Anyone see Tyler on the show TKO right after Big Brother? I watched it to see what it was about. Lame but Tyler lost, LOL.
Brett is a complete egotistical not care for him at all. His game play is just so "high school" and seriously strutting around the house without his shirt on, he really thinks he's something, not sure what but it's something!

I was liking Tyler but not so much now...

Baleigh totally overeacted....yes, it is a horrible word but she needs to realize the context of her question and use of the M-word and the response were very similar.... wow, it was alright for her to use a derogatory term to describe little people when asking a question but not alright for JC to try to explain and use different derogatory terms used in society to show how offensive the term is to little people.

She's sitting there saying how she's had to live with this her whole life.... well what the heck do you think he's had to do?! Being a gay, little man?!?!

She honestly doesn't realize/think what he has gone through to become comfortable in his skin, overcome stereotyping, and show people that he could do things?!
Very narrow-minded of her

Sam's nomination speech was vicious....... Drama, drama, drama
Baleigh's reaction didn't surprise me at all. The word that JC used is basically prohibited unless you're a rapper or Chris Rock. But other derogatory terms pointed at other races, ethnicities, or sexual orientations aren't as bad. That's how they think and I don't think that will ever change unfortunately (maybe future generations will think differently).

Sam was hilarious in her speech. Completely destroyed those girls.

Some of you don't like Brett, I do. He's a bit of a troublemaker but he doesn't do it an overly obnoxious way. Kind of like it.
Was it Haleigh who said she was surprised with Sam'a speech about not going in and having discussions with her?
Anyway, I love how she says "Well I planned on talking to her because I haven't really spoken much to her at all".
Yes, and you are only going to speak with her because she's HOH, you didn't care enough to do it before she won. o_O

I hope they send home Haleigh, I can't take her drama.
Looking at JC he looks very small. I was shocked when he said he was 5 foot. That is taller then me. I am only 4'9". I swear I don't feel like I look that much shorter then people. I just read his bio for the show. He says he is 5' but he is only 4'8".

Baleigh in my opinion over reacted. Yes the N word is horrible and should never be used but JC was trying to help her understand what the M word was like for him.

Anyone see Tyler on the show TKO right after Big Brother? I watched it to see what it was about. Lame but Tyler lost, LOL.

It was on after one of the other episodes this past week. It took all I had to get through watching it. I just wanted to see Tyler play. it was not what I expected and was very boring.
Regarding Sam, at first I thought she wasn't a very deep thinker and had no idea how to play the game. Now I don't think that's true. She had her nominations figured out before she even won HOH, then told the house she wouldn't be discussing them prior to the ceremony. She took her power app into consideration, nominating people who are weaker at competitions and less likely to win a battle back. Then she called out Hayleigh and Kaitlyn for their behavior with the guys. Whether it's true or not, she caused the other players to stop and think, and maybe view in a new way. These are huge and gutsy moves. They may backfire in her face, but at least she took the chance. Scottie also made a big move, breaking up the Brett/Winston pair. I'd much rather see this kind of game play over Paul's group of boring yes-men from last year.
Here's how I rank the HGs:

floaters...Fessy, Haleigh, Angela, Kaycee, Rachel, Bayleigh
playing but not playing smart...Rockstar, Sam, Kaitlyn (she's playing the worst), Brett
playing well...Tyler (the best), Scottie, JC

I do like Sam, JC and Tyler working together (but this harsh dictator Sam stuff is not smart game wise. She needs to tone that down). I like Kaycee too but she's not doing much (she did work with Tyler a little). If Rockstar wouldn't have gotten so emotional... she was on Tyler's scent and maybe could have him figured out and be working on a plan. Rachel seems also the smartest of her side of floaters so she has some potential. I really want Kaitlyn to go this week. She is so eye rolling, over the top. And she's trouble for Tyler, who I like the most.
OMG When Kaitlyn thought she figured out Sam's power and then ran into Tyler to tell him, his face was priceless, I was laughing so hard.
When he was giving the camera a thumbs up sign I fell over.......
He is playing the game well.

I am enjoying this season so much.
OMG When Kaitlyn thought she figured out Sam's power and then ran into Tyler to tell him, his face was priceless, I was laughing so hard.
When he was giving the camera a thumbs up sign I fell over.......
He is playing the game well.

I am enjoying this season so much.
I also loved how he said to her 'I would never do that' when she asked him to swear on his father that he didn't flip his vote. Brilliant guy he is. Reminds me of my DS and how he can manipulate words like that.
I also loved how he said to her 'I would never do that' when she asked him to swear on his father that he didn't flip his vote. Brilliant guy he is. Reminds me of my DS and how he can manipulate words like that.

Haha good catch.

On another point, since nobody is talking about it, is it too late for Bayleigh to use her identity theft? I know the power has to be used before the veto ceremony but I'm unclear if it needs to be used before the first nomination or if it can be used after that but before the veto ceremony. Anyone know?
I hope Rockstar goes after her pot and pan thing.

I loved when Rocktard told Brett what a great example he was setting while she was banging pots and pans while straddling him in bed. Webster should put that image and caption under "pot, meet kettle."
Pretty obvious to me that Rockstar has some emotional issues. I think she's been hurt by someone in her real life and that person reminds her of Brett.
I’m uncertain why Fessy didn’t throw the Veto comp. And why would he tell both girls he’d save them?

Sam is growing on me. I don’t watch the live feeds or anything so maybe I’m missing something, but when she couldn’t bring herself to put up JC, why did she pick Rockstar? Random? Did Tyler talk her into it?
Sam is a great player but I have to admit that I am not happy about her speech. I don't like that she didn't "allow" the girls to defend themselves verbally. Who does she think she is?

This season is definitely better than the last couple of years. They are actually playing and not a puppet to the HoH each week.


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