Beyond Recovery: Christin's journal of progress (comments welcome)


<font color="purple">A Feminist Princess...tiaras
Jul 1, 2000
Hi! I'm Christin, and I'm new to the WISH board as of this January (2005), likely inspired by some acquaintances over on the community board and looking forward to getting to know some of you here.

My goal (something I'm continually making myself acknowledge): Healthier lifestyle rather than just weight-loss.

Some background: I've probably been aware of my weight and body as something to fight against since I was 12. Not that my mother intended to make me anxiety-ridden, but since she was herself, I guess it was inevitable. I've been addicted to sugar since I was little, and it's still the first thing I head for when I've had a long or bad day. (I'm particuarly good at justifying this ;) )

Speed up to last year: 2004 was terrible. It started in January when I found a very small tumor on the right side of my jaw, and went through a lengthy diagnosis process (including a surgery). I was lucky in that I only had a low grade malignancy and caught it early. By March I was in for daily radiation treatments to my head and neck which took away my taste and left me with a wicked sore throat. I lost 8 pounds (likely all muscle) and recuperated all summer. When my taste finally returned, my stomach had shrunk and I ate less...but I ate whatever I wanted.

Now that I'm completely clear, I'm ready for a lifestyle change that takes off the pounds initially (but not rapidly), and then I'll settle in to healthy maintanence.

What I've done so far: I joined Curves and have worked out 4-5 days a week for a little over a month. I lost 5 inches and 8 pounds of body fat, but haven't lost any "weight" (hopefully, I built back the muscle I lost).

Also, I've started bit by bit to cut out the sugar. The more I cut, the more I realize how addicted I am. Hopefully, this will make me more motivated to keep cutting!!!

Next step: What to eat now. This is my primary struggle. Making food a friend and not an enemy. I feel like I've had a very adversarial relationship to food for a very long time. I want very much to train my body back into a love and acceptance of whole, unprocessed foods. I'm not going to go by any printed "diet"- I'm still trying to finish my graduate degree (and foolishing teaching too many hours at the same time), so I don't have adequate time to research this properly. So, for the first few weeks, I'm just going to steer toward fresh fruits, veggies, meat, and whole grains.

BTW- this first two weeks, I'm bringing my DH (Bender) along for the ride. I want to see what kind of impact we can make together. I really want to get him on board so that he can not only support me (which he already does an incredible job at), but so that he can fully understand the whole process. Plus, he's already said he wouldn't mind losing a few pounds as well. So, while I'll probably focus on myself in this thread, I might update his progress also.

Anyway, if you've been reading up to now, I invite any comments. I assume I'll need a lot of help, since I'm new at this. But I'm really impressed with what I've already seen on this board and the support you all have for one another. You've created a solid, supporting community, and I hope to be able to add to that. :)
Sunday- started with iced coffee (no-fat milk) and bowl of whole grain cereal (with sugar, unfortunately)

Going to store today for week ahead- goals: more variety of fruit, mixture of greens for both lunch and dinner, replace white rice with brown, find no-sugar cereal, more yogurt for breakfast and lunch.

Lunch- ran out of time before the movie to make anything substantial, so I grabbed a quick taco salad at taco cabana. removed most of the sour cream and guac. Not a great start, but at least it saved me from the movie popcorn :teeth:

Dinner- chicken breasts cooked with a low-fat mushroom soup and white wine sauce, including green peas and onions, served over steamed brown rice- yummy!
Forgot to add above: My eventual goal in terms of weight is 160 pounds, which should be balanced for my height.

So, I have 60 pounds to go to reach that eventual goal.

I know I should set a smaller, more immediate goal first. I think I'll try for 5 pounds a month, starting with February, taking it slow and seeing how it goes.
Hi Rcyannacci--

It's great to see you here. Congrats on your loss of inches and body fat at Curves--those are the things that really matter. I think the focus is usually on pounds because it's so much easier to just step on a scale.

You have the right idea with your approach to food--fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean meats are the way to go. Just make sure you are getting enough protein with each meal and snack. It will help keep you feeling full and avoid craving sugar. And don't forget water--lots and lots of water. Green tea helps me too.

Welcome and thanks for sharing!

Hi Sherri! Glad to be here and thanks for your comments. You're right- I need to work on the protein...this is my biggest challenge. I find it particularly hard to get protein in the morning. And, I need to drink more water.

BTW- it's Christin...I just didn't want to put my first name in the thread title, for some reason. But, you reminded me to add it to my initial post.
Breakfast: iced coffee (w/ 1 c. skim milk), bananna, 6 oz yogurt and 1/2 c. of grapenuts.

Lunch: turkey sandwich (w/ a slice of cheese) and apple

Snack: small left-over portion from chicken and rice dinner last night (I was so hungry!)

Dinner- small steak, half a sweet potato roasted in olive oil, and a spinach salad with vinegarette.

Also went to Curves (it was a struggle to find the energy) and did 4 rounds of sit-ups.
You are doing great so far. Keep up the great work and you'll be where you want to be. We all may face some issues along the way, but with the boards, they will help us through.
Welcome Christin!!!

We're glad to have you here...glad that your treatment went well & that you are clear!! :Pinkbounc
Thanks everyone for the welcome!

pettyone- BTW, I see you're from Knoxville...I grew up in East Tennessee in Johnson City. I really miss the mountains!
It's been a tough week to keep on track- I'm exhausted for some reason...maybe because I had a cold last week and am still recuperating.

Breakfast: a toasted honey-wheat english muffin with peanut butter (so yummy!!!) and a bananna.

Lunch: a ham sandwich with swiss on pretzel bread

(I've yet to have a lunch on my own this week...I keep getting sucked into meeting lunches at places that don't have a huge selection. So I've just been getting a small sandwich, no chips. It was hard today because we were at a place with Italian gelatto...I am craving sugar like nobody's business...but I didn't cave. I have to kick this sugar addiction!)

Snack- some sliced cucumbers with balsamic vinegrette
(It's really warm in Austin right now, so summery foods are tasting really good)

Dinner- grilled chicken breast, fresh greenbeans sauteed with onions, olive oil and a splash of soy sauce, and a spinach salad with vinegarette.

Oops...almost forgot. I also did Curves today. I was more winded than usual and my heartrate was up, but maybe that's because I didn't work out last week due to the cold. (I pray that I don't get the many of my students have it and I've been encouraging them to stay home!)
Breakfast: iced coffee with 1/2 cup skim milk, honey wheat english muffin with peanut butter and a bananna.

Snack: light Yoplait yogurt and 1/2 cup of grape nuts and a 12 oz cappicino with skim milk.

Another snack: baby carrots

(I didn't get to lunch today until 3:00 because I was writing an lost time. I was starving by then, and probably ate too many of the green beans. At least it was a veggie :teeth: )

Lunch: some leftover green beans from last night and a small amount (less than a c.) of the leftover brown rice and chicken from the night before.

Dinner: meatballs in tomato sauce (ground beef and brown rice mixture), a spinach salad with vinegrette, and a veggie (going now to see what's in the freezer.)

We'll probably be eating late tonight (7:30 or so) because of my late lunch and Bender working late. I'm still trying to eat earlier.

Also did Curves again today.
Breakfast: iced coffee with 1/2 cup skim milk, honey wheat english muffin with peanut butter and a bananna. (again)

Lunch: 4 leftover meatballs with brown rice, an apple with peanut butter, and 1 serving of Baked Doritos.

(I think I'm piling on the peanut butter because I'm craving sugar so much...and because I'm exhausted, and am hoping for a surplus of energy soon. This week is draining me...Saturday is going to be such a relief!)

Snack: 1 serving of baked Doritos (Bender was still making dinner at 7:00 and I was starving!)

Dinner: (worth the wait) Beef Briolle (sp?) with tomato sauce, asparagus, and a salad with balsamic vinegrette.

Did Curves again today...that's 4 days in a row and I feel great. My soreness from my cold has gone away, and I feel like I'm building my energy back.
Breakfast- honey wheat english muffin with peanut butter and iced coffee with 1/2 c. skim milk.

(I'm so nervous about today because I have all of these functions to attend...the first is a lunch with pizza and soda- yikes!...and the next is an afternoon dessert reception for a guest speaker in my department- double yikes!!!

Here's my plan- I've brought a bananna, a yogurt and grapnuts, and some baby carrots to much on before lunch so I only have 1 slice. No soda- I have my water bottle. I'm going to try to ignore the desserts, but if it become a social issue (Here Christin, please, have a piece! Please, join us...peer pressure, peer pressure), then I'll try to split a piece with someone.)

OK- so I did only have 1 piece of pizza, and had some fruit and 1/2 a brownie at the reception. But, by the time I hit dinner, I was starving!!! I was so busy that I didn't get to the healthy snacks I brought, and once we got to dinner (with friends), I through out the diet and ordered an extremely fat-laden dinner- Chicken Fried Chicken Breast with sauce, french fries, and creamed corn (blame it on my Southern roots). I did begin with a salad with vinegrette, so I at least got some greens. But yikes! I probably would have done much better if I hadn't been so hungry. To remember for next Friday.
rcyannacci said:
Thanks everyone for the welcome!

pettyone- BTW, I see you're from Knoxville...I grew up in East Tennessee in Johnson City. I really miss the mountains!

I spent ALOT of time in JC when I was traveling on business...loved the drive up there, it was gorgeous!

Small world...
Thanks sarahsmom!

Well, after my overindulgence at dinner last night, I made sure I got to Curves this morning. Then I came home and did some abdominal work with my inflatable balance ball.

Breakfast- English muffin with peanut butter and an iced coffee, 1/2 c. skim

Snack- another iced coffee

Lunch- steamed brown rice and sauteed veggies (fresh onions, celery, and broccali) with terriaki sauce.
(I'm trying as much as possible to keep eating whole foods, veggies and grains. It was tough because I am home by myself today with Bender working all weekend :(, (it's harder to cook just for myself) but I made it anyway and saved a serving to eat for tomorrow's lunch.

Hopefully it will stop raining so I can take the dogs for a walk in the park!

Dinner- Bender made a *great* greek chicken dish, chicken breasts stuffed with a mix of spinach, reduced fat feta, fresh dill, lemon juice, and 1/2 c. egg beaters to hold it all together. Then he broiled it. So good! I made a small side of pasta (I the fresh, whole foods/grains plan...but we were really missing pasta) with a little butter, garlic, and basil.
Sounds like you are off to a great start! Alot of folks here do Curves and like it alot.

I love reading your iced coffee each morning. :) I had to give up coffee because I can only enjoy it if it has sugar and 1/2 & 1/2 in it (not good!). DH still drinks it so I can still smell it each day! But, he drinks it black, yuck!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

What kind of dogs? We have a Border Collie, Kip, he's awesome! He'll be 2 yrs old in 9 days.

BTW, I wish I were enjoying Austin's warm weather, it's 10 degrees here this am, brrr :cold:
jay-nee, thanks for the welcome. We have mutts (around 5 years old each)that we got at the SPCA when we lived in PA. They are awesome!

The iced coffee is a must! Here's an easy way to do it, getting rid of the bitter taste of brewing that makes you want to add 1/2 and 1/2. It makes skim tastes great. Just add 2 quarts of water to 2 1/2 cups of ground coffee in some sort of plastic pitcher or container, and let it sit there for 24 hours or so. Then strain the coffee liquid through cheese cloth. The cold brewing makes the coffee really smooth. Then I add 1/2 glass skim milk and 1/2 glass cold brew with ice. It's so good, and lots cheaper than Starbucks!

BTW- I love Maine! We used to camp there in the summers (Acadia- the quiet side of the island). I wish I could trade places with you for a week. I'm originally from the East Coast, and I'm really missing the change of seasons out here.
Sunday- yikes!

Breakfast- started well. English muffin and peanut butter. Iced coffee

Lunch- oops, I waited until 1:30 to do anything about lunch because I got lost in my work. By the time I realized it, I was starving and very cranky. We had to go to the store, so we just left and went to Taco Cabana. I had a shredded chicken taco salad with the sour cream and guac. on the side. We also got a bowl of black beans to split between us. I left 1/3 of it still on the plate, and everything but the tortilla bowl was fresh, but I probably ate too many calories/fat this meal.

Snack- cappacino with my friend Susanne (I think I'm replacing my sugar addiction with caffine! But I said no to the sugar cookies out on the counter. What a land mine of baked goods these coffee houses are!)

Dinner- I started out well. I was going to an Oscar party (loads of random food, snacks, brownies- you name it. my friends are an ecclectic bunch). I brought a small salad with me to eat first and minimize the damage (I was already feeling vulnerable and knew I would probably eat some sort of sugar). Great salad with carrots, egg, and soybeans! The major damage I did otherwise was the 3 cookies I ate over the evening (the really good pepperiage farm kind, like Milanos.)

Did take a long walk with the dogs today, with Curves closed for the day. Back on track tomorrow.


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