Biggest Loser--SUMMER 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!

we are doing meatless monday too. ravioli with peas and shallots with a little lemon zest. just have to watch my portion (but i don't wanna!)

[please oh please tell me how you make your couscous salad. i am looking for non-hot things to eat during the summer and i come up with pb&j.

Not sure if you are interested or not, but my couscous salad recipe is over on the BL dinner thread!

ann is really a sweet woman. she works really hard at weight watchers. her quotes are always funny too. my uncle michael (who writes for family circle magazine. next time you're shopping, pick up the mag and flip to the food section. michael tyrrell always has some article in there) always posts about the food that he's making/eating and every once in a while ann will comment "23 points" or something. lol!

Famous food people! One is famous for eating and writing about it... the other is Disboard famous for NOT eating it!


this morning i ran 3 miles and then walked another two. i had an herbalife shake with frozen fruit and it was delish. lunch was a nice big salad along with a serving of morningstar corn dogs. i was craving them. heh. after nap we went to the pool club and hung there for a couple hours. thomas has an ice pop that turned his hands blue. i had a few french fries and some pretzels. usually i get to the club and get chicken tenders and fries and an ice cream and so i consider the few fries a little victory.

i hear the water boiling! time to make dinner!

oh, and hey, while you're DISing...go have a glass of water. that means YOU!!!! :)

Thanks for the water reminder. THat is where I drop the ball when I'm not working.

Well, I had day 1 of job training today, so I had to plan lunch in advance. I had one bowl of cereal for breakfast. For lunch I had a roast beef sandwich, cucumbers, blueberries, yogurt. I stopped on the way home for a McFlurry from McDonald's because I just really wanted one, and I know it's better to eat what I want then not, and then end up binging later. I came home and Mom made a reduced fat chicken pot pie for dinner, and I had a bit of applesauce as well.

I noticed they have snack size McFlurry's now too. And nice job planning your lunch ahead!

Splash & Big Thunder, because they are just great rides. Test Track, because it's the first thrill ride I ever got Mom to go on. Soarin' and Tower of Terror because they are my favorites. And the American Adventure because it makes me teary every time.

Me too! The family just doesn't get it though.

Well, apart from my eating already listed, really all I did was sit in training for 7 hours today. The room was freezing-definitely bringing a sweatshirt tomorrow. By the time I left my butt hurt from sitting for so long and now I'm itching to exercise, so going to do that in a bit. But first I need to do some GRE stuff, and after running I have to watch some short videos for the online class I'm taking. Didn't have time to do much more than skim just now, but I'm hoping everyone else's days were good as well!

AT least when you are cold you are burning extra calories!!:laughing:

The pasta salad that I made over the week-end is really easy-peasy and cold. Chop up a red bell pepper and a couple of stalks of broccoli. Boil up some pasta -- I use rotini. Put the bell pepper and broccoli in for the last three minutes of cooking the pasta. Rinse the pasta and vegetables under cold water and drain well. Toss with some chopped up italian salami and diced mozzarella cheese (you could use string cheese but it's not as good as the ball kind of mozzarella). Serve with Kraft Fat-Free Italian dressing and parmesan cheese. We usually just fix individual servings because if you toss it with the dressing it gets absorbed and you have to add more dressing with the left overs.

Good idea with the dressing. I find the same problem when I make pasta salad and potato salad.... by day two the dressing is all "gone" and I need to add more.

Our weekend of camping had some good and bad points.

We were driving up with some friends. we thought that we were leaving at 1 but they called and we didn't leave until 2:15 and at that we had to go back to their house for something before we hit the road.

We got to the camp and unloaded our gear and set up our cots and chairs. We used the tents that the scouts will use next week. They were set up the first week in June.

We had gotten a call before we left that we could not go tubing. With all the rain and snow melt this season the river was running very fast. A normal 3 hour trip would only take 1 hour. So no one was tubing. they were letting people raft but they were very cautious about that. I did not want to do that. I can swim but I prefer lakes and pools. I was afraid of water until I was about 10 and I still have a very big fear. I have never rafted and I didn't want to start this past weekend. Besides the water was COLD. I hate cold water.

We had dinner at a little place that my dh and his friend go to every year. I had a great grilled veggie panini but it was too big and I took some of the bread off and just ate the veggies. Then we met up with some other people who had also come up for the weekend. Dh had a beer and chocolate cake. I had 2 bites of it but that was all since I thought it was too dry.

I had a great night sleep and we got up almost at 7. All meals were included in our reservation because the kids were starting to come up to get the camp ready for summer camp. It was really nice that they had fresh fruit for every meal. I missed the make your omlet on Sat and had pancakes. For lunch they had sandwiches but also some hot dishes, one of which was grilled veggies.

After breakfast dh and I went for a hike around the lake. It was little bit more than I wanted to do but I made it. Dh stepped in one spot and almost lost both his sandles. He got them back and had to wash them off before he proceeded on the rest of the hike. We got back to the campsite (which was uphill and I layed down for a few minutes and next thing I knew it was 45 mnutes later.

After lunch we went to Bushkill Falls. It is called the Niagra of PA. I have been there before. We did one of the shorter hikes but it was beautiful. Since they had so much water the falls were beautiful. SO much water rushing down. If I get a chance I will post a couple of pictures.

We got back in time for dinner. They had prime rib and I added a salad. We skipped dessert since we had ice cream as a snack at the falls.

After dinner we went back to the campsite and I knitted while a couple of other people read. We had a campfire and I only had one smore.

Yesterday was another story. we packed up before breakfast (old boy scout habit that dh has). We left soon after breakfast (scrambled eggs and fruit). Our friends were driving. They wanted to go to their cabin in NY state because friends of theirs were up there and told them that the porch had some problems. Our friends are going up in two weeks to fix it so they wanted to stop and see what they needed to bring up. we thought we were only going for a quick stop. My gf started walking the property. We were there for an hour. After we left there we had to stop for lunch sinceit was now 12. We never got home until 4. It was along time in the car.

I did a lot of walking, especially up hill and a lot of steps at the falls so I was very stiff yesterday. I am feeling better today but I was very sore yesterday.

We had a good time but we decided that I am not going with our friends in 2 weeks to work on their cabin. We thought it would be good to keep her our of the guys hair but we found out another couple were going up so it was getting too crowded. Dh may go up but I think he is still thinking about it.

We had a great time and got to know some scouters that we never knew before. I will do this again next year. It was nice not to have to cook.

Thanks for letting me ramble.

Have a nice evening.

Sounds like a fun weekend overall.... especially the not cooking! Sorry you had to miss out on tubing, but chances are even if the water wasn't running so fast, it still would have been fairly chilly.

I certainly don't mind you rambling..... as a rule I don't find you to be a useless rambler (unlike myself at times ;) ), so when you start "talking" I pay attention!!

Well, I kinda sorta planned my meal. lol. I knew what I wanted for breakfast, I just didn't know how lunch was gonna go- I started a new job this morning and wasn't sure where I was going to eat lunch, what they were gonna have, etc. But it ended up they had some YUMMY sushi with tuna and shrimp. So I had that and some water. And I stayed OP for the rest of the day too!

MMMM... sushi. That is a nice lunch for the company to provide! And nice job staying OP all day!

I am exhausted from today! I couldn't sleep well at all last night because of how early I had to go to bed, and got up way earlier than normal this morning. And I get to do it again all this week, lol! Tomorrow and Wednesday I go back into downtown Charlotte, then Thursday and Friday I go to my home hospital and f\really get into the nitty-gritty. It's so exciting!

Sounds like a great week! Enjoy it.

Evening all,

Rough start to the evening. My sister came over and said something my mother didn't like, "You hurt so because you have cancer!" I'm going to have to tell her to stop saying that! The fentanyl patch was wearing off so she needed htat and she wanted to drink her wine before having a pain pill so she waited too long. She's getting comfortable now. I threatened her with an anxiety pill if she didn't calm down. I just put on Meet the Parents for them to watch and hopefully laugh during.

Had a strawberry daiquiri this afternoon. We had spaghetti and meatballs for supper. I'm afraid it's going to be a long night!

Just got off the phone with Brian and the girls and now I want to cry I miss them so much! Trying to find things without me there is driving me crazy! They can't find Ash's library card or the summer reading program forms. They want to go to the library for awhile tomorrow.

Well, I'm going to go watch the movie with my parents for awhile. I hope to finish listening to the podcasts sometime tonight.

Looking forward to meeting Shawn and her DH sometime Saturday for coffee/tea I hope!


Oh my............:hug: Sorry they are having troubles at home. THat makes it so much tougher to be away.

I have to apologize. I went MIA for no real reason. I wasn't even that busy. Wait a minute. Am I really talking about myself?

This morning started out with a nice vertigo spell. I was quite taken off guard. I hadn't had one in so long-well, at least a few weeks. But, that is great for me. No meds needed and all I had to do was call my "temp" doctor and have his secretary leave a note in my chart for when my real doctor returns from maternity leave. The episode was longer than usual, though, but once it stopped, I was good to go for the day.

Glad you were good to go once the episode ended.

Today was not at all OP. I overate, got sick x2, and was told I had to eat dinner even though I wasn't at all hungry. I did do 7+ miles on the recumbent bike, so there's hope.

And, P, if my memory serves me correctly, those "khakis" you are wondering about are my "car keys." I used to live on the NH seacoast. I get some weird looks when I speak and forget all my /r/.

Yup.... we drop 'em where they are needed and add them where they are not!!Have a great day tomorrow everyone!

One more thing...I have only received 3 HH reports. 1 point is great!

I had hoped to find time to really check in tonight, but Hunter had an earache when I got home. I was able to get him an appointment to see the doctor. He has an ear infection. We then ran to watch DH and oldest son play LAX. Got there just after oldest took a ball to the jewels. He was wearing a cup, but it still hurt. He's icing the area now
I need to get to bed as work again early.

Or as my DS calls them.... the "kiwis"! :rotfl:

Sorry about the earache. Always something, isn't it.

Pamela, I do not want you to think that I was angry with you for what you said. I understand being blunt trust me! I understand you are only trying to help and I appreciate that. That being said, I will probably still treat myself to the occasional hot dog! I did make low fat carrot pumpkin muffins last night instead of cupcakes so baby steps!

I'm SO glad you aren't angry. But I wouldn't blame you if you were. I went back and re-read my post and I was a little over the top. This is all about finding the RIGHT BALANCE with your eating.... indulging in some things and reducing others. And each person is going to have something that they feel is worth the points/calories that someone else doesn't care about. Obviously the mac and dogs were something that you crave that I don't care about. So finding a way to manage that craving is a good idea.

Lowfat carrot pumpkin muffins..... MMMM! I don't make pumpkin bread/muffins very often any more since DS is very allergic to pumpkin. But I do love it. Try adding crushed pineapple sometime (with the carrot and pumpkin).... very delicious!

Yes I'm def saving it as a treat. And I never have buns or if i do its probably two bites and the rest go to the dogs. (Having dogs makes me eat less haha!) I don't know what it is but I just get these CRAVINGS for hot dogs! Especially if I see sauerkraut!

We eat sauerkraut just once a year. When we are with my Penn-Dutch SIL on New Year's Day. It is their tradition to start the year with pork and sauerkraut. I really like the stuff, but the rest of my family.....:crazy2: I have a jar sitting in my cupboard, but I never open it because I can't imagine eating the entire jar myself!

Well how did I do today?


This feels like such a huge accomplishment! Usually when I do my C25K i'm walking/running 2 miles. Today I did 4 miles and after i finished my C25k workout i wanted to see if I could do a mile straight through. Told myself i could stop every 1/4 if i needed to but i did the whole mile straight through! I thought me and my dog were going to die haha!

Just 2 miles away from my 5k!!!

That is a HUGE accomplishment! Great job!

As far as eating I stayed OP pretty much. Well I didn't really have a plan but I had one in my head and i stuck to it. I'm getting really bad at tracking my food and drinking my water I NEED to get back on it! Any suggestions motivation wise?

My plan before bed tonight? Plan my meals for the next two days including counting the calories ahead of time! I think that should help as far as food tracking, if its already done it will be easier to stick to! (Of course after that mile run im just exhausted!)

GREAT plan!

I'm baaaaack!!!

I missed you guys soooo much!! 11 days at the beach with no internet!! It was such heaven!! We had perfect weather with NO rain, winds off the ocean, and quality time with my family!!

I wasn't sure how things were going to go since my sister had only lost the baby the week before and had to have the surgery to remove the baby two days before she arrived at the shore. She did really well. She wanted to talk about it and we all mourned together. She and my BIL will get the pathology report on the 5th so we are hoping to find out what happened. It was bittersweet leaving the house yesterday since we had spent so much time together. They will be coming up here to see me for my birthday in 2 weeks

I have to tell you, my nephew is a trip! He's 4 years old going on 20! He laughs at everything and just says the funniest things! We built sandcastles, jumped waves, and played games at the arcade. He is obsessed with the song "Firework" and sang it (chorus only) at least 5 times a day. By the end of the week I had him singing "Hot, Hot, Hot". We waved hello to Atlantic City everyday, said good morning to the birds, sand, waves and seashells when we arrived at the beach. We even flew his kite....unfortunately we had a "kite incident" when he let go by accident...which lead to my mom and sister running down the beach after it and leaving me with a hysterically crying Brady!! They finally caught up with the kite, but that was the end of our kiting adventure!

Today began my first day of summer....unemployed. I had sooo much to do! Laundry, car wash, gas station, library, drop off my clothes donation to the church, sort through the mail...and I didn't even get to the grocery store! I unfortunately wrenched my back last Wednesday when I was plastering the ceiling. When we are at the shore house I do some work to get it ready for the season (I manage the house for Brian). My dad and I renovated the bathroom and fixed some cracks in the ceiling. I think it's just the way I was turning but if it doesn't get better I have to go to the doctor I am so hoping that it doesn't come to that!! So I am typing to you all from my bed with a heating pad on my back. It seems to help a great deal

My eating was not so wonderful at the beach. I stuck to my g-f diet but I have to tell you, the funnel cake was calling me...and calling me....and calling me! The local bakery was my savior with g-f brownies!! And you know you can't go wrong with ice cream in a cup...I didn't miss the cone. Due to my back, I was limited to walks on the beach and know that I will be canceling my trainer on Wednesday. Getting back on the wagon tomorrow after I hit the Farmers Market and Stop and Shop. I LOVE g-f Rice Krispies!!! They totally rock and taste just like regular ones! A big thanks to for getting them to me before I left!!

Sooooo, I am happy to be back and so happy to be back here with you guys! I have missed 17 pages of posts and I really don't think I will be going back to catch up My goal is to check in here every morning and every evening just to get some normalcy in my days of leisure

Thanks for all the support my friends and I am so glad to be back

Sounds like you had so much fun! And I'm glad your sister was able to enjoy herself. I'm envious on your 11 day vacation! The best we've ever done is about 8 days. DH always feels like he wants a full day at home before going back to work, but if it were up to me we would leave at 5pm on the last day of work and return at 8pm the night before work starts again!

Glad you were able to find some g-f treats. Hope the back gets better soon.

DD4 first asked me "Mommy, why does the frog say "nice junk in the trunk?" I explained it. Now she's going "Mommy, nice junk in the trunk!" Arghhh...

PS- checking back in to say "I did it" as in, my physical therapy... it's quite possible I may never walk again...

Haven't seen tht movie yet and perhaps we should just skip it!!:rotfl:

Please sign me up

I started on my way already. I am doing a high protein, low calorie, low fat diet. I have lost 20 lbs but still have a ways to go.

I eat fish and salad every day at work and it's doing the trick.

I am starting my exercise routine next week.

My name is Mel

WELCOME Mel! Glad you have you along! Twenty pounds is great!

What kind of fish are you eating with your lunch? Same thing every day or do you switch it up? Cold or hot? Just curious.

Anyhow, I think some other folks have chimed in already, but just in case, be sure to go back and read page one for all of the info you need here and then PM your starting weight to donac. It's as easy as that!!

So I’ve been MIA for the week – trying to enjoy my “staycation”.

Food-wise, I did so-so. Could have made some better choices, but most definitely made better choices than I would have in the past. I can tell you, though – my stomach was not happy. I will not go into “TMI” territory, but I can no longer handle heavy, greasy foods the way I used to.

I managed to stay exactly the same in terms of weight. You may recall that my goal was to maintain – so I was happy. I was able to get in four of my daily 3-mile walks in, but didn’t do any of my C25K. I was also pleased to report a loss of 2 inches in the WIN challenge.

Non diet related – my week has been crazy. Where to start??

I am currently unemployed and am getting my health insurance through COBRA. Each month I send my check to the HR guy at my old company. On Tuesday, my old HR guy informs me that the insurance company contacted him and said that they made an error and have been under-billing me. Not only has my premium increased, they are demanding to be paid the difference between the two amounts for all of the months that they billed in error. We are talking about several thousand dollars. The insurance company is taking no responsibility, stating that my HR guy should have caught the error and the fault lies on his end. It is unclear as to whether or not I currently have health insurance.

I also had a job interview this week (actually, two –but with the same company). I’m on the fence about my feelings for the job – I need a job because unemployment just doesn’t cut it and I’m dipping into my emergency fund by nearly $1200 each month. The job I applied for is way less $$ than I was making at my last job and will still leave me short each month, so I’ll have to get a part-time job. It is also not in the field I went back to school for, and it is a job many, many, many levels beneath my experience and my expertise. On the other hand, it is a job that will have benefits in six months (and considering my COBRA issues …).

I am probably putting the cart before the horse since they haven’t even offered me the job yet – but I’m still running the scenarios in my head.

And if that wasn’t enough stress, my cat Sunny (who’s medical issues I cited a few weeks ago as my reason for “falling off the diet wagon”) is still having problems. We’ve been to the vet two more times, and he’s now on his second round of antibiotics. I’m shelling $$ out hand over fist for him and he’s only been with me for less than 6 weeks. (He’s a rescue that I recently adopted to keep Blackie company after Mackey passed away.)

Obviously, all of these things have made for a very stressful week. In the past I probably would have gone WAAAY overboard in terms of emotional eating, but I think I kept things in check more or less.

That’s my story – now I’m off to catch up on a week’s worth of threads.
- Laura

Oh my.... glad the stay-cation was good, but sorry about the COBRA issues and the vet bills. How sweet of you to adopt though. I bet I can beat you though, with "cost per time owned".

I took in a stray (tiny kitten) from the street (literally... sitting in the road one night) about 7pm-ish one night, he stayed in the laundry room for the night (covered in fleas, didn't want to expose my other cat), didn't look good in the morning (about 6am) so instead of waiting for my regular vet to open, I took him to the emergency vet "in town." He was so badly flea anemic that they offered two options... blood transfusions that would cost me in the thousands and no guaranteed outcome or euthanasia. I opted for the euthanasia, as I didn't have $2K sitting around that I didn't know what to do with.

That kitten that I "owned" less than 12 hours cost me approximately $135.... not including gas to drive to the vet. And that was with the cheapo "bury him in the yard at home" option, versus the vet cremation!

Sounds like you are doing great! Just PM your weight to donac and you are on your way!

Well, I'm back at the end of the day to earn my "points." Unfortunately, I didn't do so hot. I never made it to the grocery store so no fresh veggies/fruit in the house. Instead of a healthy snack like yogurt I had several fistfuls of Costco's chocolate covered almonds! Must be getting PMS--can I blame it on that?! NO. It was all me, me, me. But had a nice dinner: chicken, lots of broccoli and a bit of mashed potatoes (so slap my hand!). Done eating for the day and ready to start fresh tomorrow. I've decided that between my usual workout routine when I roll out of bed and walk with my girlfriend I'm going to start eating oatmeal. Yes, the maple brown sugar instant packets aren't the best, but I'll try it for a while and see if I like it. If oatmeal works then I'll switch to cooking my own and adding healthier stuff.

MMM.... oatmeal. If you find you aren't loving it, don't give up. I don't care at all for instant oatmeal..... for me, the longer it has to cook the more I like it. Quick oats are good, regular oats are better, and steel cut oats are the BEST! But honestly 20 minutes isn't that big a deal. I get the water going, throw in the oats and salt, give it a stir, set the timer for 5 minutes, go do something else, come back for a stir, set the timer for another 5 minutes.... etc, etc.

I also find the that instant packets are TOO sweet! I find that just a single tsp of brown sugar plus a bit of stevia is sweet enough for me. And if I want to bulk it up, I might chop an apple and microwave it for a minute to soften it and add that to the oatmeal..... and/or raisins, craisins, peaches (even canned peaches are good in oatmeal), banana. Lots of good choices with oatmeal! Hope you can enjoy adding this new food to your menu!

BronxNancy: I don't have a smart phone so no fancy technology to tell me how far I've gone. Maybe in my future I'll get one. Hate to say this but if I were my husband I would already have gone to the store and bought a million gadgets to do/measure exactly what I want. Why is it that I can't justify the cost? Probably because I think of the $3K to repair the car the eldest damaged, the fact that his baseball team wants to travel to Arizona next spring break and that's another huge amount. The youngest starts high school and athletic fees have gone up. Now we'll be paying them for two. The list goes on and on!!!! I need chocolate.

OMG! ARe you married to my DH? I've been on this "healthier" journey for going on 4 years now.... but I didn't even buy a decent food scale until last year (or maybe the year before)... and even THEN I asked for it for a birthday gift! Same with exercise stuff.... including good running shoes! I waited a long time before I started investing in this stuff for myself.

But he decides a few months ago that he wants to be "healthier" and has started investing lots of $$ in supplements and vitamins! I'll bet we've had a UPS delivery of some sort of "pills" once a week for the past few months it seems! And honestly.... while I think some of this stuff can be really helpful, I think some of it is just a HUGE waste of time and money! He just can't seem to do anything like this in moderation.

What's most frustrating about this is that he was on this same "kick" a few years ago and then just gave up.... and I finally, after more than a year, cleaned out all of the VERY expired pills and tossed them. I'll bet I tossed out $200+ worth of supplements and vitamins.... many of which were unopened!

Sure, I want him to be healthier. I'm THRILLED that he continued to lose weight after his accident-induced diet.... he looks GREAT! And YOUNGER! But I just wish he would add this stuff in GRADUALLY!

OOooopss... sorry. Rant over!

Hey guys, how was everyones day?

I got a lot accomplished today, entire kitchen cleaned and all cabinets organized. I must have thrown 3 garbage bags away of stuff that I was always afraid of throwing away in case I needed it. I never need it so "bye bye junk"!

Did ok on food and had veggie tacos for breakfast, ( I know, weird, but they were already made, so fast was the most important thing to qualify as breakfast) and veggie burgers and sweet potaotes for lunch. I had breakfast for dinner (I know I know.... weirdo) and no snacks, too busy cleaning.

Actually, veggie tacos sound delicious! Recipe??

And you did mix it up, but you ate three healthy meals today and that is what counts, right??

Emma was feeling better this afternoon and wsa very mad that she wasnt allowed to go out and play (mean mommy) but woke up about 30 minutes after falling asleep crying and the darn fever was back. She is resting comfortably now and hopefully will sleep all night. I think I will call Dr. in the morning though.

I just finished reading the Duggars new book. I love them! Such a sweet family. I hate when people say mean things about them and they don't know anything about them. They really are great loving people. I wish I could be more patient like the Mom Michelle. She's so sweet!

I hope you all have a great day and I will check in tomorrow.

Hope DD feels better soon!

Just need to whine a minute!

I've been up 3 times already with my mom tonight! I've gotten maybe 90 minutes of sleep. I think she's back to sleep now. I've found myself lying here waiting for her to say I need to get up. When we're up she must ask me 5 times if I'm ok! It's 3 in the morning! Gotta take Dad to an appt this morning and then stop at the grocery store. I think I want a good 5 Guys Burger if we can stop on the way home. If I do that I will have a shake for supper.

Going to try and get some sleep before she wakes up again!

And I really miss by DH and girls! I talk to them once or twice a day and told them that I'm going to sit in the back seat with them when they pick me up at the airport Monday I don't care how uncomfortable it is in the back seat in the middle! I'm sleeping with the little stuffed things they gave me to bring.



Good Morning

I'm trying to get my mind OP this morning. I think I've already gained almost 4 lbs this week Some of it is PMS, but most of it is sitting on my hiney for 10 hours at work. I know that I'm eating more than I should during the day even if it is a nutragrain bar or low cal snack. I'm shopping tonight so I'll grab some fruit and raw carrots to knaw on at work the rest of the week. I feel so bloated and crappy I NEED to get back on track, no more excuses. We need to make healthier dinners too, this grabbing things on the go, even if it's not fast food it is not the best choices.

I know the bloated feeling. NOt sure what is up with me, but if I feel this way on Friday I figure I'm on my way to a good gain too. It isn't the eating, but probably the reduced exercise schedule isn't helping.

Could you spend some time on your next day off cooking some meals ahead to have in the freezer? Or plan some crockpot meals?

Good morning friends,

I'm sorry I've been mia as well, and it shows in my eating. lol. We had a mass for my mom's anniversary sunday, and then a bbq, where I was conscious of what I ate, but indulged in a few beergaritas, and I didn't track, and I know that means I ate way more than I thought. It was a nice family day, just my siblings and families, and we had a lot of laughs.
Today is ds's last day of school, so we watched a movie last night after work, and I'm not sure what we'll do tonight. I work til 5:30, but might get tomorrow off, which would be great, then we could celebrate no school tonight.

Okay.... what the heck is a beergarita and would I like it???

You guys were cracking me up with the accent talk, and really Lisa, saying youre R's is over rated. :laughing: Actually, watching all the news on Whitey Bulger, and listening to some of the victim's families, I thought, do I really sound like that too?

Yes, you probably do!!

We crack up on living with the land because our first trip ds was scared of everything, so he asked the cm as we entered the que if it was a scary ride, and she said only if you're afraid of vegetables. Sorry, I know i've said that before here.

YOu have, but it is so funny it bear repeating!

We always have to do Mickey's Philharmagic, and soaring. After the princess, ds had saved us fastpasses for Soaring, and we had to rush before the park was closing from world showcase over there, and I was so tired at that point, but it was a really nice end to a great day.

Yesterday I had a busy day at work, brought my lunch, and cooked dinner on the grill, so I didn't see your question, but was actually pretty good. Today I did 30 min watp exercises, and have leftovers for lunch and dinner, but I can make it better by writing it all down again. That is huge for me.

I try to start off with a good breakfast, some exercise to start the day, and definitely water.

For the last 3 trips, I've said I want to see festival of the LIon King, and haven't made it yet. Seems like when we're in AK, we are always on the other side of the park when the show times are, and we just don't get back there. One of these days I'll see it.

Have a happy, healthy day!!

You HAVE to see FOTLK!!! Next trip! It is really sweet. And the bird lady is amazing!

QOTD, Tuesday June 28th: What are YOU doing for exercise today??

DAng it.... none on the schedule today. BUt ask me again tomorrow!!

Disney QOTD, June 28th: Are a park hopper or a one-a-day visitor?

Well... originally we were one-park-per-day kind of people. But that is when the kids were little and we visited in January when the park hours were pretty short. But now that the kids are older and we are visiting at busier times, we definitely HOP! Mostly in an effort to maximize our park hours. We start at the EMH park of the day (if they are morning EMH) and take it from there. Sometimes have to switch it up during the day to be sure that we see all of our favorites such as Wishes, Spectro (although we sure missed it last month), etc. DS and I managed 3 parks in one day last year, but I think that DD and I only managed 2 parks in one day last month.

I tend to be a hopper. On my last trip for the Princess, I did 3 parks in one day -- just stopping in to do the things my family never wants to do. It was awesome!

I'm so psyched because my work plate is finally clearing up, and today is the day I get to catch up on the DIS! Once I get there, you guys are going to be sick of my posts. I have a ton of QOTDs to catch up on, lots of posts to comment on -- this is going to be fun (crosses fingers actual work I have to do right now doesn't appear when I get there!)


Never sick of you!! :hug:

Morning all!!!

I just have a second before my day starts. DS14 didn't run today because he's not feeling well so we are up later then usual.
This morning is filled with camps and swim lessons so I'll be gone for most of the morning.
Loads to do at home this afternoon though, I need to get this house clean!!!

Went back to the foot doctor yesterday. He said I need new shoes, the asics curve at the toe but my feet are really straight, must be those corrective shoes I wore as a baby. He recommended New Balance shoes so I need to hunt for those. And because I have new insurance I can now get my boot locally, the other guy from Rhode Island keeps blowing me off so I'm going with the local pharmacy! I hope to call them today and set up an appt.

I hope to run today, we'll see if the kiddos cooperate.

Disney QOTD: We usually get AP's or Park hoppers and we will occasionally hop but mostly we stick to one park a day. DH just likes to have the option of hopping if we want to.

OK off to make my macchiato! DH taught me how last weekend, so I don't need to dish out Starbucks money anymore!!!!

I hope everyone has a great day!

Glad you were able to get some help with the foot. Let me know how the New Balance work out for you. I was ALWAYS a New Balance wear-er until I found Rykas and now Aasics. But I would go back to New Balance in a minute if I found a good sale! :laughing:

What the heck is a macchiato?? I assume some sort of fancy coffee-ish drink.

QOTD, Tuesday June 28th: What are YOU doing for exercise today??
Won't have an opportunity to exercise today. We are driving home from FL today. Going to be in the car majority of the day.

Disney QOTD, June 28th: Are a park hopper or a one-a-day visitor?
We do one park a day. I can't handle park hopping anymore. Its to strenous on my body (in wheelchair the entire time).

I will give a more detailed update when we get to a hotel tonight. We found a house and later realized I couldn't buy that one because I couldn't get financing. I'm going to have to pay cash for a house. So, they went and showed me one in my price range (in the same community that I fell in love with) and I signed papers on that one. Now to get home and get my TX house on the market. Its going to be a busy month.

Well... sorry the first house didn't work out, but glad you found another!

WooHoo! I'm back on the wagon today. My lower back still hurts so I will take it easy today...laying on the heating pad right now. Making my list for my grocery run...made sure I ate my breakfast before making Brian has orientation for his summer job today until noon so I am hoping that he will want to head to the pool this afternoon for a bit. I'm not sure if I can get exercise in today with the bad back but I hope to at least get a walk in before my nail appointment at 5:30. My feet look like a train wreck after a week at the beach

Well, off to get some healthy food...promise!!
Make great choices today my friends!

Glad to have you back in the wagon with us!!:lmao:

Good morning all, I would love to join your Biggest Losser Challenge! I will PM my starting weight to Dona, anything else I need to do?

Welcome, welcome, welcome Kim! Glad you have you here with us! Jump in where ever you want and start chatting! What exactly are you doing to lose weight? Counting calories, cutting portions, Weight Watchers, South Beach??

Can I join late??????? I have been 'dieting'...'living right' for 1 1/2 years now and I cannot lose that last 5.2 lbs :confused3 ARGH!!!!!!!!
I would love some advice from someone who has met there goal and managed to break through that last plateau!

Well... you DO NOT want to know exactly how long it has taken me to lose those last 5 pounds. But I figure every day that I am still TRYING to get to that "magic" number, is one more day I'm not GAINING weight!

It hasn't been so much a plateau, as just a minor rollercoaster (1 pound up, 2 pounds down, 2 pounds up, 1 pound down, 3 pounds up, 2 pounds down.... you get the point). I finally decided to watch my carbs (a la South Beach) but also count my Weight Watchers points (as I have been doing since January 2008) and was able to get within 1 pound of my goal weight. But alas, that was the day I left for Disney and needless to say, I did NOT come back at that same number! So now, here we go again on the rollercoaster.

I guess for the sake of argument I would say I was mostly on maintenance.... but I've never lost the hope of reaching that "magic" number.

Been a long morning. Mom is tired and hurting a lot. We took Dad to his appt and the dr also agreed that they are going to need some type of assisted living. Waiting for Mom's chair to arrive and PT to come by. I have to call the long care company back as they called while we were out. Mom came home and went right to bed. She's upset and didn't sleep well last night though she doesn't remember getting up 3-4 times. I am exhausted and my eyes hurt!

Gotta get on my dad to keep moving as he has lost a lot of weight which the dr says is muscle because Dad sits around all the time and won't do his exercises. I'm going to make him go up and down the stairs 2-3 times every hour during the day. I'm also going to find the hand weights Mom "stole" from me last time she was at my house. He's going to be lifting those every few hours as well. They really can't afford assisted living so something needs to happen fast! He's a very stubborn German! Mom can't remember things at all today but she didn't sleep much last night. I may have gotten 3 hours.

I should probably go find something to eat for lunch. I had hoped to stop at Chipotle or 5 Guys on the way home but Mom was hurting too much. Maybe I'll just have a protein bar for now. We need to go out and get more pain killers later so maybe I will be able to get the 5 Guys for supper since Mom and Dad are having quiche!

Keep those prayers coming! I'm only half way through this visit! My niece is on her way to VA so I don't have her to help keep me sane! Hopefully the nap will do Mom some good and she has a good session with PT.


Keep those prayers coming! I need them!!!!!

Oh my.

Not sure what kind of advise to offer about the need for assisted living. I"m assuming, by what you've said, that they do NOT have long-term care insurance. Do they have assets that you could sell to finance getting them into a place? You may have to sell the house and use that money. It would be difficult, I'm sure, but if things are this tough, it sounds like you don't have much in the way of options. You cannot take care of them long term, especially given the logistics of location.... and obviously it wouldn't be fair to expect your siblings to take it on, full time.

For EVERYONE's peace of mind, I suggest you start looking NOW for a long-term care facility. SOmetimes they have waiting lists. Better to get their names on a list as soon as possible.

Prayers are flying your way! :hug:

Linda THANK YOU for the lovely welcome I have been working SO hard. I am just so darned determined. I am actually shocked at how well I am doing. I am doing Herbal Life which I find is an "easy" diet for me because I have NO cravings, zero, none which really is key for me. And they sell you these chocolate protein bars which are delish delish delish and healthy. They save me.

DH made talapia on the BBQ this weekend and it is DELISH! I am having it on my salads at lunch and I love it, highly rec. it with lemon juice.

Foods I have NOT touched in 8 weeks:

soda or diet soda
ice cream
Starbuck's - NOTHING
Tim Horton's - NOTHING - this one is HUGE. This used to be a major food group for me!

Okay..... you are the second or third person to mention this "Tim Horton's".... who is this person and why is he a problem for us dieters???

Let's see, it was two cups or so chopped romaine, tomatoes from the garden, about 1/6 of 1 pound 96% lean beef prepared w/reduced sodium taco seasoning, 1/4 cup non-fat cheese, 1/2 cup black beans. Made "dressing" from 1/2 of 100 cal Wholly Guacamole, couple tbls Greek yogurt and 1 tbls salsa. Oh, and 6 Tostitos crunched into bite size and stirred in.

Sound absolutely scrumptious!

I HAVE A TICKER!!! My very first ever ticker since I joined the DIS in '08.

Booked flights last night. Haven't booked the package yet, but I have POFQ w/free dining package "on hold" until Saturday. DH wants to continue exploring "options", but we'll definitely book something by the weekend.


What a beautiful ticker it is!!

Uggh, you had to ask this today I am being a slacker and skipping my scheduled run--actually I'm going to do it tomorrow instead. Does walking 1/2 way around the stadium tonight to get my g-f beer count as exercise? Usually I make Mike do it, so it would be exercise if I did it right?

DEFINITELY exercise! Those ballparks are HUGE! And if you are counting that, I am counting today's housework! Hung laundry, vacuumed, washed a floor, cleaned a toilet, made three beds, wiped down 4 doors, prepared 3 meals and cleaned up from said meals, helped coach my robotics team, emptied the pool filter. And I didn't have a full cup of beer to show for it when I was done!! :lmao:

So here's my thoughts on those last 5 pounds. Pamela will probably have some ideas too at some point.

Journal--I know it's a pain, but really look at how many calories you are getting compared to the amount of activity. You could either be getting too few or too many calories. Too few will stall your loss. It took me about 6 months to lose the last 10 pounds. If my math is correct that works out to about .5 a week--so don't get too frustrated if it is going slowly. Do you lift weights? I have found strength training just a couple of times a week really helps with toning and weight loss. How much are you exercising? Is there room to increase your workouts by just a bit? Last, revisit your goal again? Is it realistic? What's going to happen if you don't lose those last 5 pounds?

I TOTALLY agree! I credit my daily food journaling with a good portion of my success in losing and keeping off nearly 90 pounds. And it doesn't matter now that I am just a few pounds away (depending on the day ;) ) from my goal.... I still journal virtually every bite!!! (Well... except for the occasional holiday or birthday!)

Thanks everyone! You have all brought tears to my eyes with all your love, concern and understanding. I know I'm doing the right thing and the girls and Brian are doing well though Brian said Izzie is driving him crazy! She woke him up at 2 this morning as she forgot to put on a Pull Up. They went to the library this afternoon and then to Kimballs which is an amazing ice cream place about 2 miles from our house. They had dinner from the grill there tonight and had some ice cream. Tomorrow morning Ash gets her braces on so I'm not sure how that will go. She also wants to go to something at the library tomorrow night. Brian's sister is going over for a visit on Thursday night.

Having been through a similar situation, though in the same state, with Brian's parents when they were sick and passed away he totally understands. They are having extra special bonding time!

Another thunderstorm is rumbling through now. We desparately need the rain but not the loud rumbles.

Mom is sleeping again. I don't think she is eating enough food with her medicine. I'm going to have to get some food in her with her next round of medicine. She is in her new chair so I guess she is comfortable.

Looking forward to meeting Shawn on Saturday morning. I saw where the Starbucks is and it is 2 miles from my parents house so if there is a problem while I'm gone I can get back quickly!

I hope to finish listening to last week's podcasts tonight or tomorrow.

Man, can my mother snore!!!!!

TTFNTigger is most appreciative of all your kind words!

Hope you can relax and enjoy a coffee with Shawn Saturday. It will do you some good to get out of the house alone for a bit of time.


Evening friends! Sorry that this is my first time to jump on today. It was a busy day. RObotics team meeting here today, so that meant some cleaning up around the house in preparation, plus of course the usual laundry, etc.

Not much to report. Feeling icky and bloated..... not sure why exactly. I don't think it is all to blame on my carbfest on Saturday because I definitely felt better than this yesterday. But hard to blame on TOM, since there is no rhyme or reason to that any more... but could be the body trying to have a normal cycle? Who knows. Chugging water as I sit here in an effort flush out the system.

Our friend/neighbor/fellow robotics coach brought us some "reject" tomatoes from his farm today (he is an organic farmer).... first tomatoes of the season....MMM! So dinner was, in part, my favorite open-faced sandwich.... (changed to a low carb lavash instead of a sandwich thin, in deference to my restricted carb status these days).... wedge of LC cheese, guacamole, and a big slice of fresh tomato.........super yum!

Well.... all of this water means that the potty is calling! Gonna run now! TTY tomorrow............P
Oh yeah! I got the cat when he was about 8 weeks old and he's basically been forced to be a dog since we got him! They all sleep together too!

Do you take her for walks with the dogs? That might be a pic to see :goodvibes

Wii Zumba is so fun! I just did another 45 minute workout. My tips are kind of obvious, but here ya go:
1)Start at beginning and work your way up. You honestly probably don't even need the "tutorial" steps. I found them very confusing.
2)Zumba does not work well on carpet with sneakers! Our Wii is in the living room where it is carpeted, and I find that kind of limits some of the twisting that I am able to do.

Thanks, I used it last night instead of reading on the DIS. I did the 20 minute beginner class and I was sweating like made after. I don't do all the moves correctly, but the girl turns green so I must be doing something right. I set the calendar to do it again tomorrow even though it said to wait until Thursday. I actually turned on the Wii to do Wii Fit and realized that my brother has my game and I only took back my board :headache:

Before I was an Audiology major, I was a speech path major. It is absolutely not your fault. That's great that you aren't wasting any time! The sooner the EI, the better! How old is your son? Does he have older siblings? If he does, and they tend to speak for him, that could sometimes cause delayed speech. I had a cousin like that. My younger brother, who has a whole host of disabilities, didn't speak until he was 5, and he is 16 now and still receives speech services, so my mom has been down that road (and many others!) before.

Thanks, Dylan will be 2 on Sunday. He's an only child and had tubes put in last November, so I think that has helped. I'm hopeful that tomorrow will go well one way or another.

I am down 4 pounds so I am happy, though I know it could be more if I could make myself workout.

Nice work, that is excellent!

I'm not telling you it is going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.

I like that one :thumbsup2

how old is DS? mine just turned 2 and is hardly talking. like, maybe 6 words or so. doc didn't seem too worried but i think she wants him talking significantly more at his next appt. "they" say that boys tend to talk alot later than the girls. it's frustrating. i don't have any advice but wanted to offer support. i know a few kids in the neighborhood who have had early intervention to help with speech. apparently it's free and they come to the house if necessary - so all in all seems like a pretty good thing!

He'll be 2 on Sunday, but they say he should be using me, you and I, which he doesn't athough he thinks everything is "mine". He also doesn't care for or nurture dolls or stuffed animals. He doesn't use many 2 word combinations except for bye daddy or bye mommy, and doesn't name objects in pictures :sad2: We shall see. I guess he uses the wall or his hands to climb, which I never really noticed, but I also don't like him walking up and down our stairs and constantly yell at him to use the railing, b/c I fell down them once myself.

Thanks for your support :hug: The girls in his class are chatter boxes, but I've been told that's pretty normal.

Sue, bless your heart! :hug: OF COURSE IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT! Dylan's not even two yet so lots of time to do whatever is needed, if he needs anything at all. I'm glad you are doing the evaluation so they can help you. Whatever it turns out to be, it will be all right. :flower3:

When DS started kindergarten he had to be evaluated for speech issues because he was hard to understand at times. He'd had two sets of ear tubes, lots of respiratory infections, nasal quality in his speech. Then he needed to have his tonsils taken out and everyone said "oh, it will get better" but, of course, it was actually worse for awhile. He worked with a private speech therapist as well as one at school for a couple of years. Apparently speech issues come up more with boys. They would rather do than talk about it. ;)

Thanks :hug: His eval is already tomorrow so at least we'll figure things out right away without having to wait and see if he's really behind.

Actually, big joke around the family is the first time that DSIL shared a meal at my parents' house when she and my brother were dating. Apparently my Dad asked for a FORK.... and she heard another four letter word!! :eek: Yup.... just a small accent!!

Now that's a good one :rotfl:

Our weekend of camping had some good and bad points.

Glad to hear that your trip went well overall. I am also glad you didn't go tubing. I HATE cold water as well :scared1:

DD4 first asked me "Mommy, why does the frog say "nice junk in the trunk?" I explained it. Now she's going "Mommy, nice junk in the trunk!" Arghhh...

So what you're saying is, once DS starts talking up a storm, this is the fun stuff I have to look forward too :lmao:

I just had to share, I bought this shirt back in april while visiting some relatives and its always been a little tight even though its a large. Well i put it on today and it felt perfect and I didn't have that "you look pregnant even though its just fat" lump either! i took a picture for evidence!


Nice work. Oh and the drawers behind you remind me a lot of the Disney Cruise Line insignia.

Keep those prayers coming! I'm only half way through this visit! My niece is on her way to VA so I don't have her to help keep me sane! Hopefully the nap will do Mom some good and she has a good session with PT.

TTFN :tigger:

Keep those prayers coming! I need them!!!!!

Here they come :hug::hug:

Linda THANK YOU for the lovely welcome :)

Foods I have NOT touched in 8 weeks:

soda or diet soda
ice cream
Starbuck's - NOTHING
Tim Horton's - NOTHING - this one is HUGE. This used to be a major food group for me!

Welcome! That is quite an accomplished list. You have more will power than me :goodvibes Keep up the good work.

Hi everyone :wave2: Thank for all of your encouragement. DS has his EI eval tomorrow from 11-1, so I'll keep you posted.

For some reason my neck is bothering me, so I think I might grab my heating pad. Broke out my new Wii Zumba game last night. It's quite the workout. I was hoping to use the Wii Fit tonight and realized that I took the board back from my brother, but forgot to grab the game that goes with it :headache:

So, I think I'll catch up on last night's Bachelorette, take a shower and head to bed at a reasonable hour.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the evening :flower3:
Pam- They actually do have long term care that I started the process of getting them yesterday. My Dad used to work for GE and they had a policy through them. My sister will take over all that stuff when she gets back.

Time to watch Meet the Fockers with my parents.

Mom got her new chair this afternoon and seems pretty comfortable in it!

TTFN :tigger:
Can I join late??????? I have been 'dieting'...'living right' for 1 1/2 years now and I cannot lose that last 5.2 lbs :confused3 ARGH!!!!!!!!
I would love some advice from someone who has met there goal and managed to break through that last plateau!

:welcome: Everybody here has great advice, especially Pamela and Rose.
family jewels = kiwis :rotfl::rotfl: Wouldn't that be "he"wiis? ;)

another day completey gone and I didn't accomplish many of the things that I had wanted too. Work moved so slowly and after work flashed by.
Last week we had DS's evaluation and they suggested we get the poor little guy evaluated for delayed speech :guilty: They kept telling me it's not our fault, but you never know. We're also not sure if it's that there are so many kids and the teachers are always rotating that maybe they don't see everything or maybe that he's one way at home and different there. I was just thinking the other day how he knows so many words then bam, they lay that on us. So anyway, I didn't waste one minute. DS doesn't have school on Friday, so they said they'd get us the number for Early Intervention when he gets back Monday. I'm way too anal retentive to wait the weekend, so I called and they're coming to do an evaluation on Wednesday. They're also going to do it at his school, so if he's different there then they will know. If he qualifies and needs their services, I may have them do it on Friday's at home so he gets more attention and isn't as distracted, but I guess we'll wait and see what they say Wednesday. Anyone been through this?

My youngest started with early intervention at around 5 months for physical therapy and started speech at about 1 1/2 years old. The physical therapy was for torticollis. He was watched pretty closely because he has limited hearing in one ear. There is a shortage of speech therapists doing early intervention in some states. We had to wait a few months after his evaluation for the therapy to start, we waited because he was so young and was already receiving services. At the time he just made the criteria to recieve the services. He is 7 and is still in speech at school but his continuing therapy is more related to the hearing loss. Good luck at his evaluation.
Trina: You look faboulous!!!!!!!!! Very skinny and def. not pregnant.;)

Thank you! Like I've said before, my clothes tend to hide my extra weight very well, but my stomach is where i have the most trouble. It was so nice to put on a shirt and look down and go "wow I look pretty good!"

GREAT plan!

I understand about being blunt. I tend to be very opinionated myself. No hard feelings I promise. My plan did work, I alloted myself a certain amount of food today and actually ended up being not as hungry as i thought i would be and have calories left over! Tomorrow I am meeting a friend at Panera's and hopefully I can stick to plan!

Do you take her for walks with the dogs? That might be a pic to see :goodvibes

Actually he does walk on a leash! I work at Petsmart and he comes into the store all the time! I will take a picture next time!

Did well today I think, I did end up making my meal plan for today and tomorrow which is a big deal because I never plan my meals that far in advance. I ended up being less hungry than i thought i would be so i had calories left over. which is good cause im hungry now!

Tomorrow is an actual day off and im going to get my run in early and get it over with! Hoping to be able to do another mile! Wish me luck!
Connie :banana:for the ticker and for booking the trip. Are you going to do a PTR???

To PTR or not to PTR? I just don't really see my plans (or total absence of a plan) as being of any real interest to anyone. Of course, I do intend to torture y'all on this thread with my pre-trip rambling. But, other than that... :confused3 I suppose it's possible that I might do the PTR thing but I don't know. We'll see.

What a beautiful ticker it is!!

Awww, shucks... :blush:

But hard to blame on TOM, since there is no rhyme or reason to that any more... but could be the body trying to have a normal cycle? Who knows. Chugging water as I sit here in an effort flush out the system.

Well.... all of this water means that the potty is calling! Gonna run now! TTY tomorrow............P

Okay, Pamela, not to single you out or anything, but it kinda cracks me up sometimes the *really* personal details and bodily functions some folks choose to share here. :rotfl:

Okay, I have a diet issue that I've never encountered before. I have been UNDER eating lately. Not every day, but a couple times a week or so. It's like this: I diary my food all day but since I haven't really had a "plan" lately, I get to the end of the day having only eaten about 1000 calories. I know I should eat more, but... as long as I don't eat a couple hundred more calories then I still COULD eat a couple hundred calories or so. But, if I do eat those calories, then it'll be time to stop for the day and I'd no longer have the option of eating more.

I get how goofy that is, but it's so bizarre how this weight-loss effort seems to be all about the mind games. :rolleyes:

When I first got in contact with a realtor out here I was looking at older houses that were on the market. However when I got here I told them that I'd prefer a new one that was already built if that was at all possible to find.

They showed me one that I loved but then the financing didn't work out and I realized after going back to the house the 2nd time that the layout just wasn't going to work with our furniture. The house was about 2100 square feet. The 2nd one they showed me was smaller (1970 sq feet) but ironically it worked out a lot better as far as the layout.

It's a 4 bedroom/2 bath/2 car garage/ 1 story. It has a flat backyard where I'll be able to put a pool in and we have a water view (i.e. pond). As you walk into the house there is the formal living room which is where we are putting our pool table. You continue walking straight into the kitchen and then finally into the family room. The sliding glass door in the living room leads out to the back patio.

We'll have our masterbedroom and then the 3 bedrooms will be as followed:

Guest room
Exercise room

We're losing a guest room in this house because the pool table is having to go where I'd normally have put our desks but I'm sure we'll find a way to make it work. Plus it gives me a reason to tell my family if they want to come visit "Sorry, I don't have room" :laughing:. I can only handle them in small doses. :)

The house is in a brand new subdivision that they are still in the process of finishing up houses but most of them are complete. They did tell me that the house I picked out had just been finished within the last 30 days as far as it being built. They still needed to put the appliances (stove, dishwasher, fridge) in it. The other awesome part was part of the appliance package included a washer and dryer. Now, I have told them that I have a brand new washer, dryer, and fridge that I will be bringing those with me. I'm not getting rid of them. So the plan is to take the fridge from TX and put it in the garage and use the one that will already be in the house (all the appliances will be black). The washer and dryer that they are putting in the house we are either a) going to tell them to not even bother or b) I'll sell them.

The other pluses about the neighborhood:

Its a gated community that you are provided a "clicker" to open the gate. When people come to visit they must punch in a code.

The gated community includes: community pool, fitness center, playground, and security monitoring.

Oh and the HUGE GIGANITC plus:

It's 16 minutes from the gate of the community to the gate of Disney World!! :banana: ::MickeyMo

I can't wait to get moved!! :banana:
Glad you were able to get some help with the foot. Let me know how the New Balance work out for you. I was ALWAYS a New Balance wear-er until I found Rykas and now Aasics. But I would go back to New Balance in a minute if I found a good sale! :laughing:

What the heck is a macchiato?? I assume some sort of fancy coffee-ish drink.

I will let you know as soon as I get the new shoes.

Caramel Macchiato is a Starbucks drink, but DH bought a Nespresso machine so I he taught me how to make my own. :thumbsup2

DisneyWedding2010 I am sooooo jealous of the new house!!!!! I wanna live there too! I wonder what the schools are like........
Not that the kids would ever move from here! Blech! :sad2:
The other pluses about the neighborhood:

Its a gated community that you are provided a "clicker" to open the gate. When people come to visit they must punch in a code.

The gated community includes: community pool, fitness center, playground, and security monitoring.

Oh and the HUGE GIGANITC plus:

It's 16 minutes from the gate of the community to the gate of Disney World!! :banana: ::MickeyMo

I can't wait to get moved!! :banana:

wow wow wow that sounds awesome! and what a HUGE house!!! i'm only just a little jealous while i sit here in my 800 square foot house/shack!! talk about space!

and 16 minutes to disney world! that's just not fair! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

i have to apologize because i wasn't paying attention earlier but what do you guys have planned for jobs? we'd love to get down there but the job market isn't really what DH and i are in. that's why we'd need to do our own thing like the consulting business.

you can tell we're all disney nuts because i'm definitely sure the "water view" that you'll have with your pool gave us all a chuckle!
Morning all,

A little better night last night though we were up twice. Then when Mom got up she kept talking to me! I did finally get up and just made both of them breakfast. I'm trying to get her to understand that with the amount of pills she is taking that she needs to eat. She slept almost totally the rest of the day away. She had cheerios and her coffee and then I just gave her scrambled eggs and toast. She said she wanted a smoothie for lunch and my dad and I both told her that was not enough. I'm cutting back on one of the pills that I had increased due to a note my brother left. A lot of the pills mention that they cause drowsiness so I really need to make sure she eats.

Ash gets her braces this morning! I told Brian to text me a photo when they are done. Her foot is doing better. Only 2 more days of crutches and then hopefully she will just use the boot.

OT comes today at noon and then I think we are going to go to Target. My niece's b'day is Sunday so I want to get her something and I also need a shirt for 4th of July and I want to get some nightgowns like my sister got for my mom. They are really cute.

Well, time to do some work for my mom like move a table and get her breakfast dishes. She's also ready for some percoset and then the rest of her pills at 8 and then 3 more at 9. It's a good thing I have the chart that I can write times in as all the times I give her meds are melting together in my mind.

TTFN :tigger:

good morning everyone! sorry i didn't get a chance to respond to everyone's posts. i read them all in the middle of the night when i couldn't sleep but i can't figure out how to post with my ipad (shhh, don't tell DH). i'm on the laptop now and my brain is still in a fog so i'll have to form more coherent thoughts when my coffee kicks in!

sounds like i caught alot of people on there rest days yesterday when i asked about their exercise for the day. so, what are you doing today??

QOTD, Wednesday June 29th: water. how do you get your water in each day? drink glasses throughout the day? fill a water bottle? drink it by a certain time?

when i was working and losing weight (lost 40 lbs - was so much easier to lose when i was working for some reason. oh right, the fridge wasn't 10 feet away from me at all times) i would begin each day by grabbing 4 poland spring bottles from the kitchen. by 10am i had to finish 1. by noon, 2. by 2 another one and by 4 the final one. that way i had until 6 to try to pee it all out before my commute home. wasn't exactly environmentally friendly but we recycled :rolleyes:

now i have a really hard time getting my water in. i really like seltzer so i drink a bottle of that a day (33 oz) usually. i need to get out my water bottle that i received at the grand floridian spa a few years ago (had a massage. it. was. awesome!!) and just tell myself i must drink X bottles of it each day. maybe then i wouldn't eat so much!!

Disney QOTD, Wednesday June 29th: When was your last trip to Disney? (WDW, DL, DCL, AbD) When is your next trip?? tell us a little something about it!

my last trip to disney was in february for the princess half! princess: it was a short trip and i stayed at all star movies. i was solo! got in friday morning, hit up the expo, saturday spent the day touring (wish i had written what i did down b/c i can't really remember!) and then the w.i.s.h. meet up, sunday ran the race, went back to the room and showered (and had a terrible belly ache from dehydration) then with medal around my neck made my way to epcot where i had my celebratory margarita. i had been training with that margarita in mind all fall and winter!

the time before that was with dh, ds, my aunt, uncle, and their three kids. we stayed at the treehouses in january. it was awesome!

it's not 100% definite but we hopefully be going back to WDW in september for a last trip as a family of three. and, i probably shouldn't say this as the coach this week on the biggest loser, but i plan on treating myself to all sorts of treats that week! i'll be 30 weeks pg and i'm going to enjoy :) i just hope we can go! we were able to book a 1 br at bay lake tower! perfect for a short waddle to MK!


have a GREAT day everyone!! we're going to a friend's pool in the morning for a bit and then not sure about the afternoon. maybe pool club or beach club. for exercise i'm going to walk to CVS to pick up swim diapers. it's only about a mile away but after my 6 yesterday i think a 2 miler is ok.
dvccruiser sue duh, i totally knew how old dylan was. brain fart! sorry about that! as you know thomas is a couple weeks older and he is just as behind in the talking as your little guy is. at his 2 year appt the doctor said that speech evaluation was not necessary. when she asked if he at least had 6 words i was like, "no!" but but then once we counted he really was about there. mama, dada, papa, car, coo coo (choo choo) pweas (please), pooh (pool, lol). he kinda says "where is it?" and "what's that?". he does not say bye anything. no bye dada or bye mama. he kinda sounds just about where dylan is. he is jussssst starting to try to repeat a few things that i say. like, yesterday we were blowing bubbles at the beach and i asked him to say bubbles. he tried...a little. a few of my girlfriends have said that their boys started to become more verbal AFTER they turned 2. i'm going to give it some time.

this probably doesn't help you at all. but i thought i'd share that you're not the only one worried about their non-talking 2 year old.

watch, by the next challenge (or one after that) we'll be saying "why won't thomas and dylan just shut up already!!"
Thanks everyone for the wonderful greeting! :thumbsup2
Hey pjlla I think we are on the same rollercoaster....2 months until Disney and I think it would be magical to be that special number when I get there. I am pretty sure that DDP may sabotage it (or not, I do believe in pixie dust)
I went for my run this morning, and ate my healthy breakfast (half cup low fat cottage cheese and an apple) now I need to fill my water bottle, thanks for the reminder! I hope everyone has a great day!
QOTD, Wednesday June 29th: water. how do you get your water in each day? drink glasses throughout the day? fill a water bottle? drink it by a certain time?

I have a 27oz water bottle that I fill up before I leave the house. I try to guzzle that before I get to work. When I get here, I have a 24oz cup that I refill and try to finish at least two of those thru the day. I may have more when I get home in the evening, but it just depends.

(I won't bore you with the recent and ridiculous policy change here at the office that requires us to drink out of no type of vessel other than our company-issued Tervis covered sippie cup. :sad2:)

Disney QOTD, Wednesday June 29th: When was your last trip to Disney? (WDW, DL, DCL, AbD) When is your next trip?? tell us a little something about it!

My last Disney trip was to WDW in 2005 the week after Thanksgiving. DH convinced his DSis and DBIL to come out the same week and overlap by a few days. That was our first experience of being at WDW with kids - DNiece was 16 and DNephews were 11 and 6. It was really a lot of fun. That was also the first time we had ever visited at a time other than August/September and it was wonderful to enjoy all the Christmas decorations and activities. We considered doing November or December again this time, but we're going with the soon-as-possible strategy this time! After 5.5 years away from "home", I'm sure you all understand the necessity of such an approach. :rotfl:
Any more WINners this time around? I had issued a challenge to get 15 WINners to report for this measure-in and I have received...
8 (You know who you are and you rock!)

Any last minute takers???

Truthfully, I have a REALLY hard time drinking water, so a good portion of my "liquids" comes from iced tea and other beverages throughout the day.


My last trip to Disney was DL about three weeks ago. My hubby, and I and our two daughter and grandson just went for a quickie 2 day trip. Hubby loved the new Star Tours, and so did everyone else apparently, it was very crowded. The new Ariel ride had just opened and was having some technical problems, but we were able to ride that as well. Our next trip will be a Mexican Riviera cruise on Oct. Can't wait!!:yay:
Good morning,

Sorry I have been so bad at posting on here. I do read though. We are heading out tomorrow to Northern NY to camp over the 4th. We always have a camping trip with my DH's family sometime during the summer. Should be fun. Hopefully I can stay clear of the smores :)

QOTD: I am really bad at getting my water in. The days that I am good is when I just keep a tall glass near by and drink throughout the day.

Disney QOTD: Our last trip was on the Disney Magic this past March. We did the 7-night Eastern Caribbean cruise and it was the best trip ever. We had such a great time. Our next trip will be next June on the Magic again. This time will be a 8-night trip to the Bahama's out of NYC. One of the days of the cruise we will be at Port Canaveral and the cruise includes a 1 day hopper pass for everyone and transportation to the parks. I am so excited! The last time we were at the parks was February 2010.


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