off the 32 pounds previously lost.

So now, I am going to step it up a bit. I am going to see if I can get the 24 pounds off to my next goal.

This challenge lasts 6 weeks and it is about that to my next race. On May 17th I do a 5 k here in Halifax and I am hoping to ramp up the speed and do a PR.

I would like that weight off.

I also have a target outfit, my team jacket. Lets see if I can get that to fit or nearly fit.

I will also try to participate in COW each week and continue the consistency and accountability I had in the first part of the challenge.

Rock on Team Green!:cheer2:



Great job on the loss so far, it sounds like you have some great goals for this round and I'll bet if you work hard, you'll get into that team jacket before your race.:cool1::cool1:

Mickey Mouse and Tigger, but I love em all and look forward to seeing them when I return to WDW in January.

I am going again marathon weekend with Team Arthritis. I am officially doing the 5k, but am also registered for the half and may try that again.

I tried before in 2006, but got swept early. Since then I have done quite a few smaller races.

I have well over 100 lbs to lose but love to walk.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, its over now isn't it? Dang!:sad1:

Oh well - have a magical losing week folks. I will try to be better at posting - must admit I found the big thread a little overwhelming, that's another goal of this challenge, participate more in the QOTD



Loving to walk...that has such a nice sound to it. Isn't it nice to enjoy something that is good for you?? Since you are already registered for the 1/2, 2010 will be your year. You can do it!!:cheer2: All of your smaller races are just preparing you for the 1/2.

This is your weightkeeper speaking:

Please give a big green team welcome to your three newest members: BibbidyBobbidyBoo, kayc86, and NancyK.

The following green team members have sent me weights. Of you do not see your name I do not have a weight for you. Please PM me your weight asap. Do not make me come after you. ;)

Lucky's Mom

Welcome to our newest members:welcome: Glad to have you on the green team, jump right on in with your introduction.

I have been moved to the Purple Team -- so I'll be posting over there -- but I'm sure I will see you all later. Good Luck, Green Team, I know you can do it!


Sorry to see you leave us but I know you will have a great challenge over with the purple team.
Good morning team - I hope you all had a great weekend. I think I've gotten caught up on the posts. Once I stepped away from the computer yesterday morning, I didn't come back to it. I enjoyed spending the afternoon with DH watching a recorded Braves game from Disney (sadly they didn't win) and then enjoying watching my Tarheels advance to the final four. Not alot of moving yesterday besides my arms while stitching and cheering so I need to do some extra today.

How is everyone doing with the COW so far? Make sure to try and get your fruits and veggies in along with your water. I know for me, the water and veggies aren't the problem. I don't tend to eat enough fruit. I did pick up some blueberries and strawberries at the store yesterday so I'm on track so far.

QOTD Monday - What is your favorite breakfast food??

I am not a breakfast type person so I have to work on that everyday!! I have found that I like Nature's Path Organic Flax Plus Pumpkin Raisin Crunch cereal.

I'm off to start the day. Let's have a great start to the week, stay on track with your plan for the week and our WI's will be great!!:cheer2::cheer2:
morning all -- I did get a walk on the TM in yesterday morning, but procrastinated and only had time for 1/2 hour, so today is my 60 mins one

i now have my PDA charged and running and am going to give counting pts a shot again --

QOTD - cereal, most Kashi cereals and raisin bran


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